Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fireworks for You!

Some communities served up their fireworks last weekend.
For others, it will be on the real Fourth of July.
And for those at my lake, where these photos were taken last year, it will be July 6.
Well, I'm for fireworks any day of the year, so I thought I'd share some with you right now!
Wherever you celebrate...Whenever you celebrate...
Just celebrate!
Happy Independence Day!


Bella Rum said...

Hope you have a wonderful holiday. Happy 4th.

Lisa's Yarns said...

Those photos are beautiful! I LOVE fireworks. :) I hope you are having a restful, restorative week at the lake!!

Jeanie said...

I love the colorful photos and I hope all your lake wishes are coming true.
Lots of fireworks shows have been cancelled around here due to fire danger, but I believe the one at the golf course near us is still on. We can watch from our deck....I will probably mostly be watching for stray sparks. :)

Friko said...

You must have a very decent camera to be able to take these.
Splendid shots.

Happy 4th of July. I hope you’ll be able to celebrate in some style.

Linda Jo said...

Happy 4th!!!!

Arti said...

Amazing photos! They look like laser. Happy July 4th to you Jeanie!

Janet said...

You got some fantastic shots of the fireworks!! We will have fireworks locally on the 3rd and the 4th.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Oh how BEAUTIFUL! Happy 4th Jeanie, thank you for coming over to say hi to Zoe.

anno said...

Beautiful shots! In truth, I like looking at pictures of fireworks more than waiting (in the heat, the humidity, the crowds, the mosquitos) for them to appear, so I hope you don't mind if I freeload off your pics. Best wishes to you for a restorative holiday with good times with friends and family -- happy 4th!

Joanne Huffman said...

Happy Fourth!

~*~Patty S said...

Happy 4th Jeanie!

shoreacres said...

I love your photos. They look like electrified ramen noodles!

We watched from my apartment building last night - there's a place on the top floor that has a nice railing to lean against and a perfect view to the best fireworks outside of downtown Houston. The best part of all? No need to drive when they're over. We just walked back home!

One of my photographer friends - Tom Parker, who did "The Way We Worked" project - posted some pics of fireworks, too. I think you'll enjoy seeing them. He has some words about the filter he used, too, that might be of interest.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Wow, Jeannie! Those are fantastic pictures! I'm in awe!

Willow said...

Festively fab photos! Bravo !

Jenny Woolf said...

Oh, that top photo is really wild!!

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