Of all the towns I visited in Holland, Delft was my favorite.
Why? I'm not sure. It could be that I'm a huge fan of Delftware (and wanted desperately to own some).
It may have been it's beautiful town square.
It is here the the film "The Girl with the Pearl Earring" begins.
Perhaps it had something to do with the lovely canals, as all the Dutch towns I visited did.
The old churches (even the Nieuwe Church was old!) were lovely.
There were bicycles everywhere -- but then, by this time, we had come to expect them.
Perhaps it was the charming buildings that surrounded the square.
Or maybe, it was the view from above.
I suppose it could have been the bright tulips.
And if those aren't long-lasting enough for you, then these should certainly do!
It may have been the outdoor dining at the cafes on the square.
Or, it could have been the pretty painted door that simply captured my imagination.
No, I think it was the Town Hall that did it.
Well, I suspect the cheese had something to do with it.
The parking ramp was very clean.
And I had to say, I found Delft in waking up to the spring in early May, was a welcome relief.
It could have been that Vermeer hails from here -- his house is now a private residence.
(And as you know from the last post, I do like my Vermeer!) But I think that is a topic for the next time!
No matter what, I loved it! I hope you do, too!
No matter what, I loved it! I hope you do, too!
I love the pictures. It all looks so beautiful. It looks so inviting and very clean. My daughter would love it there, she is in love Delftware. (she is 31)
So beautiful, Jeanie. What a love trip it was - I am glad you and Dagmar found each other, too! And I LOVED the book Girl with the Pearl Earring. I had not made the connection until this post. Thank you!
As always, your photos are gorgeous...and I love that painted door!!
Your photos are so gorgeous! This looks like such a charming town. I love all the bikes. Too fun!
You really hit the main things the Dutch are known for (in my mind): wooden shoes, tulips, and windmills!
What spectacular pictures, Jeanie! I love sharing this trip with you!
You brought them all back: my memories of Delft. I loved it so. We did not spend much time there, and unfortunately not much was open yet during the time were there, but I did get to drink in the beauty of the town square, and I window shopped, and bought a few mementos. One, a Delftware tulip in blue hangs in my bathroom. I love it!
Your photo of the orange tulips does not even look real. They are so perfect that I wonder how they could be alive.
The spring seems so far away now. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos of such an enchanting place with me.
Every photo makes me want to travel there. (And Bob would love the bikes!)
Oh Jeanie, what a beautiful sight..
Thank you for taking us along..
The view is breathtaking.
How very kind of you to come and meet Bei.. So happy you enjoyed viewing her..
You know I do! These are wonderful photos, no wonder Delft is your fave. And you've pointed out one of my favorite books/films: Girl with a Pearl Earring. I read somewhere that Holland has long been renowned for its natural light which had inspired so many artists, probably Vermeer is the most famous. I look forward to your upcoming Vermeer post.
Great photos (I think the door is my favorite, but it's hard to choose). Delft looks like a wonderful place to visit. I'm looking forward to your Vermeer post.
A beautiful portrait of a charming town. You brought it to life for us.
All I got to see in Delft was the Delft factory (and showroom, of course). I loved that that tour, but quickly realized that the real, hand-painted Delft ware is way beyond my budget. Sure is gorgeous, though. Looks like Delft is another city I need to put on my "future trips" list!
Pat K.
Wonderful photos! Thanks for including an outdoor cafe, because I immediately got the feeling that I was there, that I could sit down and have an apple cider and enjoy the air and the light and the beauty of it all.
Loved it! Maybe someday...
My friend has family there and she visits often.
Have a wonderful night!
Jeannie! I have just backtracked and caught up on your trip to Amsterdam...wonderful collection of photos!Oh my that will surely be a must when we go back to Europe some day.
Everthing is so picture perfect don't you agree! I'm sure that you got your fill of delicious cheese..so fresh not imported. When I was in Belgium I got my fill of chocolates!!
I'm sure you had many unforgetable moments..I'm sure one meeting Tara and David..they are such wonderful hosts!
Enjoy your visit to Stratford.
Delft does look like a perfect place to visit. The town square looks beautiful! And what not to like in a beautiful walk along a canal. I think this will be on my list.
This was such a treat, Jeanie... I love blue/white Delftware, so it was fun to see a bit of the place of this famed porcelain. And bring on the Vermeer...I can't wait! :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))
It's strange. Even though I have a nice little collection of blue and white American chamber pieces, I have no taste at all for Blue Willow or Delftware. The good news is that, now that I've seen your post, I've realized I could travel to Delft and find more than enough to enjoy.
Like the others, I'm quite taken with the door, but I think the architecture in general is just lovely. The town square is particularly nice - and what lovely cafes!
It's time for me to revisit Vermeer, too. There's just something about the way the Dutch and English painters could capture light that I love.
OH Wonderful!!!
That Blue and White always speaks to me too...Lovely photos Jeanie!
Your pictures are beautiful! Did you buy some Delftware? I've always loved it too. The picture of the dishes in the window made me drool.
Oh my oh my....still more to come. How could you find it all. Our country is so small you must be trough with your pictures by now. ;-) I love how you're loving it all.
Wonderful Dutch hugs
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