I'm working on a series of posts about our trip to Detroit last weekend. Till then, though I'd share a few bits and pieces of the past week.
GypsyThe Marmelade Gypsy-boy hasn't been feeling so good lately, and on Tuesday I wasn't sure he'd be with us by the weekend.

As many of you know, he in in kidney failure and has been being treated for it nearly a year. Our wonderful visiting vet came and gently told us he was in a "wasting" time.

But she also had some good words of advice -- one is that when an animal is having issues such as this, always wait for three days before making hard decisions. Sometimes this is a new plateau, a step toward the new normal, and not the end. (Or it could be a bug.)

She also reminded us that while he is not in pain, we are to look out for signs of "misery" -- vomiting or seizures, or other things that diminish his quality of life.

I'm pleased to say that my piggy boy who loves to eat and hadn't been doing so good on that topic is coming back. He's alert, engaging with us a lot, and eating more -- even waking me in the middle of the night for food. Works for me!

We know this is another step on the farewell path. But we are so grateful for any time we can share with him that is of joy and of high quality. I know many of you are pet lovers and have had these experiences. We're hanging in there. And to those with whom I've already shared this, your words of support have lifted me when I was really down. Thanks. (I'll need more at some point, and it's wonderful to know I can count on your.)
WorkWork has been a little frazzled lately with lots of projects. But our station was able to secure an interview with Rick Santorum, which is now online. He's leading (depending on the poll) in the Michigan primary polls. This was quite a coup for our public television station.

Now, I won't get political here -- this isn't a political blog. But if there are any Santorum or undecided Republican fans out there who are interested in hearing what he had to say, you can hear it
Love!I have enjoyed many Valentine's Day posts on your blogs this past week. On the dreadful day when our vet came and we were afraid we might lose Gyppy soon, Rick made me a lovely Valentine's dinner, complete with roses!

Each year I make him a poetry book with a dozen or so poems reflecting key events in our year together.

The image in the "Gypsy" section of this post is from that book.

Here are a couple of others. This poem is about Rick and his blind friends Nino and Marie, with whom he does a 400-mile tandem ride each year.

And this one is about Rick's favorite bike ride of the year, in New Brunswick.

I love doing these books -- the past ones range from scrapbooks to watercolor books to photo albums to flip books and pop-ups.
PlaySo, if I'm so into my Valentine Rick, why am I wearing someone else's ring?

This is the Super Bowl ring of Green Bay Packer, Brad Jones. Jones is a linebacker for the Wisconsin-based team. He was born here in Lansing, went to East Lansing High School and his dad is still here. When a hometown kid makes good, that's always exciting!

Brad gave his ring to his dad, Don, who brought the ring over to show our sports director! When I saw him in the parking lot on the way in, I said I wanted to see it too!

Pretty big -- I was wearing gloves and had it on my index finger -- and it was still big!

I told you I'm working on a series of Detroit posts. I'll just leave you with a sneak preview from one of the four posts coming up on the subject!
I't is good to hear that Gypsy has rallied to share some additional quality time with you. I know what a tough thing it must be to being going through this with him. He is fortunate to be getting so much love and quality care.
My daughter is here visiting but I wanted to take a quick moment to say I'm so happy to hear Gypsy is hanging in there. I'll keep you both in my thoughts. Big hugs to you and Gypsy.
PS - Harley and LuLu send their good wishes too.
Gypsy has the most
amazing green eyes.
Yes, you are on a journey.
I hope the current plateau ~
the new New ~ will be a
long and sweet one for
all of you. Love the little
books of poetry, as I am
certain your hubby does,
xx Suzanne
So happy to read that Gypsy is in an upswing again. Your vet gave you very good advise on wait and watch before deciding. When his time does come, it will be very clear. I know.
I'm looking forward to the Detroit posts. I know Detroit has declined badly but recent stories I've ready tell of a resurgence.
So relieved to hear Gyp is eating. Poor boo. Poor you. Hugs. I'm with ya on the political front. No reason to get people all roused up. I get enough of that live in Nashville! ha. Love all the Valentines!! xoxo
I am SO happy to read that Gypsy is doing better. Mr. Man and Miss Moo send their encouragement!
I have been thinking of you all week - so happy to hear that Gypsy is making a turnaround... Still sad to think about what will inevitably happen some day, but i am glad you have more time with your precious family member!
That ring is HUGE. I have never seen one up close like that!
So sorry to hear of Gypsy's health crisis, glad to hear he's rallying. Sending hugs to both of you, well, hugs to you and head scritchies to Gypsy.
Oh, poor Gypsy-boy... I do hope he will pull through a bit for a while longer yet... Thinking of you all! Cuddles to Gyspy... And very much enjoyed all the fun of this post, Jeanie. :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS))
It is so hard to say goodbye to a pet. I think I mentioned before that we had a cat named Gypsy for over 15 years. I remember being surprised about how unclear I was when the final decision had to be made. I always thought it would be so clear, but I kept hoping she would improve. Your vet gave you some very good and practical ways to tell when the time is right. Pet owners need that. I hope your Gypsy's transition will be as comfortable as possible.
Looking forward to the pics of Detroit.
I love reading your posts, Jeanie. I can laugh and cry and feel in good company doing both:). Having pets is such an emotional commitment, isn't it? Gypsy is a peach, it sounds like.
Love the book idea for your love:) I have been trying to decide how to do something similar for the grandchildren - for birthdays, maybe?
It's time for tea, my dear. Let's choose a Thursday soon!
I am glad to hear that your little lovely cat is doing well!
Your book of love poem looks pretty..
Hi Jeannie,
I'm so sorry to hear about Gyp. Funny, I was thinking about you the other day before I decided to get back into blogging and wondering how Gyp is doing. It seems that he has had a good happy life and brought you happiness as well. I always think its so sad that our pets don't have the lifespan that we do.
Take care, thinking about you!
Besides poor Gypsy, there is a lot of fun and goodness in this post! I'm glad that you can have more time with your beloved cat though, so that much is very good in regard to him.
You are so wonderful with your craft-expressions of love. Your family and friends are fortunate indeed.
Gypsy has such big green soulful eyes. Glad he's enjoying food again. WOW! I love the book you made for Rick and that ring is huge!
Even though I'm late posting a comment, I hope Gypsy's even better.
And I forgot to tell you on the DIA post that I love much of Bougeron's work. I didn't know it until about five years ago, and some is just too-too, but his peasant girls and such are marvelous.
oh I'm sorry to hear about the kidney failure (I'm a cat momma too) I can imagine the pain but as long as he eats and doesn't seem to hurt, I believe it is not necessary to make a decision (?) well this is how I dealed with our beloved (and now gone) cats. Any day where they are not too uncomfortable is one more day of love and cuddles to enjoy and cherish.
So I hope you have more time to spend with your beautiful orange boy
I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through with Gypsy. I love animals; especially cats. I don't have a cat right now since we took in a dog who hates cats, but I hope to have one again some time in the future. Anyway, I hope Gypsy is still hanging in there, and that he has more good days than bad ones.
That's really sweet about the poetry. I've just published an e-book of my poetry if you're interested, and am running a giveaway on my blog to do with it. Hope you don't mind my posting about it; I'm not here to promote things really, but as a self-published author you kind of need to take any oppertunity that presents itself. Anyway, if you're interested, the direct link to the giveaway is http://ziglernews.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/is-for-anouncement.html (if you're not interested, then that's fine).
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