Happy Valentine's Day -- remember cards like these?

The really fun thing about collecting cards is that they're so cheery to share with others. Here are some of the oldies that were saved or that I picked up along the way.

You see, I come from a long line of pack rats.

Yes, I sent that to Grandma.

And yes, I sent that to my mom.

And you know, when I see those signatures, they make me smile -- all those memories of people not here with me on this earth, but always in my heart.

Cards from my dad to his mom, those signed by both my parents, and yes, even my bad childhood scrawl.

E-cards are wonderful treasures to pop up on our desks and brighten our day. But oh! To hold a card in your hand, to save it for years and pass it along -- that is a treasure!

Hope your Valentine's Day is filled with love!
Love your valentine "oldies, but goodies." There really is something special about getting a real, hold in your hand valentine.
Happy Valentine Day!
So true about e-cards vs. real paper cards. No comparison is there! I do send alot of e-cards, but try to remind myself to send paper ones at times too. Happy Valentine's Day to you.
I love getting cards...all kinds. These are wonderful! Happy Valentine's Day to you, Jeanie.
What a wonderful sampling of old cards. I've saved nearly all my paper cards, too. Now if I could just find them....
YES, I agree
wholeheartedly ~
nothing like the
real thing : )
Such sweet ones
you have, too....
Happy Valentine's Day,
xx Suzanne
I love getting actual cards and letters, too. I think it says that someone thought I was worth the time and effort. (Can't believe you saved all those old cards, though!) Happy Valentine Day to you, Jeanie. Any special dinner plans to celebrate?
There really is nothing like receiving a card in the mail! My parents sent me a beautiful one for Valentine's day this year!
The memories we hold onto (and the ones we make!) are a reflection of the person we want to be... and these, Jeanie, are beautiful. Hope you are feeling all the love and joy of this Valentine's Day!
Vintage is always best!!! Happy Valentine's Day!
True, that. The real will always triumph over the virtual. Hope you had a grand day!
Beautiful "vintique" Valentines, hope you had a wonderful day.
No doubt about it. Your day was excellent!!
I agree with you. I loved these. I recently came across card from the baby shower before I was born. I loved seeing the signature. I even found a Valentine card to me from my great-grandmother who died when I was probably three years old. It touched my heart because of her sweet card. I knew she had known me and loved me even though I really never knew her. It seemed to be a connection to her that had great meaning.
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