We're going on a road trip today -- we'll visit the farm market, the herb farm and a fiber mill, stop by a ferry and check out what's playing at the movies.
Farm markets and autumn. What a perfect marriage.

Apples never looked so good, peppers so bright.

The orange and white of the squash makes for a bright contrast.

Even dried sunflower heads have their buyers.

And of course you can't be uptown and not stop into a cute shop. This one captured my heart with its wonderful displays.

Onward to the herb farm, which frankly was looking a little peaked, though I bought a beautiful "seedum" plant.

However, the head greeter, Charlie, made the trip worthwhile. At ten months and all love and energy, he was a dear!

Off to
Stonehedge Fiber Mill , near East Jordan. I have to say they have the most fabulous, soft wool, with 250 yards per $9.50 skein (mill price) and I wasn't immune to its allure.

Their guard cat met me. Looks fierce, doesn't he?

But he and his brother were sweeties.

Now, you might have thought this would be a yarn post. But I wrote that one a year or so ago -- you can see it
right here and step inside the fiber mill. This time I was more fascinated with the outside.

Really, it was so darned pastoral, I almost couldn't stand it!

Goats -- I wonder. Does some of Stonehedge's yarn have goat in it?

I'm sure these geese keep everyone in check!

And one would be the eggs are fabulous!

But of course my heart beats for cats, and this one wanted in. Now.

Off again. We're headed toward Charlevoix and the applefest (we'll get there next time). But along the way you come to this spot.

Yes, the sign is old and the rates no longer hold. This is the Ironton Ferry, which takes cars, bikers and walkers across Lake Charlevoix.
I love the duck crossing sign.

And right by it is this splash of color! It's a restaurant and I've never eaten there, but I'd love to someday, just because I like the way it looks!

Back down the road to Charlevoix. We won't stop at The Movies (isn't that the best name ever for a theatre?) but thought you'd like to see what's playing.

More fun in Charlevoix at Applefest next time!
Hi Jeanie,
I went with you on your roadtrip and saw a lot of wonderful pictures....and I admired Northern Michigan in the fall...absolutly great..but the best of all was your story about your "bedbugs"...*lol*....I roared with laughter.....That could have exactly happened to me!! When I sometimes watch films on TV about mites in everybody`s bed, I go to bed with a strange feeling and then I think, that I am the only person without these horrible very tiny animals......brrrr.....:-))
I have a little bush full of bedbugs in front of my frontdoor...*lol*....but I must say, they smell fantastic....
Best wishes from Germany
hi there, nice road trip!! I wanted to recommend a new wine I tasted yesterday - is an Argentine wine from the Zuccardi winemakers and the grape is Bonarda... young, yet full of flavor - is like perfect mix between a Cabernet and a Malbec (tenderly fruity yet with character) - Zuccardi Bonarda serie A 2006. I hope you'll find it!!
So beautiful, Jeanie -- thanks for the tour! Hope to be back with more detailed responses after we get through Early Action deadlines... sure have a lot more respect for guidance counselors than I did back in the day... Glad to see you enjoying these gorgeous days of autumn!
Great road trip! So many beautiful photos of food and kitties and other critters. Looks like a perfect fall day.
Great road trip! Loved the greeter!
You take the best road trips! I'm so glad I get to come along vicariously. I absolutely love that photo of the log house with the blue milk can and blue window frames. Stunning! (Do you Photoshop? If you could remove that red cord and meter box, it would be awesome.)
Such beautiful photos! It has been the picture perfect fall weekend here, hasn't it? I do hate to see it turn to winter.
I love traveling along with you! You have such a good eye for great photos and you know how to describe the day.
I just love this road trip on a clear and beautiful fall day. The fiber farm and the produce are all so gorgeous! One of my favorite things to see is the laundry hanging on the line. Just beautiful!
looks like a most wonderful and beautiful and fun road trip! wow, those apples look so yummy.
enjoy your days.
thanks for the road trip from the comfort of my couch....i loved it !
I'm new at blog visiting, and yours was the second - and I'm in love with your vibrant pictures - farmers' markets and cats, who could ask for more!
What an amazing road trip! I feel like I had a mini vacation! What kind of camera do you have? Your pictures always turn out so sharp and clear. My favorite was the goat. I love goats! hehe!
Absolutely gorgeous, and the best of Michigan in the fall. Sometimes I just can't believe how good we have it here! Your post helps me accept not getting up there ONCE this summer or fall. :(
It's all so beautiful. The little black kitty, one of them, looks like my Dave! A very dear friend has a "cottage" near Lake Charlevoix. I say "cottage" because it is a big house, in reality! Beautiful. Her grandfather designed/built several houses in the Belevedere Club. Be still my beating heart! xo
such great shot of the close up of the black cat :-)
I love your roadtrip pictures and these posts. It's just like being there. Fab stuff.
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