Really, I couldn't have done a better job if I'd had an air brush sprayer and gallons of gold, red, orange, russet, brown, deep green, or mulberry ink.

So, take a walk with me...

...or a ride with Rick...

...through some of the most beautiful country I know -- Northern Michigan in the fall.

Here's the view from the front porch on what was a splendid autumn morning, the lake still, the colors blazing.

All around me there is loveliness, like the neighbor's shed...

...and his dinner bell.

Certainly walking through the neighborhood the color dazzles, mostly yellow and gold.

I found this tree to be fascinating -- a beautiful birch.

But look up -- that's the secret to walking anytime! Was this a bug condo?

And in the same cluster of trees, an astounding bunch of fungi.

Here's a closer look.

What if I hadn't looked up? I would have missed this!

Later this month, I'll take you to the apple fest, a fiber farm, and a Halloween display I can't begin to describe! But here are a few spots I discovered on my perfect Saturday road trip.
The farm market? Yes, apples reign supreme. (And this wasn't even the festival!)

This lovely little barn was at the herb farm.

Driving on the road between East Jordan and Charlevoix, one has a great view across Lake Charlevoix into East Jordan -- a perfect small town.

I always loved driving past this barn.

Of course, there's nothing lovelier than finding the perfect leaf!

Yes, there are some stuffed in the pages of my book. For what, I don't know. Maybe just to remind me when the snow is two feet deep, the road I live on badly plowed and getting dressed is a matter of piling on layers and clothing that this, too, will pass. Not perhaps so quickly as the autumn leaves.
But it
will pass.
I knew the fall would be stunning now and you must have got my vibe. Stunning photos. I have been out with the dog in our local woods as well watching the leaves change. We have a house full of conkers at the moment. Can't wait for the apple fest, fiber farm and more halloween. Love it.
Incredible! That part of the world is such a magnet for me, and yet we did not make it up there this summer, or this fall, as we'd planned. So sad. So thank you for posting these glories.
Beautiful photos. I really have to hit the road with my camera before they all fall down (as they've started to do).
i truly loved taking that walk with you. i am sort of breathless it is all so beautiful. two years ago i was in vermont this time of year and it was so bright with colors. wow factor definitely!
Your photos are so beautiful....autumn is my favorite time of year and you've captured it in all its colorful beauty. That stone barn is fantastic!
the pic of you is fab!
wonderful mushrooms, so amazing how big they grow!
Beautiful pix! I have never seen fungi growing on a tree before!
Gorgeous, Jeanie! Here's an idea for your leaves. When you find a pretty leaf, place it on your scanner and scan it! I do this every year. I just scanned a couple yesterday that I plan to post on my blog tomorrow.
Gorgeous, glorious color -- thanks so much for sharing that walk! Loved the mushroom growing on the tree... and now you've given me an idea about something to keep an eye out for to meet my latest color challenge.
These are all beautiful...the picture of the trees by the water is amazing.
Thanks so much for taking us on this autumn walk. I love being able to picture you there. It is stunning. A place I have always dreamed of visiting. Maybe someday.
J - such lovely pics of paths through brightly lit leaves - and such crisp air there.
Wouldn't I love to make a pie with some of those apples? we're hoping to head out to an orchard tomorrow but today was so full tilt and we've still a charity event this evening, I don't know if we'll drive anywhere- might just stay home.
You are in such a lovely go-for-a-ride place!
Thanks for sharing and looking forward to your Halloween pics (and am intrigued!)
You have a good eye...lovely photos.
You know, Jeanie, there are just some places that one can visit or for a lucky few, live, and life just seems like magic year round. Northern Michigan (Michigan right) is one such place.
Oh how your beautiful pictures make me homesick for "back east." Just lovely!
Beautiful photos! Our colors are not as brilliant this year. It was such a dry summer. :(
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