Do you remember hearing about how after World War II, the Berlin Airlift dropped candy and sweets down on children in post-war Europe? (And food, I might add.) To those little ones, deprived of anything not essential (and even some of that) for so long, it must have felt like the greatest gift of all time.
Sunday was like a gift that Mother Nature gave our community. Trust me when I say November in Michigan never brings 60 degree weather. But Sunday was the exception, with a brilliant blue sky, unending sun and warmth.
Sunday was like a gift that Mother Nature gave our community. Trust me when I say November in Michigan never brings 60 degree weather. But Sunday was the exception, with a brilliant blue sky, unending sun and warmth.

I couldn't help thinking of that super candy drop. Or of leaves that seem to pop out on the trees in the spring like magic. The leaves of early bulbs, shooting out of the ground.
That's what it was like -- people were everywhere, as if by magic. Children took over the streets on their bicycles. Men and woman walked dogs around the ditch, while others fed the ducks.

Neighbors took the opportunity to do yard work they'd put off during the damp, cold days of late October. Piles of leaves seemed to mount up between my departure and return.
And everyone said hello, even those who were "plugged in." (For a great post on being plugged in, visit Shoreacres this week. It is spot on.)
Even Mr. Gyps got a walk in the yard! (Definite not aerobic exercise!)

Sunday sure was a gorgeous gift -- so glad you were able to go out & enjoy it!
pooh pooh, it is still warm here!! four days later and the sun is blazing. i went without a coat yesterday which is unheard of this time of year. a gift for sure. now do you think we could have a miracle and skip winter?
pooh pooh, it is still warm here!! four days later and the sun is blazing. i went without a coat yesterday which is unheard of this time of year. a gift for sure. now do you think we could have a miracle and skip winter?
a gift, a blessing, a miracle....whatever we call it, mother nature sure is liking us and being nice, isn't she ?
It looks so lovely a walk on a leash I wish Kareltje would love that !!
One of my favorite things is standing under a maple tree on a cool breezy day. :)
Glad you were able to get out and enjoy it! It sounds like a spring day in the fall.
Those last minute surprise days are just the best especially as they are so brief but always beautiful. I love the photos.
It was the most perfect of days in Cleveland too. I don't know how places like Florida appeal to people. We need the change of seasons and the bonus nice days like this.
Look at the gyp out there in the beautiful weather. It has been so nice! Love the duck photos too.
Wasn't it beautiful. Cliff was watching the weather Monday morning and declared we were going camping over the weekend since it was going to be so nice. So we went and it was gorgeous. So nice to have sunny days again! Seems like it has been raining since March down here.
It looks like it was quote a nice day for kitty to walking in the yard. I love ducks - we get them visiting sometimes but not as pretty as these.
Beautiful pictures! Hey...I'm lucky if it's below 80 here!
Beautiful pictures! Hey...I'm lucky if it's below 80 here!
Ooooh that last blast of warm air was sooooo nice. I felt like we hardly had a summer this year so to get a few nice days in November was amazing! I just enjoyed wandering around outside.
I couldn't agree more - it was such a lovely, lovely time!
It was so incredible that working outside much of two days did not feel like work at all. Thanks for sharing your joy.
I spent the whole week-end outside planting tulips and pansies. More this week-end too. Highs in the low 70s and lots of sunshine. Hanging on to this as long as we can.
glad you got out to revel in the sunshine ....those are some handsome ducks!!! and your kitty on a lease ... now that is very cute!
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