The Cork Poppers, our wine tasting group, celebrated the holidays by making plans to survive the political chaos of 2025 and beyond with the theme of "Wines to Get Us Through." Judging by the tastings, we will at least be somewhat festive, if numb.
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
Monday, December 30, 2024
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Holidays at Home: A Tale of Two Christmases!
Like so many of you, our family enjoyed more than one Christmas this year -- one at home, one at the kids' house.
That was our first one and it actually began a bit earlier in the week when Rick when down to kid-sit and I followed a couple of days later. They boys are six and seven (nearly eight) so it's a fun age to be with them. They're still young enough to have some magic in them, so when we went to the bookstore we came home with the elf on the shelf. It certainly kept them occupied.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Happy Everything This Month!
Happily wishing all my blog friends a very Fun Festivus, Lovely Solstice, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Jolly Boxing Day, and good wishes for whatever else, if anything, you are celebrating at the end of this month.
May your days be merry and bright. . .
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Holidays at Home: Holiday Fun
In the countdown till Christmas one must make time for a little fun, a little friendship.
My friend Suzanne (from Canada) came for a short visit -- partly to come to Cork Poppers, partly for Christmas shopping, partly for VERY belated birthday celebrating (my birthday is in August; we tend to do each other's about four months off. We'll do Christmas in January.)
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Holidays at Home: Christmas in the House!
It's time to deck the halls. Many of you blog friends have done that long ago. I'm behind the game but can happily say I've "hauled out the holly" and "decked the halls." It's a bit more low key than usual but it's been a very rough month and I'm just glad to get the cheer back into the house. (Where it will probably stay until Valentine's Day!)
I suppose I should start with my narrow entry hall. The greeting angel stays there year round, but I have a tall, skinny tree with mostly silver, red and white ornaments to light the way.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Holidays at Home! Greens and Tea!
I said I'd be breaking up some of our London posts for Holidays at Home -- 'Tis the season, after all! And spending time with friends is what it's all about. So when fellow Corkie Barb texted Kate and me to see if we'd love to come cut pine greens and have tea and cookies, we said, "Well, yeah!"
It was a gorgeous day -- cold but not windy and sunny so it was pleasant. Most of our snow had melted and it was an easy walk to the back forty where six white pines were waiting for us!
Saturday, December 7, 2024
This England: Christmas at Selfridges
Selfridges is one of London's oldest department stores and it is a beauty. It's not always for the fiscally faint of heart but no one can deny there are some beautiful things there. This is no more obvious than at Christmas time. Even in October, they had their "Christmas Shop" open -- and it was enchanting.
I think you can imagine that when I saw these two trees flanking the entry as I was walking down the aisle, my pace quickened a bit because I knew I had to see what was inside!
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
This England: This Library Is More than Books!
So, what did we do on our first full day out in London? We went to the library!
And believe me, the British Library is no ordinary library. Yes, there are books (although you have to get a special pass to the reading room to actually touch one, except in one of the two gift shops). But there is so much more!
Monday, December 2, 2024
This England: Welcome to London!
Welcome to London! And welcome back to the travel posts! (I will probably be breaking here and there to fill you in on things like holiday fun). And yes, London was beginning to be decked for the season, too!
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Cork Poppers Taste Wines to Die For!
I thought that now I was back with posts about our Life Back Home for a bit, I'd share another spirited outing. Our Cork Poppers wine tasting group met in early November with a post Day of the Dead theme, "Wines to Die For" at member Bob's house, assisted by his daughter, Heather, and her son, Andrew. (Note to self: I really need to write these posts up immediately, even if I don't post them, as my notes are a tad sketchy!)
But we were all happy to get our take-away gift early -- these very fun black skull wine glasses that Heather found at Home Goods! Now it was time to start filling them up!
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