Saturday, October 29, 2022

Settling In at Home

There's something about being home after a summer spent largely at the lake that is disconcerting. It's good to be back, yet life seems to be in a slightly chaotic state. I feel like I am rediscovering things once familiar, while at the same time trying to negotiate the unpacking, the scheduling of appointments that were put off till fall, gatherings with friends and more (all while living in too much clutter and impending deadlines.)

I miss the sunsets. 

Bad news doesn't help either -- but more on that later.

I will say that autumn downstate, while not as hilly and dramatic as up north, is still pretty darned beautiful.

On the way home from one of my doc appointments I drove through the farmland areas of campus and was suitably wowed by the color.

I confess, I'm a sucker for a gate!

Of course, for equally spectacular color, I need look no farther than the gorgeous maple at Rick's. 

By the time I got home from the lake, most of the ditch color was down. It's a reminder of what is to come.

The neighbors have been decorating for Halloween.

One house goes above and beyond!

For me, it meant stopping at the pumpkin wagon to pick up a few pumpkins for the yard.

 It's an honest pay system -- and the prices are so good, who wouldn't pay?

Inside, I'm pretty pared down. I did the top of the china cabinet


 My Lori Mitchell Oz gang came out...

... along with this Vintage by Crystal piece...

... and this one.

There's not a lot in the family room either, which is still suffering from the collapse of the cookbook bookcase and a mess. Just about every surface is covered as I unpack one totebag at a time.


I rearranged the furniture and not sure I like it. I thought it would make for more comfy bird watching but I think it just makes the small room look smaller.

But I did get a few things on the mantel... a pumpkin...

... and my new gnome that I bought at the last farm market of the season up north. Couldn't resist -- he looks very autumnal! 

A bright pumpkin and red-headed art doll give a little light and fun.

Lizzie and I have been doing a little bird watching. I spotted a couple of newbies but they were too fast for photo ops!


Rick went to Minneapolis to visit his Aunt Beth who is in Hospice at home. I stayed here and it was a quiet weekend, but I did enjoy dinner out with friends at our favorite Mexican restaurant. It's never tidy but always delicious!

Meanwhile, I've been poking wool and packaging cards for the sale, which is Nov. 10-12. Coming up! In between that, hitting physical therapy and a boatload of doc appointments. And of course, voting.

The bad news is that I learned I had been in afib 86 percent of the time I was on my heart monitor for three weeks (not even counting the time I was off the monitor for two days waiting for a replacement) and was afibbing at my appointment as well. In in both cases, I didn't have a clue. So, on Tuesday I get to have something called a cardioversion where they shock your heart into submission. I hope I don't get Dr. Frankenstein!

I was originally scheduled for Halloween and the day-long delay means I won't be able to use my ticket to see Liz Cheney and Elissa Slotkin, our U.S. representative, in a rally here. Slotkin, who has been a terrific rep, keeping her constituents well informed. She's the first (probably only) Democrat Cheney has endorsed or supported. The focus of the event is bi-partisanship. It should be terrific but I'm not sure if I'll be up to it four hours after being shocked into rhythm. We'll see.

 Meanwhile, I have been relieved with my new shorter hair, even though it's mostly white (I'm going for the Targaryan blond look from "House of the Dragon" -- in other words, letting the color grow out!) It's so much easier and less expensive, too! Targaryan blond is basically really white and people are paying big bucks to have their natural hair color stripped to look that way. Me? I'm just taking after my grandma!

So, that's the news from Lake Wobegon, as Garrison Keillor used to say on "Prairie Home Companion." Could be better, could be worse.


But at least there is a little pumpkin light!

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Misadventures of Widowhood said...

You take that A-Fib seriously! Do what they tell you to do and when they tell you to do it. Both my mom and my husband had them and went through multi cardio inversions.

Tizyana said...

Che bei colori, sono davvero stupendi.

Mary Rose's said...

My goodness, Jeanie - 86% of the time in afib!
I'll be with you in spirit (as I imagine all of us your blogger friends will be) for the cardioversion, surrounding you with big positive energy.

Love the House of Targaryan look!


Anvilcloud said...

You do quite a bit of H decorating. Lot's of little things here and there, it seems. I tend not to even notice what Sue does anymore because I guess I have seen it all before. I will have a good gander when I go downstairs. Good luck on the health front. I am meeting a new urologist on Monday. 😞

Sandi said...

The orange leaves against the blue sky look amazing!

I'm sorry to hear about the heart issue. Take care of yourself. Let us know how it goes.

DUTA said...

We're having elections on the 1st of November. As usual, I'm going to cast my vote (do my duty, as they say), but I'm indifferent and skeptical about the outcome.
Isn't the doctor suggesting ablation of the tissue causing arrythmia?

Steve Reed said...

I hope the heart issue proves to be no big deal, but it is inconvenient at the very least. Beautiful colors in your photos, from the leaves to the pumpkins, and I like your autumn decor!

Rustic Pumpkin said...

I do love your little gnome, and with a little bit of tweaking there's no reason why he couldn't remain out all year round, is there?
I know you will be disappointed to miss your rally, but health is what's more important and comes first.
I stopped colouring my hair a long time ago when I found out how really bad it is for the environment.

It's me said...

You looking good …your hair is beautiful…lovely weekend love Ria and Leaf 🍀💗🐾🍀

Linda P said...

The farmland scenes with the cornfields are beautiful and the photo of the maple tree against the blue sky is gorgeous. I hope the health issue improves with treatment and your energy returns. May you have a relaxing weekend.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Dearest Jeanie, I so enjoy seeing your photos of your area. How nice you will get to see the progression of beauty! Rick's tree is so colorful. I also enjoy seeing your Oz pieces--so charming.
I will be thinking of you as you deal with your a-fib issues and pray that your procedure will set it all straight! Take care of yourself, my friend.

Bill said...

Nice Halloween decorations. Good luck with the doctor. I have afib now for 10 years and it took a stroke for me to find out. I have to go for blood tests every month to see what my INR number. I use to hate getting shots when I was younger but now they don't bother me. :)

Sandra Cox said...

I'm so sorry to hear you are having health issues. I trust the 'shock' works.
Great pics. Loved Rick against the sunset.
YOU take special care.

Bijoux said...

Aren’t maple trees just beautiful? I enjoyed seeing your decorations and noticed that you have a steeple clock similar to ours. There is a house near us that has a crazy Halloween display. It’s too gruesome for me and not something I’d take my grandkids to see.

I’m sorry about the heart issues. Health problems are the worst. Take care!

Red Rose Alley said...

Jeanie, I'm sorry you are having heart issues. I do hope this procedure you're taking next helps. You have so much beautiful color still in your area. And although you miss the lake, I bet it's good to be home again. Rick's maple tree is so pretty, and it's similar to the one I saw while driving in town. I'm glad you got a chance to picks up a few pumpkins at the pumpkin wagon. I only bought one this year, they can be expensive. I absolutely love your framed photo of the wisteria. It looks nice on top of your china cabinet. Yes, sometimes a change and reorganizing furniture is what we need. It's nice to be able to look out your window now and see the birds. I actually have my couch facing the window as well. And your little green gnome is darling. Glad you brought him home with you. ; )


roentare said...

Just love the sheer Autumn beauty!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Prayers for your health
and Rick's aunt. A rally? Doctor knows best, ask.

Beautiful colors and landscapes. I imagine Lizzie missed that bird feeder view.
Love the hair! A pretty pure white like yours is a gift. In the old days, (1950s), they called it platinum blonde.

acorn hollow said...

beautiful colors ours is all gone. Good luck with your procedure I am sure you will do great my step dad had it and he was just fine.

Prims By The Water said...

I hope all goes well. Bob had a loop put in him as they thought he had A-fib with his stroke, but knock on wood all has been good thus thus far. So sad to hear about Rick's relative. Glad he was able to visit her. There is a three story Victorian house near us that has three of those large skeletons on each floor outside. So cool! Janice

Rita said...

I pray all goes well with the afib treatment.
My place is in chaos right now and I didn't even leave--LOL! Just cleaning and purging. But when there is chaos around me it makes me feel off kilter. I'm sure things will settle in soon.
*love and hugs*

Joyful said...

Hi dear Jeanie, my thoughts an prayers are with you as you go for treatment. I don't know much about afib but I know another blogger who has it as well. I can certainly understand how long it takes to settle back in after having a marvellous time away at the lake. The colours of your trees are gorgeous and the sunsets are divine.

handmade by amalia said...

I enjoyed your photos, Jeanie, you've captured all the beauty of the season. Take good care of yourself!

Little Wandering Wren said...

Will be thinking of you in the upcoming days, Jeanie. I have a feeling your heart will cooperate well and hope to see you back to skipping around the place and enjoying the rest of the Fall. The new bird-watching arrangement looks like a fab place to take a break when needed. Lots of love Wren x

Valerie-Jael said...

Take your time settling in. I had that Afib shock treatment and it helped, I've had less attacks since then. Good luck with the treatment! Hugs, Valerie

Iris Flavia said...

Very dumb question.. why do you leave the lake for winter?
Sorry to hear about your heart-problems. It must be scary...
I once wanted my hair black. Looked like an Aubergine, friend got a de-color stuff and I looked like a carrot.
I liked that and for years Ingo colored my hair with Henna. Then I found out, after work went too stressy for that... a reddish brown is my natural color.
Come white so it will be.

Pam Richardson said...

Jeanie, I am so sorry to read of your heart issues. I pray all will go well. I really like your hair color, many are allowing their color to grow off and go natural. Beautiful fall photos and take care!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Jeanie
I hope all goes well with your AFIB treatment. Sending prayers!
I love all your Halloween decorations, the new Gnome is cute.
The fall colors are looking beautiful there, we have a lot of trees that just turned a dull rust color. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a wonderful week!

Karen said...

We are so enjoying House of the Dragon - and you pull off the look well! The last episode broke my heart a little, and I will venture to guess all hell will break loose now!

I have found decluttering my house really helps to ease the mind, feels more in control, and the seasonal decor I do put out stands out more with less clutter. When I see I'm letting it clutter up again, I find time to de-clutter... again! Because old habits die hard, LOL.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Good luck with your heart checkup, Jeanie. Maybe the beauty of the fall colours will act as a balm. It's better you don't watch the news or that will send you right off the scale!

My name is Erika. said...

I hope the doctor's visit goes well. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. My house is pretty cluttered right now too. I just can't seem to get on top of it, but oh well. There are better things to do so I'll wait for a cold day to hit that. Isn't that always a risk of moving furniture? I want to move mine sometimes, just to change the feel of things, but what I think I really need is a good old renovation of 2. Which isn't happening right now. You've got some great photos today of the leaves Jeanie. And just enough Halloween. It comes down awfully fast too. Again, I hope tomorrow goes well at the doctors, and just keep having some fun. hugs-Erika

Joanne Huffman said...

Good luck on the cardioversion. Your hair looks great. We have had a most beautiful Fall - my drive to Connecticut and back was post peak, but still stunning. Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

I hope you only have to have one cardioversion and then you’ll be fine! It’s a pretty common thing these days I think
I haven’t gotten out my ceramic pumpkins this year. Nobody sees them but me. I have put some things out in the yard.
I think this is one of the prettiest falls we’ve had in quite some time. Enjoy!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

I hope the cardioversion works, but do know that many many people live with afib and it is managed with medication. I hope all goes well, hang in there.

shoreacres said...

Someone that we both read -- maybe Culdesacchronicles -- had cardioversion in the past, and even though I don't remember who it was, I do remember that it worked well. One of my friends here had the same procedure a couple of years ago, and once was enough. I hope that's true for you, too.

Your hair looks good. You'll start to enjoy the benefits soon, if you haven't already: opened doors, solicitous questions about whether you need help with this or that, and so on. With my pure white hair, I can't go to the grocery store now without someone asking if need help getting my things to the car. The day may come when I do, but for now I can do the lifting and toting myself.

La Table De Nana said...

Oh take care Jeanie...

On a happier note welcome to the sisterhood of grey is so much easier:)And its so funny..I get compliments:)
I LOVE your OZ characters to bits.

Carol @ The Red Painted Cottage said...

Jeanie, I’m so sorry to hear about your AFIB. I’m really hoping your procedure will return every thing back to normal for you. We’ve been watching House of Dragons, too; but I didn’t realize the last one was the season finale. It ended with a real cliffhanger as to what’s going to happen now!

R's Rue said...

Happy Sunday

Jenn Jilks said...

I love your hair! It looks fresh and easy to manage.
I'm so sorry about your Afib. I hope you get it resolved soon. Keep us posted.
Your photos are amazing! I love this season.

Marilyn Miller said...

Sorry to hear about the afib, not a fun thing at all. Hoping the "shock" this week does the trick and you are back to a normal beat.
I like your white hair.
And I love your decorations.
I can just imagine it is an adjust to be back in the city after a sweet, laid back summer at the lake.
Take care! And wow! The holiday's are coming fast with your sale just around the corner.

gigi-hawaii said...

One of my friends had A-fib and took meds for it. She also had a machine to help her with sleep apnea at night. She really had a hard time, but did die at 85 after working as a librarian well into her 70s. A life well lived in my opinion.

Buttercup said...

I've been "Targaryan blonde" for awhile now and getting used to it. I didn't know that was a thing. Please take care of yourself, dear Jeanie. Prayers for you and the procedure. Would love to see the program with the two congresswomen.
On a different note hoping to get to Michigan next summer. Will let you know as plans develop and hope that we can connect.

Pat said...

Dear Jeanie. Sorry to hear about you dealing with afib. Will be thinking about you going through the procedure. All will go well and you will feel better for all the Christmas projects and good fun coming up. Don’t be worried it will go well.
Have fun with the Christmas fair coming up. Wish I could be there. Christmas decorating is coming up and that will bring cheer to your home and you. Just don’t overdo, one day at a time, right😝. Bet Lizzie is happy to be home🥰. Take care of you, Love❤️
PS. I love your hair❤️😍!! A pretty white!

Pam said...

I LOVE the Wizard of, love, love and those are just so adorable! Love you pics. We are all winding down for winter to come along and settle us in more and more. I don't go out and walk around the yard in the

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I LOVE your hair. I started getting white (not gray) when I was 19. I stopped coloring it about 10 years ago and don't care any more.

That one huse that is decorated with the horse and hearse are great, but I have neighbors whose are even more incredible (I will share it tomorrow for T Tuesday). BTW, I love what you did in your own home. To own a fireplace again would be a real treat. You decorate yours so well.

The colors in your world are amazing. They are just gorgeous.

So sorry to read about your afib. That is disturbing news. Please keep us informed.

Sandi Magle said...

Yikes, Jeanie. Stick with what's important for you and your family---all that other stuff can just wait, until you get straight on your heart issue. Hugs, and thinking postitive thoughts for you! Sandi

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Do remember your health is the first thing on your agenda. Voting issues aside, don't stress your body too much after the heart shocks. Sound awful. You're in my prayers my friend.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Oh, Jeanie, I will be thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way. So good that you are taking care of yourself and being proactive. Hopefully you will get to see some of the rally on television or social media. The photos of the fall color are beautiful and I love all your sweet decorations and little figurines. I do like the idea of positioning the seating to watch the birds. Seems like a perfect place to read and journal, too. Sorry to hear about Rick's Aunt Beth and so good he is able to visit her, I'm sure it means a lot. I do like your pretty hair - such a lovely color and those curls are wonderful. I still have a lot of dark mixed with my white - so still friends with Miss Clairol. Haha! Take good care. xx K

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

I love your hair Jeanie, and your sweet Halloween decor.
You certainly have had more than your share of health problems. I am so sorry. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and will say one for Ricks Aunt also.
Take care my friend

Rita C at Panoply said...

Wow, Jeanie, I'm so glad they're on the road to figuring out your heart health! And you're rocking the natural look!

The French Hutch said...

Lovely Halloween decorations. I love all your pretty autumn color and I'm sure you miss the lake but happy to be home. Goodness, I will be thinking about you dear Jeanie with your procedure and doctor appts. Sending lots of hugs and prayers. Keep us posted....

NGS said...

Oh, I hope your procedure goes well and they can get this all under control!

The fall colors are glorious and I hope you're able to enjoy more of them before the winter greyscape appears.

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful, sending good health wishes…and thanks for the fabulous tour. xxoo, V
Happy Halloween🎃

Nancy said...

I’m so sorry to hear about your heart issues. I’ll be praying for you. Love your hair color!
And all your Halloween Decor is fabulous!

Veronica Lee said...

You're beautiful, Jeanie.
So sorry to hear about your heart issues. Praying for you.

Love, love, love the fabulous photos you shared, especially the orange leaves against the blue sky 🧡🧡🧡

Hugs and blessings 💐

William Kendall said...

Beautiful fall colours! said...

Hi Jeanie, Try not to feel overwhelmed with tasks as you settle back in at home, things will get done, it's hard after you've been in "lake mode" to return to "real life!" I will be praying for your heart health, scary stuff, but hang tough~

Lisa's Yarns said...

Gosh the afib thing sounds scary. I hope this procedure works. We found out my MIL has afib this spring/summer. She has had a rough year as she had a minor stroke, then found about the afib. Hers is managed by a beta blocker and a blood thinner, I think. She is feeling much better now but felt pretty awful much of the spring. I hope this procedure does the trick for you!!

Phil and I both voted in person at an absentee voter place downtown last week. I travel election week and he understandably did not want to vote w/ 2 kids underfoot. If the kids were older, it would have been an educational thing to do but not w/ wiley Will... We do have a great book about the importance of voting that the boys love. There is a whole set of books called "citizen baby" that explain what the president and congressmen/women do, etc. The boys really like the voting book so I need to get the others from the library.

Hang in there, Jeanie, and don't put too much pressure on yourself to get life back in order. You'll have time this winter and hopefully will be feeling better!

Hena Tayeb said...

You heart thing sounds scary. I hope your heart therapy thing goes smoothly.
I am digging your targaryen hair.. it suits you.
I want to get some life size skeletons to add to our Halloween decor.

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

Such beautiful autumnal colours!

Good luck with the cardioversion and take care of yourself. :)

Gretchen Joanna said...

I can see why you would feel a little discombobulated, if that's not putting it too strongly -- you have entered again into your alternative lifestyle, so dramatically different from easy summer-into-fall days at the lake. Probably every time you come back home it is a more dramatic difference, harder to make the transition to.

I pray your heart takes well to the shock and settles into a proper rhythm!

anno said...

Hi Jeanie -- heartfelt wishes for an easy corrective response to the shock treatment, and lots of festive occasions to enjoy afterwards.

Your hair looks great -- I love the color, and something about it makes your eyes seem even more brilliantly blue.

Sending love, best wishes for all the best of outcomes tomorrow.

crackercrumblife said...

I just read this and realized it is Tuesday! Good luck today, although I am sure it will all go the way it should! :)

Your photos are beautiful! And I love the new look.

Divers and Sundry said...

What lovely fall color! I like the room arrangement, especially if it makes bird-watching easier ;) My hair was auburn red for a while in my 20s and green for a while in my 50s, and now it's whatever color it wants. It is so much easier and cheaper to maintain. And yours looks so _good_!

I'm sorry to hear about this health issue and hope that treatment does the trick.

Ricki Treleaven said...

You have so many cute fall vignettes, and the gnome is too, too cute. :D
Your hair looks pretty, and I think the color enhances your eyes.

Please keep us posted about your heart!!!

KarenW said...

I hope the proceedure proved beneficial.

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

I know the feeling full well of returning home after an extended stay in a second home. Lots of emotions! I'm late in reading your post, so I'm hoping that all went well with your procedure. Hugs to you!

DVArtist said...

I love your post, you know I do. I want to say please, please take care of your heart. If you turn out to be a bit of a frakenstein that is OK. LOL Sending healing energy to you.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I am a bit late in blog reading and was sorry to read about the heart issues you are dealing with Jeanie. We all know you have a very big heart and hope all goes/went well with the test. Take all the time you need to rest as we will all still be here.

Jean | said...

A-fib! Cardioversion! Jeanie, let's not be having any more of that nonsense. Love the hair! I think it really draws attention to your beautiful eyes.

Lowcarb team member said...

I did enjoy seeing your photographs, but sorry to read about your heart issue. Thinking of you and sending good wishes.
Take care of yourself.

All the best Jan

Victoria Zigler said...

I always wonder why you don't just stay living at the lake year round. Is that not an option? I know I'd want to if it was me.

Hope to hear all went well with the procedure.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Hi Jeanie, I am happy to hear you are doing well, except for the afib of course. It is scary when your heart is not cooperating.
Autumn is such a beautiful time of the year. We have neighbors who go crazy with the decorations. Always a treat to see!
Your hair looks fabulous. I stopped coloring in my early 40s and it was such a relief. I am more pepper than salt but I do get a lot of compliments on the natural look. It inspires other women to take the leap to no more coloring!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I stopped coloring my hair five or six years ago, and I have no regrets. I saw mystery writer Janet Evanovich at the Texas Book Festival and she has set aside her red for white, too. You look fabulous.

I'm glad they have caught the afib and are going to take measures to fix the problem.

Barb said...

I'm sorry to read your a-fib has worsened. What a bummer. With that and your lungs, I imagine you've been tired. Now I can read your latest posts and see how the treatment went. I'm having some health issues, too, since a bad case of Covid in late September, plus a tendon in my left ankle that is very slow healing. I love your curly hair shorter and with its natural color. I stopped coloring at 50, and I was already very gray. Nowadays young people are trying to get the gray color that's natural for me!

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