Saturday, October 22, 2022

Postcards From the Lake: One Last Postcard

Before I wrap up the last of our postcards from the (mostly) lake for this season, a few images and moments I want to remember that I don't think I've posted before! So here are a load of photos (check the captions) that I don't want to leave behind.


My friend Maryanne gave me these to-die-for colors for my birthday!

Art Camp wrap up

Natural Beauty


From a garden at the lake. I need these in my garden next year!
An early sunflower blossom

Plenty of bees this summer -- a good sign.

Nature's bounty at the market

And nature's bounty at home.

Glorious reflections from a beautiful sky
Waiting for the storm
My little friend, stocking up!

 Family and Friends

The sad moments when the family you love pack up to leave.
Brothers! Gotta love these munchkins!
A walk with Mom
Mother and Son
Neighbor Jim, buttoning up for winter

 Just Us


My Brunhilde hairdo 
A sunset paddle
Utter Bliss
The Fall chill is coming

 Thanks for joining me on this last Postcard from the Lake for the Year. What will the next one bring?


Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Already I can't wait until spring when you'll be back to the lake. But knowing you, you'll have lots of holiday spirit to fill up your blog.

William Kendall said...

Lizzie looks very comfy.

Julierose said...

What wonderful memory laden photos you've taken!! I love your little art journal--really nice work. Things feel so different when everyone leaves, don't they? Another Spring will be coming around --time flies by faster than you think thanks for sharing your Postcards--so enjoyed them hugs, Julierose

Carol said...

I love these pictures! I can't wait to see some of the next lake postcards.

Rustic Pumpkin said...

A veritable feast for the eyes, indeed. What a shame we can't get together and swap cuttings. I've got the white version of the Japanese wind anemones. You've got the pink. they are such lovely flowers. I've got paint envy here, are those Gansai Tambi paints? Lucky, lucky you.

And now it's all tucked up and put to bed for another winter. Until the spring, sleep well, lovely cottage by the lake.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Jeanie
Wonderful photos, you have some great memories of your summer at the lake.
The flowers are beautiful. Take care, enjoy your weekend!

My name is Erika. said...

Lovely photos Jeanie. I can see why you wanted to share them before you wrap up your lake posts for the year. I've been drafted to help the husband get the boat put away for winter. He'll be sad, but it is time. I'm just tired of it sitting in the driveway blocking my views-smile. I hope you have a great weekend and it's not too cold. hugs-Erika

Pam said...

Great pics. I love the two laying on the couch. Adorable!! And kitty looks like she is worn out, have a busy day.

DUTA said...

Your little friend stocking up - how very cute!

Polly said...

This is a lovely round up Jeanie, more precious memories stored away. You have a beautiful smile. That's a gorgeous snap of the sunflower, I haven't seen many before they open up. The chipmunk looks healthy. The fire looks cosy, there are some nice things about colder weather! :-)

bobbie said...

Thanks for the one last look around! You'll have plenty of memories to keep you warm this winter ~
Hugs ~

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Lizzie is a poster waiting to happen. Lovely gallery of photos for a wonderful summer

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Very nice, Jeanie! I’m a sucker for chipmunks! We are having an unseasonably warm, beautiful day today and still lots of gorgeous colour. Have a great week! - Jenn

roentare said...

The flowers are so pretty! So are the farm produce. The family look happy too. Great post

Bill said...

The photos show all the beauty of your garden, the harvest at the market and the love shared among a family. A wonderful season at the lake had by all. Lizzie has the right idea, curl up and fade to dreamland. :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely lovely photos, it’s always so enjoyable to visit with you. You’re very sweet to share, your smile is infectious and what a treat to see your family, friends and surroundings. Happy weekend, V.

kathyinozarks said...

I enjoyed your post and photos-

Marilyn Miller said...

What a great round up to another season at the lake. And YES! Those colors are amazing.

Iris Flavia said...

Your artwork ist stunning!!!!!
And oh, the flowers and the market - I have those eggs here, too - it does make a difference!
The lake... and Peanut´s cousin!
Yes, sad to leave, for both parties...
And great to be so close to your Sibling. And still have your Mum.
Your what-hairdo?! My Mother´s name was Brunhilde, LOL. Suits you :-)
Great pic of Rick in the canoe. And Lizzie...
I have a little fake fire right here, sadly it does not have a warming-function...
Thank you for a great start into Sunday!

Valerie-Jael said...

Fabulous photos. Your little munchkins are so gorgeous!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Lots of happy memories to last you through the cold months ahead, Jeanie.

Joanne Huffman said...

Lovely images - sure to bring back happy memories during the coming winter.

Rita said...

A grand assortment of wonderful memories! No wonder you needed to add them. So glad you shared them with us. :) :)

La Table De Nana said...

That's a beautiful photo of you! I have a set of those paints also and they are remarkable!
Japanese Anemones..:). Those are the blooms you love.

Anvilcloud said...

What a fine collection of photos and memories.

Karen said...

A lovely collage of a lovely time and place... said...

A lovely way to remember this year at the lake!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Lovely post of summer fun. There is always next year to create more memories. Cute photo Jeanie.

Divers and Sundry said...

Sweet memories :)

Barb said...

Great photos and good memories from the lake, Jeanie. Those boys are getting big!

This N That said...

Great series of photos..Looks like it was a nice summer..Memories get you thru the winter..

Arti said...

Lovely memories. And also, wonderful assortment of colours you’ve received. Even more interesting are their names. Yes, I can tell u what they are if u like… maybe via email. 😉

Susie said...

Girl, You will be counting the days till you return to the lake. I pray our winter is not too harsh. The summer was a hot one for sure. I have enjoyed your lake photos and all the paintings, all the flowers, and birds too. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What stunning photos. Love how you put it all together, too. Such a beautiful ending to the lake this year, dear.

Pam Richardson said...

Lovely photos and I am so glad you posted one more postcard from the lake. Wishing you a wonderful week!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

the lake is such a happy place that I always love your captured moments - wonderful post although bittersweet

Sakuranko said...

Oh very good photos darling

Sandra at Maison De Jardin said...

Jeanie, this was a wonderful post. You captured so many precious moments and things dear to you. I love your art camp wrap-up. It would make a great little gift as a note card for all those who attended. Hard to believe summer is well gone and autumn will be in a blink. Jack Frost and friends have been with us several nights. Enjoy these last days of autumn.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

A wonderful lake-side retrospective, Jeanie! I enjoyed your postcard series form your bit of paradise!

gigi-hawaii said...

I love your postcard, and your life could not be better. Keep it up!

Hena Tayeb said...

What beautiful memories you have made.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Oh Jeannie,
I love your Art Camp Art, and what a beautiful collection of photos.
I would love to get my hands on that paint set! The colors are gorgeous.
Thank you for sharing the lake, it is so lovely.

Lisa's Yarns said...

What a wonderful season at the cottage! This season always goes way too fast! I know my parents get sad at this time of year even though they live at the lake year-round. There is just nothing like peak summer season!

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for this last Postcard from the Lake for 2022 ... here's to 2023 :)

All the best Jan

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

I enjoyed all of your beautiful photos. You really captured that chipmunk and love all the fresh produce from the market. Have a great week.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This was a nice (and final) look back at your 2022 summer time at the lake cottage this year, Jeannie. Hope all goes well in closing it up until next year. Admittedly, autumn is my favorite time of year so I am the happiest right now.

By the way, I know how you enjoy mysteries and I have started a 3-book (so far) series by Kate Saunders called the Laetitia Rodd mysteries. The first is The Secrets of Wishtide.

Red Rose Alley said...

That cloud reflection is so pretty, Jeanie. And that fire looks warm and cozy. It's getting so cold here and I have the heater on nearly all day. That looks like a nice walk Rick had with his mom. The little ones always make me smile. The "waiting for the storm" photo is lovely. The sunflower always fascinates me. It's one of the most unusual flowers. And I've never seen the blossom when it's starting to open. Your Postcards from the Lake are wonderful, and I appreciate all the beauty that you see each and every year there.....and that you share it with us!


Little Wandering Wren said...

I have been at a Wellness Retreat this week which has been wonderful but I can't help thinking all I need in my life is a lakeside cottage, it so so relaxing and peaceful and gives the connection with nature that many of us strive for!
Lovely post Jeanie!
Wren x

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

I hope you were up there this past weekend! Glorious weather up here. Great pictures!

Sherry's Pickings said...

such beautiful flowers and lovely produce. and oh that chipmunk is so cute. i remember them from living in Philly...

Jenny Woolf said...

Some beautiful pictures there! You look great with the new haircut and what a fine box of paints, wonderful colours! Most of the other photos are far too good not to post, so it's a good idea gathering them together in a "wrap" post.

R's Rue said...

Have a lovely day

Nancy J said...

Hi, I hopped to you from Jenn. Superb sunflower photo, and your darling ginger boy, we have had many gingers, and every one a stray who adopted us, or a choice from the SPCA down here. Lovely autumn colours, as in New Zealand we are in spring and the small Japanese Maple shrubs are in full leaf. Were the pinks the Japanese Anemone? They are lovely in a breeze. so delicate on tall stems.

ReHiTu said...

Great photos! That sunflower is awesome!

Ricki Treleaven said...

I always enjoy your postcards from the lake! :D

Sandra Cox said...

Loved everything, especially your Art Camp Wrap Up.

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Glad you shared these last postcards with us, Jeanie! Every one made me smile!

It's me said...

Love love love 🍀🧡🍁🍂🍄🌾🌻🌽🎃…

Carola Bartz said...

You made a lot of beautiful memories over the summer, Jeanie.
And I can't believe how far behind I am in reading your blog...

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