Monday, January 4, 2021

From "Home" to "Hope"

Last year, my word of the year was "Home." 

When I picked that in late December, I had no idea that I would spend more time in my home this past year than I ever have in my life!

I had no idea I would be able to pay off my mortgage and make it all mine. 

I had no idea how precious it would be to just be in my own space, feeling safe and protected from the outside world.

It's been a year, hasn't it? I've already reviewed some of the good things that happened during this strange period. But I'm not sure I mentioned there just how very much I valued my home, my space -- especially with the realization that for many, that was one of many things that was threatened by the pandemic.

What a word.

So, what to choose for this year? I've decided on "Hope."


Hope that the vaccine will be jabbed into my arm sooner, rather than later.

Hope that we will soon be able to celebrate  Christmas with the Toddlers and the Big People.

Hope that we can hug and kiss and touch our friends and family.

Hope that I can attend -- in person -- my cousin Jeff's October wedding.

Hope that Rick can take the long bike ride he plans next summer.

Hope that I can travel too!

Hope that the borders will open -- and that we will feel safe to cross them.

Hope that we can gather more safely and not need to worry about disinfecting groceries or wearing gloves when we pump gas.

Hope that our country will begin to heal and gain some of the reputation that it had in the world several years before now.

Hope that our economy will begin to open, to heal and that those who have struggled so will find things looking up.

Hope that children who are being schooled online will be able to return safely to the classroom.

And hope for so much more -- things large and small, global and local, personal and collective.

Hope. My heart is so full of it. It's a good word for 2021.


Joyful said...

That's a great word Jeanie. It will be good at the end of 2021 to look back and see how many of your hopes came to pass. I went back through my blog and discovered I hadn't selected a guiding word in 2020. I think it was because it got off to a rude start (my nephew's terrible accident and Jonah's sickness to mention a few). I have selected a word for 2021 and will write about it when I resume blogging. Much love. xx

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

If I was picking a word, I would pick yours 😀

Joanne Huffman said...

It's an excellent word for 2021. May all your hopes flourish.

Valerie-Jael said...

So true, hope is what keeps us going! Hugs, Valerie

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, yes, that is irony with that word!
But your home looks wonderful! No stomping neighbors, haha...
As that came true, "HOPE" will, too, I´m sure it will be fulfilled. Although it has a lot of work to do...

Jenny Woolf said...

We do need hope right now, and so thank you for posting this, Jeanie! The entrance to your home looks so welcoming and friendly in the snowy scene.

Tracy said...

Blessings to you & yours this new year, Jeanie! LOVELY to catch up with you, as always... We made it through 2020, didn't we?! It was the strangest year ever... But I've also been counting the blessings that were there "behind the scenes" of Covid and all the rest to threated to snatch away joys. Hope is my word for this year too, and for all the many beautiful reason you chose it too. I think a LOT of us, most of us, will be gently holding on to HOPE for this year... Be keeping well, and safe... ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

Sami said...

You were spot on the word last year Jeanie.
And Hope is just a great word for this year, when we all hope the vaccine will bring the world back to normal.
Just heard that Qantas (our main airline) has opened overseas flight bookings from the 1st of July including to England and the USA! Wonder how that is going to go... But you won't be able to get on a plane without the vaccine.
Have a safe and healthy 2021 Jeanie.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Jeanie!

It is a good feeling knowing you home mortgage is paid off and it is all yours. Hope is a good words for the new year. I have high hopes that we can unite and be more at peace and respect each other's rights.
A new administration, one that is FOR the people is a good start.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

Karen said...

Hope is a beautiful word and I'm glad you have it along with faith and courage to keep on keepin on! Blessings to you ~

Martha said...

That's pretty amazing that you chose Home for last year, that sure was fitting! I appreciated my home more than anything last year, our safe place. I chose the word Hope for this year too, for many of the same reason, plus some personal ones too. I love the idea of using the Scrabble letters to display your word. I think I'll do that too! :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Never lose hope. Without it there is nothing. My most fervent hope is that the news media will ignore Trump once he is gone from Washington and not continue to provide him with a platform for his hate-filled rhetoric. I hope that I never have to see his face or any of his creepy family again. It won't happen, of course, but I can hope.

Rustic Pumpkin said...

I've never really got into this WOTY but can see why hope is a good choice. Look forward to seeing how you record it.
Happy, Hopeful, New Year!

Deb in Wales

Sandi said...

Hope fulfilled makes a heart glad. 😊

Sandi said...

Hope is my word for the year too!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Hope is a wonderful word for this year!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I liked your word choice for 2021, Jeanne, and would add two more usually associated with Hope, those being Faith and Love. Faith that things will get better some time in 2021 and that we all continue to remember those we Love.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That's the perfect word for this year! I hope and pray we get over this pandemic and enjoy good health again...around the world! How great that you paid off your mortgage! Well done YOU!!! Hugs!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Hope is an amazing word. Hope for the world, for our families, our lives. Thank you for providing hope ot me this past year.

gigi-hawaii said...

That's a nice snowy photo of your home. I, too, hope for many wonderful things to come this year. Mainly, I hope for better health.

DUTA said...

'Hope' and 'Faith' are my all - time favorite words. In addition, for year 2021 I would consider the word 'Health'. Without these three notions, we've got no chance in this world.

La Table De Nana said...

Well our PM will be announcing another month TOTAL lockdown was to be till Jan 11th we have to add 1 month.
Sick and tired of people having friends over FB pics on toboggans with friends..
Neighbours..I see you..
I can live with confinement..and I live w/ someone who can also..
My sorrow is for my family.The children w/ online..not everyone can focus online..the little one still in primary school..
How many kids will quit school?
Sick and tired of people traveling..

Oh boy.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

You sure picked a good one word mantra for last year, given the amount of time we all had to stay home. I hope all your hopes for 2021 come true. Fingers crossed....

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Jeanie, Hope is a beautiful choice!

Sandra Cox said...

Here's to hope.

Lowcarb team member said...

I know many of my blogland friends choose a word for the new year, it's something I've never done.

It was good to read through your post and I do agree hope is a good word to choose. We all need hope it's what keeps us going each day.

Lots of good wishes coming your way, hoping that this first week of the New Year is going well.

All the best Jan

Susan Kane said...

Hope. I'll claim that word as my own.

Pam said...

What a GREAT word. I think a lot of folks would want your word. Congrats on paying off the house also. It is nice to make a home yours, and not just in the sense of living there and fixing it up to what you like but making it yours in not owing on it anymore. I was able to pay mine off in 2015 at the age of 55. Was very proud of it being just me and I did it in 24 yrs. The move in March did not bring on a house note so that is a good thing. I just could not go that route again! Here hoping that you HOPE comes about in all things.

Meredith said...

Hope is the perfect word, it says it all. Stay safe.

Pom Pom said...

Hi Jeanie! I'm glad you love your home. I love ours, too. I hope your January is off to a good start!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Hope is the perfect word for the new year upon us, Jeanie! I've never chosen a word to focus on for the year, but your last and new one are quite meaningful!

Prims By The Water said...

What a great post! Let's hope this year is a better one. Janice

My name is Erika. said...

Hope is a fantastic word for 2021. And I am hoping that by the end of the year we won't need so much hope. Of course it is always good to have hope, covid or no covid. Today New Hampshire released their vaccination schedule, and it filled me with so much hope that it will go off as planned. It sounds as if home ended up being a good pick for 2020. You were very prophetic. Let's keep hoping all goes well this month. Hugs-Erika

Pam Richardson said...

Hope is a beautiful word, Jeanie!! Without hope, life would be difficult to survive. Wishing you a wonderful new year filled with hope.

susan q said...

Let us keep those without homes find one and be safe during this most difficult time in the richest country in the world in our thoughts and prayers. Those with homes are very blessed indeed. Be healthy and safe♥

Lisa's Yarns said...

It is crazy that you chose home for 2020! How apt that word became! I love your word and the list of hopes you have. I have those same hopes, too! I am feeling very encouraged by the Ga run-off results. I am hoping this kicks Trump to the curb and the party leaves him in the dust. That party is so much better than what they have been since Trump rose to power. I think he can be blamed for the GA senators losses!

Divers and Sundry said...

Congratulations on paying off the mortgage. What a wonderful feeling! Hope sounds like the perfect focus for the coming year.

Danielle L Zecher said...

Congratulations on paying off your mortgage! That's exciting! We have 20 years to go. I'm hoping they'll go as fast as the last 10.

I think you've chosen an excellent word for the year. I feel more hopeful than I have in a while. My sister is getting her first dose of the vaccine at this very moment. And Nick should be getting his soon. I'm not sure when I'll be getting mine; my job can be classified a couple of different ways, so it depends on how they choose to classify us. Either way, I'm just happy that people I care about are starting to get the vaccine.

I hope 2021 is a great year for you.

shoreacres said...

I hope your vaccination program goes more smoothly than ours. I spent two hours holding on the phone this morning to make an appointment. I finally gave up, but when I tried one more time, I found that all the appointment times had been filled. Two of our hospital systems won't give you an appointment unless you've been a patient or otherwise in their system. So much for me -- I'm too healthy!

Polly said...

Lovely post Jeanie. Hope is such a wonderful word, I think the whole world is full of hope at the moment.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

"Hope" is a beautiful choice for 2021.

Happily, my 94-year-old dad has an appointment for the vaccine at the end of the month.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Great word for the year.....I beleive we should all look to this year with hope in our hearts....Thanks so much for stopping by!!

Anca said...

How interesting that you picked the work home for last year, even if you had no idea what you can pay off the mortgage or indeed, that you are going to spend so much time at home.

Hope as the word for 2021 is great too. I love it. I hope I will get a jab too this year, even if I'm at the back of the list, as I am in the low risk category. If I could have it tomorrow I would though.

Lynne said...

Love your word HOPE and
I am hoping all your HOPES come true.
I pulled up your post, wrote an answer . . .
nodded off in sleep and found my iPad on the carpet below me.
I hope my comment went through . . . doubt it did . . .
Trust though . . . it was filled with HOPE . . .

Marilyn Miller said...

When I read your word was Hope I thought it was a very good word for this year. I also had just read that Tracy had the same word. I have a button from Pensey's that says "Embrace Hope". I love that concept. Good luck with the word.

Victoria Zigler said...

Yes, home turned out to be a very appropriate word for you for 2020. Here's hoping your word for 2021 is just as appropriate, and your hopes are realized.

Sally Wessely said...

This is an excellent word for the coming year. I share hope for all the things that you listed.

Your word for last year seems to have had both a prophetic and anchoring meaning. Who would have ever have imagined that home would be where we would spend so much of the measure of our days in 2020? Who ever would have known how much of an anchor for our souls home would provide for us in 2020? I have new eyes for the space in which I live and I have so much gratitude for it.

Here’s to 2021!

Pamela said...

Hope is an excellent word for this year!

Barb said...

You sure picked a great word for 2020 - home. Now let's all have Hope for 2021!

Red Rose Alley said...

Hope is a good word, and one of my favorite words, Jeanie. Like you, I'm so thankful for my new home in the mountains. It's an older house, and I've had electrician, plumber, and painter here taking care of last minute things and new fixtures, etc. while I'm moving in. It's been hectic, but I'm so thankful for a cozy and nice house. We had a bit of snow covering the lawn this morning, and it was beautiful. This picture of your home is charming and I see you get lots of snow! Remain in hope this year, Jeanie, and I hope the new year is being kind to you.


Sketchbook Wandering said...

I just did a blog post, Sunday today. I seem to have come to hope as a theme of it too. I too am so grateful for my home. Amazingly grateful. congratulations on your home!

crackercrumblife said...

Oh Jeannie wouldn't these things be so nice!!! I hope and wish all of these things for you and for all of us this year. :)

And do you get your vaccine this week, or soon? I am constantly checking my mom's email for the scheduling email so I can get that appointment made for her! My friend who is a respiratory therapist has gotten both of her doses thank goodness. I am so relieved for her. Now, for the rest of us!

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