Tuesday, January 12, 2021

So Far, I'm Not Bonding with 2021!

It's been a bumpy ride this year, hasn't it? January hasn't started out the best for Rick and me. And that part has nothing to do with the riot in Washington.

That was a bad week for us on any number of levels. The worst was that Rick's mom fell and broke her hip. Surgery was delayed for a few days for other medical reasons. Apparently, she was close to having a heart attack (which didn't have anything to do with the fall) and the cardiologist had to sign off. Meanwhile, she was in terrible pain. The good news is that the surgery went well and she is starting to sound like herself again. There will be rehab, of course, but that one is looking up.

I think it was the same day that we found out a cousin of Rick's (second, or removed) had died in December. Barbara was a lovely woman. She and I shared an interest (no, a passion) for Jacqueline Winspear's "Maisie Dobbs" mysteries and she would send me hers when she finished. She never forgot Rick's birthday. Every year she sent a Christmas letter to Rick and one to me -- much of it was the same but she always, always personalized the first couple of paragraphs, referring to our times together or shared interests. A few years ago she came to the lake and we had a wonderful time and I will be forever grateful for having had that opportunity to get to know her better. 

I'm still going through cardio testing, which -- thanks to slow prior authorization from our new insurance company -- has delayed appointments and finding out just what needs to be done for my a-fib. I'm still hoping for a conservative, medication-only treatment. 

A friend of Rick's came down with Covid. He's not a good candidate with many co-morbidities. Rick picked up meds and food for him, leaving it at his door. Stay tuned. And, Rick is also having trouble with his tenant who lives on the other side of his duplex wall. The best thing that could happen is that the lease is broken. Sometimes a bad tenant is worse than no tenant. Oh, and the tenant was exposed to Covid over New Year's. He'd better be staying out of the laundry room.

But, on the happier side, Lizzie and I have been enjoying some backyard bird watching.

There's a lot of action at Lizzie Coco's Birdbath Bar and Grill. I've seen all kinds of sparrows, woodpeckers, juncos, cardinals, jays, and I think the red one in this post is a finch. 

Although, every photo reminds me that I should have washed the windows outside before the snow fell!

 Rick is making noise about wanting his hair cut. I'm liking his long-hair look and dreading using the clippers he bought. Maybe a scissor trim.

The good news? I'm now eligible to register for my Covid vaccine. The bad news? Our county has over 80,000 people in my category and doses for about 2,500. I'm sure glad I like being in my house.

As you can see in the photos above, I have replaced the Santas with the snowfolk. I am so glad I did a bottlebrush tree mantel this year so I don't have to deal with that right now!

The big tree and some of the smaller ones will probably be down by the time this posts, give or take a day. I was going to take it down on the seventh, after Twelfth Night, but the lights and color were so peaceful and calm and after what happened the day before, I needed all the peace and calm I could get. Meanwhile, this one gives me all the joy you need on a bad day. Or week. Or month.

So, to keep me calm, another Lizzie pic. She was having quite a time. Lizzie lives in oblivion of all except eat, sleep, play, purr. I think a lot of us wish we could live in oblivion after events at the Capitol last week, but I also suspect that being oblivious to facts, truth and falling under the spell of a maniacal fascist leader and conspiracy theories is what got us into this mess in the first place. January 20 cannot come soon enough for me but I'm under no illusions that the violence is over. Remember, I live in the state where these domestic terrorists got a dress rehearsal storming our state capitol in April and plotted a kidnapping attempt on our outstanding governor who has gone to the mat to protect our state during Covid.

These people are not patriots. They were not peaceful protestors. Call them what they are. Rioters, terrorists, racists, thugs and so much more, incited by a madman who was enabled by followers whose source of information was unproven conspiracy theories. For many, those theories were fueled by perceived self-interest, whether it was financial or motivated by single issues like the Supreme Court. Why should we be surprised at his inciting violence? I just don't understand the thinking behind this.

It's not like we weren't warned when he suggested using the second amendment to take care of Hillary Clinton in 2016. It's not like we weren't warned by the increasingly rabid tweets. We were warned. And eyes were covered.

Some of his followers are otherwise good people. They do good things for others, volunteer for worthy organizations, would bring chicken soup to a sick neighbor.  Some are in my extended family, others I've known for years. They are people I care about. I don't wish them ill, I know we will in time have what I hope are good times together. But I do not understand how they can stick by him after all the damage he has done to our country.

I truly believe they are deluded. If anything comes from this, I would like to think they would come around and recognize not only who and what this man is and his role in instigating partisan hate, but also their role in enabling it through their votes or passive acceptance. It is not a matter of party. It's a matter of principle. Or, as the old saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

My word of the year is hope. Hope for eyes wide open, not eyes wide shut. But I don't know that I'm too hopeful about an end to the violence. Or, that everyday people will accept their own accountability. I'd like to be wrong, so very much.

We are emotionally and mentally exhausted. At least I am. I'm getting a little desperate for joy.

I'm leaving comments open here but keep it civil, regardless of point of view. I'm sure some won't agree. But comments that cross the line will be deleted.


Sue in Suffolk said...

How is that little lacy heart made? It looks so pretty.

Regina said...

I'm sorry to hear your mother-in-law fell and broke her hip and the loss of Rick's cousin. I'll be praying for you all. Sending hugs!

Joyful said...

Hi Jeanie, wow, I can see you and Rick have had a rude start to the year; much like the beginning of my 2020. I'd like to say it will get better but I believe it can get worse before that will happen. I really hope it doesn't but I'm a realist. It's good you are on a list for Covid vaccine. I should be on a list but I haven't bothered to find out anything and my doctor hasn't let me know anything. I do know our province seems to be quite slow in administering the vaccines we do have and there appears to be some tension building between our Head Doctor and doctors in general over this matter. I find it ironic that so many would not get a vaccine less than a year ago, me included. Now I think there are about 60% or more people (me not included) who are getting a bit upset that vaccines aren't available to them right now. I guess it means that powers that be have done a tremendously good job in assuring people of the safety of the vaccinations. As for me I will just wait it out and try to stay home as much as possible since I can't do much to speed anything up. I'm thinking by the mid to late summer we will be mostly vaccinated here. I do hope the tenant issues will be sorted out soon for Rick. I'm sure it is stressful having that to deal with on top of everything else. Sending you a big hug. p.s I'm still on break as I am still dealing with lots of paperwork/thinking work/detail work. Take care. xx

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I loved looking at Lizzie and the birds. So sorry to hear about Rick's cousin. I've lost 2 cousins in the last year. So many childhood memories. I'm saying a prayer for you miraculously to get the vaccine. I am not trying for one right now. With my compromised immune system I know I would have a severe reaction. Waiting for a few months and I'll talk to my doctor about it in February when I have my visit.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Gosh, I wish you and Rick didn't have so much on your plate right now. It's bad enough to watch was is unfolding in our nation. Not to sound like a meme but 'Stay Calm and Keep Watching Lizzie'...it's got to help lower blood pressure. Hugs coming your way.

Martha said...

I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to Rick's mom, but glad she is now recovering. I'm sorry about his cousin too. I hope you are able to get the vaccine in the near future. You know I am in total agreement with you on the political issues. I still just don't understand how anyone could possibly still support him. What a sad time for our country.

Linda Sue said...

Lizzie saves the day, and the birds who just go about their business- I love Rick's hair , grow it into a pony tail would be my advise. I have a friend who in a musician, has a pony tail and looks amazing, plus no worries about keeping it out of the way or shorn.
"not bonding with 2021" is the best ! Keep you head above water. Take care of your heart, love!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jeanie,
Sending prayers for Rick's Mom! I am glad to hear she is recovering, all goes well with treatment. I hope the vaccine doses go up, it seems so little right now. I expected better, I should know better than to expect anything. Your bird is a cute male House Finch. I hope the rest of your January is much calm and happier. Hope is a good word, I am hopeful too. Take care, stay safe! Have a happy day and a great new week!

gigi-hawaii said...

Terrible what happens to loved ones. We are family so we must help one another. As for politics and religion, I try to stay mum on both.

DUTA said...

That's how it usually goes:'it never rains but it pours', as they say.
Wishing Rick's Mom a swift recovery. Sorry about the loss of his cousin. Hope things will turn out well for his friend with covid, and well for Rick with his bad tenant.
As for you, keep away from things that might affect your well-being. See yourself, not the country, as the priority.

Mary Rose's said...

I'll echo Laurie's ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
It's an awful lot for you and Rick to have on your minds/hearts in the bleak midwinter.
I hope you can get vaccinated soon. My sister - a respiratory therapist at a small rural hospital that's overwhelmed with COVID cases - has received both Pfizer doses, thank goodness.
I'm worried about what the political events of the coming week will bring, and powerless to do anything about it. My new home city is divided sharply. People with the "In this house, we believe..." (you know, supportive of BLM, LGBTQ, choice, fairness, etc.) yard signs report the signs have been vandalized or removed. Lots of Trump flags still flying.

More birds, more cats, more morning star watching. Love you. Hold strong.

busybusybeejay said...

I cut my OHs hair yesterday,not as long as Rick’s,but I think I did a pretty good job.He is pleased with it. Ssshhhhhh.He can’t see the back!!

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm sorry Rick's mom had the fall and broken hip but am glad to hear she's recovering well. Rehab works miracles. The other health problems are hard, too, and my heart goes out to you and your family in the loss of your cousin.

Ah, bird-watching is the _best_. Yes, that's a finch. I have trouble telling the house finches and the purple finches apart.

I like his hair as it is. He does have good hair, doesn't he :) It's just too hard to get the vaccine. "Available" doesn't mean much, it seems :( Your mantle is so pretty! I like wintertime (non-Christmas) decorations in January.

That people are saying they never saw the capitol violence coming makes me wonder why not. It's not like they were hiding their intentions. And they are still behind him. I don't think they'll ever see the truth. It's a cult. I heard Trump's address today *sigh*

Your happy dancing snow people bring a needed smile. Thanks!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Prayers your vaccine is sooner than later.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

jeanie, I do hope Rick's mom has a speedy recovery. Rehab is so beneficial. Lovely snow pictures. No snow here. I prefer to not talk politics. People have a right to their own opinion and I for one will not condemn anyone for their own views. I try to surround myself with positive thoughts. There is plenty of hate in the world and we all need to come together and live our lives peaceably.

Valerie-Jael said...

Sorry your year didn't get off to a good start. Rock's hair looks good! And Lizzie is, as always, adorable. And as for what happened in Washington, we are all shocked and saddened by it, I hope things will remain quiet. Hugs, Valerie

Valerie-Jael said...

Sorry your year didn't get off to a good start. Rock's hair looks good! And Lizzie is, as always, adorable. And as for what happened in Washington, we are all shocked and saddened by it, I hope things will remain quiet. Hugs, Valerie

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, what sad, crappy, scary incidents. And annoying ones.

:-) I hate it, too, when I have to shave Ingo´s head. Most he does himself down to 3 mm, but where he can´t reach I have to help and I´m always "afraid" it goes down to zero in one strip, LOL.

Aww, Lizzie is SUCH a cutie pie!

Yes, the orange baby is in our German news daily, I´m sick of him and what he causes.

To happier times, to peace and health.

Mae Travels said...

What a miserable world! The article I read that really hit the nail on the head was by Ibram X. Kendi in the Atlantic: "Denial Is the Heartbeat of America: When have Americans been willing to admit who we are?"

It's all good but I liked this: "Americans remember and accept the enfranchising of citizens and peaceful transfers of power as their history, while forgetting and denying the coup plots, the attempted coups, and the successful coups. White terror is as American as the Stars and Stripes. But when this is denied, it is no wonder that the events at the Capitol are read as shocking and un-American."

It's a very bad time. Lizzie is a wonder. Good luck to all the family!

best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Sandra Cox said...

Lovin' those pictures of Lizzie. Sweet girl.
I'm so sorry you and Rick are dealing with all that you are.
And I'm sorry our country is dealing with the unbelievable.
Take special care and stay safe.

Barb said...

Jeanie, I've been thinking of you. Was the stress test postponed? Let your snow people, Lizzie, and the birds feed your spirit. Stay well!

I need orange said...

WITH YOU. Thank goodness for all the good people who protected our representatives from the insurrectionists, some of whom clearly went to the Capitol with blood on their minds.

Sending good vibes for the more local issues. I hope Rick's mom does all of her rehab exercises and takes good care of herself.

Michigan's landlord/tenant laws can make it REALLY hard to get rid of a very bad tenant. Wishing Rick good luck on that front.

Haircuts. Well, It will always grow back, right? :-)

I, too, am glad I am ok staying home. I have heard from my medical system that they will give me a shot, and they will let me know when to ask for an appt. It's one thing to hear "X number of shots a day," and another to hear a trusted organization say "we'll give you your shot, and will let you know when to sign up for an appt."

Karen said...

I am having a rough start to the New Year as well ~ I've decided so far not to write about all the negative that's going on and to choose Joy and to focus on the good. "Joy is a choice – a deliberate, conscious choice. That choice is available to us each day. Our joy isn't controlled by others or by outward circumstances. Joy comes from a deeper place, a place of security within ourselves. It's an attitude, not a transitory emotion" You've done that too by keeping your lights up longer, enjoying the birds, cats and snowy decorations. I'm sorry for your loss and for your own medical cardio worries. Hope is a good word once again to cling to, along with our loved ones, and furry felines ~ with love, Karen

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

This certainly has been a terrible start to this New Year, especially for Rick's family. Sorry to learn about his mom's fall and surgery but glad to read the good news. Condolences are sent on the passing of Rick's cousin, a sad loss for both of you. And no tenant would certainly be better than a bad one, I agree with your assessment, Jeanie. As far as the events in the Capitol they were tragic and those involved are no way patriots, but all the words you so aptly used to describe them, no disagreement on vthat score. I would hope all would be punished in some way, even those just in the mass crowds and it would be even better if some sort of financial payments could be extracted for all the damages.

Glad to read that you will be able to get the vaccine and we are planning to do the same when our turn comes. Until then, we keep to ourselves as much as possible and life is good.

Lowcarb team member said...

I enjoyed seeing all the photographs you've posted here, but goodness me what a bumpy start to the New Year you've had. Hoping things will improve soon for you.

Take care, my good wishes.

All the best Jan

anno said...

What a tough start to the year! I am so sorry to hear about Rick's cousin, and Sure hope that Rick's mom has an easy recovery, that Rick's tenant keeps to their side of the house, and that you continue to hold onto whatever sources of calm and stability you can find in these turbulent times. Thinking of you, friend, sending hugs, sympathy, light, and love your way.

My name is Erika. said...

Sorry to hear about the tough start to the year Jeanie. I hope Rick's Mom keeps on making improvement. If I remember correctly she is in Texas(?) which means you can't even go see her. And sorry for your loss of Rick's cousin too. It sounds like there are lots of little things on your list, never mind the big one in Washington. I go back and forth between being optimistic and pessimistic about that one and what will happen in the next several days. And I don't blame you for keeping up some holiday lights as long as they make you happy. I have a tree up still in my dining room as I am not ready to give up the sparkle, even if everything else came down. It's good to have some joy since we are home so much right now. I'll keep my fingers crossed you won't be too high on the vaccine list. And hope Lizzie keeps making you smile. Hugs-Erika

Haddock said...

The last photo is so cute. Reminded me of the three pigs ..... or are they the three pigs ?

Little Wandering Wren said...

I just want to come over and give you a massive hug! What a start to this year I think we're all feeling a little what the hell...? Wishing Rick's Mom a speedy recovery, this is my worst fear for my parents especially being stuck overseas. Give Lizzie a cuddle and tell her she cheers you and us up too, Keep enjoying those little birds and here's to Jan 20th!
Wren x

David M. Gascoigne, said...

There is a lot to digest here, Jeanie. I am very sorry to hear about Rick's mom, but it is good news that she is recovering. As for the vaccine, we are playing a waiting game here too. When it was first announced that vaccines were available we all had a surge of optimism, but getting people vaccinated seems to be another matter entirely. There is too much to be said about the situation in Washington, and the mood in the country at large, for me to attempt a comment here other than to say I hope that conditions improve. The glass has been shattered, however, and it is not going to be put back together.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Not the best of starts to the new year. I'm glad to hear Rick's mom got her surgery and is on her way back to healing. Our vaccines here are extremely slow going. The people in old age homes aren't even done yet (around here anyway, perhaps Toronto and such areas have started). I suspect it will be months and months before the general public get their turn. I put Christmas away a while ago and was happy to have it done. I like to decorate, but I love to put it back in order again. -Jenn

Joanne Huffman said...

Sorry for the loss of Rick's cousin and Rick's mom's fall. I think I'm on the waiting list (filled out the info online). The lady I talked to at Kalamazoo County Health Dep't said she didn't think they'd be ready to start giving shots for two weeks. I'm sending you virtual hugs and a cup of calming tea - we are so limited in what we can do. I'm really worried about next week. It's shocking how thin our veneer of civility turned out to be; but I am encouraged that some are starting to fight for the good. Hang on to your Hope.

Pamela said...

Great photos! Lizzie is such a sweetie! Rough start this year, I agree. My heart goes out to you.

Jacqui Brown said...

I'm not bonding with 2021 either! I've been trying to write a blog since Sunday, with hope and peace being my words for the new year, but they don't seem to fit do they! So sorry to hear about the family health issues and loss, thinking about you from over here in France!

The French Hutch said...

Good news hearing Rick's mom is on the mend. And, so sorry for the loss of his cousin. Nice you got to know her through the years. You and Rick have not had the best start out of the gate for the new year. I'm glad you are on the list for the vaccine and hope it will be available to you soon. Not sure when we will be eligible here, hope it's sooner rather than later. Now I'm wondering if we'll ever see it! There have been "super spreader events" held here, what are people thinking! Or rather they aren't. I love your bottle brush mantle and what a stress reliever Lizzie is! Hope your week is good..........

Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

I am sorry that 2021 is off to such a tough start for you and Rick. I had such high hopes for 2021 and am trying to hold onto that hope. But it’s tough to hold onto hope when you’ve been the dealt the hand you and Rick have. Bleh. I whole heartedly agree with everything you said about Trump. You know how it’s impacted my relationships with family. We have not spoken a word about the election because it’s just best not to discuss it. I do wonder what they think about the events of the past week but am afraid to ask. I see McConnell supports impeachment. He kowtowed for far too long but I hope his supporting impeachment opens the eyes of some republicans. I wasn’t alive during Nixon’s presidency but am curious if people were so loyal to him during all of that? I need to do some research and see if this is just how things go when people are loyal to their party.

La Table De Nana said...

Jacques doesn't have all of Rick's hair..so I do use the clippers and he's not going anywhere else he says.
Flabbergasted at that mob scene..kind of scary that more and more violence is happening everywhere.Sorry or all the sadness and worries you are having on top of covid:(
Take care..
Have you started All Creatures Great and Small Masterpiece? Joy.

Sandra at Maison De Jardin said...

Good morning, Jeanie. So sorry to hear about Rick's mom and the loss of his cousin you both loved and enjoyed.

My friend, I agree with your every word about our current situation in our country. I, too, do not understand how people can follow him the way they do. Although, Hitler managed to do the same. However, I have well-educated friends and acquaintances who are stuck to him like glue. I will never get that. And, I know a group of women who have been friends since childhood, been part of each other's weddings, traveled together, shared all the good and bad times together. One of them left their dear group, because of the MAD MAN.
Like you, Jan. 20 can't come soon enough, but I am so fearful of the violence and I pray for the safety of our new leaders.

Now to sweeter things, I love your mantle, especially your snow ladies. I am crazy about them. Also your birds and dear Lizzie. And, honestly, I would like to live in Lizzie's world until this mess is over.

Have a great remainder of the week and stay well!

Pam said...

I don't do a lot of political comments on my fb page cause people tend to get all out of sorts. Last thing I put I told everyone they could leave a comment on their feelings but keep it nice. If you don't agree with me and you leave a nasty comment, I will delete you! The ones that left a comment kept it nice, some debated among themselves with several folks that put comments but they did not get nasty. That is all I ask for. And I have deleted people, friends cause of how they talked on my page. As for staying safe in your home...proud of you. Am I reading between the lines, are you and Rick not married? I took all my Christmas decor down except on outside wreath and that is cause I can't seem to remember to open the window and let it drop to the ground. I don't want to pull it in cause if there are leaves or whatever on it, it drops to the floor when I pull it through the window.Speaking of window, the cats have been watching the birds from the window there cat tree is on but today it will be 50 so I will open the back door and let them go to the deck. Lily has been acting yucky but she does that every yr that I close the deck off to her. Takes time for her to adjust. Love the bird pics and cat pics...adorable.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You sound like me. I'd like to cancel my subscription to 2021. I've seen and been exposed to the free seven day trial and am not the least bit interested. It appears you've had it even worse, especially for Rick. Sorry to read about his cousin and hope his mother gets the therapy she needs after her fall.

Lizzie always makes me smile. Best of luck cutting Rick's hair. My friend Scott has cut my back and sides three times, but doesn't want to mess with the top. I keep telling him, it will grow back. It's not like cutting off a finger.

Hope you stay safe while in lockdown.

Sandra Cox said...

That first picture is breathtaking.
Wishing you good health and peace of mind.

Lynne said...

Oh to have Lizzie’s playful, stretched out, rolling around, free spirit . . .
Maybe I will try some of that!

Sorry to hear about Rick’s mom . . . I will keep her in my caring and HOPE for her comfort and healing . . .

January 6 put fear in my heart. Sad beyond sad . . . Wrong, vicious, incited . . .
I accept that there is division, that we have and hold differences,
but I trust that civility reigns in most of us and I am hoping
our future will once again hold peaceful energy.

I love your winter, snowy, snowmen, playful touches.
You write a tender, thought filled post . . .
Let’s hope together . . . for our America . . .

And Rick’s hair . . . I like his locks . . . be careful, just a bit of a trim!

Prims By The Water said...

Hope Rick's mom mends quickly and rehab goes well. My mom lived with us for 6 months while she healed from her hip surgery. Janice

ashok said...

lovely post!

Sami said...

I am very sorry to hear about Rick's cousin and his mom's fall, but good news that she is recovering.
Very sad with all the troubles in the States, hope Jan 20th brings new hope for all.
So nice that you kept some of your Christmas decor to cheer you up and of course Lizzie and her relaxing poses are always a joy to watch.
A big virtual hug to you Jeanie :)

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

This year has not started well for me either. My comadre (the mother of my daughter-in-law) passed away this week after a two month bout with cancer.

I've decided to retreat into a cocoon of love. No more striking back for me. I seem to be impotent in all my efforts to enlighten these anti-maskers and Trumpers around me. I'm retreating from all of this.

Victoria Zigler said...

I'm so sorry the year has gotten off to such a bad start for you nd Rick. I hope Rick's Mom makes a full recovery, and things improve for you and Rick in the very near future. Hang in there, and hold on to that hope.

Marilyn Miller said...

Thank you for being brave enough to leave comments open. I totally agree with you, but you probably know that. Blinders have not been removed for some yet, but I HOPE (your word) that with time and distance they will begin to see the harm this one man has done.
Love seeing Lizzie, what a cutie.
So sorry for the difficult things happening. I hope you can find help for the afib. For my husband it was a matter of eliminating stimulants in his diet (caffeine, alcohol, and MSG).
Rick's cousin sounds like she was a very special lady.
Oh haircuts!! Right now I am getting to that desperate stage and wondering how much longer I can hold out before I take the scissors to it myself. My grandson's hair is now shoulder length. He says he won't cut it until COVID is over. Hoping it doesn't reach his elbows. Ha!

Karen thisoldhouse2.com said...

I think he should keep the long hair!!

Carola Bartz said...

Jeanie, what a rough start to 2021 - I'm so sorry to hear about Rick's mom and his cousin. I do hope your health improves and it can be done by medication only and you don't have to undergo surgery. Rick's hair looks great, I wouldn't cut it. I love the photos of Lizzie, such bliss.
I completely agree with you about the event at the Capitol, the guy who incited it and thoe who carried it out. I am still shocked but not surprised. I worry about the future - the violence will not die down. Maybe it might hibernate, but it will flare up again. And so, of course, does my anxiety which isn't helpful at all. I'm trying to cling to hope, but at the moment I am not very optimistic.

Thelma said...

Sorry to hear the year got off to a bad start for you and Rick.
Rich's hair is very similar to mine right now. I may take the scissors and do some cutting.
I'm over 70 and have no idea when it's my turn for the vaccine. I stay home so I'm patiently waiting.
They are still doing Senior Homes and health care workers here.
Take care, stay safe.
We'll be watching next Wednesday and hoping for the best, for your country.

Sandra Cox said...

I'm so glad Rick's mom's surgery went well.
Stay safe. Be well.

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Jeanie, so sorry about Rick's mother and cousin and that your year is off to a rough start. But you've managed to cheer me right up with your lovely Lizzie pictures!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Wow ! what a start to the year...It has to get better now from here on in....
Cute pics of the birds and Lizzie....Love your mantel too!! Thanks so much for visiting!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

Bohemian said...

The Lizzie Images sustained me, I sure do miss our recently Dearly Departed Kitty. The Teen Granddaughter wants a replacement Cat but I'm on the fence about taking on long term responsibility of another Fur Baby this late in Life for The Man and I. We're only 3 Years away from getting the last Grandchild Raised to Adulthood. I'm so sorry that 2021 has been a pisser for you too, it has been for so many of us on personal levels as well as National levels... it's like 2021 told 2020 to hold his Beer!

Pom Pom said...

Rick DOES have long hair! I know what you mean about the clippers. I don't like them either!
Love your kitty!

Anonymous said...

Hello darling, Cath from Australia here.

Well, I cut my husband's hair the other day at his request because he looked like Einstein with a curly Afro. That is despite us being separated at present. I have cut it about every second cut, with scissors, for twenty years. You should choose the sharpest scissors you have. Secondly I put the hair outside for the birds to line their nests. In fact I usually cut it outside, as minimal cleanup.

Here is my answer for all your current worries.

God, give me grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.


Love you always.


Evi Erlinda said...

I am so sorry about Rick's mom and cousin.

Rick is so lucky to have good and shiny hair. He looks cool with his long hair, like my favorite rock star.

Meredith said...

IT has indeed been a very rough start to 2021 especially for you, Rick and his family. I am sending you a big hug to solider through these tough times. I do not understand those who do not see all the lies, the years and years of lies from our current president. How can people still believe him after all the horrible things that have been done and said during these last four years. It just baffles me. Stay safe my friend.

Tammie Lee said...

I am sorry to hear that your year has been so challenging. what a time for humanity!

sending light and wishes for good results in all accounts.

Rain said...

Hi Jeanie :) xx I cannot comment on the political situation over there. It is very disappointing, yet not surprising as I have a general dislike of humanity to begin with. Your Lizzie is adorable. We should all enjoy the moment like our pets do. I'm sorry your 2021 hasn't started off well.

Sandra Cox said...

Condolences to Rick and to you on the loss of his cousin.
She sounded like a wonderful human being.
Well wishes for the cardio testing.

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm so sorry to hear that Rick's mom took a fall and broke her hip, that's terrible. And that Rick's cousin passed away and his friend got the virus. I know people who have had this dreadful virus too, and it's just awful. And I'm sorry to hear that Rick's tenant was exposed to the virus. Your bottlebrush tree mantel is charming. Love all the snowmen that are displayed in your house. Oh, Lizzy sure is enjoying her cozy surroundings. I am mentally exhausted too, Jeanie, from the move and unpacking and cleaning and organizing. So, I hear ya. But January has been good to me. And I hope things will get better for you, dear friend.


Sketchbook Wandering said...

Jeanie, I love how your joyful spirit emerges, no matter what the hardships and difficulties...Lizzie, the birds, the ornaments...Sending you thoughts of good health...
As far as politics, yes, hard to understand. The breaking of the law began right at the start, not to mention...well I started mentioning, but there is too much for now...
I am hopeful when I hear our new President and Vice President speak...

Sketchbook Wandering said...

PS I've been cutting John's hair...Looking good! Then, he holds a mirror for me and I cut mine...

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