Thursday, September 19, 2019

Early Autumn at the Ditch

Fall is definitely in the air. It is less than a week till the equinox and the changes are obvious. I wake in the morning and it isn't light yet -- or at least bright light. Rick's bike rides end earlier. There's a decided nip in the air, even when the days warm up. And of course, I see signs in nature. Changing leaves, more egrets at area ponds. It's early autumn.

At the ditch I've noticed the ducks are far more plentiful. I suspect all those babies of the spring are now gathered with their parents and siblings.

They seen to have two or three spots where they cluster -- a hill by the big pond (above); a spot by a narrow pond...

...and a shady place by the second pond.

Even on the cooler days, they are clearly enjoying the water!

They're not the only ones. I was lucky enough to see not one but two deer in the large pond.

They were so very beautiful -- seemingly unafraid of those who had clustered to take their photos.

But most definitely aware.

They seemed to be munching on something in the water -- the lily pads, perhaps?

I stood and watched them for a long time, until they moved off toward the woods.

I'm seeing more colors in the leaves...

...and the berries seem to be bursting with bright flashes of red.

I've only seen one egret at the ditch, but we've met up several times.

And of course, Harry is still here...

...but just for awhile. Ah, fall.

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coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Absolutely beautiful, Jeanie! Great pictures! -Jenn

Pamela said...

Gorgeous photos! I'm waiting for summer to end here.

eileeninmd said...


Isn't nature grand! I love the ducks, deer and the egret. Harry looks shy on this day! Great series!
Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead.

Louca por porcelana said...

Amazing pictures!!!Have a lovely day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We too have hints of fall, Jeanie, but the weather is still quite beautiful and the past couple of days have been picture perfect. As always, I appreciate the wildlife shots you include. Keep your eye on the ducks. Other species coming down from the north may start to join them soon. Over the past week I have seen a few Northern Shovelers and a couple of pairs of Green-winged Teal. A friend told me on Tuesday that she had seen Blue-winged Teal also. On the other hand, many species have already left for the year. It is of great concern for those of us who follow these birds that many of them will almost certainly not find food and habitat when they arrive on their wintering grounds in South America. It is a matter of immense sadness actually. By any reasonable standards Homo sapiens is not a very pleasant species.

Lynne said...

Yes indeed . . .
It is here . . .
Wonderful pictures and story lines Jeanie . ..
Sweater time . . . once again . . . almost!

Olka said...

All these amazing animals <3 Autumn is the most colorful and beautiful season. I wish Autumn would stay for longer.

Rustic Pumpkin said...

Beautiful photos of nature's magical best. While our antipodean friends slide slowly into Summer, here in west Wales the swooping swallows begin to line up on the telegraph wires, alongside their fledged babies, preparing for that long haul flight south until they return again next Spring. Signs of Autumn everywhere!

~~~Waving from West Wales~~~

The French Hutch said...

I always enjoy your visits to the pond with all it's beauty. I love the innocent deer, so beautiful and of course love seeing Harry. You did get some great shots of wildlife. Amazing how you are already seeing color changes. This reminds me I need a bike ride to our pond for a visit with the ducks. Thanks Jeanie for a walk with nature.........

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Wow, your deer shots are beautiful and Harry's wing spread shot is sheer poetry caught in motion.

Victoria Zigler said...

Great you're able to enjoy seeing all the wildlife and signs of Autumn at the ditch.

Pam said... seeing critters in the wild. When I feed at the barn just as the sun is going down I see a mess of deer (last couple was 13) moving across the pasture every evening. They are beautiful.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

You are certainly surrounded by beauty. Love your wildlife photos. Some birds will be migrating our way. Does Harry migrate?

Sami said...

Oh the dear are so beautiful. Those Autumn leave colours are stunning. Great photos Jeanie

Iris Flavia said...

Yes. It sadly really is Autumn. The dark half of the year is due...
I never knew deer go into water! Cute pics. I´ve never seen an egret. Even though, according to wiki, their name comes from the French language I think they are not roaming around here in Germany.

Joanne Huffman said...

Yay, Autumn!

Arti said...

Beautiful pic of the egret! Looks like a wonderful fall you’ll be having. I’m still in the concrete jungle of TO. :)

Marilyn Miller said...

Beautiful pictures, everyone of them. That last close up of the deer looks like she is talking to you. Love the leaf and berry colors. Oh to walk with you at the ditch would be a total delight.

bobbie said...

Great pix, Jeanie!! Our summer heat has finally broken {thank the universe!!} and we have leaves staring to turn.

Sandra at Maison De Jardin said...

Jeanie, I love this post. Your area is full of natural gorgeousness. Your photos are wonderful and so clear. Our mornings are starting to be cooler, but we are still to have the upper 80s and low 90s through next week. Your photo of the red berries brought memories of something my dear dad always said, "If you see lots of berries and acorns in the fall that is a sign of a bad winter coming." Hope that won't hold true for your area.
Enjoy these nice days and keep the photos coming, I love them.

Sandra said...

What a wonderful picture of Harry.

Pom Pom said...

Hi Jeanie! What great photos! I love those deer!

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful photos of your little paradise by the water. The conditions here are similar, autumn is here although we are still having some warm days. Enjoy this gorgeous season. Hugs, Valerie

Agnes Agnieszka said...

Nice photos

Carolyn Marnon said...

Your egret photo is absolutely beautiful!!!

Danielle L Zecher said...

Great pictures! I didn't realize that deer went in the water, that's so cool! Thanks for sharing those.

Today has felt like fall, but it warms back up tomorrow, and I think we're supposed to be in the 80s for at least most of next week. I love to see the leaves change, but hate to see the shorter days.

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Oh, Jeanie, life on the ditch is really beautiful and your photos are also. What joy to see all the wildlife and the wonderful foliage. Harry is magnificent as usual and his egret friend is so elegant. Love the deer photos. They are really such magnificent creatures..Thanks for your earlier visit. I haven't got any real pumpkins yet but am looking forward to it..Happy Thursday..xxoJudy

shoreacres said...

I am so heartily sick of summer and tropical weather. If you're home, have a peek at the news, and that will tell you all you need to know about Houston. Imelda let her other shoe drop! I couldn't get to a single wildlife refuge around here if I wanted to. Whether north, south, east, or west, all of the roads are flooded -- so I'll just enjoy your photos, instead.

William Kendall said...

Your shots of the deer are my favourites. said...

Beautiful photos Jeanie, I love the one of the wading deer...

Red Rose Alley said...

Jeanie, your nature pictures always make my heart sing. They are not only pretty, but interesting and tell a story. Oh, to see deer like that as you do is truly a wonder. They are so precious. I haven't seen one in a long time. The White Egret fascinates me - such a graceful one. And the Autumn leaves are already turning red. We first see the oranges here, then the reds and golds. I really appreciated this post, Jeanie.


Susan Kane said...

Those leaves are so delightful.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

I too stand in awe at the lovely sights of nature, Jeanie! Your photos are fantastic showing how fall is coming to your area. We have a small taste now and I can hardly wait. I adore the photos of the sweet deer. So beautiful!

Evi Erlinda said...

Great shots, Jeanie! The deer looks smile!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Beautiful photos, Jeanie! The first photo gives me the feels! Yes, there's no denying that fall is coming, even though many of my summer flowers are still thriving!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This post is foul. It's for the birds. OK, I will stop the puns now and tell you I love the photos you shared from the Ditch. Those deer are adorable. So glad people were sporting cameras and not guns. Beautiful photos today, dear Jeanie.

DUTA said...

Such beauty and grace in Nature!
Your post reminds me of a famous book called 'The Ditch' by Herman Koch, considered an ode to imagination. Your photos are reality - a beautiful reality.

Pam Richardson said...

Jeanie, the mallards are beautiful ducks and are often seen on our lakes. Deer are such gentle looking creatures, unless they get in my garden. Turning leaves and bright red berries definitely symbolize that fall has begun. I guess you will say goodbye to Harry soon. Lovely photos and Happy Fall!

Anca said...

Awww, the ducks and the deer are so cute. Harry is gorgeous too. Love these pictures.

ReHiTu said...

Thanks for the colorful photos :)

Jean | said...

Jeanie, how wonderful that you have access to such "beauty spots" and have the ability to capture the scenes, whether with camera or paint. Gorgeous!

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh my, what fabulous photographs here.

All the best Jan

Rita C at Panoply said...

Nice! Great captures of the wildlife. I bet the deer were actually eating the flowers. That's what they seem to go after first. We have a resident heron also, and one year he/she had a partner. A couple weeks ago we were walking along the river and saw the heron out near the middle, on a fallen tree that's been lodged in the water since spring. Hard to believe it's really fall now.

My name is Erika. said...

Wow Jeanie. These are amazing photos. And yup, I know what you mean about an early fall chill in the air. And definitely the light has changed. Happy weekend. hugs-Erika

Prims By The Water said...

Yes Fall is in the air around here too! The jays are squawking more and the blackbirds are gathering in masses. Great photos of the deer. Janie

Lisa's Yarns said...

Fall arrived here this weekend. It's been a very hot, humid month. We've ran our a/c more this month than we did in August! But the humidity dropped on Sunday and yesterday was gorgeous - 75, sunny, no humidity! The leaves are starting to change which is a season I just love.

Paul would love to see all that wildlife! We haven't seen any ducks on our creek but hopefully we will this fall or winter. He just loves ducks!!

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