Some days it really feels as though spring is here. To which I say, "about time!" It was one rough winter, between terrible cold and Rick's leg, and then the rainiest spring I can remember. But the world is waking up. This is the view I see when I look out at my neighbor's yard.
And this, my bird feeder and house -- last year a wren took up residence. I hope she returns!
The good news is that Rick was freed from the dreaded "boot" at last! His appointment showed the break had healed and now he's to take it easy as he gets back into regular walking life.
Yeah. Well, he's putting more than his allotted weight on it (which the doc said was up to him, so I suppose it's all right) and he's beginning to be a bit more like himself. Soon, the bike! Not soon enough for Rick.
I've been cleaning and tossing. And of course you come across all sorts of things. This is what takes awhile. Bundling clothing or household is fast. Going through papers and photos is not. Can you find me? This is second grade.
I took this pic a few weeks ago -- by now I probably wouldn't recognize these fellows! They are getting their grown-up colors!
And I loved this photo -- it was like a few guys hanging out at the neighborhood pub, checking out the world!
I was witness to a first-class hissy fit when Lizzie "met" an interloper -- Aretha! (That's what I call her, because she's asking for Respect!) Lizzie was having none of it as they glared and hissed through the door!
Mail call has been nice lately! My long-awaited set of Susan Branch mugs arrived!
Perfect for all beverages, hot or cold!
My friend Joan sent a wonderful package of a new mystery series which I'll write more about later in a book post. And when Wren went to Paris to the Atelier des Lumiere (I wrote about it here), she sent me this wonderful "lampshade" from the Van Gogh installation. She said it reminded her of Cork Poppers as it fits over a wine glass with a tealight inside. I love it!
And of course, more to come. Yes, some art time and some time at the theatre. Lots to share -- I just have to get off the stick and get the posts written! But oh, I'll miss these pretty blossoms!
Meanwhile, I leave you with two of my favorite living, breathing beings in the world.
Hmm. Wonder what's up?
Sharing with: Let's Keep In Touch / Pink Saturday
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
Monday, June 3, 2019
Odds and Ends of Life!
in the mail,
Keeping It Real,
real life,
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No one can have a better hissy-fit than two cats. Good thing they had a door between them.
Love all your photos and I'm happy Rick's is one step (pardon the pun) closer to a full recovery.
So lovely seeing all of your photographs, it would seem that Spring has finally arrived! Yippee!
So pleased that Rick has been freed from the dreaded "boot" nice to see him walking about and that last photograph made me smile :)
All the best Jan
So glad the door was between those two would have been pretty if not. zi had to wherea boot, so know first hand how glad Rick is to be without it. Janice
That epic cat staredown is my favourite of these.
Hi Jeanie! I'll bet Rick's happy to get the go-ahead from the doctor! We always know when there is a strange cat around, there's a certain type of low, merow warning sound! Those are pretty alliums in your neighbour's yard. I agree about the rainy spring - enough already. Hope you have a great week! -Jenn
I am happy to see spring is really starting to show itself there. Those purple pom poms are so festive. Hopefully you will get to enjoy some baby birds. Yeah for Rick! That is wonderful news. The old classroom photos are so funny to see. Adorable ducks! The Van Gogh shade must be so pretty lit up. Something got your kitty's attention! Happy Spring.
Adorable garden and beautiful pictures! I am glad your husband is on the mend.Hugs!
Despite the long winter, despite the late spring, despite the cool weather, despite Rick's mishap, despite, despite, despite, Jeanie, it seems to me that you are the very picture of a well-balanced, positive person, who embraces life with all its foibles, enjoys the moment, revels in good friends, appreciates simple pleasures and makes us all happy to know you. And I haven't even popped a cork with you yet!
Wow, your neighbor's garden is beautiful and full of those purple blooms. Are they alliums, do you know?Good for you to be doing some cleaning. And I can't wait to hear about this new mystery series. Life seems pretty good lately. Nice that spring has really arrived, although tonight it is a little chilly here. Hugs-Erika
Cute picture of Lizzie and Rick. So happy Rick can return to normal and soon get on his bike. Cute lampshade too. Your neighbors yard is gorgeous. I love those alliums! We have a few, but now I want more. The blossoms are always gorgeous and welcome. Have been tempted on those mugs from Susan Branch, but if you saw my cupboard you would know I don't need another cup. Oh Aretha and Lizzee! Joey would do the same. Sweet duck and duckling pictures. To tell you the truth I am not sure I can guess which one you are in that school picture. I keep looking, but just am not sure. Oh there you are!!! Top row, second from the left.
Wonderful to hear that things are looking up for all the loves in your life. I'm trying to be more active and take care of myself. Turning 69 on Sunday June 9th has me thinking about aging a lot!!
Your garden is looking great. Fun to see the kitties having their hissy fit! Glad Rick's leg is doing well. Your new mugs are fantastic - enjoy! Hugs, Valerie
What a beautiful view, lovely!
Great news about Rick!
Second grade picture sure is a challenge! First row, second from left?
So sad the cats can´t be friends?
Now I´m like really hungry - we have such a "bowl" in red, btw.
Lovely last pic!
Lovely new mugs! enjoy!
The last photo of Rick and the staring cat is hillarious!
The Winter and Spring of my discontent.Your neighbour's alliums are stupendous!Yay for Rick and your darling SB mugs!!
Having had to wear a boot twice, I know how happy Rick is to be bootless. Good for him.
Beautiful blooms in your neighbour's garden.
So nice that Rick is out of his moonboot and able to walk around.
I think you must be the third on the left top row.
The little ducklings are so cute and so are the ducks in a row :)
Yay! It's finally spring in MI! Happy for Rick to be set free. Here's to new beginnings!
Yes indeed . . . liking your . . .
Looks of Spring . . .
view to the neighbors
at the pub
hissy fits
boot b’gone
freedom once again
second grade
not row one or three, maybe row four, second from left
coffee mugs
I am sure I have missed mention of a few more
I ALWAYS enjoy visiting . . .
Happy June . . .
It looks like a lush spring, indeed. Happy to hear that Rick is now foot-loose and fancy free.
Spring is always worth the wait! Ours is early and gone and then I feel deprived. Summer's heat moves in early here. I spy you so easily! So happy Rick was set free of the boot, relief. From the look on the kitty's face that looks like quite the "hissy fit" and they always sound so scary. Love the view into the neighbors yard. Such amazing nature pics, so sweet. Enjoy your spring..........
Hello Jeanie, I love all the beautiful spring blooms. Lovely flowers. The kitty stare down is a cute photo. I am glad Rick's leg has healed. We have had a wet spring too, it is 46° here this morning, chilly for this time of the year. Love the goslings and the line of ducks. Wishing you a happy day!
That's awesome news about Rick's healing progress! Hope the rest of the healing goes well, and he'll be able to be back on his bike soon.
Glad you're getting to see some Spring at last.
Glad to hear the Rick is healing nicely. Spring looks pretty there.
Beautiful. ❤️
Lovely post...uplifting and fun. :)
So glad that Rick is on the mend, and Spring is here at last for you! Those pictures looked wonderfully green. And terrific that you've had some nice packages in the mail too. Yes, things are looking up!
It's wonderful that Rick is back on his feet. Really great that it won't be long till he's once again fully functional.
Love those mugs. No wonder you wanted them. And of course, I always love your nature shots! BTW, you were on the back row , second from the left in second grade.
So many wonders today! So glad Rick is on the mend.
Glad your husband is on the mend! Those screws! That hardware! Ouch.
Are you the little girl with the sailor/type dress on?
Love the purple - alium? in your neighbors yard, how beautiful.
I forgot to be more descriptive - second row, second from left?
That photo is a gem.
Those flowers are beautiful.. spring has finally sprung.
Jeanie, I am so glad Rick is on the mend and will be able to ride again, tell him to take it easy! Loved all the photos of everyday life!
Jeanie, did you ever find out what Rick and Lizzie were planning?..Thanks for your visit. I like those lanterns too..Happy Tuesday..Judy
Jeanie the view from your window is beautiful! How wonderful to be treated to that garden each day. I love Susan Branch mugs! I said I wasn't going to buy anymore mugs, but couldn't help it. I have 16 Emma Bridgewater mugs already that I love! Love that Lizzie makes sure Aretha knows who's boss around your place. The best news is Rick is getting closer to walking and getting back on his bike!
I really love newsy posts like this, Jeanie. Blooms, feeders, Rick's progress (Yay!), and all things Susan Branch. Sadly, I have too many mugs. :(
Happy June, it's been slow to come but we now need to celebrate and hopefully, put a halt on all that rain!!
Jane x
I looked at this blog yesterday and could not remember if I commented....haha...I jump up to do something, phone rings etc. Crazy. So I am back to comment this time. Rough winter, wow, we did not have one. Ours was so mild, too mild. Bugs are crazy. But reading over comments as I was looking to see if I commented I noticed you got some spam comments posted. Might want to look at that!
Ahh good to see Rick is getting along better. My daughter has a friend that just broke his fibula at about the same location as Rick. How does this happen? That must have been an interesting conversation the two cats were having! That was an amazing view of all those alliums blooming next door! I never have luck with them coming back (I think something eats them). She’s got quite a few and it makes for a very enchanting scene!
Enjoyed all the finally spring colors in this post, Jeanie. I liked the comparison of the ducks and men at a pub and the ducklings are always so darn cute. We saw a family of Canada Goose goslings last week. The mugs and wineglass cover looked wonderful, but then how could you drink the wine🙂 Glad to see Rick is up and about. I wasn’t sure which girl was you in that 2nd grade photo, which was fun to see.
It's finally getting nicer here, too. Thank goodness! We are still getting the occasional super heavy rain fall, which is not helping the flooding situation along our creek. I am sure the homes along the creek have sump pumps running around the clock! Hopefully we have a nice, warm, sunny summer. But I've read that they are predicting a cooler summer. I hope they are wrong!!!
Oscar has the same reaction to the cat that roams the neighborhood where my MIL lives. She does a lot of hissing and growling when she sees him!
I laughed at the spammers that got through here and on Friko's blog. It took me a full half hour to figure out how to comment on her blog again, since Google had locked me out. I hope this works. I think it's a hoot that they let the escort services through and label me as commenter-non-grata.
You're second from the left in the back row, right? Those old class photos are delightful. I only have one, but I love it. The last photo of Rick and Miss HissyFit is a great one. They both have those inscrutable expressions!
So glad to see Rick up and around!
Hooray for flowers in the landscape!
Getting rid of stuff is hard. Good for your for working on it!
Happy spring!
Glad for both of you that Rick is back on the mend. Great garden photos!
Wonderful pictures, Jeanie! I especially like the one of Rick and Lizzie! (And am so glad he's definitely on the mend!) I know what you mean about pictures and other memorabilia being so much harder to sort through than clothes and household goods. So true! A longtime friend (in Chicago) and I have been keeping each other posted on our sorting process, prodding each other along. Little by little....
Wow! Your neighbor’s yard is spectacular! She really put together a stunning display of purple.
It has been so cold and rainy here too. I ventured out today to plant a couple of things before the afternoon thunderstorms hit.
Rick must be ecstatic! I bet he can barely contain the desire to get back on the bike. What a long winter and spring this must have been for him. I’m so happy that all is healed and he can begin to do those things that Rick loves to do: like waling without a boot.
Your odds and ends were all interesting and chatty. It’s good to catch up.
By the way, my new website is up. Stop by and see what you think.
Jeanie I hiked 5 miles uphill today intonour foothills, only 5 months aftervmajor foot surgery, so tell Rick to hang in there and he will soon be back to all his normal activities.
I thinknyuh ou are seCV ond frug om the left in the back rug ow of your second grade photo? So cute!
I also loved seeing the ducks and ducklings.
Happy June!
The flowers are gorgeous! Love the little Van Gogh lamp. :)
Glad to hear your Rick is free from the boot!
Jeanie, love the cat and garden photos. And glad to hear that Rick is on the mend. We love the daily hiss-off two neighbor cats have in front of our house every day. It's amazing how much utter disgust one little cat can pack into a hiss!
What a nice view of your neighbor's yard. Those purple flowers are so pretty. Good news about Rick! It sounds like he'll be bicycling again. What a cute picture of you in second grade. Yes, I found you! I do hope you keep this photo when you're cleansing and tossing. Doesn't it feel good to organize and de-clutter? The baby chicks are precious. And so glad your Susan Branch cups came, they're delightful. I noticed that blue and white vase, it's GORGEOUS!
Happy June days, Jeanie.
Jeanie, love all the beautiful blooms. So glad to see Rick is really on the mend and doing well. I enjoyed the kitty scrap - sometimes they can really get a little scary with their through the door fights. Glad you are seeing spring - we are going into summer.
Congratulations on springs arrival. It was slow here also, but sounds like yours was slower.
Congrats also on Rick healing.... that can be so hard.
lovely end of spring to you!
Sorry to be slow with this - I hope your Wren eventually returns to the birdhouse too!! The Van Gogh lampshade looks even better made up, thank you for showing it! I am glad Rick is now bootless, I know how liberating this is - we have two boots at home from various soccer injuries they do work well!
Wren x
Are those alliums in your neighbors yard? They are beautiful.
I'm glad that Rick is getting better :)
All these spring flowers are totally amazing. I have to finally go to the garden store and buy some flowers for my loggia. It's too blank for me right now.
I can't find you in this photo :D any prompt?
Hi, Jeanie! Oooo... how beautful your neighbor's allium flowers! And love the riot of pinks your petunia, and the sweet birdhouse. :) Oh, such TERRIFIC news about Rick! I can imagine he's so glad to have his foot/leg released from encasement! Do hope he will go easy... the enthusiasm to be up and going must be big... and he'll be just in time for following Tour de France. ;) Oh, my goodness--what a cutie you were in 2nd grade (and STILL are! ;) Weeeehoooo... LOVE, love, love your Susan Branch china! That corgi mug... *sigh*... So sweet your Van Gogh lamp--what a beautiful shade! That must be so pretty when illuminated! LOVE that last pic of Lizzie and Rick... Is she plotting something?! ;) haha... Sooo GOOD to catch up with you, Jeanie. The plate of life has been so full, so I'm slow to making the rounds, etc. Happy Days ((HUGS))
Those flowers are amazing. I be your wren comes back. I'm glad Rick is healing up. You have had a rough winter, haven't you?
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