Friday, June 7, 2019

Munch, Nip, Walk, Garden. Spring Life.

A little more life in the 'hood! Usually this is our Christmas breakfast dish, a wonderful egg/sausage/mushroom strata.

But I was taking some to a sick friend and so I just divided the recipe into a dish for her and one for us and we enjoyed it a couple of days later!

You probably all have a strata recipe in your arsenal. I love it because you can make it up the night before (even a day or two) and bake it off in only 45 minutes when you're ready for it. It's wonderful for breakfast but just as good for lunch! The recipe is at the bottom of this post.

Served with fruit salad in a lovely bowl from Texas, thanks to Shoreacres (really, if you love good writing and wonderful photos, check her out!) and toast, it's perfect anytime!

Of course, Lizzie has to have a treat, too. This mega-catnip plant was pulled from Rick's yard.

It's hard to catch a moving target -- she was rolling around like crazy.  One happy girl!

My peonies are slow but coming. In fact, maybe I'll have a post of them in bloom by the time this posts!

And the back yard is looking good. All this rain has been wonderful for the hostas!

And I love how the shadows play on the lawn in the morning light.

The Ditch is looking good too. I love the wild iris!

There's something about that happy purple!

For once, the red winged blackbird posed for me!

So did this little fellow!

Harry, meanwhile was back at his fishing game.

I'm always surprised, the size fish he pulls out of the pond.

Have you ever seen a duck blink? I hadn't -- but now I have!

 It's actually a little weird looking!

And the ducklings are getting big.

Yes, this is a duckling, not a gosling but they look much the same at this size!

So I promised you a recipe and here it is!

Sausage/Mushroom Strata

On the stove:
Brown 1 pound of sausage (you can do veggies if you prefer)
Add 1 package of mushrooms 
And whatever you like -- carmelized onions are wonderful in it. Play with it!)

In a bowl, whipped up together:
8 eggs 
2 1/2 c. milk
1 T. dry mustard (in a pinch, regular mustard will do but dry is better)
2 c. grated cheddar

In your serving/baking dish (greased):
8 slices of bread, diced up (I just use regular bread. You can't tell)
1 c. grated cheddar

Add your stove mixture on top of that, then pour the egg/milk mixture on top. 

Cover and refrigerate six hours or overnight (or two days, as I did)

Bake in 350 oven for 45 minutes. Let settle for a few minutes before serving.

Note: This photo shows what a half-recipe looks like. You'll need a larger dish for the full thing.

Enjoy it like a cat eating catnip!

Bon appetit!

Sharing with:    Pink Saturday     /     Let's Keep In Touch     /     Tuesday Turn About    


eileeninmd said...


I always enjoy seeing your cute kitty and Harry the Heron. Cute duckling, they grow quickly. The Strata sounds and look delicious. I love the iris, they are so pretty. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

Asmah Awan said...

you made the Christmas more precious by this delicious food recipe. cute images of a cat.
Sonia recent posted
عيد مبارك vector

Joanne Huffman said...

Love the looks of your breakfast table (the decor and the food).Great spring photos.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I've never made the savory edition of this recipe, but make a breakfast edition using eggs, half and half, cinnamon (and lots of other spices), brown sugar, and day old bread. I let it sit overnight and bake for breakfast. YUM!!

Love your photos from your yard, the ditch, and of course Lizzie!

bobbie said...

Well, I'm drooling now!! Great pix, too!

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

Saving this recipe!

Lowcarb team member said...

Bon Appetit indeed - fabulous looking food.

I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs, such a great selection, thank you.

Enjoy your weekend.

All the best Jan

William Kendall said...

A cat on a nip bender is a sight to see.

That dish looks delicious!

krishna said...

Delicious food!

Carol said...

I love the photos. Cats are such interesting creatures. I love ducks! Your recipe sounds delish except for the mushrooms as I don't like them at all.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

We have a strata recipe we make with ham, but we haven't made it for a long time so maybe it is time. We put it together the night before and store it in the fridge overnight to be cooked the next morning. Actually, a week from today Miriam will be leaving for a week in Iceland with her daughter, so maybe I will try your recipe and I will be good for a couple of days.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Oh, and I forgot to add that I am happy to see that Harry is right on his game. i suspect he would prefer raw fish to a sausage and mushroom casserole! Maybe he is a sushi connoisseur!

At Rivercrest Cottage said...

This looks really good. I'll be saving it for the future once we move to a new home and I don't have to worry about keeping the kitchen clean for showings.

Mae Travels said...

Long ago I had a strata recipe that I made for brunch guests from time to time. As you indicate, I should definitely go back to it! As I recall it didn't have mushrooms, but the bread was buttered before being added to the mix. Nice idea!

best... mae at

Marilyn Miller said...

I do believe I need to make that strata. It sounds and looks oh so good. And I don't have a recipe I go to. I must bring some catnip in for Joey one of these days. Lizzie looks like it is most wonderful. Never thought of a duck blinking. Love that Harry is a good fisherman. Squirrels and birds posing is the best. Love seeing your garden and the iris.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

The strata looks wonderful, so did you table setting.

I wish there was catnip for people, something we could roll around in and feel instantly happy and energetic.

Miss Val's Creations said...

Stratas are delicious comfort food. What a perfect thing to bring to a sick friend. Lizzie is a lucky girl! She does look super happy. Peonies have always been a favorite of mine with all their petals. The yard looks beautiful. So green! Cute squirrel. They can be a pain in the butt however they are so cute and funny so that makes up for their naughty side.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Mmmmmm...I love a good bread strata and yours sounds delicious! I love mushrooms.
Lizzie looked like she was in catnip heaven! All my cats also loved catnip too.
I saw many beautiful irises at the Denver Botanic Garden today.

Blondie's Journal said...

Your photos are amazing, Jeanie! Is that an egret with the fish hanging out of his beak? Wow! And the ducks and squirrels! Awesome shots.

The strata looks so good. The few I've tried turned out pretty bland so I'm ready to try something new!

Have a great weekend!

Jane x

Valerie-Jael said...

Sounds like a great recipe, but perhaps I won't roll around on the floor whilst enjoying it! Wonderful photos from the ditch, their is so much to see at this time of year, which is why I spend so much time out and about these days. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

ReHiTu said...

Lovely photos. Thanks...

Sami said...

Thanks for the recipe Jeanie, looks great!
Lizzie loves the catnip :), must get some for my cats.
Love the little squirrel, so cute.

Iris Flavia said...

Hmm this looks so yummy!
And Lizzie, awww... as your garden!
Hehe ;-) "wild"
And the "peanut"!! Our squirrels go into the sunflowers!
Your squirrels look so different, but cute, too!
And Harry!

I´m still "afraid" of the oven but I am keen to know how American sausages are like? The Aussie ones.... no way (but to be honest I don´t like the German ones anymore, either!).
I´m from Northern Germany but as I read your blog I have a Southern dish, Spätzle and yes, I pimped it a tad and I do know you should concentrate on your food, too (do you, always?)...

handmade by amalia said...

You are a good friend and the dish looks amazing. As I do not have a strata recipe in my arsenal, I appreciate your sharing yours :-)

La Table De Nana said...

Your strata looks good..not soggy:) I hate a soggy egg dish.
Rick looks great and Spring is such a harbinger of joy and beauty!

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Mmmm, looks good! Much like quiche but with a different bottom! Great pictures of Harry. I like your pretty placemats, Jeannie! -Jenn

Victoria Zigler said...

Interesting recipe. Might try a version of that using a veggie alternative to the sausages.

Sounds like you're enjoying your Spring there. Though perhaps not as much as Lizzie is enjoying her catnip. ;)

My name is Erika. said...

Your breakfast in this post looks way more exciting than mine right now. And my irises are blooming too. It looks like we are just about at the same point in in garden growth. I am so happy to finally see flowers and green leaves. I bet you are too. And lIzzie sure looks happy. I enjoyed your photos today. Happy weekend Jeanie. Hope it's a good one. Hugs-Erika

Regina said...

What a sweet cat you have! Your strata brings back memories of when I went to MOPS and some of the moms would bring similar dishes for our morning breakfasts. Oh they were so good!

Tanza Erlambang said...

mushroom prompt foods smell good and delicious...yummy.
Thank you for sharing of beautiful flowers...

Have a wonderful weekend

Little Wandering Wren said...

Where has a strata meal been all my life? I feel like I've missed out on something big! That squirrel is too funny! Harry's got a good catch for sure!
Wren x

The French Hutch said...

Good reason to enjoy this brunch feast, when you make it for sharing. Love the dishes too. LOL, Rick looks like he's anticipating your delicious meal. Love the pretty back yard. beautiful flowers. Love your wildlife snaps, especially Harry. He really loves to catch big fish! Hope you are enjoying the weekend......

Bonnie said...

Jeanie, I like your recipe. The caramelized onions and mushrooms sound great. I love your dishes too. I have one plate like yours and I think that pattern is so pretty.
Your pictures are all so good. You get the best shots.
LIke the cat-nip story. I did not know the effect cat-nip has on cats so I googled it. I am pretty old and just now learning this. I've never had pets!

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

what a pretty table setting and My!! does that dish look good!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to comment!!

Pam Richardson said...

Jeanie, the strata looks delicious, I should make it more often! I love your pretty table and dishes. I can’t wait to see your peonies and the wild iris is the prettiest color. I always enjoy your photos from the ditch, Harry is quite the fisherman!

Pamela said...

I love your "real live nature" photos!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

You are such a good friend making a tasty dish for her. Love, love, love all your nature photos. Beautiful!

Sandra Cox said...

You got some wonderful shots. Lizzie is loving her catnip. Heh.
Breakfast looks lovely.

Evi Erlinda said...

Lovely Photos.

Mushroom Strata looks so yummy and thank you for the recipe

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Thanks for the recipe! That really does look like something I would love! Fun to see the Heron catching his meal and the Blackbird! Your flowers are beautiful too. Hope Rick is healing and getting stronger every day! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Such an interesting & colorful blog that I enjoyed.
Thanks for the recipe and I will be trying it soon.

Anca said...

She is enjoying that catnip, that's for sure.
The dish looks lovely. I never made something similar, so I might give it a try.

Lisa's Yarns said...

Thanks for reminding me about the strata - you had mentioned this to me before! I need to make this sometime with GF bread. GF bread is pretty awful to eat but that's disguised in a dish like this! I love brunch meals so this recipe is right up my alley!

We are starting to see more flowers blooming on our walks. The peonies look like they might bloom this week. That is a plant I definitely want to plant when we buy our next house. It's my FAVORITE flower by far!

So cool to see Harry eating a fish - that fish is huge! I've never seen a duck blink either!

Sherry's Pickings said...

not sure what a strata is but it looks tasty! love the photo of the bird with that fish. cheers sherry

Sketchbook Wandering said...

Wow!! Such a beautiful tablet setting with such a scrumptious dish!! You DO know who to live to the beautifulest!!

Tracy said...

mmm... what a GREAT breakfast! Thanks for the recipe...YUM! LOVE your pink & white china!! You set a festive table, Jeanie--always, not matter the daily or grand occasion... very inspirational. The visual is a key to the tasting food! Lizzie... oh, how funny! Cat-happy-overload with the catnip! ;) So nice to see what's happening outdoors there--in your own patch, and The Ditch! Gorgeous peony! Oh, that red winged back bird was a treat to see--BEAUTIFUL photo! And Harry and the Fish...WOW! It's been a great spring for you there! :) ((HUGS))

Red Rose Alley said...

This egg, sausage, and mushroom dish looks amazing. The red dishes it was served on are so lovely. That red-winged blackbird is such a pretty bird. And the photos of Harry are wonderful. Hello there, Lizzie. You sure look comfy. ; )


Crissy said...

What lovely surroundings you have! We've had little ducklings to visit in our neck of the woods, too. Thanks for sharing your post with us at Tuesday Turn About!

Julie @ My Wee Abode said...

You caught some amazing photos in this post! Thanks for sharing the recipe, and the post, at Tuesday Turn About! Hope to see you each week!

Katie Mansfield said...

The strata looks amazing. I love your signs of summer.

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