Sometimes people ask me questions in the blog comments and I try to reply to them personally. (I try to reply personally when you comment, question or not!)
But many readers are "no-reply" bloggers, which means no email address. Others don't have a blog where I can go back and at least comment there. So, I don't know how to get an answer to them.
I've been collecting a few of these questions here, so I hope the questioners are reading!
What Kind of Scanner Do You Use?
In my post about organizing photos, I mentioned I was scanning lots of the old photos. I have a very good scanner, though it's getting a little old now. I've really put it through its paces, with hundreds of scans. It is a HP Scanjet G4010. (There may be a new model number by now; mine is several years old.
It's scanning bed can handle four 4x6 photos at a time or a typical document page and also has a way for scanning slides (that's that strip in the middle of the lid, below), which I've done but not often. So far, so good!
When you have Cork Poppers, do you follow a theme or does everyone just bring something?
It all depends! At our most recent Poppers, the theme was "Wines You Would Enjoy After a Stroll." So, people brought a wide variety -- domestic, Spanish, Italian. But sometimes we will have a theme such as Wines of Northern Italy, Wines of France, Wines of South America.
Other times it may be "Wines in the Key of C" (Chablis, Cabernet, etc.) or Wines for a Summer Afternoon. The host picks the theme. Or, it may be a category (Nothing Boring About Bordeaux.)
You can find a post on how we plan a Cork Poppers event HERE and other ideas at the Cork Poppers tab on the menu bar or HERE. This is just how our group rolls but there are a million ways to do it and I hope you do!
What Kind of a Camera Do You Use?
I used to have big cameras. I don't have the life anymore. I want a real camera (not a phone camera) and I want it to fit in my purse or pocket. My current camera is a Canon SX730HS, with a 40x optical zoom (which means it can zoom to 160x). It was the next model after my SX710 with a 30x zoom.
What do I like? It's small and reasonably lightweight. It has various settings, including some goofy ones but many I like. It records relatively decent movies (the problems are generally operator error!) I love a zoom that can get reasonable shots from very far away. Like Harry the Heron.
What don't I like? The focus seems a little softer than the earlier model, though some of that (probably more than some) can be operator error. It can be shaky when the zoom is out. To be honest, I don't know that it gets movement as well as the earlier model. I look at some of the pix on the blog, especially long distance shots with no or minimal zoom and I see them as softer focus than the earlier model. Same with some of the more close-up photos. If you are zooming on a windy day, good luck. You have to hold relatively still and when I'm shooting casually, I don't always.
Verdict? When I replace it, I will look at other models and brands. I won't rule out another Canon, but I'll also look at other zoom models.
What do you do with the wine bottles after Cork Poppers? Do you have a bottle tree?
To be honest, most get pitched. I might save a couple of good ones for fun vases for a theme table, but by and large, they go. I SHOULD do a bottle tree. Thanks for the idea!
Why Does Your Email Say Jean but your blog is Jeanie? Which do you prefer?
Call me Jeanie. Please. My email program is through the university and it won't let me change my name! I've gone through all the hoops and could probably call HR but it's close enough!
Do You Keep a Journal While You Are Traveling?
I do, at least for longer trips. Even on short ones I'll keep bullet notes. I pick something light and fairly flexible. (I've done hard bound journals before but it's extra weight and I pack smarter now!). The one below is what I took on the England/Paris trip. It was from Michael's in a packet of two for about $5 or so (I bought them a long time ago.) It had about 60 pages and they were thick enough to take a micron pen (I took three with me). I figured I could write up to two full pages a day and I did pretty much that.
I also filled in with drawings every day -- even if it was just a banner or quick sketch. When I got home I added printouts of some favorite photos and in the back added some memorabilia with a binder clip.
It's helped me tremendously as I've posted, since specifics fade in time! I also enjoyed looking over my first England journal (1973) and my last Paris journal (2012). They're good reminders of who I was and am and things and places I loved.
Where Does One Go to Get Slides and Photos Digitized?
I suspect that depends on where you are and what local resource are available. I'm not sure what we have here but I figured I would use a scanner enough to make it worthwhile to have my own and have a slide/negative function on it.
Otherwise, just google "transfer slides photos to digital, your city state" When I do this for my city I get several camera stores and other sites that offer this service. Check with your volume desired for transfer and their costs versus a scanner that would allow you to do it yourself. (It does take time so factor that in. (Note: Blogger Marilyn said she has had very good experiences with Costco scanning slides at a very reasonable price. Check it out in your area.)
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Great post! Some were questions I hadn't thought of.
I enjoyed these questions and answers. I'm impressed that you keep a journal when you travel. I don't do this. I agree that it would be a good way to keep track of information that easily fades from the memory but I simply don't have the energy or consistency to do this at home let alone when travelling I did however keep a journal diligently when I was a young adult and thinking a lot of things through. Funny how I can't keep one now. By the way, I'd love to read your journals. They look lovely.
Jeanie, you have me laughing!
Ingo´s first scanner where I put on our Pictures from Australia 1995 was so slow... It fitted 4 pics and I could go buy milk etc nearby till it got one sheet!
No kidding. Resolution... 300*something px only per foto.
I love "CARPE VINO!"! Beautful.
I do need a better cam. In Perth with the sun I shot "blindly" too often!
I do have an empty wine bottle (filled with water) with Henry the Lion on it.
Your journal is great! I keep telling Ingo, "remind me" and do it online when back home (Cabin). I suck at drawing and handwriting, too.
My blog was set up so long ago unless I go back and check I have no clue how mine is for email address, I think mine is set that way but I hardly ever check email. I mainly get junk on it and after having the same on for years I am thinking of changing mine. Looks like you have it all covered and got answers out there to everyone. Stay warm.
One thing your readers might like is that Costco will digitize slides and is fairly reasonable. I found that my local camera shop was much more expensive. Fun answers! I always wonder how to answer those questions too.
Loved this post, information, even if I hadn’t asked.
Your travel journal “look” is wonderful . . .
I journal when traveling as well . . . and enjoy referring back . . . often.
Sketching would be something I would do more of, if traveling today.
Previously, I kept notes, comments, names, phrases . . . and seed pods too.
Your journal style reminds me of Sketchbook Wandering . . .
Liked the camera, scanner info . . .
Thank YOU!
Thanks for answering all the questions! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie
Great that you journal on trips. You are so disciplined, and I love that you do little drawings. It makes for a treasured memento from each trip. Lots of memories.
In Canada there is a 20 cent deposit on wine botles to encourage people to take them back for recycling. I am sure that when you wine poppers get into high gear ten bucks would be nothing! Better get some of Rick's bread and soak up the last drop, however!
We keep the bottles because J makes our wine:)
Love the journals Jeanie:)
I'm starting to think I need a new camera (battery problems with current model) and find myself using my phone camera almost exclusively now. I enjoyed the questions and answers.
I've never asked any of these questions, but it's nice to know :) Thanks for sharing all these things :)
Thank you for the information about the scanner. I am looking at an Epson too so will compare.
After 2 small Canons, bboth developing strange issues, I purchased a Sony Cybershot DSC-RX100. 20 megapixels. Really good image quality. Perfect size, nearly. It also has a snap on lense can which I really like. Purses can be dangerous places! The drawbacks are not enough zoom strength, and it doesn’t do motion well. The video is okay for my needs. All-in-all it fell in the right price range and is really handy.
I love, Love your journals. I always keep notes but they are not interesting, and not “fun” to look back on. Yours would be a delight, and you have given me new ideas. Thank you! I may even “fix” the log/journal from the trip we just took, while it is fresh. I do wish I could draw. But maybe this is the place to try!
Great post, Jeanie. Lots of good information.
Have a wonderful week.
Thanks for answering all these questions, especially since one of them was mine. You really should do a bottle tree this summer. They're beautiful! I have bought blue wine bottles on e-Bay and taken them out of dumpsters to get enough for a small tree. Google bottle trees and I dare you not to be inspired.
This is a fun read! I like the concept of a cork popper! My husband and I typically just enjoy wine at home so neither of us has to worry about driving and we can indulge. Harry the Heron is adorable. Your journal is wonderful. A perfect way to preserve those memories!
I have tried to scan slides and negatives on my scanner. I then you photo software to slip to "negative" on the negatives. It's a learning process.
I love your travel journal! You have such beautiful hand writing, by the way! I wish mine looked as nice as yours. Mine is downright unreadable at times! I blame all the notes I took when i was studying my CFA. My penmanship got so bad after frantically writing so many pages of notes and it never recovered! Ha!
I like this idea of collecting questions people pose in comments!
Nice answers to questions, Jeanie! I was curious about your wine group and you answered some of my unasked questions. I would like to have a group like that with friends here, but unfortunately most of the people we have become friends with are not wine enrthusiasts. My husband and I discovered a restaurant that hosts "wine dinners" every few months and we try to attend those. They serve a 4 course meal with wine at each serving and they discuss the varities. It is served family style, so we meet new people each time which is also fun.
Hello, Jeanie,
I enjoyed both the questions and your answers. I have a printer that scans too. I am sorry I did not do a journal on most of my trips. I does help remember little things we tend to forget. Your wine parties look like so much fun, I enjoy trying different wines. I have noted some from your blog, I will look for them on my next trip to the wine store. I love your heron photo, you have a great camera. Happy Monday, enjoy your day! Wishing you a great new week ahead!
Fun post, Jeanie. I like your journal/sketch books. Now I have another question. Are you a good packer? I've always taken too much, but the last unexpected longer stay in CA taught me that I could get by with just a minimum of essentials.
Wonderful post, Jeanie. I also have that same exact scanner, but mine is on its last leg. I've had mine since 2007, and have to admit that I swear by HP products. I learned long ago to never buy a 4 in one. My friend Sally has purchased six 4 in ones while I am still on my HP printer I bought in 2000 and my HP scanner I bought in 07. I don't use my fax much, but I sometimes use it as a copier.
Great photos. Loved all the questions and answers, too!
I forgot to mention. I never kept a journal when traveling, because I wasn't into journaling back then. I would buy postcards everywhere I stopped and send a postcard home to myself documenting that day. Always fun to see what I thought was important that day.
Many thanks Jeannie for answering all the questions …
Happy March Wishes, have a great week.
All the best Jan
I appreciated your questions and answers.
My plans are to purchase a photo scanner from Amazon. I have so many photos from my parents and family and doing the scan manually is exhausting.
Interesting answers to interesting questions. I was most excited to see your travel journal. I think travel journals are fascinating. Have a good trip to Massachusetts. Hugs-Erika
Jeanie, thank you for all the photo info! As I mentioned, my husband scans our pictures. I have no idea which machine it is in his office that does this! I've never been a wine drinker. It doesn't agree with my tummy, I'm afraid.
Great questions and answers.. I remember owning a scanner back in my college days.. That is wonderfully detailed journaling
Good answers!
Great post! I love your travel journal.
Jeanie, I enjoyed your answers to all the questions, but particularly enjoyed seeing your travel journal. I'm impressed to see the drawings are done while on travel. I do a bullet travel journal as well while traveling, but usually have little time for embellishment.
Great post.
I'd wondered about the name thing, but then figured it was something like my Victoria and Tori situation, so dismissed it.
I've got the same brand of camera as you, but I think a different model.
Oh I am SO in love with your travel journal! I always think I should add more art to my journal. You inspire me my friend! Hugs!
Good questions and answers. I always keep a travel journal to remember details that do fade. I also keep a food journal because it brings back so many memories!
Really good questions and answers Jeanie. I love to follow along on your travel adventures and you've answered a few questions I've had. Thanks for the details on the camera. I have a new one, Panasonic and the Leica lens. Like you I was tired of hauling the big one and wanted a small one to fit in my purse. It's complicated and I'm still learning!
Love your journal.........
Jeanie, thank for this great informative post. I sometimes wish for a "big girl" camera, but continue to use the ipone. Love seeing your travel journal.
Love your detailed travel journals Jeanie. I just write a few bullet points in my diary of the places I visited, restaurants where we ate,etc., so that when I post on my blog I know when I did what.
I hear you concerning the no reply blogger. I hate not being able to answer them. More and more are no reply these days.
That is so nice of you to answer the questions. I am very un tech so a lot of it went over my head.
Of course I LOVED seeing your handwritten, hand drawn travel journals. That's a hard one about having a journal book that is light comparing to hardcover. I am carrying hardcovers again as I prefer drawing in them.
Those blocks: I have 2 sets, made in Vermont I believe? I used to spell out messages for visitors or for myself on my mantle...maybe it's time to get them out again. Someday I'm going to donate them to a preschool...
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