Welcoming our newest Baby Grand, Cameron Joseph or C.J., at long last!
I've wanted to post for a bit but Kevin and Molly -- after all the wait (including the overdue date of nine days!) -- didn't want public posts till after they announced it. All well and good.
But the last time they waited and waited (Carson was born February 27 and they didn't put anything online till March 4!). Because they never told us not to, I did a post on it -- and heard about it! So, I waited (though some of you already know because a massive email went out the next day.)
Fortunately, this time was faster -- He was born late Monday night and today is Wednesday and I'm so excited I can share!
Actually, Rick never heard that story and posted a very oblique post about "a baby was born -- Film at 11!" with no identifying names or tags or info and Robin, Kevin's mom, whipped the tablet from his hands and deleted it! (Rick would have deleted it himself, once he understood the background, but he didn't have a chance.)
But it's our happy news too and heaven knows a whole lot of people have been waiting to hear. So finally we can say!
We drove down as soon as we got the call he was on the way -- a little over an hour, leaving about 9:30 p.m., and when we got there, waited with Robin and her husband Mick while "family bonding time" was going on. When we all finally got to see him, it was a pretty hurried up thing. We were there all of about a half hour before getting kicked out for feeding time. (And probably a well-deserved nap for Molly who did the hard work!)
There was just enough time for each of us to sit down and pose with the baby for about a minute or two each, hug the parents and leave. It was pretty rushed. Then we headed home. Actually, we felt pretty dazed and confused on the way home and sort of wished we'd waited till morning to come when everyone was more awake and there would be more time together. But you never know. And I was a little worried about Molly. We just wanted to make sure she and the baby would be all right.
Don't ask me who he looks like. He looks like a baby. Fuchsia and little.
AKA Pantone 1765 U. (Photo courtesy tumbler)
Molly posted a photo today and he's much less pink and more fleshy. I'd be pink too if I had been hanging out in a nice warm safe place!
Finally, after not being at the lake for ten of the hottest days of the year, I am at the cottage, relieved to be out of town at long last. Waiting in Lansing during the biggest heat wave in ages was a little bit of hell, made slightly better by a blessed few days with Rick's aunt and cousins, dinners with some friends (thanks, Carol, Kate and Mike!), a movie and the pool when it wasn't too sunny. (I'm having lip issues again and pretty freaked by the sun these days, so playing it easy till I get an opinion from the doc.)
(I might add that no one forced us to stay home; it was our choice.)
So, here's this adorable little guy -- coming into a world full of awful stuff. Intolerance, violence, global warming, school shootings, potential wars, racism and xenophobia, moral corruption and a very scary national and global future. And potholes. I wish our little guy well. He will need love and good upbringing to be able to cope with these things.
My wish for him is to be kind. Kind and caring first. And happy. Being smart, charming, creative, athletic, cute, clever doesn't matter a bit if one isn't kind and happy.
And with his mom and dad, his sweet brother as a role model and all the people who love him, I think he stands a chance. A really good chance.
Sharing with: Let's Keep In Touch / Share Your Cup / Pink Saturday
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
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Congrats to all, especially Molly and her husband and little one. I can feel your excitement all the way over on the west cost, tee hee. I hope you get some much needed R & R at the cottage and Molly and her family have some good bonding time. Hugs. xx
Great news. Your posts never fail to bring a smile to my face. Glad everyone is doing good. A big congrats to all.
Hey, Jeanie. Congratulations! Another baby is always a wonderful thing. I know he will be well loved. I hope you are doing well and enjoying summer. It has been beautiful here with some really hot days thrown in.
So excited for you all. Yes, Kind and Caring wished for him too.
Awww, Jeanie! He is just adorable and how wonderful to have a healthy baby and a healthy mom. I am sorry you didn't get to spend more time with them when you got there. Kind of sad, really.
I hope you will be able to have some hands-on alone time with him in the near future so you can bond with him while he is tiny.
Blessings-enjoy your days- xo Diana
Congratulations on the new baby!
Congratulations to the whole family!! He's a keeper! I'm sure you'll get to spend longer amounts of time with him in due course. They are more interesting in a few weeks anyway! I hope everything with you is fine (lip issue you referred to). We are getting a bit of a break in the heat right now, so hopefully you are, too. -Jenn
Congratulations and welcome to the world, CJ! So pleased he is well and the parents are doing well, too. Enjoy! Hugs, Valerie
Congratulations! What a beautiful baby.
Congratulations to all! you must be so relieved! It's always such a fraught time coming up to the delivery. I'm glad you're enjoying the cottage. We have just finished a heatwave and although I love the sun, I'm glad to have it a little cooler, I was so sorry for all the flowers and wild animals.
Oh, what a sweet, little man! Sooo cute!
But you are right, he entered a world with massive problems - good thing he has such a great, wonderful family, very best wishes from here, too!
Aha! There did our heat go, to your place! ;-) Summer is taking a break here.
Congratulations to you, the parents and little CJ who took his time coming into the world. As you say we have to hope they are brought up to be kind and caring in this mad world we live in.
I can't even post pics of my grandson as the parents are the only ones who can do it, my Facebook friends, etc might be a danger...but not theirs of course.
Oh well I have to respect their wishes.
Adorable baby. Glad mommy can get a bit of rest at the hospital. Blessings to everyone, xoxo, Susie
Congrats to the family and welcome baby Cameron. He is adorable, so sweet!
Best wishes to you and the family! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!
God bless his little sweet SOUL! Congratulations to everyone!
Congratulation! A beautiful little family you've got.
Love seeing, hearing about your “new Love CJ!”
And YES . . . kind and caring . . .
He's so precious!! Congratulations to all. I hope he sleeps and eats perfectly well. :)
Love happy posts about babies♥My fave in the world..enjoy you lucky ducks:)
Welcome to the world, C.J!
I'm glad both Molly and the baby are doing well. Congratulations to you all on the new addition to your family.
I agree: being kind and happy is the most important thing. The rest is just potentially an added bonus. I'm sure he'll do great at the being kind thing with you guys raising him, and hope he finds happiness in this world... Whatever the future holds.
Congratulations! I'm glad they are all doing well! And what a cutie! (each of the three of them!)
Congratulations to C.J. for being born into such a warm and loving family.
I am so excited for everyone! He is absolutely adorable and I know his big brother,will love him. Enjoy your lake time at the cottage, Jeanie!
Congrats to you all! The wait is nothing compared to all the years of joy ahead! But I can understand the need for privacy. Well, it’s out now and everybody’s happy. Topping on the cake. :)
He is adorable and so happy for all of you. Poor Molly with being so past due but worth the wait indeed. I knew you waited to announce it for a reason and the parents wishes are most important (I was going to us the word trump but just couldn't) Anyway happy news. Enjoy the lake and watch the sun on your face my friend. Hugs!
Awwwww! Congratulations!
Oh, my goodness- he is so sweet!
Our only grandchild turned one last Saturday and we can't wait to see him this weekend.
I am replying here to your comment on my post - still having issues with blogger not sending the comments to my email.
You are on the list for the tote.
A perfect miracle in the flesh. Congratulations to all!
Many, many congrats. He's beautiful.
Let's hope the world becomes a better place as he matures.
Jeanie, A huge congratulations to all of you! A precious gift💙
aaahhh, he's precious, Jeanie. How wonderful for all of you. Welcome to the world, Cameron Joseph. : )
Big sigh and congratulations!! You will beable to tell who he looks like soon, once that newborn scrunchy face and pink go away!
Congrats to you all. He is a big boy! Now, there are two boys to have twice the fun with.
Congratulations Jeanie and famiky! Cameron is adorable. Best wishes fir a long and happy future for him.
Dear Jeanie, congratulations to you and Rick on your new grand! It’s always exciting when a new baby arrives. Hope you get to spend more time with him soon. Glad you are enjoying some R&R at the lake. Yes, do be careful not to get to much sun until you see the doctor. Dear Jeanie, I know how you feel about the future with our grands. Whatever kind of world will they have to live in. I pray a lot...........Hugs sweet friend.
What lovely photographs! Congratulations to all!
Huge congrats to all! You're right - it is a terrible world in many ways; but it is also still a beautiful place, with - I think - mostly beautiful people in it. There is much to be grateful for and, despite the dozy extremists and angry twits
(I can't stand intolerance), I believe mankind is getting kinder. It just seems a bit slow sometimes.
It’s a pretty scary world to bring a baby into these days. I think every generation might feel that way at some point. I do feel like there is hope when you look at young people, like the students from Florida who are working hard on gun control and trying to get young people to register to vote. But they have their work cut out for them. But hopefully the state of our world will improve. There’s a need for more kindness and compassion so it’s good that CJ has lots of people to model that behavior for him!
My MIL posted about a Paul being born before we did but she didn’t tag us and we don’t have all that many mutual friends so it wasn’t a big deal to us. I know she was very excited and wanted to get the news out!
HOORAY--he's here!! BIG CONgRATS :))) How sweet is Cameron!! CJ is a cute way to shorten his name. LOVE seeing all the photos and happy smiles! Pity the hugs and photo sesh was so rushed... but soon there will be lots more baby and family time now CJ is here. Just so very glad that all went well for Molly this time, and that she and the baby are doing well. Soooo VERY HAPPY for you all--God BLESS you's! ((HUGS))
Congratulations, a new baby. So dear. I am glad that everyone is alright.
Oh, Jeanie. What a little sweet heart. The wait was so worth it. Just a darling little family. Congrats to all of you. Especially to Grandma, because I know a little something about that!..Happy Weekend..xxoJudy
Congratulations Jeanie! This has to be the best news to have another grandchild. I am still waiting my turn but for now I am grandma to little puppy Tatou. Jeanie you are so blessed to have a wonderful family and that little fella is just adorable as is his sweet mom. Bless you all!
CONGRATS!!! I know that you are so excited! Oh, by the way, I am BACK!
Congratulation!He's so cute and kissable!
Congratulations!God bless C.J.!
Hurrah. Hurrah. That is exciting. Welcome CJ and a big hug to you grandmama. 😀 hugs erika
What a precious bundle of joy! Glad he finally decided to come out and see the world. :) So glad to hear that mama and baby are doing well. Congrats to you all! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
So sweet. I'm so glad mother and baby are well.
Congratulations on your new Baby Grand! I hope you're doing alright with your lip.
Congratulations. Such a happy time and more to come. Nothing like a sweet new baby to cuddle and love.
Congratulations, Jeanie! Have lots of fun with the new grandson! It's not an easy time to grow up indeed and I wish him all the best.
I didn't see this til just now! I knew most of it from Rick, but the pictures add more. Love to all of you.
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