Normally, going to the lake over the fourth for a week is no debate. The house is there, the fireworks right across the lake so we have ringside seat and the weather is usually good.
But this time we had issues. Namely, we were expecting Baby Grand 2 on July 3. Rick was going to ride his bike up, a two day trip with the second day largely in no cell coverage and should we get the call then or even while we were at the lake, the ride to the hospital was four hours from there, a little over an hour from home.
So, we opted for more or less a staycation. Since temps were predicted in the high 90s and higher heat index, we thought movies might be nice. And then we shamelessly invited ourselves to Rick's Aunt Carol's cottage, about an hour from here -- and closer to the hospital, too!
Let's hear it for Carol, who was incredibly gracious and welcoming. It was the gateway to a few days of fun, water, fireworks at a lake and family.
I've always loved time at Sand Lake with Rick's family. Carol may be Rick's aunt but in truth she's only about six years older than I am, so it's more like spending time with a good friend. Cousins Stephanie and Brian and their kids Abby and Jilly added to the fun.
Think hours on the dock, talking, reading, laughing.
And just as many hours in the water, playing on floaties and minding the little ones to be sure all was well.
They are like fish, loving the water. No worries.
Our time included a short jaunt to the farmers market for strawberries...
...and saw some enterprising "slime" sales, too!
We eagerly awaited the fireworks (or the "fiery") ...
...some more eagerly than others!
Actually, we learned from Jilly, age two, the correct pronunciation is more like "fieyawee."
All glorious.
There were bedtime stories...
...wet suits...
...and bubbles!
Flowers on the walkway...
...and a golf cart ride.
Stephanie opted to carry Jilly up the hill, as we were on the back end of the golf cart and it seemed like a good idea. But a hot one on a hot day!
There was time to read...
...time to try out toys...
Some of enjoyed wine on the porch...
...others tunes to dance to!
Shortcake with whipped cream...
And a fashion parade.
It was all over too soon. Our suits are now dry...
...Rick made it home on his bike...
And we're still waiting for the baby. We know he'll be as cute as this one and worth waiting for!
So, I leave you with the grand finale ...
... and wish you a Happy July Fourth!
Linking to: Let's Add Sprinkles / Share Your Cup / Pink Saturday
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
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Looks like lots and lots of family fun! Lake life = fantastic!
Happy fourth, Jeanie!
I've been to Sand Lake many times. It's really nice there as it is at most cottages over the 4th. There is something really American about being at a lake this time of the year.
My niece and her husband ride their bikes back and forth to their cottage too! Hope the baby comes soon.
I grew up in Tecumseh, so I've been to Sand Lake many times. Great area for a bike ride!
You live a privileged life.
Sounds and looks like a perfect “alternate 4th plan!”
What fun . . . water looks inviting!
Maybe the baby will be “born a firecracker!”
I don't think it could get much better than that! and those strawberries look AMAZING. I hope by the time you read this, you've held your sweet new little grandchild!
Wow....what a great adventure it all sounded. I know what it is like to be waiting for a baby at this time of yr. My son was due on June 28 only to appear on July 8th ~ 31 yrs ago this month. I will be in Calif. enjoying time with him on his bday. Here is hoping for the mom's sake that the baby appears soon! Too hot to be carrying around that sort of load. Happy 4th.
Jeanie, fun at the lake. What a treat for the kids to be able to see the show from their comfortable couch. I couldn't open a couple of your pics (too impatient to wait, actually) so I watched them individually and then went back to read. They are so bright and pretty this way and the fireworks are spectacular. We will watch our's tonight from the car parked on a hill (if we get there early enough!) but my camera doesn't take good pics..Happy 4th..xxoJudy
Glad you had such a great time all together. I can imagine how much you are waiting for the next little one, hope it will be soon. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie
Jeanie, Happy 4th! I love all the photos - those children are precious. Hope the grandbaby soon arrives safe and sound. It's very dry here in Breckenridge, and we're under fire restrictions so no fireworks or open fires allowed.
What a fun time!! I hope the baby comes on the 4th. My cousin who is the oldest of us turned 70 today! My Grandmother was also born on the 4th of July. I'm just staying cool today!
Oh, Jeanie! How wonderful that, even though your original plans didn't work out, that you were able to spend time with wonderful family and make many good memories. I hope that baby comes along soon and is as healthy and sweet as can be! xo Diana
That all sounds so perfect! I can't wait to hear about the new baby, whenever he or she decides to enter the world. Bubbles, fireworks, and wine - it doesn't get better than that! -Jenn
Happy Fourth of July!
Such fun and happiness!Hugs!
Unexpected and positively wonderful.
What a purrfect holiday!
The kids are cute as can be.
What a fantastic family holiday weekend!
What a wonderful time you've had...and it's never easy to wait! But what a joy when it comes! Have a good evening. We hear booms all around us right now! Happy 4th!
I must say that looks and sounds like such a special time. Oh how I would love sitting by the water or maybe jumping in. Glad you saw fireworks too. Hoping tonight to find a firework or two near home.
Such a sweet post for the holiday! I envy you going to a cottage on the water....I grew up going to my grandparents' cottage in the 1000 Islands and then as an adult I rented cottages every summer. I just love the lazy days by the water reading, eating, playing cards....Glad you got away and had a fun time.
Your post is an All-American 4th of July story!!! I so enjoyed the pics and your narrative! Grandma's really do have it all. I'm loving it, although you have a head start!
love ya!
What great fun at the lake you all had Jeanie.
Hope grandchild 2 comes along soon.
Sounds and looks like you had a lot of fun there!
I think it´s great to have a day to celebrate your country, nothing certainly like it over here.
That really is a very beautiful place with the lake and the jetty and such cute company :-)
Hope you meet the new baby-boy soon for some cuddles!
What a fabulous way to spend the 4th. Hope your Independence Day was as fabulous as your photos make it out to be. Hope the new baby doesn't keep you waiting too long.
What a lot of fun you had! It was our 2nd anniversary of moving in here, so we celebrated with a barbecue in the garden. Being by and in the water is what a Summer holiday should be all about when you are a kid. I hope your grandchild's delivery goes well.
It all looks SO good. We too had a fantastic time here, in our home.
Early in the morning, to beat the forecast's humidity, we went to Lake Harriet, power-walked 3 miles, went driving to find more cottages and gardens, ooooooooed an awwwwwwwwed, came home, relaxed, chilled, enjoyed the fact that when we are at home, it's a total vacation!!!!
Happy rest of July, Jeanie!
Hello, sounds like you and your family had a happy 4th. The fireworks are beautiful. It is exciting waiting on your grandchild to arrive!
Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!
I guess no baby grand #2 yet, but it looks like a fabulous July 4th. We spent ours on the water too, but with the horrible heat index, we were all wiped out by firework time and went home to bed instead. Too bad, fireworks are always fun. So I really enjoyed seeing your photos to make up for that. Hope baby is here soon. And I don't need to say hope it was a happy 4th because I can tell it was. Hugs-Erika
I get your concern and wanting to be close..I so get it..What cute little girls:) That 2 yr old and her lil'legs:) Adorb pics..glad you had fun..looks like a great spot!
Sometimes when I read your posts, I see a world so different from my own it almost seems unreal. I do have a question. What in the world is "slime"? There must be a market for it, but I think I'd stick with the strawberries!
What a fabulous staycation! I hope you had a wonderful fourth of July!
I can't wait to frame and share the gorgeous painting you gave me. We have houseguests for the next few weeks so hopefully sometimes after that. I am going to hang it in my craft studio. My eyes fill with grateful tears every time I see it. You will never know the true gift this was for me.
Thank you, dear friend.
I hope there will be many more just as lovely as that one, Jeannie.
It may have been unexpected, but it certainly sounds like it was wonderful!
Hope baby grand #2 arrives soon.
I dislike typing on my phone, but I had to say this looked like the perfect 4th of July! Hope grandbaby #2 arrives soon, safely and easily for Momma!
Great photos - looks like a fabulous Time!
Don't those berries look luscious.
Your lip is looking good! Is that all in the rearview mirror now?
What a perfect Fourth you had! Don’t you just love it when an unplanned event such as this brings such fun? I must admit I was a bit envious of the family gathering at such a wonderful spot. I spend the day alone because Jim was working and the family was scattered hither and yon. Nevertheless, I did have a rather good day just digging in the dirt and planting a few flowers. If I had been given the choice though, I would have shamelessly invited myself to the lake also!
Your photos are wonderful, and the narrative is delightful. Thank you.
Looks like a perfect day! It is always so nice to celebrate with friends. I'm impressed by your firework photos, it's so hard to get an impression of how they look but you have managed it.
Looks like you had a marvelous day! And fireworks! I haven't seen fireworks in years. I can't deal with the heat and the mosquitoes - but I do miss the beauty and excitement a of good fireworks display! I also miss a lot of good outdoor theatre for the same reason. Those mosquitoes just love us super-white boys LOL.
You have a beautiful family - you must be so proud of them! It's clear you enjoy the heck out of them!
Jeanie, I am playing catch up. What a fabulous weekend you had. It looks perfect with relatives, children, a lake, reading, fireworks and good food. I can’t imagine a better get away!
I really like to watch how you celebrate the 4th of July! :) I have few penpals friends from the USA and they've writtem me about how they spend their time too.
In Poland we have totally different way to celebrate the Independence Day. We always have huge military parade in the city center. There are thousands of people coming to the capital of Poland, our president has a speach etc. And leter when the parade ends most of the people go by the Vistula river or to the coffee shops nearby to chill out with friends and family.
Actually I don't like crowded places, so I never go to the parade region. I was for the few times when I was a kid, but now I prefer to stay at home and watch the live transmision in the Internet ;)
I’m behind on blogs but I hope by now grand #2 has made his arrival. Especially for poor Molly’s sake with this heat and humidity!! I’m glad you were still able to enjoy time by the water. And I bet his aunt and family were happy to have some extra sets of eyes on the kiddos! I didn’t see any fireworks this year. My parents took family out on the water to watch them on the 4th but I stayed back with my firecracker, Paul. Then my family shot some off on Saturday but Paul woke up when the first one was shot off - not sure if that was the noise or his hunger. But next year I will see them!
It looks like a good time. Hopefully, the grand has made an appearance.Thanks for linking them up to Keep In Touch.
Oh, it all sounds just delightful! Spending time with family is always fun. Adding a cottage, and a lake makes it even better! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
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