I love it here in September. Most of the vacationers have gone home. Only the weekenders remain and with them, fewer big boats and jet skis. More fishing boats and quiet.
I live on Lake Time -- get up when you're ready, eat when you're hungry, go to bed when you're tired.
Of course, the unseasonably glorious 90s have made being at the lake all the more inviting. I can't remember the last time I took a swim in the lake when it was in late September. Maybe never.
We've been busy up here -- the tree planting project has been a big one. With the help of my neighbor Jim, Rick and I got four red-twig dogwoods and two Norway spruce trees planted.
It will take awhile for them to get tall enough to block out the neighbor's septic hill or house but you start somewhere!
Rick of course has been riding, grabbing every road-second out of these days before snow falls.
I've been painting (a different post to come) and bird watching!
Yes, we call this one Henry. He seems very fond of my neighbor's boat ramp.
And he also appears to appreciate the fine fishing in the twilight hours outside the cottage.
He's quite magnificent. I have to say when he flies, I am in awe.
The ducks are here, too. I call this one Docket because he seems to love sitting on the end of the neighbor's dock. I've seen them in groups of three and six, always looking for ground food, too.
There is a surplus of seagulls...
And a delegation of ducks.
The other night there were 21 seagulls on the beach, Henry, Docket and five friends and a loon went by!
No doubt they were in to enjoy the sunset.
As I mentioned earlier, the days aren't even warm -- they're hot. 90s. Loads of sun, an occasional breeze. I swam on the 24th of September, the latest I've ever been in the lake. It was so good, I told my next door neighbor they'd better get out there -- and they did!
A glass of wine. A good sunset. Peace and quiet and birdsong. (Or maybe bird-caw is better!)
I'll take it!
Till next time...
Happily sharing with Share Your Cup and Pink Saturday.
The photos are wonderful, I would love to spend time there, too. Enjoy the good weather till the snows come. Hugs, Valerie
It all looks so beautiful I can’t help but be a little envious.
Good luck with the tree planting, hopefully they won’t take too long to grow.
My father's favorite song! (I remember a thick red record - the Walter Huston version) Your photos are lovely. How nice that you got to enjoy a late season swim.
Jeanie, your photos are stunning...what a beautiful place you have at the lake! Enjoy every precious moment...the birds and the sunset are glorious! I wish I was there to enjoy coffee, conversation, and the views!
It's been hot here, too. We even set a record high one day. So a cool dip in the lake must have been wonderful for you.
So nice to get those trees in before autumn weather sets in. I'm just in awe of all those wonderful photos you shared today. I was especially impressed with the sunsets and all those wonderful birds.
Love that song! All I can say is you guys have it made in the shade. Looks like a great time, Jeanie.
A tree planting project sounds wonderful. Thanks for all the pretty photos :)
Nice....and serene!
Fall at the lake is so peaceful. I envy you your lovely home there!
Super pictures, Jeanie, specially the first one. What a spectacular place that lake is. How near is it to where you live?
Rick always looks super fit, and I suppose he must be. I am envious.
How wonderful to be able to swim in the open in late September. I don't think it's possible to do that in any comfort even here in London. I know your winters are fierce but I'm guessing they come on rather suddenly - am I right?
Oh Jeanie... The sunsets!! They are simply breathtaking.. Such beautiful photos, love the bird photos too.. This is such a beautiful place to be anytime of the year.. I hope the trees grow strong and hopefully fast for you.
blessings dear friend
The last photo -- that's a dinosaur, right?
best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
Oh, how beautiful and peaceful there at the Lake. I would love it there too. I live on Lake time - get up when I wake up and sometimes I go back to sleep. I try and make my appointments later in the day just so I can sleep in and take my time getting into the swing of life.
Beautiful pictures and I love the trees.
Have a great week. It's in the 90's again after 2 wonderful weeks of Fall.
Lake time sounds heavenly!
wow, such pretty pictures and such a nice season, isn't it? Love all the pictures and especially the BIRD ONES and especially the one under Rick and his bike--love that bird picture, it's so clear and striking! Your time at the lake is positively peaceful and dreamy and your enjoyment of it shows!
Wow Jeanie what a dreamy post! You have me gushing over your beautiful lake setting! Vacation is long gone for me unfortunately so I loved looking at your beautiful photos. I can't wait to see what you've been painting!
Sounds wonderful...
What a beautifully blessed time you have at the lake!! Lake time, I need some Lake Time! Love the song, thank you!
Well, you have painted a beautiful picture here with your wonderful photos! So evocative. What an idyll you have here. By all means, savor every last drop! We turned a corner here today. Sweater weather.
Your pics are golden, Jeanie! Love those shots of sunset and the heron. Where u are is def. serene and peaceful compared to where I am. :) Thanks for sharing.
Spectacular pictures, Jeanie! I love your concept of Lake Time: so good for the soul. I calmed down just reading this wonderful post!
Hello dearest Jeanie!!!!!! Coming to your blog is like a little getaway for me; I've returned to school and these three weeks have been fun but busy. I can hardly visit any blogs in the mornings since I have to leave so early! Thank you for this September song that reminds me that soon we shall have another season of change. Happy day!
We've got that weather now also. It feels more like summer than summer did. But wow Jeanie, those are the most amazing bird photos. The heron shots are really outstanding. :) How much longer before you close up the camp ? Hugs-Erika
How wonderful, Henry and Docket and the crew, plus music, trees, and an autumn swim. What could be better than all of that. I know you savored it thoroughly.
I have to ask -- what is that white, wheel-like thing on the dock with the ducks? At first I thought it might be a hose-holder, but it seems poorly designed for that. I just can't imagine -- I've never seen anything like it (although if I hung around our lakes I might).
I'm really fond of those red-twig dogwoods. I have a floor vase filled with branches I picked out of a ditch in Minnesota. I've had them since 2011 -- they hold up well!
It all sounds and looks so lovely Jeanie.
Nice that you got the trees planted. It will be fun to see them grow each year.
I planted a mountain ash as couple years ago. I did not know I should fertilize it the first year, mother's day through 4th of July they say around here. This year I did just that and oh what a difference it made, it grew bunches.
I love your postcards from the lake. Looks like a great time. I always heard that the time to plant trees were in the month with an R in them....so you did good planting now. June, July and August are just too hot of months to do it.
What an idyllic place. I have many red twig dogwood bushes. I need to trim mine this fall, but I'm waiting a bit because I like seeing them from the kitchen window. They are so hardy even in our climate. Swimming, bird watching, and enjoying some wine and warmth at sunset sound good to me! (We had snow this weekend and hard frost.)
Lake time sounds excellent to me. How beautiful it is where you are despite the neighbor's septic hill/house. The heron is gorgeous, I would love to see something like this right from my porch.
It has been very hot here as well. I'm ready for the mid 70s...
Such good days... So wondeful, all the new trees... love all the softness of the light,... and those twinkie lights! Lots of nice summer memories for you to tuck away in your heart. :) ((HUGS))
Beautiful pictures . . .
Jeanie finds it lovely at the Lake . . . nice mantra . . .
Great "Berm/House" hiding choice . . .
It will take a few . . . but good choices . . .
Soon you will see the red twigs instead of the "before!"
Some of those photos are simply breath taking! Glad you're enjoying the last gasp of summer and today is always a good day to plant trees.
Beautiful pics. We have had the same hot weather here for the last three weeks. It has been wonderfully but today is more seasonal.
Your sunset photo really did take my breath away...sitting at my desk at work...taking a tiny moment to visit with you at your lake...delightful.:)
I always love seeing your beautiful nature pictures, Jeanie. That sunset is spectacular!
What a glorious Indian Summer weekend you had! The sunset photo is my favorite but you captured lots of beautiful shots. I am glad you were able to cool off in the late. It was HOT in Minneapolis and I was wishing I could at least put my feet in a cool body of water.
I'm glad you got some trees up so that soon you will have the view of your neighbors blocked! Out of sight - out of mind (or a bit less on your mind).
I would prefer the quieter (fewer people!) time at the lake, too. So beautiful..... Thank you for taking us along!
You're lucky to be able to spend time at this wonderful place, Jeanie. Sitting at the lake at sunset, drinking a glass of wine in good company while watching the birds - it can't get much better. O.k., let's add something yummy to eat and a cat on the lap, or two. :)
xo Julia
Jeanie, you live in such a beautiful place. Sounds like a little bit of heaven to me! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
What a spot Jeanie..what a spot.
Happy for you..and all lucky lake dwellers:)
Unbelievable. That is normal for September in Texas. I'm glad you were able to stretch out those summer days just a little bit longer.
Jeanie - not sure you will get this -- those are Merganser ducks posted on your closing up the cabin blog. blessings, Sharon from Las Cruces NM
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