And a look at Harry -- more of that in a minute!
But I can't resist sharing these blossoms from one of the trees in the neighborhood on the walk down.
Shooting at this time of year is wonderful because the bushes and trees on the perimeter haven't gone into full leaf yet and it's a bit easier to have a clearer view.
Look afar! One of the sweet surprises is Mama Goose (Duck Lady calls her Gracie and her mate, George). She has a nest on the edge of the large pond. Duck Lady tells me that when she turns her head away, she is actually turning her eggs. DL anticipated that the babies would hatch over the weekend but I haven't been back to see (and indeed -- would I be able to see? There is no way to get close to this!)
Look up! The Red-Winged blackbirds are out in full force. I love these cheery birds and for once they managed to stay put long enough to get a good photo.
Look down! You'll find bunches of wild violets or periwinkle in patches.
Someone has planted daffodils every so often and they add some bright cheer along the path.
Look ahead! You might just find a family out for their walk with their Bengal cat on a leash. This beautifully marked animal was very intrigued by something under the pine branches!
Look out on the pond! There's Harry. Back in his full majestic glory.
I don't know if this Harry is last year's Harry -- or if the Harry I saw in these twilight photos...
Is the same Harry I saw the next day on my morning walk.
Doesn't really matter to me. Harry symbolizes spring and beauty and that the ice is gone and the temperatures are warmer.
He is grace and precision, intently stalking the water for his dinner, balancing as he grooms, elegantly standing on the shore.
It's spring. At long last, spring.
Harry is quite debonnaire! So...who is Duck Lady? I love seeing your world blossom into spring, Jeannie!
i want my very own harry!!!
I have a big time crush on Harry! :o
I like those brilliant pink blossoms – how can anyone not love such spring splendor. As for Harry, he is certainly very majestic and composed. Nice to see him again.
Spring is so beautiful in your area! Love the flowers, the ditch, the wildlife, especially Mama Goose and Harry and that Benegal cat is gorgeous! It looks like a spring well worth the wait!
Ya know, my drive to work involves driving through the lake area, some pretty awesome neighborhoods, and now with the crabapples in bloom, I am having a blast going to work. Spring really wakes up the world. I LOVE HARRY!
Glad Spring has arrived for you; hope it continues to give you joy.
P.S. We almost got a Bengal kitty a couple of years back.
It's so good to see Harry again! Spring has sprung here and you can just tell that everyone is in an all around better mood! I love that there are daffodils sprinkled along the path! How pretty!
A joyful look at the arrival of spring! Definitely something to celebrate.
I'm still tempted to think those pink blossoms are a variety of flowering almond. They can bear both white and pink blossoms, and no, they don't have almond nuts as a fruit. In any event, whatever they are, they remind me of ours in Iowa, and make me happy.
Thanks for taking us along! Love the flowers, and the birds......
I bet you'll know about the goslings -- they have to feed themselves (unlike robins or bluejays, where the parents feed them). So they have to be out swimming, in order to eat.
What fun to have a heron at your pond so often. "My" pond only gets the occasional heron visitor.
Thanks for sharing your walk(s) with us!
Oh Jeanie, your neck of the woods is so beautiful at this time, and Harry looks like your pet. He's not afraid to let you come close and take his pic. Unlike 'my' Heron (haven't given him a name yet), which is very camera shy. Love those pink (cherry?) blossoms!
Jeannie - your artist's eye and the zoom on your camera are creating some magnificent images.
What camera / model do you shoot with?
The robin in an earlier post, and Harry today -- and the owl a couple weeks back! -- just so beautiful. I get pleasantly lost, looking at the fabulous detail.
Maryanne in SC
Such great photos of amazing subjects.
Your photos captured spring very well.
Amazing photos of nature, love Harry!
so much beauty and wonderful new life. it surprises me to see a kitty on a leash, but how wonderful that you can take a kitty along.
so much beauty and wonderful new life. it surprises me to see a kitty on a leash, but how wonderful that you can take a kitty along.
Harry is always beautiful to see. Love when people put daffodils about, such special surprises.
That is one fabulous ditch teeming with life and spring color. I do love Harry and wonder what he thought of all of the wildlife? This is a gorgeous spot!
I'm sorry if my comments are a bit late.
These pictures depict spring so beautifully. I thought the Bengal cat was a baby tiger :) It's got pretty fur.
Harry is of course being the star in these shots.
beautiful pictures, I love seeing the outdoors and where other people go. What an adventure. I would love to walk with you
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