Thursday, May 8, 2014

DIY -- Foam Stamps with Kate

Recently I spent an afternoon with my friend Kate, 
who taught me how to make foam stamps, 
after which we gelli printed papers and had a wonderful lunch.

Some of you may have done this, but for those who haven't it's a fun way to make stamps, especially abstract ones. And easy and safe, too, so a good project for kids.

Start with thin foam and just begin cutting. 

You can use decorative scissors or do it all freehand.

Don't forget your punches, too!


If you're very clever, you can also make some shapes!


After you have what you like, cover a piece of foam core 
(especially nice with cork on one side) with Alene's double stick tape sheets 
(You could also use a very strong glue).

Keep working till you have the design you like. 
(It helps to sort of lay out before you stick on the Aileen's because it is pretty 
close to permanent once it is down.)


And pretty soon, there you go! 

They're wonderfully fun to make. And wait till you see the papers!

Here are some of the papers made with the stamp above.
You can use them on your gelli press, if you print that way, 
by inking the press, pressing down the stamp and lifting it. 
Then pulling your print.

You can then lay down your paint again, put the stamp down 
(it probably won't have the same registration) 
and that will give you yet a different look.

Then, try a ghost print, using the paint remaining on the stamp. 
You'll get a different look.

You can also use them as you would a regular stamp. This is Kate's leaf.

No matter what you do, the stamp making process 
is easy and safe with little clean-up and the kinds of tools 
that you would have at hand.

Printing the gelli's on the other hand, is an entirely
 different matter in the clean-up department
 -- but it sure is fun!

Try it! The possibilities are endless!


Anonymous said...

How beautiful! You are truly talented with a great eye for colors and patterns.

Willow said...

Creative thou art !

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hi Jeanie,
How beautiful! I must try this one day... Thank you for sharing.

Lisa's Yarns said...

Oh fun! I love how your stamp turned out! I never would have thought to make your own stamps like that. It's nice to see that they are fairly easy to make!

Jenny Woolf said...

Very pretty, and I specially like the last one in shades of red. A great idea for kids, I will bear it in mind!

Barb said...

Jeanie, You're always creating! So intricate.

Tracy said...

VERY FUN, Jeanie! LOVE the results you share here. I have to say, I've not made my own stamps before... must remedy that one! ;o) Sometimes I'm even more fascinated by the "leftover" ghost prints--the delicacy, I think. Thanks for the great step-by-step--this does look so easy! Gotta try! Happy Days ((HUGS))

Joanne Huffman said...

What a fun time you must have had. Making stamps and gelli prints in the same day! Your prints look quite wonderful!

Friko said...

What pretty stamps you have produced. Again, not something I would have thought of doing.
Your talents are indeed great.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

OH! Now this is something I need to try, because i need to learn how to be free with ink and paint. The whimsical designs are wonderful, Jeanie! Anita

shoreacres said...

I'm always amazed by what I find here. Just when I think there isn't another new project you could try, you prove me wrong! Very nice - reminds me of the printed cloth in Liberia.

Bella Rum said...

You never stop creating. I always look forward to what you will do next. This is beautiful. It does look like a kid-friendly project. I'd love to see what my granddaughter could do with this. She is the creative one in the trio.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said... came to our fun Nowhere. You kind soul, you. Aren't those hamsters a hoot?

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

I always learn something new and fascinating when I come for a visit, Jeanie! Not that I could ever do what your talent and imagination enable you to do, but it's always so inspiring to watch the process of your creating something wonderful!

Annie Jeffries said...

Pretty! I remember doing something similar way back when but the results weren't nearly as spectacular. It's amazing what can be produced now just because of the many fabulous products on there.

See you soon.

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

I made stamps like this for Christmas one year with my kiddos. We decorated all the packages with them, and a few more again each Christmas for many years after. Loads of fun! Love your designs!

Marilyn Miller said...

This does for sure look like fun. I love all the different prints you made with the different colors.

Sally Wessely said...

What fun. I really like all the possibilities. The design is very intricate. I like it.

Arti said...

Jeanie, thanks for the step-by-step, useful item. The effect is excellent considering it looks relatively easy to make (?), well, for you that is. I love the layered effects at the end. Also, I won't go to the other post: the flowers are gorgeous. And, enjoy your break. I'm sure we'll see more fantastic photos once you're back. Have fun!

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