My computer is sad. After slowing down and down, it just stopped and is currently visiting Dr. Kim, my IT friend from my old job. Recent reports indicate the hard drive is still there and she got it working, so I'll have to get it soon! Meanwhile, keep calm and keep the sledgehammer away from the computer!
Meanwhile, my friend Kate was kind enough to loan me her MAC desktop from her one-time office. Whew and thank you! (however, I can only access previously published photos, so these are some that struck me as I was going through old Picassa web albums!

But for whatever reason, there are several blogs on which I can't comment because it won't let me choose a profile (yes, I'm logged into google and these are all blogger blogs). So, Sally Tharpe Rowles, Tina Barbour, Nancy, Jo, Jenny, Janet, Bella & Blackstone, Friko, Penny and Willow (and maybe some others...) I have been visiting but can't comment. From what I can tell, I can only comment on blogger posts with a pop-up window. So don't think I've deserted you! I just can't tell you how much I've loved your posts!
The past few days I've been dealing with a sinus infection. Yuck. But it's the first time I've been sick in so long so I can't complain -- and I have to say, it's improving rather fast! Three cheers!
Meanwhile, we have been enduring (as so many of you have) a long cold winter. I have to say that today I'm much relieved -- the sun is out and things are melting a bit. It will be a long while before this snow is gone -- but it gives one hope.
I've been hooked into the Olympics, particularly watching sports that scare the heck out of me! While I love the ice dancing and other skating, I'm equally passionate about the bobsled, the various snowboard and skiing events and speed skating. They just amaze me. Every single one. My heart leaps up to my throat as I'm watching the snowboarders and skiers turn upside down and somehow manage to land right side up. Three cheers!
And I've been enjoying a wonderful book thanks to Becca called "Magical Journey" by Katrina Kineson. Highly recommended, particularly for those of you who have experienced great change and are starting new chapters in our lives. For me, that's retirement. But for some it may be empty-nesting, death of a friend or family member, or similar circumstances. I'll write more on this later but right now what I would say is pick up a copy -- yesterday.
I've been tidying up (not that anyone can tell), going through piles of magazines, books, videos and tossing things or finding new homes. Needless to say, I stop often to read things -- which slows me down. Of course, nothing related to France goes out the window!
In fact, now I'm onto another Aimee Leduc mystery by Cara Black. I really need to read these again in sequence -- this one is from near the beginning of the series. But it reminds me of Paris!
Ana's traveling art journal has arrived at my house and on the schedule over the next couple of days is doing my spread. I'm looking forward to it and I'm glad to be at the beginning -- but also wish I was at the end so I could see everyone else's work!
Meanwhile, my thoughts are occupied with memories of the lake...
...longing for cafe time (like this spot on the Left Bank), but I'd settle for the Bravo table in the middle of the parking lot...
...waiting eagerly to see grass from under the snow and then, one day, flowers!
...and dreaming of a warmer days when I can enjoy outside again. Not that I'd be riding this bike. Instead, I've been spinning and doing the eliptical at our gym. I don't particularly like it, but I am viewing it as a quarter-time job. Ten hours a week. Period. No overtime!
Which brings me to cooking -- Rick gave me a Dutch oven for Christmas and I've discovered the joys of pot roast. I'm looking forward to trying some of Julia's recipes in it, too!
I've periodically been trying to finish off a bear of a scarf. Early arthritis is slowing me down, but I'm getting that thing done before the snow melts. Which could be October.
And I ask you to put out good vibes for several I know who are facing some significant health and medical challenges these days.
I won't go wonky and list their names as they may choose to be private, but trust me, they need all the support they can get right now.
Cheers! See you all soon!
Love this post, but so much to comment on. Love Cara Black mysteries and have only read a couple out of sequence. Must get organized on that one. The other book is going on my long list on Amazon. I don't always buy from them, but put them there as that is where I check. Love the old pictures. Yes, so many hurts lately, so much prayer needed. Have fun with the art journal. Hope your computer behaves now.
Beautiful pictures -- so glad that computer shopping/mending hasn't taken over your life or mind! Love the evidence here of your rich and thoughtful life. Prayers for all who are ill or hurting.
Oh Jeannie, don't I just know about computer troubles?? I'm right here and you can lean on my shoulder anytime! :)
I'm glad you're feeling better so quickly. Love all the info and photos you shared here. I'll look into that book because I'm in a bit of a change right now, too, in more ways than one. Thanks for being such a great bloggy friend!
I love being retired and having more time for hobbies, such as hula and blogging. Your friends are in my thoughts and prayers.
So sorry your computer is out to lunch, Jeanie... I hope it comes back. ;o) Very great you were able to use another in the meantime. LOVE seeing all the photos... Photos are such a gift--they hold such memories. Sending good, healing vibes to all those in need... And to you! ((LOVE & HUGS))
Positive thoughts and good wishes to your friends in need. Hope your computer comes home soon. Cooking, reading and art are good ways to spend this terrible weather (and today and tomorrow are supposed to be really awful). Take care of yourself.
Oh, computers. Mine has been making unfortunate noises - rather like a hard drive thinking about giving up the ghost. I did what any right-thinking person would do - spent last weekend cleaning up files and backing them up. Once I'd done that, the noises stopped. Figures. It's like taking a car into the mechanic and having "that noise" stop.
There's nothing better than a Dutch oven. What a great gift!
Now, we'll hope you get double gifts of good health and springtime!
I hope your computer woes are resolved soon and that your sinus infection goes away quickly.
You chose some great photos to share from your old albums....isn't it fun to go back and relive some memories.
I'm glad you have made it through the winter with minimal health issues and I will keep your friends that are going through difficult things in my thoughts.
Hi Jeanie, Is that sweet little girl you? I already have Kenison's The Gift of an Ordinary Day on my samples. Now I've also added Magical. Will you be biking with Rick in the spring? Bob went out yesterday (we're in Denver). Last night we git a bit of snow, and it's crazy-windy! Such a change in a few hours. Caden (6) is in a school "opera" tonight. I can't wait to see him perform!
OMG, Jeanie! I'm hooked on the Olympics, too. My favorite is figure skating, especially ice dancing, but like you I've found myself fascinating by some of the more hair-raising sports involving snowboards as well as skiing and bobsled and luge. I even got up super-early this morning to watch the live-feed on figure skating. It's so nice to be retired and have that option. Hope your computer will be back with you soon. In the meantime, are those childhood pictures of you? So cute!!!
Dear Jeanie,
I am so sorry to hear you have had a sinus infection.. They can be so painful.. I hope you are well soon..
What beautiful photos! Thank you so much for sharing.. I hope your computer problems are solved soon.. I had to finally replace mine this year....The mother board bit the dust. I miss my Windows xp, but I suppose in time I will get use to windows 8.
I will say a prayer for those who are having medical issues..
I just wrote down "Magical Journey" and will order tomorrow. Hope that you and your computer are feeling better now!
I hope you get it sorted soon - but then again, it is fun to see these images which paint such a great narrative in themselves. I adore that purple poppy - such a wonderful colour.
Oh, I hope your computer woes will be behind you soon.
I'm glad you've been well lately. Fingers crossed that it will continue. I've made it through the winter without any illness. H mixes up a glass of Emergen-C for me every day. I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but it's been nice.
Sending good thoughts to your friends.
Hope you are feeling tiptop very soon Jeanie...sinus infections are no fun at all!
You certainly covered a lot of ground in your newsy post chock full of lovely photos!
Those pretty French icicle radishes make me want to get out the salt and bubbly for a snack :)
I just spotted some sad looking tiny green tips of daffodils on the protected side of our house free from heavy snow as it has been melting with a little warmer temps!
Good luck on getting your computer fixed...such a pain to not have what we are familiar with but you did good Jeanie!
Happy Weekend to you and yours
I can hardly wait to see what you put together ;-) I am sorry about the computer but even more about the sinus infection. I get them once and a while too and they are HORRIBLE.
Retirement? Good for you! I've been struck with the "cleaning out" mode too... I am completely emptying out my studio.... what have I done? *gasp* Oh well.... lol
big hugs,
Whatever would I do without your blog? You always inspire. I'm glad you retired so you could inspire us even more by sharing how you fill your days.
I can only imagine how hard it has been without a computer. At times, mine is slow and won't start. I shutter and pray. I don't want to buy a new one.
Are those black and white photos you? I loved them.
Get better. I'm sorry about the sinus infection.
And, I've added the books to my list. You really must stop tempting me with all these great book titles. ;)
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