Friday, December 20, 2013

Now We Are Six

Six years ago, on December 20, 2007, the first Marmelade Gypsy post went live and my life changed more than a little.
Before getting all long and sappy, I want to say "thank you" for being there. Some of you have been with me the whole ride, some are more recent. Some comment, some don't. You all matter to me and I consider you my friends. Real friends.
Blogging was like stepping into a new world where I could travel to exotic and romantic places and share the travels we have taken; learn new recipes, get ideas on home decorating, discover creative art techniques, learn about books and movies and make new friends.
I would meet these friends over lunch, on vacation and at art workshops.We would share stories of our families and when we met, it would be like connecting with old friends.
I have learned from you, traded with you and have been able to share the great joys, sadness, challenges and beauty of my life with you.
This blog was named for my dear Marmelade Gypsy, my sweet orange cat-boy whose photo you have seen for so many years at the top of these posts and in the sidebar. You walked with me through my grief when we said goodbye to Gypsy and the support and love you sent was overwhelming.
One of the things I realized when I started this post is that I haven't updated my blog sidebar for a very long time. So, my new year's plan is a new look -- beginning with the blog roll, so perhaps you will discover some of the wonderful bloggers I have.
Sometimes there are a thousand ideas running through my head to blog on; sometimes I feel at a loss. But then I just start writing or looking at my photos and the cloud lifts. I wish I could pull everything out of the hat so easily! Thanks for being along for the ride.


I need orange said...

Happy Blogiversary! :-) :-)

I am looking forward to many more years.

Love the pic of Lizzie and Gypsy.

Joanne Huffman said...

Your blog is one of my favorites. Happy Blogaversary!

Jeanie said...

Your blog has a special level of beauty and grace. Your artistic talent always leaves me in awe. Whether you are sharing your art, your travels or your life, it is always a pleasure to come here.

My Grama's Soul said...

Good morning Jeanie.....I'm so glad you started blogging or I never would have met you. Scanned down your last few posts and I do believe one can NEVER have too many trees.

Have a wonderful week before Christmas


Willow said...

Congrats Jeanie on 6 years of blogging .
I am so happy to have you as a bloggy friend , blogging has opened up a whole new woe;d for me too. The blog world if a wonderful neighborhood.
Here's to the wonderfulness of friends in blog land and here's to YOU :)

Mae Travels said...

Wonderful years!

Marilyn Miller said...

That is quite an accomplishment.
Yes, the friendships we make in
blogland is most wonderful and you
are on my list. Thanks!!!!

beth said...


Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Congratulations on your blog anniverary! Quite a milestone. Thank you for your kind visits to me! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanie! I'm so glad I found your blog and enjoy our visits very much! I'm sending my best wishes for you to have a wonderful blessed Christmas.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Mary said...

Happy Blogging Anniversary to you Jeanie! I've only recently discovered your beautiful blog, but visit every time you post. I love your online home!

anno said...

Wow -- 6 years of beauty and friendship, grand adventures, and lovely lovely writing! So happy to have found you, so happy to have watched this blog blossom and thrive. To 6 more years (at least) -- Cheers!

skiourophile said...

Happy Blogiversary and here's to many more years of artistry and reading and kitties and friends!

Linda Jo said...

Happy anniversary! It's amazing, isn't it? I love my blog friends.... you hit the nail on the head in your post. Have a Merry Christmas and keep on blogging! Big hugs!

Friko said...

When this post started I thought you were telling me that you are giving up.

Good. You’re not. Renovating and modernising is good; I might do it myself some day.

Merry Christmas, jeanie. See you in the new year.

BECKY said...

Hi Jeanie! I don't remember if I found you, or you found me....but I'm so glad it happened! Have a wonderful Christmas and fantastic year of 2014!

Vagabonde said...

I am so pleased to have known you through your lovely blog. I remember you saying that Ruth had told you about my blog. Happy blog anniversary and I hope that you will keep blogging for many years to come!

shoreacres said...

Honestly - I feel like I've known you forever, although, for me, it's probably been about five years. I hardly can believe it when I think of all that's happened - all the joys, and all the sorrows. I still think of Gypsy, and give thanks every time I log on and find you still in good health, smiling and cheerful.

Here's to a wonderful New Year for you, Rick and Miss Lizzie Cosette. Maybe this will be the year we finally meet. That alone would ensure a banner year!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

You and your blog are a joy, Jeanie! I love sharing your projects, your travels, your thoughts and experiences and, of course, the inimitable Gypsy and lovely Lizzie Cosette! May you, Rick and the family have a wonderful holiday season and the best of everything in the New Year!

Introverted Art said...

Happy Blog Anniversary Jeanie. We are so happy to be able to share so many of your wonderful experiences.

must love junk said...

I'm so glad that we found each other through our blogs!
I wish you a very merry Christmas! :)

Lisa's Yarns said...

Happy Blogoversary! I am so thankful that we found each other and have become friends! I love your posts and you have such a wonderful perspective on life. I can't wait to see what the years ahead of you hold - and look forward to reading along!

Bella Rum said...

So glad I found you, Jeanie. I enjoy your blog so much. Your heart is in it and it's obvious.

Sally Wessely said...

Congratulations! Six years is quite an impressive number. Blogging is such a wonderful thing. I never would have met you without blogging. It is always just a little bit serendipitous how we find our blogging connections. It was great fortune to find you! Love you my friend, and I alway love reading your blog.

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