Saturday, August 31, 2013

Something Vintage – Or: Mastering the Science of Right Living

It started out as another morning run to the farmer’s market – this time for peaches.

The sunflowers were amazing and so, too, were the other veggies. It was attracting quite a crowd.

But the big crowd pleaser was the annual vintage car ride, going north on Old 27 from Coldwater in the south to Cheboygan on the northern coast, bordering Lake Michigan.

It was the route we all used to travel, long before expressways. It was the route I remembered my parents taking north when I was just a little kid.

As they parked in the reserved spots on Main Street, it looked like a step back in time.

I couldn’t help admiring some with my favorite blue…

…and a brilliant yellow.

Of course, there were lots of people looking…

…and the drivers made it quite convenient!

All of the cars were in terrific shape, and it was great fun to see them on parade.

In an effort to avoid the traffic, I decided to take the back roads through town and saw a sign for an estate sale. Everything was half-off or fill a bag for five dollars. When one of the first thing I spotted was these, I knew it was going to be very, very good!

It’s amazing how much stuff you can stuff into a plastic grocery bag, like all of these books, some music, some poetry – all for ripping up and gluing to something else! (Although I think I’ll hold onto the 1932 World Book annual, which with its pre-war era is quite fascinating.)

I loved this “diorama” picture – I have a couple and remember making up stories about them as a kid. This one was in great shape.

A few cat baubles – and someone’s Santa pic in a pretty paper frame.

Bottle brush trees – a couple were old; most not, but they’ll be fine for bleaching!

Vintage linens – two pairs of pillowcases and three tablecloths – two are here…

…and here is the other.

This one is large and has a wonderful berry border.

I manage to squeeze the cute little kitty dresser scarf in, too!

And these three pink glass pieces – two are depression glass, the other I just liked!

And here are those paper dolls again, with their already-cut wardrobe (thank you!)

I loved how each one was named. Sometimes twice!

And if you wonder how those peaches looked in that dish – well, I think they were great!

If that wasn’t a good enough day, there was art time. I painted some of my paper clay embellishments…

…and finished up a half-done piece I’m still not sure I’m satisfied with, but it’s better.

Lizzie Cosette lapped up trying to escape from the porch…

…and the nights had glorious sunsets.

I would say that with out a doubt, at least at this time, on this day, I am the…  well, I’ll let the book title speak for itself.

Now if only Labor Day is as lovely! I'm off now!


Lisa's Yarns said...

I love this post! From the peaches to the vintage automobiles to the photo at the end. While your posts are always upbeat and true to your spirit, I feel like the tone of this one has an extra dose of thankfulness or maybe a sense of feeling that 'all is right in the world.' I know it's not perfect, of course, but life seems to be good. I know having that August doctor appointment behind you and getting good news helps elicit those "life is good" emotions. I hope you have a fabulous Labor Day Weekend! I am off to my massage in a bit. It's a spa at a resort so I get access to the pool and such so am going to hang around afterwards , read by the pool (weather permitting), and pretend I am on vacation. :)

I need orange said...

Looks like right living to me! Hooray!

Enjoy your long weekend!

Jeanie said...

"Right Living" is a very apt description for your day full of serendipity. You have a great eye for spotting the perfect treasures.
I remember a neighbor having a blue Thunderbird just like the one in your picture. I love seeing those old cars in such good condition.

Joanne Huffman said...

Sounds like a great week-end. The Farmer's Market looks like a good one. I will put driving on Route27 on my list of trips to take. The cars look good, but I have to admit the treasures from the estate sale intrigue me more. And, you had time for art! Hope the rest of the week-end is wonderful.

Jennifer Richardson said...

you have such an eye for life
...really, you're like a magnet
for aliveness and color and all
things zest:)
it inspires me, the gorgeous life
you're living.
thanks for sharing so true
and colorful and bold and you,

Relyn Lawson said...

I'll take the blue one, please. And a few peaches to eat as we cruise along.

Friko said...

What an amazing day and what an amazing haul you collected.

Sometimes life throws you a beauty and you must pick it up and cherish it.

Deb said...

Farmer's Markets are wonderful. We have a nice one here, too. I remember playing with paper-dolls for hours on end as a young girl. I have started my grand-daughter, Riley on them now. She loves them, too. "Hi Lizzy". Hugs, Deb

Janet said...

What a fun day you had! Peaches are one of my favorite summer fruits. And an estate sale is always hard to pass up. You found some great treasures. Those paper dolls bring back memories for me.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

It sounds and looks like a perfect day! Those peaches are lovely -- and you found so many amazing treasures at that estate sale. It doesn't get much better than that!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

It sounds and looks like a perfect day! Those peaches are lovely -- and you found so many amazing treasures at that estate sale. It doesn't get much better than that!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

What a great day Jeanie! The peaches look yummy! I love your paper clay embellishments, they are beautiful!

Vintage cars, paper dolls, farmers market.. You really had a fun packed day.

JillO said...

Sounds like my idea of the perfect day...

ds said...

What a great day! That is some haul--can't wait to see what you make from it.

joyce said...

Sure looks like you lucked out on that estate sale!! Can't wait to see what you create with the paper dolls.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

What fun, and I felt that I was right there with you! I would say that the car was definitely Tiffany Blue! The old paper dolls are my favorite find of the day, but the vintage linens run a close second!


shoreacres said...

I used to play paper dolls with Tim Kling - yes, a boy! I suppose we were in 4th or 5th grade. He wasn't too keen on dressing them up, but he liked to make up stories about them. Then, when we got bored with that, we'd play jacks and marbles.

My find of the past few days? One relative each from both the Elliott and Crowley sides of my family! We found each other through my Labor Day post. Sometimes Google is the very devil, and sometimes - not so much!

Happy Labor Day!

Tracy said...

Those old cars... LOVE the "souped up" roadsters! And such pretties at the sale...*swoon*... Love the linen cloths with the pink. ;o) You had a grand day out! WONDERFUL mixed media you've been working on--LOVE the detail, such great colors & textures! So happy to see Miss Lizzie too. :o) Enjoy the long Labor Day weekend! ((HUGS))

Mae Travels said...

Your comment about using things like old books and little bottle-brush trees in craft projects makes me think of magic: you turn them into something completely different, like the magical competitors in "The Night Circus." I'm just rereading this wonderful book.

PeterParis said...

The tablecloth with the berry border looks like one we had at my parents' home! (But we never had any of these American cars!) :-)

Marilyn Miller said...

Oh sigh! How lucky is that estate sale find. You got quite a bargain I must say even if you had just gotten one of the pink depression glass dishes - still a bargain. What a wonderful, perfect sort of day and fresh peaches too. Lucky you!

Bella Rum said...

Oh, what a splendid day. I love estate sales. You can get some fantastic bargains. The peaches are lovely in the pink bowl.

We came out of a diner one time to find a parking lot full of antique cars. They were just sitting there, looking like new. Very neat.

~*~Patty S said...

Here's hoping your Labor Day was equally as charming and fun and packed with good stuff!

Fun post Jeanie and great to see you busy creating art again too...


Barb said...

What a trove of treasure! You're practicing for retirement.

Anonymous said...

Jeanie, I adore the watercolors from your summer journal, keep it up you have a charming style.
And all the cool finds for only $5.00, wow, REALLY amazing! I especially like the beautifully illustrated paper dolls, pink depression glass and the vintage linens.
Now I am also curious about your paper clay embellishments, I'll have to peruse older posts and discover where this fun started.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, fun!! I had not seen your vintage post but when I read your comment, I knew I had to stop by this morning to catch up.
The paper dolls brought back so many good memories. They were always my favorite growing up, and I sure do remember adding names on the back too. I absolutely LOVE the linens.
Thank you for bringing us along, friend.

Annie Jeffries said...

Jawdroppingly fabulous finds. You accummulated my choices - well, they would have been my choices. And most especially the paper dolls. I don't have any of my paper dolls anymore but I've held on to Krista's. She will thank me someday.

Jenny Woolf said...

This is such a lovely post. A lot to enjoy here. The peaches. Wonderful! The estate sale, oh my - I would have jumped on those dolls too. They're amazing. And the old books. The vintage cars. I am not really a car fan and yet I do adore gloating over vintage cars. I took a photo of an open Bristol tourer the other day, dating from about 1970, oh, what a car. It looked retro even for those days.

Your posts are just so bright and interesting! :)

Mary Rose's said...

OMG - it *is* Lizzie Cossette, now the international model for drawing cats by Mme. Swift. So cool when worlds collide.
How you?

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