We went from sea level to over a mile high during our vacation! Definitely an "altitude adjustment!"

Banner Elk, North Carolina -- and more specifically, Sugar Mountain, where Rick's dad and step mom live, is a mile high! It is a place of stunning beauty, with extraordinary views.

We had a grand time -- Kathy took me to tour some homes open only to realtors on my first day there. Homes? Let's say my house could fit in some of the living rooms. After that, we went shopping and I did my share for the local economy. (It was only a start!) This shop was as cute inside as out!

Meanwhile, Rick rode his bike, doing a 60 mile ride on the hills that Lance Armstrong took on when returning to champion strength following his cancer.

Needless to say, if he looks like he's panting, you can bet he is! It's pretty tough to breathe in that altitude, especially when riding a bike up a mountain!

Rick's dad and Kathy are excellent cooks and our dinner was stunning -- and delicious, too!

The area is lovely, with barns and hills, pretty buildings like this one.

And I was delighted to sit on the deck and knit and watch the birds!

In the next post, I'll show you one way in which the federal stimulus dollars are being put to very good use indeed! And, soon we'll visit a general store and some antique spots, too!

Lots to come! Stay tuned!
(But a note: Friday I will be featured as a "Blogger of Note" or "BON" from Our Wisdom of Words (WOW), and I'll have a special post that highlights some of my faves over the past two-and-a-half years. On Monday, we'll return to the mountains and you'll get to check out my favorite day of vacation!)
The Sugar Mountain photo just kills me. Oh that there is such a place! The shop photo is adorable, that window. Rick is an iron man!
I'm loving these posts breaking down your trip.
Mountains + water = pure magic. A perfect vacation, for sure. I always love the way you find so much to enjoy in every occasion, but my favorite picture this time may have been the church nestled in the mountains... so peaceful, so lovely.
Looks like a fabulous getaway ... I can never decide ... mountains or the sea ... both have their own magic qualities!!!
You were definitely in God's country! I love the Blue Ridge, home of my ancestors.
Wow,,what an amazing vacation you had! It's absolutely stunning the pictures that you took. How in the world did you get so close to that bird? You must have great telephoto lense! I am back on blogger now,,the picture issue is fixed. I have a lot of catching up to do with every one.
Missed You!
Thanks for letting me know about this blog of yours. Oh, your cat is so beautiful. I need to go sew a little skirt for my 40+ year old daughter for a fun event, but will be back!!! Dogwood
Beautiful photos. I love driving through North Carolina because it's always so beautiful. Of course your wonderful blog is being honored - well deserved congratulations.
Sometimes you happen across a blog and you can't resist pressing the invite button, your vacation looks fantastic, lovely photo's.
isn't getting away for a little bit, such a breath of fresh air ?
and we lived in NC years ago....i love that state !
Great photos - and it sounds like a fantastic holiday. There's so much of the US that I haven't yet had chance to visit... places you never even *hear* about over here but which, clearly, are lovely.
Well done on being BON, it reminds me of bon-bon sweeties which I love.
Fab photos as usual. Love the bird.
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