Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Greetings from Paris!

When I made plans for Paris, there were few things on my "Must See" list (and lots on my "Would Like To See Or Do" list!)

Visiting Notre Dame was on the "Must" list.

Its high vaulted ceiling, it's enormous rose windows (45 feet in diameter) and beautiful carvings are legendary. Historically it was the setting in which kings and emperors were crowned and where knights were blessed before embarking on the crusades.

Well, it's all it's cracked up to be!

Notre Dame is located on the Ile de la Cite, and was started in 1163, thanks to Pope Alexander III. Gothic in style, it was completed around 1330. In addition to its rose windows, it is known for its gargoyles and flying buttresses.

Another little known fact is that it is about 2,000 steps from Jerry's apartment! And, since I've centered much of my sightseeing on this end of the city, I've been there several times! I've fed the birds in its courtyard, and we were even fortunate enough to hear an organ concert (or part of one -- it was a tad too avant garde for me and we left, but wonderful to hear that organ open up all the stops!)

I'm rather wild about churches and trying to get the best photographs possible with my wee camera. I didn't have time to get one with a better zoom before leaving, but I'm doing OK.

I really didn't think I'd ever arrive. After the flight delay, there were airport problems and I spent all the next day in line. When I got here, I was exhausted! A long missive will go to Air France documenting my travails. While I'm glad they found the malfunction on the plane before we departed rather than after, the hassles the next day were even worse! (If you read the comment Rick wrote the day after I left, a couple posts ago, that's just the tip of the iceberg!)

But I'm here, so, a quick recap with photos to come (from over 1500 to choose from!) -- My highlights include seeing the beautiful churches (last night a Vivaldi concert in Ste. Chappelle, which was simply to die for); marvelous side trips to Giverny and Monet's garden, picnic on the Seine, to Vaux de vie Comte (I have to check spelling on that -- a grand chateau about 90 minutes from Paris) and an absolutely stirring visit to Omaha Beach, the American Cemetery and museum.

In Paris, lots of walking (bless my nun shoes -- the feet are failing but they would have done so three days ago in my old shoes), an absolutely terrific time with Tara at a flea market and a lovely dinner at her apartment, the lovely Luxembourg Gardens, and more. Shopping. I don't want to think about lifting my luggage.

What I love most so far is simply being somewhere else, buying bread everyday and then walking it off (I hope), seeing dogs everywhere (restaurants, cafe's, the store), and the magnificent architecture. It's truly lovely.

Looking forward to getting back on regular blogging (visiting, writing) when I return, but was finally able to post and wanted to do so!

Au revoir for now!


beth said...

all I can think about right now are your feet, as mine have been killing me these past couple of days....

hugs to you !

Jane Rosemont said...

Yay! I'm so happy to read your update and SO look forward to photos and more stories.

Laura said...

A Vivaldi concert in a historic setting????? Oh my, that is living! I am so glad you are having such a fantastic time!!!!!! So exciting!

Sugar Bear said...

OH sounds so fabulous! Can't wait to hear more.

Beth said...

So glad you made it! I have been thinking about you and hoping you are having a wonderful time and it sounds like you are. Can't wait to see all the wonderful pictures.
Sorry about the feet.

Judy Winter said...

I can't wait to catch up in person. Sounds like all you hoped for and more! xoJ

joyce said...

1500 photos....oh my! Glad you're having a great time.

BONNIE K said...

I was just telling David that you hadn't posted from Paris yet, so I was glad to see this! It sounds wonderful, other than the travel part, which is often a hassle. Look forward to your pix.

anno said...

It's wonderful that you get to live right in the heart of things while you're there. Looking forward to seeing more pictures, hearing all your stories; glad you're having such a lovely visit!

Joanne Huffman said...

Wow! Glad you [finally] got there! I bet you look like a skinny Parisienne now with all that walking. I hope your feet feel better soon. I look forward to seeing lots of pictures when you get bck. Hope the trip home is easier.


Jane said...

On your next walk to Notre Dame, go into the gift shop and buy yourself a beautiful little gold replica of the rose window. I have had mine for 40 years and still love it.

Should called me about the shoes..remember I was the one who spent an entire summer looking for the perfect pair of shoes for Italy. After 6 returns, I found them...Privos..love them and ma still wearing them every day

shoreacres said...

"What I love most so far is simply being somewhere else...."

Isn't that just the truth? Paris, Mississippi, a different park, a new place to watch a sunset - it all counts. So happy for your happiness!

Becca said...

Oh, it sounds so lovely! Enjoy every minute :)

KRCampbellArt said...

I feel like I have been on vacation in France!! Great photos and stories.

Rosa said...

Ok, from the beginning! Starting out too good! Meeting up with Tara had to be the best!! Sorry 'bout the travel blahs. I hate flying these days. It's always something, isn't it? Nun shoes? I must find me some! I hear you about the luggage! I try and travel light because I know I will be shopping!

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