Thursday, January 3, 2008

Comment Issues Again!

I've been having trouble getting the comments thing activated again. Well, it's activated... just doesn't stay activated, and I can't figure out why! Hopefully my Marmelade Gypsy will get a comment or two, even if it's with this post!


Anonymous said...

I see we have blogger pals in common (Artsy and Rosa)

I'll leave a comment for you and tell you that your kitty has beautiful eyes!
*big smile*

Rosa said...

Boo hiss on blooger!

Beth said...

He sure is a sweetie!!! And his name matches him to a T!!! I finally brought my Kitty to the new house. I had been going to the old house and feeding her and loving on her. I waited till my brother went back to Oklahoma yesterday so I could bring her home. He was allergic to Kittys.
Hope your having a great Year so far!!!

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