The Gypsy Caravan 2023
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Happy Anniversary, Paris Parfait!
One of the best things about my short two months of blogging is discovering new “friends” throughout the world, by linking to their blogs.
Today I visited Paris Parfait (check the links on the right and check it out yourself!) Tara lives in Paris and fills her blog with an always visually pleasing, eclectic mix of content that includes stunning photo essays and commentary on a variety of subjects. (I especially liked her field trip to a French town – read down about a week for that one! The pix are great!) (I wanted to include one of her photos here as a "tease" for you, but didn't want to do it without her permission -- I'm still getting the hang of linking things! Alas, you'll need to visit and see for yourself!)
Well, today I discovered that Paris Parfait had its second anniversary today! So, join me in wishing Tara happy anniversary! (I extend my deep admiration – after two months, I am beginning to realize the commitment that blogging for two years really is! To do it so well is icing on the cake!)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
"Rolling, Rolling, Rolling!"
It’s called “Rolling.” “Rolling” is a television program produced by WNET/New York (you can view the program online here. It focuses on wheelchair use.)

Our event will feature a resource room with materials, possibly demonstrations from various agencies and organizations who deal with the special needs community, focusing on (but not limited to) wheelchair users and those who are part of their lives (families, teachers, caregivers, and really when you get right down to it, the general community at large).
We’ll also have a program with two nationally recognized speakers, Judy Winter (she’s on my link site on this blog) and Al Swain, who is not only a wheelchair user, but blind as well, so he’s really experienced a great deal related to the topic. The program will also include young students of the Music Therapy Program at Michigan State University and of course a preview of the documentary. We may be able to have the filmmakers attend.
I’m working with a great team of folks representing some terrific organizations in our area. I’ll post more about this soon, including links to our partners. You may well know someone who could benefit from info on their sites (particularly the resources from the Center for Educational Networking, which has some great online publications --
Some days you just have a good work day. Today was one of them!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Gotta Dance! (Tap, that is!)
Not literally, I fear. But for several delightful hours three of us enjoyed the magic of Busby Berkeley, the colorful glamour of Carmen Miranda, the easy, flawless style of Gene Kelly, the shotgun taps of Ann Miller and the glitzy, downright hilarious spectacle of "The Producers" biggest production sequences! It was our Tap-a-thon -- and there wasn't enough time to enjoy it all, so "Tap Deux" will be coming soon, I think.
We squirmed in our seats, feet moving, as we watched some of the best tap numbers on screen and laughed as we watched Busby Berkeley's color film "The Gang's All Here" with Carmen Miranda doing one of the more phallic numbers of all time (imagine dozens of beautiful girls each holding giant bananas, which they waved about in patterns!). Alice Faye crooned beautiful ballads and led into Busby's Polka Dot Polka, which evolved into something with kalaidoscopic patterns that seemed more like something you'd find in the 60s inspired by way too many magic mushrooms! (You have to wonder what Freud would say about Busby Berkeley.) The plot's nothing to write home about -- but how can you argue with Benny Goodman's music and all those production numbers?
We also watched Berkeley clips from "42nd Street" "Footlight Parade," "Golddiggers of 1933" and more. My favorites? Ruby Keeler's "42nd Street," of course, and "Remember My Forgotten Man" with a poignant Joan Blondell and a massive production number. "Shadow Waltz" was pretty amazing, too.
(Actually, we watched these earlier Berkeley movies after "The Gang" and it was pretty easy to see that he picked his methods and style early and stuck with it for more than a decade.)
Time was running out, so we caught Ann Miller tapping "Prehistoric Man" from "On the Town" and then moved onto "Good Morning" and "Singin' in the Rain" -- no one does it like Gene Kelly! We wrapped up with several glitzy numbers from "The Producers."
(I might add that as we were watching these movies, we were also dining on Jan's artichoke dip, Kate's great corn and bean salsa, Trader Joe pastry puffs, and of course, Junior Mints -- all with wine and fizzy water!) We never did get to Fred and Ginger, Fred and Cyd, Jimmy Cagney in "Yankee Doodle Dandy" and were chastised by several of the men who joined us at dinner later for not including Shirley Temple or Gregory Hines. ("Tap-Deux.")
We later were joined by others who couldn't attend and some men-folk for Italian food at Bravo (or, for those of us who ate our hearts out on appetizers all afternoon, soup!).
So, my question to you -- any tap favorites we should include next time?
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Good Times!
Last time I talked a bit about the NETA conference. Here's a bit of an overview -- highlights of a great time!

...the fascinating pendulum in the lobby. Again, moving too much to be a clear shot. This pendulum moves with the earth's movement, if I got that right, and every so often, it knocks off a metal marble positioned in the circle that surrounds it.
...the Space Exhibit. This area focused on space and had walk-in areas so you could see the food and facilties astronauts work with as well as many interactive exhibits.

The first day's lunch featured Mary Ann Esposito, host of "Ciao, Italia" (check your public television station!). It was a pizza lunch and I've decided I'm in love with gorgonzola and sun-dried tomato pizza. She was very gracious (pictured on the left with a NETA staff person named Gail).

Thursday night was the hospitality suite evening. As I mentioned before, I was all geeked up about the "how-to" suite, and it didn't disappoint. Here are three of my creations (the card wasn't that great and not worth including!). The necklace nearly killed me -- made me realize I either need to move to a bigger size reader glasses or bite the bullet and get the real thing! Sandy Laipply of "Beads, Baubles and Jewels" graciously helped me with some of the smaller-holed beads. (Let me say that I've strung beads since I was four, and there is nothing complicated about this necklace except for the wretched rubber bumper beads between the pearls. I will never use them again unless I get lasik.)

And I loved "Quilting Arts" and meeting Patricia Bolton, who many of us know as editor of "Cloth, Paper, Scissors" (as well as "Quilting Arts" magazine). Our project there was a coffee cup holder (like the kind you might get on a Starbucks cup). Using fabric and fused patches, we cut out the designs we chose from the patches, arranged them, and Patricia sewed them onto the pre-cut shape and then free-quilted it with the machine. It's really cute and I'll use it.
She was a lovely and very interesting woman (who really looks young!), with a lot of experience under her belt (including a background in special needs). She landed in this business after a trip to Jo-Ann's on a stressed out day during the period she was working on her Ph.D (not in crafts!). I was pleased to have the opportunity to tell her how much I -- and many others I knew -- enjoyed and used the magazine.
(One of the things I didn't know about many of these shows is that they are produced in a studio in Beachwood, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. I have family in Beachwood, and I think a studio visit may be in the offing!)

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Greetings from Columbus!
Unfortunately, tonight is the ONE NIGHT I wanted the camera -- hospitality suites, including the make-it-and-take-it for the how-to shows, along with some others -- and who knows who could turn up?!
Well, my friends picked me up for dinner and I left my totebag (with the camera and phone) in the car. So, wish me well getting back to their place tonight! (Shouldn't be a problem.) So, that's a bit of a bummer, but I'm planning on having so much fun, who'd have time for taking pictures! At least having the quiet time before the parties means I can log in and make a quick post.
Great fun to connect with colleagues, learn new things (lots about the digital television conversion -- I have one link over in my site links to the right about the coupon program). Also enjoyed a blogging seminar, and lots of PR-related things.
The event kicked off with a big party at the science museum, with great exhibits and entertainment. (I DID have the camera for that -- look out soon for the stilt-walkers!) And a delicious pizza lunch with the host of "Ciao Italia."
So, I'll be back on a regular schedule Monday -- or maybe even before! I miss checking all your postings!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Off for a Few Days!

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Danger! UFO!

Friday, January 18, 2008
Play Date!
Suzanne and I have known each other for 40 years this year, meeting in high school through drama productions. We managed to stay friends ever since and grow together (versus growing apart). We still share so many of the same interests – knitting, craft, books, movies, theatre, travel, good food and shopping!
So, her visit had to include a number of those elements!
We headed to Ann Arbor for some shopping, first stopping at Cabela’s in Dundee, Michigan. They have these huge dioramas of the outdoors, and while stuffed animals aren’t quite my bag, they did make for fine, immobile wildlife subjects! I especially liked this white wolf.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Photographs of the Heart
This morning the light was perfect as I went down these rural roads. Fresh snow gleamed and the world looked like a symphony of white. Crisp, precise white fences; white barns, immaculately kept; white sheep (which actually looked gray by comparison to the pristine snow), and of course that snow.
Only the darker donkey, and the black trunks and lacy bare branches of the trees offered a stark contrast to the white. The lighting was perfect. It was dazzling.
At first, I was frustrated I didn’t have my camera with me. But I also realized that one would need to be a far better photographer than I to balance all that white. And perhaps even the best of the best (and I know a few of those!) wouldn't be able to do it justice -- there wasn’t a lot of contrast.
Yet to me, it was breathtaking. A “photograph of the heart” for days to come.
On another topic, I’ve yet to take that picture of my UFO – the unfinished knitting object I mentioned. I'll do that soon. I was so worn by the time I got home last night (with proofing to do) that I just crashed. No knitting guild for me last night!
Tonight my friend Suzanne from Canada (formerly from Lansing – formerly meaning high school) is visiting, en route to a meeting in Chicago. We’ll go play tomorrow. Perhaps Ann Arbor, Trader Joe’s and the fabulous Hollander’s Art Store, all weather pending. And, we’ll celebrate Christmas (I knew there was a reason why some of the trees were still up…)
In honor of Suzanne’s visit, here is her Heart-Healthy Stuffed Mushrooms recipe! It’s good – enjoy!
Suzanne’s Healthy Stuffed Mushrooms
According to Suzanne, each mushroom only has 27 calories and one gram of fat!
1 lb. medium-sized mushrooms
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 clove garlic, pressed
2 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. thyme
Dash pepper and ground nutmeg
1/3 cup soft plain bread crumbs
4 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
Clean mushrooms, carefully removing stems, which you chop finely.
In medium pan, heat oil.
Add chopped stems and cook, stirring until juices have evaporated.
Mix in remaining ingredients; remove from heat. Mound cooked mixture into mushroom caps.
Place caps in a shallow baking pan sprayed with cooking spray and bake uncovered at 400 for 20-25 minutes.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I'm Dreaming of...
It's snowing here this morning, and while we had deep snow on January 1 that has since melted, this is only a drop in the bucket.
But it still makes me long for Myrtle Beach, SC, where we go each summer when Rick does a trade show there. I help, but I get a lot more play time than he does.

The water -- I never knew I loved the ocean until after Myrtle Beach. Huge, powerful waves, perfect for diving into or over. Warm. Salty. When Big Cat Stimpy died, we went to MB about a week or two after. I truly felt that all the salt in the water mirrored all the tears I had cried for my sweet Angel Boy, and in so very many ways it was a divinely healing place.
Although it's no longer there, one of my favorite places was the Pavilion amusement park. This is not your oversized theme park, but the kind of park I remember from when I was a kid. A marvelous carousel, lots of "whirl-and-hurl" rides, fortune tellers and plenty of carnival buskers. A great place to people watch and spend a warm summer evening before walking back on the beach.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
The Sisters

The little short one next to her is Grace, the youngest. Grace had three kids -- David, Patty, and Mary Ann, who is best known as Mutty. They are like brothers and sisters to me, the only child, as we spent so very many of our entire summers together. In this picture, Grace and Mutty could be one and the same. We always thought Mutty looked more like her dad, but one look here -- Whew!
You can't see Iris very well -- she's somewhat covered by my Mom. She's the oldest and the only living sister, now almost 95. If you look at photos of Iris and her daughter Nancy (or for that matter, her granddaughter Mary), the resemblance is uncanny. Eleanor, in the right, rear, died when she was about 40 or so. But her children Jack and Ann resemble her strongly.
This isn't rocket science -- we all look like someone and for a lot of good reasons. But I find it amazing that we can be so like one, so like another, over so many generations.
Looking at this picture reminds me of the strong women from which I came. Most of them worked outside the home. Iris was one of the first women in business in Lansing. Mom taught, worked for the airlines during the war, and managed a dress shop. Eleanor was an artist. I don't know if Grace ever worked outside the home, because she was my grandmother's primary caregiver until her marriage. But they built a strong legacy of independence, compassion, creativity, and hard work which they passed to their children. I'm lucky to be part of them.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Getting My Groove Back

"Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell talks about the gut instincts we sometimes get about certain things or poeple, and working with that. They can be good, but they can also be the wrong take. Kevin gave that to me -- I think as a college freshman he has become more in-tuned to a broader range of writing and shared that with us this Christmas.
The other is a book I gave Rick and the kids called "How Starbucks Saved My Life" by Michael Gates Gill -- true story of a former JWT creative director who found himself out of a job and working at Starbucks. It's published by Starbuckss (not surprisingly) and much is a big promo (the guy WAS a creative and marketing director) but it's a pretty good and well written morality tale.
Then came Cloth Paper Scissors (CPS) with a great article on making gelatin prints. I've never done this, but have to get gelatin now and see how it works. It's a good thing I didn't have any in the house because I probably would have become half-involed, popped out and left myself with a big mess!
Belated gifts from Cousin Mutty, including a neckwarmer with lavender and herbs in it, were a welcome surprise.
The happy cowgirl at the top of this post is from a disc Shelley sent me for Christmas. I like her spunky look! Good motivation. The little buckaroo by her think of as Rick (who brought me jello when I was sick!) -- waiting in the wings for a full recovery!
Well, I'm going to try to post this on blogger. This computer is so very slow, so...wish me well. Back in business next week!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Not Flu, "Just" Bronchitis!
Flu Season
For those of you with blogs, I'll check in after I get off dial-up!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Writing as Art

We think of great novels as "art." And poetry or Shakespeare. It's art.
But writing? Our penmanship?
A few days ago I posted about Japan and a correspondence from our friend Kumiko-san, who used to live in Lansing. She recently shared with me some of her beautiful calligraphy, which has appeared in several exhibitions in Japan.

Monday, January 7, 2008
Soup Season!

About 3-4 Yukon Gold Potatoes
3 fennel bulbs
2-3 leeks
Wash all veggies and cut into small pieces. Put in stock pot. Add:
3 cans (6 cups) chicken stock
Fresh chopped rosemary and thyme
Dried basil and oregano
Salt/Pepper to taste
Bring to boil and simmer for about 30-40 minutes till veggies are soft. In batches, put veggies in blender or food processor, adding cooking broth. Combine processed soup, adding more liquid if desired, return to heat. Serve with fennel fronds on top.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Thinking About Japan
Today we heard from Kumiko, who was a delegate here about six years ago. On her card, she had a photo of a calligraphy exhibit she had -- it was beautiful. I'm hoping we can get a website where those images are posted!
The experience was wonderful for all sorts of reasons -- discovering new foods and cultures (Rick often prepares Japanese food), beautiful sites, absorbing one's self in a culture that is pretty different from your own (at least in terms of language and pace). But the friendships were the best.
I was looking at a few of my Asian-themed cards for an upcoming swap and decided to post some of them here! All except the last used vintage postcards I found at an antiquarian book and paper show.
One of the things I remember most about the trip (which was in February and very cold and snowy here) was that although it was also winter there (and in the mountains, it was BIG winter!) we could walk along the streets in Shiga or Tokyo neighborhoods and see flower boxes with pansies. It was a great lift, seeing those bright faces of purple and yellow and knowing spring would come to Michigan again someday. I have to remember that this morning!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Comment Issues Again!
The Marmelade Boy!

Who couldn't love such a sweet boy!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New Year, New Snow!

You hear the term "laden" -- well, these branches were laden with snow. Incredibly beautiful.

So, I had to "start with art" and finish a collage (badly photographed below) from our trip to Canada. This was a Christmas gift that is now a post-Christmas gift! (Canvas base with painted background, textured with modeling paste and with photographs I took from the trip -- along with a few blue jay feathers (there were scads of them -- just like Hitchcock, only they were all blue!) and a seagull feather from our beach walk).

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