Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Postcards from the Lake: Fireworks and Festivities

Our recent Saturday began with Rick's bike ride. He's having a lot of problems with his bike and waiting for a new part to arrive. That means rides are shorter and closer to home. (We still don't know about his upcoming Canadian trip yet.) 

But he took off in good form, happy to be in motion!

After he got back, we headed north to meet the kids at their other grandparents near Petoskey. The reason? A festive birthday! The Camster is six now -- or will be in a couple of days. This was an early celebration. And he was loving it! That's beautiful mom Molly helping out!

So was his brother! They both opened presents.

And then they got to work. Legos are very big with these two. (With all those tiny parts, we kept our shoes on!) They play so well together -- share and share alike!

Grandpa was in seventh heaven just being around these guys!

And, one of the finished products!

A bit later -- after a menu chosen by Cam -- burgers, dogs, tater tots, chips, fruit and (chosen by an adult) a Cowboy Caviar (or I call it my Fiesta Corn Salad!) -- it was time for cake!

It took a few blows to get out the candles on the "hamburger" cake but then time to chow down!


This face melts my heart! 

Of course, it was fun to see the grown up Oberle boys, too!

We left in time to make it home for the fireworks show right across the lake from us. Boats gathered early and soon the Drone Show -- the first we'd seen on our lake -- began.

There were a bunch of drones forming interesting symbols, some patriotic, some just fun. 

And of course, they wrapped up with a Happy Fourth!

Then it was time for fireworks. 

Last year the fireworks barge sunk in the lake -- not a good thing. This year, the fireworks were shorter (but there was the Drone show). Still, they were quite spectacular, shot off in quite rapid succession and receiving many positive cheers from those in the boats.

My camera doesn't do fireworks like it used to but here are a couple of views! I loved the pinks.

And the reflections on the water were pretty.

So, I leave you with a last splash of color! 

And onward to the next adventure at the lake. 

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Tom said...

...you had a fabulous 4th! I've yet to see a drone show, they seem to put of less pollution that fireworks. Enjoy your summer at the lake.

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning what a fun post. I did not grow up with Legos but I think they are one of the best creative toys out there. Have you seen the Legos tv show? I can't remember when they are on maybe towards fall but the teams build amazing Lego challenges.
You captured awesome fireworks photos and how cool about the drone show I have not seen one of those in person. Awesome bday cake too

ashok said...

Have fun ! Cheers!

eileeninmd said...

Fun times and a happy birthday to your grandson. Legos are popular with my great-nephew. The cakes look yummy! What a beautiful fireworks show, I heard they have been using drones, maybe it is safer.

Pam Richardson said...

This is such a fun-filled post. I can’t believe that handsome boy is six years old. I love the hamburger birthday cake. Our grands love Legos just as their daddy did when he was little. I think they are great toys for children and yes even adults! Enjoy your week, Jeanie!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Cam's smile is a heartbreaker in the making. Good times with family and friends are the best.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Good times and good memories created for all! Happy cottage life!

Rita said...

I hope Rick can get his bike back in top form.

The birthday party looks wonderful!! Love the pictures and that hamburger cake is marvelous! My grands love Legos, too.

The drones! I didn't know they could manage to do anything like that. I think I would be more fascinated by those than the fireworks--lol!

What a fabulous time! Family is everything. :)

Bill said...

Lots of fun and celebrations!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Enjoy those kids while you may; they grow up so fast. We were with friends recently and their youngest has decided she wants to stay out west where she is going to university. She has a job there and they suspect maybe a romantic interest too. Pretty soon they'll hardly see each other any more.

Divers and Sundry said...

What a fun-filled day!

gz said...

That was a birthday celebration and a half!!
I love drone shows..and like fireworks you get the best view from a distance..and no whizzbangs atall!

Hope the bike parts arrive on time... happy riding...Stay between the hedges and rubber side down please 🙂🚴

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful smile! and lovely that they share. I don't think I've ever seen a drone show but your photos were beautiful and some quite dramatic.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy Birthday to Cam!

Beautiful pictures, the light on the water is spectacular.

Anvilcloud said...

I wonder if drone shows will eventually drone out fireworks.

Prims By The Water said...

Happy belated birthday to Cam. That hamburger cake looked so real. Bet it tasted awesome! That would have sucked having the barge sink just before the fireworks. Hopefully they were able to retrieve it. They did a drone show here too. I think this is the rage now. I did hear though that some town had them and they malfunctioned and all came down at once. Janice

Mae Travels said...

Drone shows rival fireworks these days -- I am looking forward to seeing a drone show some time, but I've only heard about them. Love your photos!

acorn hollow said...

Happy Birthday to the sweet birthday boy.
Those fireworks and drones were great I think you got great pictures.

Jenn Jilks said...

Happy 4th!
What a great show.
Sweet boys, too!
Those drones are wonderful.

Romance Book Haven said...

Sounds like you had fun! Awesome!

roentare said...

What a day of celebration! Looks very happy for everyone there

DeniseinVA said...

It's fascinating that drones are now part of our firework celebrations on the 4th. You took great photos of all of them Jeanie, including your regular fireworks. Enjoyed seeing the family also. Looks like a very nice get together.

Sandra Cox said...

Those boys are just too cute:) And that cake....purrfect:)

Pamela said...

What fun - a birthday and fireworks! I love celebrations.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I hope that Rick will be able to restore his bike to peak condition and embark on his grand journey across Eastern Canada. He certainly has ambition - and stamina too!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said...

You are a wonderful photographer and captured some amazing shots. The boys are precious and so nice that they get along so well.I love the drone stuff in the sky although I never saw anything like it. We just had plain old fireworks lighting up the sky.. Glad everyone enjoyed the birthday celebration !

La Table De Nana said...

Adorb boys..Littles and Bigs..and mama is so pretty..Legos were Huge with Noah:)

My name is Erika. said...

It looks like you had a super July 4th and birthday party. I love that cake. I bet the kids did too. In some ways I bet you're happy Rick needs some repairs for a long ride, but I bet he'll be happy when he's back on the longer rides. It sounds like you're having a great July so far though. Hopefully the skies will stay clear and this heat won't get too oppressive. hugs-Erika

crackercrumblife said...

This looks like such a wonderful celebration. So full of family and fun!!

gigi-hawaii said...

What a super birthday and 4th. Love that cake.

Linda Stoll said...

oh having our little ones (mine are in their teens now!) gathered round, making memories that will last forever is sheer joy. thank you for sharing yours with us, friend. THESE are the good old days, for sure.

stay cool!

Lux G. said...

What a beautiful family you have. Happy 4th (belated!). How about that burger cake, huh? Makes me drool.

Marilyn Miller said...

I miss seeing fireworks, as I won't fight the traffic and crowds to go see them. What fun to see them right from your beach community.
Happy Birthday to your Cam. What a fun celebration. My D loved Legos at that age too, but has since moved to techy stuff/games and hanging with friends.
Good luck and safe travels for Rick.

Sandi Magle said...

What a great family and looks like you had a 'sparkling' good time. Nothing is better than fireworks on a lake! Hugs, Sandi

This N That said...

I hope Ricks bike will be in good repair when it's time for his Canadian tour. I'm sure he will be disappointed if it doesn't happen. It's way too hot to be doing that or much of anything for that matter. Beautiful fireworks. Love the cake. Never saw a hamburger cake before.

Rita C at Panoply said...

Those grands are so handsome! And so are the sons. Beautiful family, beautiful memories. Fun cake!

Joanne said...

Such a fabulous weekend at the lake! That cake is so cute and his birthday menu sounds a lot like my mother in law's menu each year. My boys were all huge Lego fans too. I had never heard of a drone display before but those are so cool! We saw a few fireworks this past weekend but I didn't get any pictures.

Polly said...

What a lovely happy post Jeanie. You have a lovely family, handsome big boys and delightful little ones. And what a GREAT cake!

New Release Books said...

Looks like you had a great weekend!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Such fun times for all. Happy Birthday to Cam. The family looks like they are loving everything, the menu and the darling hamburger cake.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Hot dogs, burgers and tater tots. Does it get any better than that!?!? What a great holiday you had!

Arti said...

The brothers look like twins! So handsome 😉And Happy Birthday to the 6 yr. old. Is he starting grade one in September ? While you’re having your July 4th celebrations, we’re having our Calgary Stampede this week… in very hot temp.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Nobody can resist Legos. I'm surprised we don't see more of these out there for adults!

Love the photos!

Sorry I'm running so late this week. I was delayed by a close encounter with Hurricane Beryl.

Red Rose Alley said...

That "hamburger" cake is something else! That is a cool Lego piece that he put together. The kids love Legos, and Francesca just made a Rapunzel one when she visited. It really helps them putting things together with their little hands, and the final pieces are so creative. They have been delightful for years! My son used to enjoy them also when he was a kid. The firework display was grand. Too bad they sunk in the lake last year. Yes, the one with Pink colors over the water was cool. Happy Birthday to your little one, Jeanie. Such happy faces all around.


Dara @ Not In Jersey said...

Happy birthday to your grandson! I think I'd like to see a drone show at some point!

Velva- Evening with a Sandwich said...

The hamburger cake! I love it!!! What a great day to spend with the grandkids and the family. Looks like a great day had by all-

DUTA said...

I love it when siblings are close, share things, love each other like the two little guys. That gives parents and family great satisfaction.
Your fireworks captures, Jeanie, are a great show!

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely photographs from the birthday party.
That hamburger cake looks brilliant.
Lego is wonderful isn't it, our grandchildren enjoy making models with it too.

The fireworks and the drone show at the lake looks good.

All the best Jan

Anonymous said...

This is Lisa. What a fun bday celebration! Lego sets are the best. Paul is very into them, too. It’s great that the boys play together so well. We are not at that stage yet in our house but when someone is 3, it’s not the stage for that typically… they can play well together but often there is conflict and wrestling (which I loathe but understand is part of a sibling relationship).

I did not see a single firework this year! It rained hard on the 4th. I heard people setting them off on the 5th when it was clearer but I was heading to bed at that point. The boys get up quite early so I tend to go to bed early so I can function in the morning. Some day they will sleep later and I can enjoy fireworks!

I thought of you when I drove past Lansing in the pouring rain! I hope your basement is dry! What a terrible things to have to worry about.

Debbie said...

those boys are ADORABLE...the big ones and especially the little ones. this sounds like an amazing celebration, and that cake must be one of a kind, it's awesome!! the images from the drone shown are wonderful, i have never seen one before and you did great with the capturing the fireworks!!

and we should not forget rick, looking all handsome getting ready for his ride. i hope he is able to get his bike fixed and enjoy his rides!!

Carola Bartz said...

Fireworks over a lake are certainly so much more beautiful than just regular ones. How does Lizzie react to the fireworks? I think it's very stressful for animals. We didn't have an official firwork because of the very dry conditions (unfortunately we already had several wildfires in the area) and private ones were illegal, but that didn't stop a lot of people to have them anyway. It seems the October fires of 2017 weren't bad enough.

PaulaShort said...

Jeanie, that face, how precious! So happy you all had a lovely visit. I've never seen a drone show before, you've piqued my curiosity.
Visiting today from Talking About it Tuesday's 28 #47,48&49.

GreenComotion said...

Waiting patiently for bicycle parts for someone who loves to ride regularly / often can be a pain in the rear. Been there, done that.
May the part come soon :) :)

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