Sunday, June 30, 2024

Postcards From the Lake -- A Short First Visit

Well, I'd been living in the "heat dome" (along with many of you) for over a week and finally had a window to get to the cottage to bring up a load of stuff for the summer. I eagerly awaited the cooler temperatures, the nearness of the water, just getting back north and living in that sublime state called "Lake Time."

And then it started to rain up there. Day after day of raindrops (often at high percentages) decorated the weather pages and so I postponed my five day weekend to a four day, then to a three day. I can't say that the arrival was dry, but it wasn't pouring and I decided to take that as a win.

The car was packed with sofa cushions, a new floatie, clothing, books, food, cat stuff, things for the house, laundry, you name it. I was even able to fit in a few of my plants with more scheduled for the next trip. Oh yes, I also had a cat who did not particularly want to travel. It happens. 

This cottage has been in the family since the early 1960s when my parents decided to move out of the old cottage and down the road. The family place was originally owned by my grandfather, passed on to his daughters and now owned by one sister's families. Our place is smaller -- two bedrooms, an open main room, a tiny bathroom and kitchen. But it is cozy and home, at least in the summer. This is what it looked like when we bought it -- long before we added the front porch.

With Major, c. 1963, back when it was pink trim and no porch!

Now I practically live on the front porch! It's where I paint, read and where we eat unless it's too cold or "raining crooked" and coming through the screens!

Our dear neighbor Jim used to mow our lawn several times a year (we don't have a groomed lawn but the weeds get tall). Well, longtime readers may recall that he sold his place last year. Upon returning, the lawn looked more like a meadow than a yard. I found someone who can mow it before the fourth and then once or twice during the summer, so that's checked off the list!

Meanwhile, good neighbor Dave next door had both our beaches cultivated and the weeds more or less removed (they do grow back!), so the front (we call the lakeside the front) is looking good.

It's a good feeling to come into the house and things are as they were left, more or less. The old and familiar, nothing fancy. Most everything in the house has had a previous life in another place. There is wear and tear on the slipcovers, some furniture I hate, other pieces that I rather like. I could never be happy living here full time but for the summer, it could not be better.

Apart from the yard and cleaning things up/getting it back in order, the only other frustrating thing is an invasion of Pharoah ants, the teeniest things I've ever seen. So, I had to deal with those. 

The first trip into town -- construction, and plenty of it. I suspect the small shops in town will suffer this summer, as people avoid the construction and go to the big box stores on the easier-to-reach edge of town instead. 

The first walk of summer is always a sweet one. I spy things new and much that is the same as in all the years before. Most of the gardens haven't popped yet. This one is always nice. It looks like they built a little patio in the center this year. 

The Little Free Library seemed a bit on the empty side and I'll bring down a few books for it. Only one looked interesting to me -- Ted Sorenson's biography of JFK. My book stack is a big one this summer so I left it there. For now. And then there are all the books that live at the lake -- many from my childhood. I may reread a Trixie Belden or Nancy Drew this summer.

There's always a bit of neighoring on a walk -- "Hellos" to strangers, chats with old acquaintances. I confess being a bit eager to break away from one woman. It was hot in the sun and my bad foot was telling me to get home! Meanwhile, she was telling me -- well, just about anything that came into her head! Still, I enjoy the neighboring part of a walk. And when I walk through the arbor of trees that grace each side of the road, with their branches forming a perfect canopy overhead, I realize how very fortunate I am. 

I settled in to do another painting challenge, this one indigo, duck blue (whatever that is), scarlet and caramel. It was lovely to sit on the porch, warm and happy,  brush in hand once again.

And Lizzie settled in, too.

And so, these opening days draw to a close. Time to pick up a couple new solar fireworks lights!


This is a short trip; next time I'll be with Rick and here for much longer. 

The sunsets will get more vibrant as the year moves on. 

And I will be vibrant, too.

After all, I'll be in my happy place.


Anonymous said...

This is Lisa. Those solar firework lights are so cool! I should get some for my parents. Where did you get them?

We have not had hot weather here yet, nor have my parents. We have had a ton of rain, but my parents haven’t. We are making our first trip up to the lake for the 4th. And then we will be up there again in August for our week long trip. At least one boy will stay for the following week and then I will come get them Labor Day weekend. I am debating asking if they would like to keep taco, too…

Have you met the people who bought Jim’s house? I hope you like them. No one could replace Jim, though. My parents have had mixed success with their neighbors. I think the current neighbor is not their favorite but not terrible. One neighbor is great though so at least 1 is good.

My name is Erika. said...

I love that your lake house is really what a cottage/camp should be. Now it seems everyone is going for the second year round home with new furniture, etc. Your cottage is cozy and full of good memories, which is how it should be. Too bad about the rain and the heat dome, we've had both, but your heat dome has been longer than ours which I am sorry to read about. Stay cool, and I hope you are back to the lake very soon. I also love those sparkler solar lights in your plants too. I'm heading over to Amazon to see what they might have. :) hugs-Erika

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, lovely post thanks for sharing. I thought you moved in during the summer months. enjoy the the hugs Kathy

Rita said...

Sounds like you brought a full car to the lake. Always looks so lovely there and the cabin looks cozy. BUT--ants! You are battling ants this year, too. I had to google pharoah ants. They sound persistent! I hope you can get rid of them easily.
Always love to see what art you are working on. I picture you on your patio enjoying the view. :)

Bill said...

Your place looks nice and comfy, just add people, creativity and you'll have another year of fantastic memories.

Tom said...

...we have a cabin in the Adirondacks, we wait until the black flies aren't so bad.

Linda Sue said...

I am so excited for you to get back to the cabin on the lake. That is my favorite tine of year, "When Jeanie goes back to the lake", and I feel that you are well there in spite of chatty neighbors...Sorry about the rain spoiling your first trip back. Summer will be perfect ...soon...
as always I LOVE your art!

Sue in Suffolk said...

Lovely to see your first visit to the lake. Hope there are many more to come.
Had to google Pharaoh ants. What nasty tiny things they seem to be, glad they haven't got here yet. Made me feel all itchy!

Divers and Sundry said...

The perfect summer place! When I see your photos I can feel what a pleasant place it is for walking and for lake life. Sweet!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Jeanie, you know how much I love hearing about your time at the lake. It's such a peaceful place, and reminds me a lot of where I live here in the mountains. So many things I liked about your post. That free library is cool, and it's good that you bring a few of your books to share. Your lawn is nice, and it's nice that you found someone to help mow it during the Summer. I loved the picture of the cottage with the pink trim. My sister-in-law also painted her front door pink, and that can look charming. Your photo, ON LAKE TIME, is perfect for the summer days spent there. And what a peaceful walk you can take with the canopy of trees overhead. LOVE your painting too, it's so bright and cheerful. And lastly, those solar fireworks lights are cool. Where did you get those? I look forward to reading about your moments at the lake, Jeanie.


Linda P said...

So glad you have had an initial trip to the lake. I can imagine it from your descriptions. It's good that you have helpful neighbours. I look forward to more 'postcards from the lake'.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

It's wonderful that you have been able to spend time at the lake for more than sixty years! I bet you feel awash with memories every time you arrive there.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

I just love everything about this post and the memories it brings from my cottage days. You are especially skilled at writing about what is the best parts of cottage life...the family history, the things brought in from other places, the porches and walks and even the weeds.

I need to find some of those solar power fireworks I didn't know they existed.

Sandra Cox said...

What a lovely place to recharge. Very special.
Love the painting.

The Happy Whisk said...

The lake sounds wonderful. I used to visit one a long time ago and just loved it. I love how even though it was hot during the day, the lake was cool by nightfall and we needed the fire along with hoodies. That's the best. Cheers, Ivy.

Joyful said...

Beautiful! I love it when you go back to the lake. It's a perfect cottage to spend part of your summers and to slow down and relax. I can only imagine. Your photos there are absolutely beautiful and your watercolour is exquisite.

Tracy said...

That looks absolutely blissful - so cosy, inviting and well-loved.

Pam said...

Be cool to have a place to run away too. But, I have too much trouble keeping one house up, let alone two. HAHA....My brother used to live in a house that had a lake house across the lake. This was when Amber lived with me along with Caleb who was just a tad over one when they moved in. Thy stayed till he was six.....anyway, I kept Caleb at night and on weekends when Amber did not work. BUt on weekdays when she was off I would run away and stay at the lake house. That was neat, and it was a much needed get away time. Your place look sweet and comfy.

Lowcarb team member said...

This was a lovely post Jeanie.
You sound so happy there and it looks so nice and comfy, perfect for summer days.

Taking the opportunity to wish you a happy new month of July - the year is flying by!

All the best Jan

Mae Travels said...

In your painting I love the contrast between the watery red of the flowers and the hard-edged decorative quality of the butterflies.
Too bad Lizzie The Cat isn’t cooperating!

best, mae at

Pamela said...

I love your lake house and the history of it. The Trixie Belden series has always been my favorite. I wanted to be part of the Bobwhites of the Glen!

roentare said...

The garden is so cleaned up neatly and tidy. What an industrial pair of you doing the house keeping diligently

Prims By The Water said...

Yeah Summer is here and you are back at your cottage. So glad Lizzie likes the ride each time. Also nice to have had a family home passed down. Janice

Debra@CommonGround said...

Your little meadow is beautiful and so "natural" sort of like an English cottage. Glad everything was working and in it's place. You have such amazing photos!

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

You make me yearn for a lake place. We had one growing up, I miss it. As nice as a new, modern place would be, the nostalgia of an old place is really what I want.

Sherry's Pickings said...

that is a gorgeous sunset Jeanie. How lovely to spend time by the lake.

eileeninmd said...

Happy July Jeanie,
You lake house looks wonderful, I can see why it would be your happy place for the summer. Love your butterfly painting and your cute Lizzie.
Have a great day and happy new week!

Pam Richardson said...

Lake life seems magical with all of the memories from years past and the promise of new ones being made this summer. The canopy of trees looks perfect for a walk. Happy July, Jeanie!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Jeanie, your lake spot is so special. I enjoyed seeing you in the picture with Major--so darling. How wonderful for you to have a happy place for the summer months. It reminds me of the place my sister had on the bay that is now her daughters.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Soon you will be settled in for the season and enjoying it as you have every year of your life. May the weather be kind and the mosquitoes few.

Anvilcloud said...

I was wondering when you'd get there. It seems like a perfect cottage. It awaits your return.

gigi-hawaii said...

Well, good for you! Yay for a summer retreat. I love your butterfly art. Happy times.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Such a lovely cozy cottage, full of well loved things. You don't have to keep what you hate, though, get rid of those things so you are only surrounded by what you love. I hope it cools off for both of us soon. I detest heat!!

carol@The Red Painted Cottage said...

I’m sure you’ll be thrilled once you and Rick finally settle in for the summer. We’re a lot older than both of you and to be honest, we are so happy to have sold our cottage. It was a lot of upkeep. Enjoy it while you’re able to!

Sandi Magle said...

You took me back to my parents' cottage, and the delightful first trip of the year. How delightful you still have a cottage. We actually live in a lake community, but as we get older we spend less and less time on the boat and going to the beaches. I really should start delightful that you have that place and a place to paint, walk and just enjoy the outdoors! Hugs, Sandi

La Table De Nana said...

Your cottage reminds me of the This Is Us cottage..or many of those movie cottages where people left their city homes for cottage country.Love it:)

Iris Flavia said...

You have great neighbors and a wonderful, beautiful place!
Your house, your garden and the lake, oh, please don´t forget to share loads of pics, please!
And Lizzie! So cute - Have a wonderful summer!

Barb said...

I always love seeing the first of the season photos of the cottage by the lake. It sounds like you'll soon be moving up for the summer. I love those little solar lights on your geraniums.

Barb said...

I always love seeing the first of the season photos of the cottage by the lake. Lots of green there from all the rain. I love the little solar lights on your geraniums.

Rita C at Panoply said...

Oh, how I love your lake time. Fireworks solar lights? Must find! Safe travels, back and forth. Thanks for sharing it all with us!

This N That said...

Welcome back to the lake. I'm sure it feels great to be back. Love your painting. Great colors. I'm sure it will be good to be back for the summer.

DUTA said...

The lake cottage, looks good, sounds good! It's heritage,
so keep it and cherish it. Not everyone gets a gift like this.
It gives you art inspiration, as is seen in the beautiful art works done there.

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Jeanie, you are so fortunate to have a lake cottage to get away to. Lots of memories and more to make. Enjoy.

The French Hutch said...

Jeanie, I enjoyed seeing your home away from home and it's as lovely as I imagined. I think it must be wonderful to have your own vaca place where all you do is get there, no worries because everything you need and love is already there. Lizzie may not like to travel but she sure looks relaxed and happy. A beautiful place for your walk and the lake water must feel so therapeutic. So here's to your happy days at your happy place this summer.

The French Hutch said...

Jeanie, I enjoyed seeing your home away from home and it's as lovely as I imagined. I think it must be wonderful to have your own vaca place where all you do is get there, no worries because everything you need and love is already there. Lizzie may not like to travel but she sure looks relaxed and happy. A beautiful place for your walk and the lake water must feel so therapeutic. So here's to your happy days at your happy place this summer.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Sorry you've had so much rain. I'm glad you made it up to the cabin. I imagine it takes several trips to get everything you want up there. I've played with the idea of re-reading those old books from younger days - remember Cherry Ames? I read a few of those too. Instead, I just go to one of my favorite series of books I haven't read in a while and start over reading them. Happy July!

Marilyn Miller said...

It would certainly be my happy place.
Love your painting with the flower and butterfly.
How wonderful to have this place to escape to each summer.
So far we have not had that awful heat you have been experiencing, but it is coming in a couple days. Ugh!

Gretchen Joanna said...

Yay!! It's lake season! I enjoyed coming along for "opening day" -- the thought of being on Lake Time carries me away....

DeniseinVA said...

Your cottage is charming Jeanie. It looks a very comfy place, one I would love to sit and read and just enjoy the warmth of it all. Such a lovely retreat for the summer. I loved your butterfly art and Lizzie is adorable! So nice to see the photo of you with Major. Thanks for all the shares and have a great week :)

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