When I first started writing this -- which was mid-November, right before we visited the kids -- it was a glorious November day, one of several. The temperature hit 65, and maybe even topped it. The sun was out and there was no real wind! It couldn't have been a better (or more unusual) day for the season. When you have a day like that, you grab it. We know what is around the corner. Today there is snow -- and so cold!
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Bits of Real-Life November
Saturday, November 25, 2023
To Market, To Market, To Buy a Fat Wreath!
It happens every November. On the weekend before Thanksgiving, my friend Jan and I hit the Northville Greens Market in search of the perfect wreath! (And maybe a present to two!) Then, and only then, has the official season begun.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Let the Merriment Begin!
How much fun can you cram into a long weekend? When two boys are involved -- ages 5 and 6 (although we are reminded, he's almost 7!), the answer is "a lot!"
Rick and I were kid-sitting the boys while their parents were spending time with a cousin in Indiana. We decided they shouldn't have all the fun and had quite an agenda of activities. The oldest had been asking about "doing a craft" since we last saw him, so I cam supplied with lots of crafty projects for Christmas ornaments.
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Peddling My Wares!
First, a bit of housekeeping before I get into the post. If you have a Wordpress blog, I'm having a terrible time commenting on your posts. Carole, Gigi, Erin, Gretchen and many others, I've tried. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I'm logged into Wordpress, but it doesn't matter if I click the icon next to my photo or reply (or both), it won't go through. I've logged off and back in -- no matter. So, I'm still reading but if you don't see a comment from me, don't give up on me! (It's nice to know Blogger isn't the only one with periodic issues!)
This week, I'm on a post art sale high. We had a wonderful time at Mistletoe Market, seeing many friends and making new ones, too.
Monday, November 13, 2023
October Books
I don't know how I managed to get in five books in October. They include a novel I loved, a travel book I didn't like at all, and three mysteries, including a marvelous "outing" with those divinely odd detectives, Bryan and May.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
November Life -- A Concert, Antique Finds and Fun with Little Boys!
Is anyone else a little freaked out that we are well into November? Less than two months till Christmas? There was a time when I was more or less done with Christmas shopping by the first of November. This year I haven't even started.
Saturday, November 4, 2023
The September Books -- Finally
October is over, yet finally I am reviewing the September books! September brought more reading time than I'd expected and there are six books here to show for it -- four mysteries, a biography of sorts and an action novel are featured this month.
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