Thursday, September 17, 2020

Postcards from the Lake: It's Beginning to Get to Me

The past few weeks have felt very disconcerting to me. I'm back at the lake, quarantining from Rick. Or maybe he's quarantining from me. Either way, I don't like it.

If you look at some of the Covid maps, Michigan is getting in the red again and there's a big chunk of that red in Lansing where we live. You can thank the Michigan State University students for that, partying down with big groups, no masks or distancing. At the beginning of summer, our county had about 750 cases since March. In three months we now have over 3,000, over 1,000 in the past two weeks. Four times more in the past three months than in the first three months of lockdown. Fraternities, sororities and group living are in mandated quarantine; other students are advised to do so.

But hey, let's have Big 10 Football again, because the kids really like it. And some others. But at what price?

I will say people are being relatively  good about masks -- it's a mandate to wear one if you want to go into a store. (Of course, the clerk at Tractor Supply up here had his hanging below his nose and a few customers didn't have them, but by and large it's pretty good.) 

Try finding toilet bowl cleaner. Anywhere. And if you have rusty water as we do at the lake, good luck finding the "rust and lime" version. (Hence the visit to Tractor Supply where I scored the last bottle.) Shelves are empty. But toilet paper is in good shape, I'm pleased to say. Get it now while it lasts! Wipes are hard to come by too. But I did score some Lysol spray. 

Oh, and here's a tip. If you are stocking up on hand sanitizer, read the ingredients. The one below is only 62.5 percent alcohol. That's not enough.

It must be at least 70 percent to be fully effective. At least, that's what they said at the beginning. Now I'm hearing this would be OK -- but my doc friend said go with 70 percent. So, unless I can't get anything else, that's what I'll do.

So, why are Rick and I quarantining? Or rather, why is he? Well, he went to visit the Toddler Twosome and had a wonderful day. But he didn't know till he got there that Molly had been to a bridal shower that morning. Now, she said it was masked (till eating) and distanced because the bride has immune issues, too. But there were four people seated at eight-top tables for eating and that's too close. When Rick and the kids all had dinner later, they were eating inside at a small table.

That would maybe have been enough to start our time-out, but the day before, he got a flat and a fellow kindly gave him a ride home. Neither were masked. Too close.

It was recommended we stay apart -- ten feet outside with masks for two weeks. He will get tested this week but was told to wait several days to ensure it might be more accurate. Good luck getting in the VERY long drive-thru lines, lines you can't even see the end of, and probably filled largely with students and people from the U who were in their path.

(The best thing about that day was talking on the phone to our little guy peeking out of the bike cab. We actually had a conversation, which isn't bad for a kid two years and two months. It wasn't a deep conversation. We didn't discuss politics. But he called me by name and said "I love you," (I think) and that was good enough for me!) 

The thing that is getting to me is the never-ending pace. I get horribly angry at conspiracy theorists and Covid deniers. Yes. For some, it will be no worse than a flu. Some won't even know they have it. But for others, if they don't die, and many have and will, there will likely be lifelong physical complications of lungs, liver and heart. There's a selfishness to all of it. And yes, we're all tired of it. We want it over. But we want it done right. I feel like we're in the woods and aren't sure of the path out.

And what do we do about Christmas and Thanksgiving? 

When I think of things -- and add to it the tragedies of hurricanes in the south and on the coast and fires in the west, I get overwhelmed. Toss in some civil rights issues and add the election to the mix and it gets insane. Our country is in its biggest mess in my lifetime and I don't like it one bit.

I get bitchy. I cry, unprovoked. Like now. I have dreams. I hadn't had Covid dreams since April but now I've had them many nights in a row. 

If people would just wear the masks, keep the distance, stop attending superspreader events, wash up and follow guidelines, we might get this under enough control to wait out a reputable, fully-vetted vaccine. It won't be soon, but if everyone goes along with precautions, that time will move along a whole lot faster.

On another note, I've been looking terrible. The hair got out of control.

I didn't think it was as bad as it was till I did a selfie of the top of my head.

Thank you, Clairol. It was easier than I thought and I actually picked the right color, which is pretty good online! Lots less expensive, too!

So, that's our world these days. I leave you with someone who doesn't give a hoot about any of this...

 ...just so long as she gets fed!


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

It is much better to be safe than sorry. You and Rick will be together shortly. I've told my sister that I don't expect her to come down for Christmas like we planned. Things might get better but I don't think it's worth my nephew, sister-in-law and my big sis flying to see me. They'll have to quarantine for 2 weeks and that doesn't sound like much of a vacation. My house is small and 4 of us here w/o going out is a little much. I pray that I can fly up next summer. Dreams help keep us alive - and I know about the angry, crazies you can get. Today is a pretty good day. I'll face tomorrow tomorrow.

Martha said...

I am with you 100%! I still can't believe schools even reopened, and really can't believe all the Covid deniers, it's crazy! I haven't left my home other then grocery shopping once every other week since March. I'm thankful at least our grocery store has a mandatory mask mandate. I sure hope all goes well and that Rick wasn't exposed. Great job on the hair :)

Valerie-Jael said...

Cat's have Cattitude - they take life as sit comes, enjoy being fed and cared for, and that's it! Covid is on the up here, too. Most people are sensible, but we still have the protesters, haters, deniers, conspiracy convinced covidiots and they just don't care about anything except their freedom from rules and partying as much as they want. What to do? Keep calm and carry on. You will get through the time of quarantine. Perhaps it's easier for me as I'm always alone. Stay safe, take care! Valerie

Lynne said...

Oh dear . . .
thank you for the heads up
Makes me realize it isn’t just about me,
everyone has a perspective going on!

Obvious that there are “pockets”
where “the stuff” is still rearing its head!
Like they say . . .”it ain’t over . . .”

Going grey might be fun . . . I am considering!
Be safe Jeanie . . . keep those eyes pealed on the reds, oranges, yellows!

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

You and I are in the same place emotionally. It all adds up and it gets harder to keep the faith it will all turn around. I hate what has become of our country right now and the divide regarding mask usage and science deniers that are putting us all in harm's way is disgusting. Hang in there and I hope your time away from Rick goes by fast.

By the way, the local college here had a big spike in cases too, kids just aren't taking it seriously!

Prims By The Water said...

And what about Halloween. I feel bad for the kids if they cand=cel this too. Janice

Susie said...

Jeanie, Oh to be a cat :):) You did a fine job on your hair color. I agree with you so much about the Covid. Ted and I have been wearing masks for so long, what with his chemo and then the bone marrow transplant, then maintenance chemo. Now when he is on the verge of good health we have to be so very careful. Feel like it will be another year tacked on to the two years we have struggled for his health. Hate that. The young people need to know they really do not know their own health till they catch something like covid. It has killed young people, and even left some with lasting problems. So I am with you Jeanie ....let's slow down a bit longer. Blessings keep safe. xoxo, Susie

Pam said...

Love your don't care about any of it girl. Sweetest face. Sorry about Rick and yes, I understand about this all being a pain in everyone's backside, tired of it all myself. But...I am the thought that this will be going on through next yr. We will all probably have it at some point and it depends on the body as to how it affects us all. Yes, I do go out, yes, I do wear my mask. Yes this is all stressing me out. I have gotten where I clinch my jaws, I am getting worse about not wanting to do anything but sit. I have a lot to do, just can't seem to get past the not caring enough to do it right now. HOWEVER, I decided this evening I need some exercise so I started up the mower, cut 1/2 the front yard, the fenced in area of the back yard. I left the hill in the front, side and back to my brother who will be over tomorrow with the rider. It was nice, not hot, not humid and it made me feel good about getting it done. Stay safe...

Pam said...

by the way....I don't like to cook! I am not the best at it but I can cook....however give me something to bake, like the brownies I did for the neighbor today and I am good.

bobbie said...

Sending safe, huge hugs for the both of you ~

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

In Pa. once the college rates of co vid started to increase, the colleges shut down and went to virtual learning... I am with you about the people who insist on playing college and high school foot ball!!! REALLY????? As of yesterday, our county has seen a total of 3877 cases but the majority of those wee in the early months... We have a lot of people here who work in NYC and in Philly and commute back and forth.I don;t really go out much and it does not even have to do with Co Vid, I just like being home after 42 years of working... We really do not see people other than our sons and DIL and on occasion my great nieces and niece. I haven't gone back to church even though they are now open ..I continue to watch the live stream masses...I do have to admit that so far Pa, is holding there own but people are after our Governor for his tough stance... It is a shame....Thanks for visiting!!

Anonymous said...

Lots of common sense in this post. Seems to be in short supply these days. CDC just published 19 'hot spots' for the virus and they were all cities with Universities. Can't believe they are willing to risk the long-term health of young football players for a game...and the money it brings in.

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Oh Jeanie, it's all too much to deal with.....I'm so sorry you and Rick have to quarantine on top of everything. Glad you were able to find your hair color. It's the little things that make us feel better. Take care of yourself.

Linda Sue said...

At this point in our "togetherness" since February!!1 I would welcome a ten day apart deal.
Good job on the wild hair, Ms. red head! Looks great!
Watching the painting in progress was inspiring, great cat head!

Cindy said...

It's so hard to be separated but I pray you both stay healthy and the days fly by! I wish people would wear the masks and keep their distance too. It's such a simple solution if people would just do it. I hope you have a good weekend.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Jeanie, I'm so sorry you have so many feelings swirling around at this time. I think a lot of people do. I wanted to tell you that when I went to search for Lysol at Home Depot, they were out of the Lysol products, but they did have the toilet bowl cleaner. It's something I never buy, and just do a quick clean myself with a tool and Clorox. Your hair color looks really nice, and that first photo of the lake and the Fall trees in the distance is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts - I hope you find comfort in the little things around you.


Blondie's Journal said...

I feel so bad for you having to have this separation on top of the everyday stressors of this pandemic. I echo you on every thought and point. I've heard about the situation in Lansing and I'm well aware it's happening at colleges everywhere. I have young nieces and nephews and I get to see what we're once lovely pics of them at school on Facebook, now just big, mask-less party pics. And they are going to come home for a weekend? Not visiting my home for sure. While we rant, I was checked out by a mask wearer that had it on his face like a chin guard. Get this---it was at WALGREENS!

I had another youngish guy in line behind me at Dollar General and I could actually feel him breathing on my neck despite the floor being marked at 6 feet apart, and he had no mask. I glanced back at him and he gave me a very cocky look. I inched forward and he just followed along. So obnoxious. Later hubby said I should have told him I had Covid and without a mask, he should stand back from me! I've promised myself to contain all my feeling and be kind. At least-indifferent!

Your hair looks gorgeous! I had mine done in July and was scheduled again tomorrow. Well, talk about the bull we live with everyday---I tripped on the stairs yesterday here at the lake and broke my ankle. Only me. Only me. Hubby drove up to rescue me and although at first I thought I'd just heal here in the beauty of fall, I know very well I couldn't do these stairs nor take care of my dogs. So...back to Chicago tomorrow. Not so bad--I've been here since mid August, basically alone so it might be interesting!!

Love ya girl. Hang in there!😘

Rustic Pumpkin said...

Oh, Jeannie, I could write a blog length reply. My heart goes out to you and Rick at such a worrying time. I have only just started going out and I am a wreck. I wear my mask all the time once off my drive. You did good with your hair colour, but you are beautiful even with all your "badges of honour" aka the strands of glitter on your head.

Deb Wearing a Mask in Wales xo

Iris Flavia said...

Ohhh. So sorry for red and not being together!
And I bet those students don´t even care or see what they´ve done.

We have all sanitzers and everything again, yay.
And yes. People say, I feel fine, so what?! Not knowing what they do to others.
Hope those two weeks pass by quickly for you and yes, I think to me it maybe might be like a flu "only" (I never had one), but do I want to risk that?!

Yes, I agree, we never saw a weirdness like this.
I´m sitting here, fully dressed, waiting for Ingo to get ready to go to the city and all the while have my mask in my hand. Crazy times!

Haha. I haven´t seen a hairdresser in 3 years. And no one notices!! And you do NOT look terrible! 🧡
My Bro went bald at age 30, my MIL grey in her late 40´s. So what? I have hair that thin, eeeek. But, that´s the way it is.
I go with Lizzie!!! (Ingo fed me with a yummy breakfast).

BeachGypsy said...

so so sorry you and Rick are quarantined from each other. Frustrating! You did a great job on your hair, it looks great, love the color!--hope that cheers you up.I think the college classes began here Monday.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jeanie,
Pretty view of the lake and colorful trees. I hope Rick test negative, we try to avoid any kind of party and gatherings. These large super-spreaders are terrible, the college kids should be made to quarantine at the college. The COVID non-believers just seem to be stupid, how many more people have to die before they believe. Maybe they need to catch the virus, to wake up! Wearing a mask is simple and keeping the distance. You look beautiful as always, I stopped dying my hair and it seems to be a light grey or almost white. Like my grandmother had. Love your Lizzie, the painting is wonderful. Take care and stay safe. Wishing you a happy day and a great weekend!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

it must be heartbreaking to have to go through quarantine again, particularly after you and Rick were having an idyllic summer together at the cottage. The lack of any national will to tackle this problem in your country befuddles the rest of the world. You gotta get rid of Trump - and Barr - in November.

Pam Richardson said...

Hopefully, Rick will be fine and you can reunite. 2020, what a year! Take care and you did a great job on your hair!

DUTA said...

Well, Israel has just entered its second lockdown. We're told we must hold on till a reliable vaccine comes up. I don't even take the flu vaccine, so I don't put much hope into this one.

An acquaintance of mine who knows a thing or two on epidemiology has said to me this : 'if possible, don't go out; the air is full with the virus particles ready to strike'.
I go out only for groceries. I don't eat out, and I don't take pleasure walks. Sometimes, things intervene, like my recent visits to the cemetery.

The picture with the little guy in the bike cab is awesome!

Rita C at Panoply said...

I'm getting COVID fatigue too, Jeanie. Our county just turned red this week. Daughter #2 contracted COVID nearly 3 wks ago in the hospital where she works (a pickup shift), and honestly, I am not impressed with the hospital's protocol (she's well now, thankfully only had a mild case). Now the hospitals are asking for mobile units. There was a party on the parking lot adjacent to our building last weekend of what appeared to be local university students (they aren't allowed to gather on campus so they came to town). Now our state is #1 in the nation for the fastest spread. Some private schools are doing their thing in the classroom, and we see no one wearing masks on the playground (is there such thing as mask recess? apparently so). Thinking about the holidays depresses me. Christmas was always my family event, and last year my oldest daughter assumed the gathering. A Zoom fest does not appeal to me. I just keep praying.....

Victoria Zigler said...


I'd try and offer words of comfort, but I have none. Other than a few exhausted nights when my system crashed, I haven't slept properly since March, and my anxiety levels are way up there. I've lost count of the number of times I've wished I could swap places with the petkids - especially Artemis, who cares as little about what's going on besides her needs being met as Lizzie does.

shoreacres said...

We certainly are living in different worlds at this point. Our schools are open, the high school band is practicing in the parking lot, and live, open air music is drifting through the air occasionally. It's been nearly two weeks since the Labor Day weekend and the opening of schools, and there's been no spike in cases. In fact, our case positivity rate has been hovering around 4-5%. Of course, things are a little worse in the cities, but even Houston's at 6%, and hospitalizations are dropping. People wear masks in businesses, at school,and in places like church services, but life feels pretty darned normal. Everyone's paying attention, and crossing fingers.

Again, my circumstances have made a huge difference. In the marinas, almost no one is masked -- unless they're grinding fiberglass or painting! -- and that certainly contributes to a feeling of normalcy. but like farmers or fishermen, we're all outdoors, and distance is a way of life. I've not paid any attention to what's happening in Austin, where the same sort of large student gatherings have taken place; I'll have to look that up. As for football -- it's not the game that's the problem. In one of the last rounds of NFL testing, there were ten positives in about 59,000 people -- a positivity rate well below 1%. There are protocols that can ensure safety -- what's iffy is the willingness of people to abide by them: especially those youngsters!

Joanne Huffman said...

It's so frustrating to see the maskholes and others who don't take this seriously enough. aaarrrrghhhhh! Your hair looks great. I have not been this unhappy with my hair since my teenage years. I think there's a really long haul in front of us.

La Table De Nana said...

No patience for non mask wearers and really? All of us who have not attended any family functions inside..and outside stayed 6 feet apart all of 4 times all summer for 4 birthdays..are we making these non hugging family sacrifices for nothing while people go to bars and shmooze?
I am sad inside for all that is going on.
So I hear you..

I do love that coined word..maskholes.

Oooh Rick must have gotten a small talking to;)Feel bad for you both.
I will and everyone so relieved when we get over this.

Sandra at Maison De Jardin said...

Jeanie, I so agree with your every word. It is pretty much the same here. Some are wearing a mask, many are not - even though it is mandated to do so by our governor. I will never get it. Honestly, I think we will be in this mess for another year and that is just one of the many areas of concern as you mentioned. Lord help us, is my prayer.
By the way, your hair looks great. Breathe deep and hug Lizzie.

My name is Erika. said...

I am with you about masks. And I am surprised if the bride to be has immune issues they even had a shower for her. Its seems rather against the grain of having immune issues. I know people are covid tired and want their lives back, but of course they aren't going to come back if you go out and spread the virus around. I will get political a minute but it is too bad leadership in the country cares so little for people dying from this disease and has offered no leadership. I hope you can keep it together and enjoy autumn at the lake. Not as fun by yourself, but better healthy and covid-free than the alternative. Take care. Hugs-Erika

Decor To Adore said...

I am right there with you. Imagine if everyone would just simply wear a mask and stay home instead of going out for unnecessary things. We could have the holidays back. I did finally venture out for a haircut yesterday. I am thankful I have just a sprinkling of grey. I wore gloves and a mask as did my hairdresser. We were alone. Fingers crossed.

The French Hutch said...

I couldn't agree more! I see it here too, when the U of A students returned. My husband is financial advisor and more to his frat house, and I won't scare you with the horror stories from campus! No meetings for him!!! He's doing everything on line and via phone. I'm sorry you and Rick are separated for now, hopefully it won't be long, try and stay busy. I think any gatherings are nothing but Covid shedding nightmares! Yes, terribly worried about the holidays too. I cut my own hair!!!! Mercy, gapped up a little but definitely better. Looked like the ends had been through a grinder. And, besides my MIL, now my husband's brother and one of his daughters are sick with Covid. But, all seem to be doing ok and nothing terrible so far........Stay the course Jeanie, I am!!! Only popping in to get groceries as stores open, less people there...........

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I was down last week. I'm determined to stay positive this week. Nothing we do will change some people, I've decided. I'm not going to focus on them; it's hopeless. The hurricanes...the wildfires...the disaster that is running our country? Not going to worry about these either. I refuse to let all of this ruin my life.

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm sorry you're in this situation :( I agree completely with the frustration you express. Why won't people just do right?!

Jenny Woolf said...

Well done with the hair colour! It's often the little things that make a difference. I'm sad to hear of the rise in cases in your area - it is happening all over the place, but I suspect you'll feeling so much happier once you don't need to be worrying about Rick. Being stuck alone, worrying, is a recipe for getting mad (at least it is for me) so maybe Lizzie is trying to tell you something in her cat-like way, like: "there's nothing as calming as stroking a cat." :) How nice to have a "real" conversation and to hear that little guy telling you he loved you, too.

ashok said...

Chin up and cheers

Bohemian said...

It is overwhelming a lot of us and for the very same reasons you mentioned. I'm glad I have a Cat too, tho' she's Old and not in great Shape, she doesn't know it... we do... and so it goes. My Godson got COVID as soon as he returned to College and has been really sick for Two Weeks now, it scares me that the Young are returning to In-Person Classes, it's not safe enough and they are going to behave as Young people just do, with that sense of immortality and reckless abandon that puts them at greater risk than us older Sages and Crones are comfortable with. Our State has always been at the forefront of bad behavior, Red State, so no surprises there, the Politicizing of a Pandemic has caused a lot of Moronic behavior and Polarizing of groups and of resisting Science by those who are Devoted to the Moron-In-Chief... who clearly will continue to Fail to address any of this appropriately on his Watch.

Mary Rose's said...

Jeanie, my friend - I think a LOT of us are at the same point you so eloquently described: enraged, saddened, depressed, tired-of-this-crap, and incredulous at what some of our fellow human beings think is okay during a pandemic.

I get it. They're tired of having to accommodate restrictions on things they enjoy. No one ever trained them to stay the course when the course is longer than 3 weeks. We're more than six months in, and no end in sight.

Here in Columbia, we're still in double-digits for "per cent positive" test results. The University of SC actually commandeered a downtown hotel to isolate COVID-infected students, rather than send them home. The maskless parties continue. It's wearying.

I put my house on the market. The Realtor brought a photographer for the listing. I had to ASK her to wear a mask (she did) and not to touch things. Said I'd move anything she needed. Nope - she touched and moved whatever she wanted. I'm not looking forward to showings. There's a MASK REQUIRED sign on the door and reminders posted throughout the house not to use the sink, bathroom, and keep touches to a minimum.Wanna bet on compliance?

What helps? Your Lizzie, my Merino. Sitting outside and just listening to birdsong, breezes. Observing nature & taking pix helps me observe more deeply. Taking it one minute at a time.

God, I miss hugs.

An-y-way ... I find it helps to

KarenW said...

Our community has gone from none to 10 overnight. I know, doesn't sound like much, but we are very rural. It started from teachers! I quit dying my hair years ago.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It's Ok to rtant, jeanie, because it's a release that so many of us need now. i agree with you about the carelessness of those NOT masking up. I dislike doing it too, but as a neighbor told some young men here who were not wearing masks. "I do this to protect you, so please wear a mask to protect me." She said the next time she saw them they had masks on. We did get a COVID test this week as the city public health dept gives them to anyone who requests one. We were tested way back when testing started, so just wanted reassurance, which we received this week - both negative - and we plan to stay that way too! Hope that you and Rick will be able to get together soon as the self quarantine is over. Yeah for the do-it-yourself hair color. I did it myself as well a couple of times and may not go back to the salon again.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I apologize for taking so long to visit. It was definitely beyond my control. I’m trying to catch up, but it’s harder than I actually imagined it would be, especially with my very slow internet.

I feel for you and Rick, but it's definitely better to be safe than sorry. I hope it all works out for the best. I'm sure it will. However, I can't understand why Rick didn't at least take a mask with him. They don't weigh that much. I wear one when I go outside to get the mail. You just never know who will come by, like the mail carrier the other day who was NOT wearing a mask OR wearing gloves, another reason for me to spray my mailbox and quarantine my mail for three days after spraying it.

You did good on the hair color. I'm sure it WAS a lot cheaper than having it done. I suspect we are all finding ways to do things we have paid for in the past. Hope you are safe at the lake. Don't get discouraged. Things won't get worse unless you allow stress in your life.

Gayla said...

You have been able to say what I have been feeling. I understand the frustration and the ... I want this OVER feelings. Christmas and Thanksgiving... and next Easter! not funny! We, my son and I, are just lonely onlies here except for a few porch visits and one friend his age who came for his birthday... It just broke out here in a big way due to schools opening. Most of them have gone back online for a couple weeks... I foresee it just ebbing and flowing all fall and winter. Love your pretty cat. Hope everything is good with your husband's test...

Sandra Cox said...

Lots of Willing Ignorance out there. And yes, it's very frustrating. If everyone wore masks we could get close to normal.

Lowcarb team member said...

Covid 19 is not going away anytime soon.
Eddie and I are doing our best to get used to 'the new normal' which (I think) is going to be around for sometime.
Here in the UK so many events like Bonfire Night and Christmas Festivals have already been cancelled, it's understandable but such a shame. Many of our towns are in local lockdown, some have night-time curfews in operation.
I am just so pleased that at the moment we can get out and enjoy walks. The Autumn season is so colourful and can help to give a sense of peace and calm.

Stay safe and well
My good wishes.

All the best Jan

PS I think your hair colour looks great :)

Sami said...

I feel for you Jeanie, it must be hard being alone worried about Rick. Some people have no respect for rules.
You've done a good job with your hair colour. Right now I wish I was a spoiled cat too :)
I am glad in Western Australia were are basically leading a normal life as we have had no community transmission for 5 months, but we can't leave the State or travel overseas.
Still better than having a lot of people infected or dying.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

So sad to have to be separated from Rick during his quarantine period! This pandemic has really turned all our lives upside down -- and yet some people act as if it's not happening at all. We all wish that life could get back to normal asap, but that's not going to happen. Good for you and Rick that you're being so careful! Not easy in a college town! I wish some of those oblivious students could see how bad Covid-19 is. I've done some virtual therapy sessions with people in their 20's-30's -- mostly teachers -- who have Covid and are at home with a so called "milld" case and are still very, very ill. And such a shame this has been so politicized when a rational, common sense approach with all the safeguards you mentioned could make such a difference! Please be well and safe, Jeanie!

P.S. You did do a great job coloring your hair!

Carola Bartz said...

I hear you, Jeanie! There are days when I'm downright depressed - and I haven't had depressive periods for almost ten years. It's frustrating. I get annoyed, lose my tolerance, don't care any longer if I'm bitchy about certain things. Add to that our wildfires and the horrible air that prevents me from getting outside (yes, after a three-day relief we're back to sticking inside the house). I get cabin fever and become a person I don't like. My lungs hurt. I'm turning into a grumpy old woman. Ugh!
Your cat though - I wish I was a cat right now and haven't a single care in the world (except for food and someone who pets me when I want it).

Marilyn Miller said...

Oh my! Glad Rick got tested and is OK. We do get stressed so easily over each little thing. I know I was at the market last Wednesday and some guy at the check out kept getting too close to me. The checker finely reminded him to step back and I said so too. Grrrr! Some people just don't think. It gives me nightmares and I just want to hide away at home and not see anyone. I did score 6 containers of Clorox wipes at Costco awhile back. I was amazed to find them and they were going fast. Stocked up on toilet paper now too.
Your first lake picture is so pretty! The colors are beginning to turn here now.

Marie Rayner said...

So sorry to read this Jeannie. I hope it won't be for long. I agree with you, I am soooooo over this virus. I just want it to go away now. But, of course, that is not going to happen, not soon at any rate. The out and out selfishness of people really gets to me. If they would just do what they are asked to do when they are asked to do it, we could be over this a lot sooner I think. Autumn is well and truly here also, with cooler nights, shorter days and I am beginning to see the changes all around me. xoxo
PS - I always struggle to find your post a comment button! I am so useless! xoxo

Karen said...

Your hair looks terrific! Keep taking deep breaths and petting the cat and finding the beauty on the lake ~ With love, Karen

Lisa's Yarns said...

You know I am struggling big time with this as well. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve had to deal with, especially since the division over whether Covid is real is within my own family... I am tired of the restrictions, too, but it’s a pretty small sacrifice compared to what other generations have had to do. I’m taking the long view and know that 1.5-2 years of social distancing and such will be worth it if it means staying healthy. I hear about the effects on long haulers (those who continue to have issues) and I wonder how anyone could think risking getting Covid is worth it? Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter will be spent with just my immediate family. My MIL is 77 so doesn’t feel comfortable celebrating indoors with us and we want to protect her, too. I wish outdoor gatherings were possible in November/December but they just aren’t. So we will make due. I dread all the comments I will get about our holiday plans and about visiting policies for our newborn but oh well. They will need to learn to deal with it. I’m not changing my behavior. I just hope and pray my 97yo grandma stays healthy so I can see her again after this is behind me.... that’s what worries me the most!

Pamela said...

Your hair looks great. Lizzie is adorable. Good things!

gretchenjoanna said...

It's a blessing that you had that conversation with a toddler. "Out of the mouths of babes"... you were called by name, and with love. Hold on to those fundamental realities, Jeanie. God's peace be with you. XO

Danielle L Zecher said...

I'm glad Rick's COVID test was negative. I would have been pretty ticked about that kind of exposure. We had a scare with Nick a couple of months ago. He woke up sick, sore throat, aches, fever, etc. The only way I know how to describe waiting for his results was pure hell, an experience I would wish on very few people. I was so angry the whole time at all of the people who might have exposed him by not following the rules. Fortunately, his was negative, and he was back to normal within about a week. I never want to go through that again, though.

crackercrumblife said...

I am so sick of COVID too. But like you, I will endure and do all the things so that we can be safe. Wyatt has had two emergency surgeries in a month, and that meant two COVID tests for my little guy. The only time he cried during both visits were those tests. For the first time ever I am hoping for a warm November and December, so we can try to have some semblance of the holidays, albeit outside. My brother is investing in more fire pits so we can distance outside together as long as we can. :( I am glad to hear that Rick's test came back negative! I hope you are able to be together again now!

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