Just a typical week in December or two in December! (Cue the music!)
I should be decking my own halls -- and I am. But there's much to do! I said goodbye to these three felties this past week. I hated to see them go!
This is my Happy Tree. I bought the flocked tree last year after Christmas and it was the first to go up this year. It's all softies and colorful and it just makes me smile!
Speaking of trees, I spent one afternoon helping put the up Friends of Theatre tree at the annual Festival of Trees. The woman on our board who designed it was a genius. The theme of the tree is Stephen Sondheim's musical, "Into the Woods," which will be performed next year. It started out looking like this. Huh?
Then individual panels were slid into the grooves and held in place by volunteers.
There were 24 of these panels that must have been eight feet tall, carved from foam core to tell the fairy tales in the play.
When all the panels were in place, in came the tree topper to hold it together.
Then lights.
And voila! It's incredibly impressive!
The day we were there snow was gently coming down and looking out of the ballroom's window it was all rather magical!
I did a longer, more complete post on this HERE (if you missed it). but I was delighted to attend a floral arranging workshop hosted by WKAR with "Life in Bloom" host J. Schwanke.
And thrilled with the result!
We did a little road trip to IKEA, Trader Joe's and my favorite Italian grocery, Cantoro's. This was ahead of us on the road. How's my driving, he asks. Methinks not so good!
My last trip of the season to Southern Exposure is also a post in itself to come soon!
I bought a new bird feeder, theoretically rigged to keep squirrels out (they can get their fill at the others). So far, only the squirrel has come by and been enjoying the seed. I haven't seen a bird in days!
Add to the mix making a dozen loaves of lemon bread, dealing with a broken furnace (just fixed in time for the cold snap. And coming up will be a visit to my cooking class (Brunch was on the menu).
I've been simply having a wonderful Christmas Time!
(Miss any of my Christmas posts? Check the tab on the menu bar at the top of the blog, where Christmas 2019 is archived!)
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Wow. Those cut outs are stunning!
You always post so many colorful, interesting photos. That tree is amazing. Aloha from Hawaii.
The Into the Woods tree is just incredible. What a great project. Hope you have a wonderful week!
Beautiful red bird feeder! Nothing but the best for birds!
The guy at the nearby bakery collects the grains that fall off breads and cakes for me. The birds love the stuff, and I feel happy for them like a little girl.
Ooh that Sondheim tree is stunning! I can see why the Festival of Trees is on your 'to do' list for the year. How fun! I love seeing differently decorated trees. There were so many different trees in that idea house we went to with fun themes and then the store itself had sooo many trees as well as it's a huge store/nursery. I wonder what the square footage of the place it as it just keeps going and going and going!
Jeanie, I am exhausted just reading what you are doing! You are a whirling dervish. In fact I think that whirling dervishes could take lessons from you!
Oh, that is a happy tree!
And wow, the one at th theatre!!!
The car is a beauty, too.
Yup, squirrels ain´t dumb, LOL :-) Looks like a phone booth from London (our our uni), too.
A happy Christmas time to you!
I now have the song "simply having a wonderful Christmas time" in my head. LOL, it is one of my many favorite songs. I love your decorations and tree. The theatre tree is pretty, looks lovely at night. I like your new bird feeder, the squirrels have plenty to eat elsewhere. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead!
Very pretty! The panel decor is amazing!
Since I only have room for tabletop trees, I also like this little softie tree. I looks beautiful and happy.
You are sure doing a lot this season. I'm thrilled for you. And I pity that new bird feeder. My friend Sally bought one nearly like it. It BROKE the first day when I squirrel decided to test it. Sadly, the place she bought it wouldn't take it back for trade. I hope yours fares better.
Jeanie, I love your perfectly composed photo looking out the ballroom window! Beautiful!
What a fun and festive post, Jeanie.
So many talented people are featured here including yourself. I love your felt creations.
And I just know Cora would love a go at that 'happy tree'. lol
THAT tree is absolutely AMAZING!!
I have to agree with the other comments here! That tree is AMAZING!
A lovely post, you are a busy, busy person.
Do take time out for a breather and a cuppa :)
All the best Jan
What a fantastic tree! That's so unique and lovely, Jeanie. The photo with the tree and the lights and the window and the snow outside is magical. Your new bird feeder is so cool. How funny that the squirrels have come by but no birds yet. Speaking of Trader Joes, I just went there this morning bright and early and got so many goodies. Me and my son have been munching on them all day. ; )
Christmas treasures! You are really enjoying the season. I am behind in seasonal activities but the Closing on my house is tomorrow and the movers are coming next week.
Love both your new tree and that fabulous white tree for the festival. They are both pretty cool. Tis the season to be jolly and I think your season is jolly and all that. Hugs-Erika
Wow, that IS an impressive tree. Something completely different and I sure like it. It looks fantastic with the lights.
I hope you will soon have more birds coming by and visiting the new feeding place. I have a couple "keep out the squirrels" feeders and they work quite well after we did a few improvements on them. The squirrels find enough food in my garden and I also put out nuts for them.
You sure know how to celebrate and enjoy the season. Your joy comes through this post.
Looks like a wonderful Christmas season. The fairy tale tree is fabulous!
Everything is Merry and Bright. I love that tree made out of foam board. I'm sorry but I had to LOL when you said the bird feeder designed to keep out squirrels has only had the squirrels come by to eat. Those squirrels can get into anything it seems.
The white tree is something very special indeed. I would love to see it in the dark all lit up from inside. The photo of the tree with lights reflecting is so pretty and evocative of the season.
~~~Deb in Wildly Wuthering Wales
Jeanie, I love your pretty flocked tree, it looks so magical. The tree from the foam board is definitely creative and genius, I would so enjoy seeing it in person. You have been quite busy, a dozen loaves of lemon bread...wow! Wishing you a Merry Weekend!
LOVED your flocked Tree..I just may be looking for one after Christmas this year... And the Festival of trees was amazing!! So many lovely things shared here..
Thanks so much for always stopping by!!
It definitely sounds like you're having a wonderful time over there.
Also, Kelly came over when I was reading your post, and saw your bird feeder. He really likes it. Just thought you'd like to know that.
OH MY GOSH...what a cool tree. I have a blog sitting in the wait folder that I have done about unusual things used as trees....this one would fit right in there with those. I have been unable to decorate this yr. As close as I have gotten with decorating is buying a blinking light necklace to hang on my computer at work...Love seeing your mix. Mine usually is basically crafty or specially bought ornaments.I did however buy one of the state capital just yesterday to put up for next yr.
Where do you end up storing all your Christmas decorations? We have a separate storage unit. I am trying to downsize my Christmas decor so it can all go in my garage. I am one of those people that just has too much stuff!
I love that tree!!! Well, both of them actually! I love the little cardinal and squirrel felt ornaments! And that Into the Woods tree - beautiful.
I love Ikea! We go every few months or so and make a thing of it. :)
I am amazed at the beautiful "Into the Woods" tree! Just beautiful with its laser cuts! What fun times you are having during this advent season, Jeanie. Merry Christmas, my friend.
That Christmas tree is the most amazing I have ever seen! Janice
Jeanie, as far as I'm concerned you have a wonderful time ALL year! Your Christmas is looking so fun and I love that beautiful tree with all the softies. The cutest little Santa. That tree for the show is absolutely beautiful too..Keep having a Wonderful Christmas Time (I forgot about that song)..xxoJudy
Adding a P.S. to my comment. I forgot to say thanks for your visits. I love them all..xxoJudy
The Happy Tree is adorable! I do love all those pom pom accents! The paneled tree is amazing. Very creative. Those anti squirrel feeders never work! They are such smart, devious little creatures.
That panel tree is amazing! Were they cut out on a machine? -Jenn
The art tree is simply amazing! And I love your softies tree. I'm enjoying your Christmas posts and spending time reading them! Makes me feel all festive inside! Happy weekend!
Your feltie cardinal and squirrel send their regards! They're quite happy under my mother's white ceramic tree right now, but "their" tree is up, and as soon as I get some new lights on it (only 50% of the old ones survived the move, since they've been on the tree for years) they'll join their new friends on its branches.
On Monday, it's supposed to be raining, and I'll make the trek to a nearby town for peanuts and seed for my feeders. I've spotted three squirrels now, and I'm hoping to tempt them my way -- along with the cardinals I've seen hopping in the bushes.
That TREE! And your felties! I love your little tree and everything on it, Jeanie. That new birdfeeder should have a tension adjustment on the side to let cardinals and other black oil sunflower seed lovers get to, but not the squirrels. It's a trial and error thing. I even adjusted mine to keep the bluejays out, they're such bullies.
I love reading all of the Christmas blogs as it reminds me of all the Christmas spirit that is in the world these days. Enjoy the season
Wow, Jeanie - you make my head spin. But, I love hearing about all that you do. The tree at 'Friends of the Theatre' is gorgeous. I would love to see it in person. So sorry to hear about your furnace. Did I read it wrong or is your oven on the blink as well?
Your trees are the best. Wishing you happy December days, it looks like you are having fun!
Love your happy tree, lots of happy stuff :)
Squirrels do like to check out a new feeder and seem to always be able to meet the challenge of getting food.
Love that Santa feltie!!!
What a beautiful foam core tree. Stunning!
Loved the flower arranging too. What fun!
A very creative tree!
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