Tuesday, December 3, 2019

One Holiday Down -- More to Go!

A quick recap of Thanksgiving is due, because -- well, there was much for which to be grateful!

(Cue the music, below!)

Our Thanksgiving day was spent with friends Kate, Mike and Barb. It was quite a feast!

Kate was a wonderful hostess...

...her co-host, Zeke, was most agreeable!

And there was the obligatory tryptophan coma!

Greg arrived on Friday. It was the first time we'd seen him in months. He's back in Northern Michigan now after some months in L.A. and it was so good to catch up! Our time together included games of Sequence and seeing the wonderful film, "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood."

(Let me say, I think this is both a wonderful and important movie. And it is especially good to see with members of your family. The discussions after can be so valuable and meaningful. It was the perfect Thanksgiving weekend activity.)

Later that night we welcomed Rick's friends and musical partners, Byron and Josh, for dinner. Then they performed the "concert" they are preparing for a gig at a senior home soon. They were really quite good and much improved since the last time I heard them. These guys are practicing!

While they were playing, Greg helped me string cranberries to leave outside for the birds this winter.

When all was said and done, we have a bowl full of garland.

And now, we're just waiting for this guy to return!

(Probably this one, too!)

I leave you with a photo that makes me smile. Rick doing something he loves.

How's your holiday planning going?

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Regina said...

Such delightful photos and I'm sure the photo of Rick is priceless to you. As for holiday prep it hasn't started yet. We hope to start next week sometime because we are hosting our small dinner group at our home.

Pamela said...

Looks like a wonderful holiday. Isn’t it good to reflect on what we are thankful for?

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great report, Jeanie. The most precious picture of all is the last one of Rick playing his guitar. His face verges on ecstasy - and well it should. I can only imagine the satisfaction he derives from playing his guitar, and when you have fellow musicians join you it gets even better.

DUTA said...

Musicians are passionate about their music and instrument (I've got a neighbor a pianist, so I know). However to a stranger, their almost daily practice looks a bit like slavery.

60 Something said...

Oh, Jeannie, your posts are always so thoughtful and inspiring. Would love to hear Rick and the boys play. I know when my Mom was in Memory Care the only thing that would make her smile was music. Thank you.

My name is Erika. said...

It looks like a fantastic holiday. Thanksgiving is always a good one I think. Food, good company, the afternoon nap, what could be better? Hugs-Erika

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

What fun. You know how to do the holidays.

I saw the movie, 'A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood' and totally agree with you. My post tomorrow will be all about it.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Lovely post as usual. You know how to enjoy the holidays.

I agree with you about the movie, 100%. My post tomorrow is all about it.

Sandi said...

Love that blue and beige plate!

Merry photos :)

krishna said...

Lovely photos. Have a great holiday season..

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Jeanie, so glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends and music. What a great thing for the guys to do. The birds will certainly be happy this winter. We had a great day too and snow! which was fun. The kids loved it. Thanks for your sweet visit. I always appreciate every comment I get, but at Christmas it is extra special as it is my most favorite time of year and I love doing it all..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

KarenW said...

Great photos Jeannie

Joyful said...

Thanksgiving looks and sounds so lovely. It looks like you all had a feast indeed. I like the idea of stringing cranberries for the birds (and other critters). I haven't done that yet but one year when we had a lot of snow and ice for long I made some home made suet and that was gobbled up. I plan to do it again if there is a need and maybe the cranberries too since I always have a bag in the freezer. I'm so glad that Rick and his friends play for the seniors. I was always so grateful my mom and the residents where she lived had people who would go and entertain them throughout the year. The last photo shows Rick really in his element. A lovely capture.♥

Red Rose Alley said...

I just love your photos, Jeanie. They always tell the story so vividly. You had a nice Thanksgiving, and look at all the Yummy foods. I love the idea of stringing cranberries for the birds this winter. What a thoughtful thing to do. Your friend's cat is so pretty. And I have to say "there's no place like home for the holidays" is one of my favorites. : )


Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely photos, looks like you all had a fun evening, including 'the sleeper' renewing his energies! Fantastic pics of the cat, bird and squirrel! Hugs, Valerie

Iris Flavia said...

Awww. I certainly love the happy smile of your friend, and weee.... the cat, ohhh! I think I´d had a hard time not to reach out for a cuddle.
My Brother´s cat, the late Mr Mikesch, wore such a bell, too, and checked on me when I stayed the night - near a real oven with real fire. I wonder if he sensed I feel uncomphy with that fire? He woke me every time with that bell, LOL.
Oh, haha, the coma, just like I find Hubby so often! Those seats just make them!
I don´t know that film, sounds very good, though, I´ll see if I can find it, thank you! Paper-note is right here :-)
It´s great to be able to share picture of people really loving life!

Rustic Pumpkin said...

So many things to be thankful for. Sometimes I look back and wonder how on earth I got through all the food on offer at parties, cookie exchanges and pot lucks between the two bookend meals of Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners!

Waving~~~Deb in Wales

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Another wonderful and thankful celebration to keep the holiday going. Beautiful photos, and wonderful time with friends and family. Just a magical time right now, isn't it Jeanie? And I love how you are feeding the birds cranberries, too.

Evi Erlinda said...

Haha, Rick was really comatose :)
Nice recap, Jeanie.

roughterrain crane said...

It is great fun to enjoy music with friends.

crackercrumblife said...

Your holiday looks like it was wonderful! I love the concert that you guys had! How fun. Stringing cranberries is on our list for this year, to leave outside as well - we want to decorate a tree for birds and animals this year. :)

I am glad that you had such a great holiday. and that photo of Rick playing is perfect. You can see how much he loves playing!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jeannie, you are blessed, so glad you had a happy Thanksgiving. Good times are captured with friends, family and yummy food. Rick looks happy with the music. Great photos. Wishing you a happy day!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration...even including a nap. Karen (Back Road Journal)

Lisa's Yarns said...

Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! I had a nice little post-dinner nap, too. I think having a couple of glasses of wine on an empty stomach probably did not help! Ha! I've been wondering how Greg is doing in LA. Has he been able to find a lot of work? I hope so! It's tough to be a starving (albeit incredibly talented) artist!

I think we are pretty ready for Christmas. I don't have much shopping to do because we really have cut back on gifts in the past several years. I still need to get something for my MIL but am letting Phil lead that charge. I got a train table for Paul off facebook marketplace for $35 and it came with some trains/tracks so that is his gift. He's too young to understand Christmas so we don't get much for him at this stage - plus he will get a lot from family and a couple of gift exchanges. I've got all our decorations up and will be hosting my college friends and their kids for our annual cookie decorating party on Friday. I can't wait!

Sandra at Maison De Jardin said...

Jeanie, I love this and you are so right, "There is much to be thankful for."

The post made me smile from Zeke(we had a kitty many years ago just like him, Corkie). Then on to your Blue Jay (get him some unshelled peanuts, he will stay forever) to your cranberry garlands and to the grand photo of Rick. That photo is wonderful and would make anyone smile. Thanks for this post, Jeanie. It was a great way to begin my day, along with our snow flurries.

Sami said...

A wonderful celebration with family and friends. Sweet cat :) and love the photo of Rick with his guitar.

Victoria Zigler said...

Many things to be thankful for indeed! I hope the rest of your holiday celebrations are as wonderful.

Art and Sand said...

What a lovely day you had.

Thanksgiving was always a busy time when I was growing up. We lived surrounded by so much family.

Now, it's just Steve and me with no family in town. Fortunately our son and his wife live just an hour away and her family lives just 1/2 mile from us. So our new tradition is to spend Thanksgiving at their house. It's quiet, but we do love the time together.

Rita C at Panoply said...

Great recap. I bet Rick really appreciated the coma photo, lol. Love that you were able to catch up with both family and friends.

Lynne said...

How right and perfect it is that
you can be surrounded by music.
Nice for you to have Greg home .. .
Nice for the birds too . ..

Lowcarb team member said...

A lovely post to read and see, great photographs … you had a wonderful time.
I just love the last photograph of Rick doing something he clearly loves and enjoys.

Enjoy these December days.

All the best Jan

Jenny Woolf said...

This looks a warm and happy time for you all. Just the way to be when the weather is cold outside!!

Prims By The Water said...

What wonderful pictures. Smiles and fun galore! Janice

Pom Pom said...

What a good idea to string cranberries for the birds. I think our piggy squirrels would eat them but they would look pretty in the trees!
I'm glad you had a happy Thanksgiving, Jeanie!

shoreacres said...

When I read your last question, I started to laugh, and I'm still laughing. My holiday planning is.. well.. I'm just hoping to get things unpacked by Christmas! What chaos around here.

Do the birds really eat the cranberries? I'd not thought of that. Do they only eat them if the cranberries are native in their area? Around here, the only cranberries are in the grocery store, so I'm wondering if the birds would like them.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Looks like it was a great Holiday!! Thanks so much for stopping by and for all your kind words!!

Sandra Cox said...

What a wonderful holiday. Love Zeke:)

BeachGypsy said...

I love all these happy pictues and that Zeke kitty is GORGEOUS, isn't he!!?? I've been out a week or so....I'm trying to get around and catch up with everybody and all the posts I've missed.

William Kendall said...

Sounds like you had fun! Zeke is a cutie.

The French Hutch said...

Absolutely no place like home for the holidays! The feast looks delicious. Happy December Rick and Jeanie ........

Christine @ Rustic-Refined said...

Beautiful post. I loved scrolling through and seeing all your wonderful treasures and wondered about the memories attached to them. Great post for the holidays!!

Pam Richardson said...

Jeanie, your Thanksgiving looked perfect with good food, friends, and music. My hubby and son are passionate guitarists and singers. Music is so much a part of our lives. I know you love seeing Rick enjoying his music and talents!

ReHiTu said...

Woow you are doing a big job! I am talking about cranberries for the birds! Thank you ma'am!

Tracy said...

Oh, this was sooo GOOD, Jeanie! Love when you share all the good times! That pic of Rick post-turkey coma made me laugh--soo fun! Think of all the Thanksgiving turkey comas... ;) I can almost hear the music Rick and pals playing. Having live music at home is a treat, isn't it?! Happy Days as you make ready for the holidays, my friend ((LOVE & HUGS))

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