I hate closing the cottage. I don't know if it's better to do it on a totally crappy day when you think, "Well, can't be outside, swim, too cold to be on the porch, time to leave" or on a perfect-weather weekend like the one we had, where you have something magical to hold onto.
Rick was traveling on business so it was Lizzie and me. She's good company in an odd kind of diva-cat way. Very chatty. Sometimes too chatty but this time it was about right!
There are signs of fall. Sneak previews of what is to come.
And, in some cases, it appears to be coming rather fast, though you wouldn't know from the 80-plus weather and blue sky.
It was a perfect swimming weekend and I did my longest swim -- over a half mile, I think, going fore-and-back. I didn't want to come out of the water!
The fungi is coming out in force now.
I'm fascinated by the shapes -- they're like little fairy houses. If you were old enough to see "Peter Pan" with Mary Martin on telly when you were a child, you might remember the lost boys lived underground and the tops of their houses were spotted mushrooms! I wonder who is living under these?
The exciting thing is that I got a new camera with a 40x zoom (which you have to hold VERY steady!) It's about a half-mile of water between my beach and the county park but you can read the name of the trailer that was parked there!
And in Lizzie's eyes, how many colors do you see? I lost count. (I took that with the zoom from across the room; a little fuzzy but still pretty good, considering the distance.)
I did have time to paint a bit (a very little bit) and to chill out.
And I was blessed with an appearance of the lake heron. I've only seen him flying this year.
On this day he made a much longer appearance, walking the beach.
Wish I could get underneath the dock so easily!
My friend Richard dropped by on his way home from delivering his new novel to bookstores in the north. I'll have a review and Q&A with Richard about his book soon. And my cousin David was up with some of his friends. David is now the official owner of my dad's old fishing hat. He asked (who would have thought to ask if anyone wanted this old cobwebby hat?) It had been in the utility room for years (dad died in 1993), yet I'd never been able to get rid of it. It is right where it belongs! Dad would be so thrilled!
He told me I should check out the moon, a wonderful crescent.
As it dipped lower in the west, it turned this wonderful shade of red. I didn't do anything to this photo. It was that red!
A peek inside. It's so cozy!
David's friends were great and were happy (or at least acted happy!) to let me join them for dinner. Bill even fixed our pesky door lock -- and that was great because I wasn't sure I'd be able to fully close and lock it when I left! Now I can.
When I headed out, the car was packed so full, I couldn't see out the back window! It looked like the Beverly Hillbillies, except it was all inside. Even Lizzie had stuff atop her carrier! Bet you didn't know a Toyota Corolla could hold so much. I thought of those who had to evacuate Hurricane Florence as I was packing. I'm pretty sure I would have packed different things. It wold not have been three bags of books and art supplies, a guitar, ten planters or potted plants, lots of dirty laundry, a computer, a monitor, three bags and a cooler of food, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree. (Actually, a yappy cat in a carrier!)
Time for the last cottage selfie of the season.
Goodbye, Cottage. There's a chance I'll get up again but it's a pretty small one. I'll miss you.
Feels like the end of summer.
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The Gypsy Caravan 2023
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Love this post! My fave line is “in a diva cat kind of way.” Too cute. congrats on getting the job done! Enjoy your week!
Great photos and a nice end of summer post.
Jeanie, your new camera is taking amazing shots with you behind the lens. I know it must be bittersweet leaving your cottage until next season, but you have your amazing trip to look forward to. Have a wonderful Tuesday
Your cottage is adorable. I love how it enables you to flow with the seasons and be in the outdoors, how it connects you with family and friends and good times. Yes, autumn is fast upon us. Those leaf previews are very dramatic!
How did you photography that moon?? I know it is a bittersweet time for you, closing the cottage.
I love your cottage 'postcards.' Brings back so many memories of all the years we opened and closed our with the seasons. Yours looks like the perfect size. You're going to love your new camera and that your dad's hat found a good home. I know that feel-good feeling the latter gave you.
Closing the cottage is one of the saddest times of the year. Another summer full of fun and good memories has passed. It must be done, though. I will miss your cottage too.
Congrats on the new camera. You will have a great time with it.
I did see that moon you photographed. Merv commented on how red it became when we were watching it. Nice to know you were watching the same moon from afar.
Now you have your trip ahead.
A "last" never sounds good!
I think a nasty day makes it all easier?
Aww, Lizzie must be the cutest!
Hot here today, yayyyy.
In the news they said near to no fungi due to the hot, dry summer.
I only know Peter Pan with Robin Williams. Still can´t believe he had to do what he had to do!
WOW 40x!!! VERY cool, mine has 20 - very great (yours, not mine ;-)...)
Beautiful eye(s)!
Hehe, yes, you can be proud of caring for such a hat indeed!
I gave my to my Mum and... well, who knows where it is now...
Awesome pics of the moon!
Ow, your car bursts! ;-)
Nononono... still warm days coming up (here at last!)!
I'm sure it's sad to close up the cottage, perhaps it helps to think of all those of us who have no opportunity to get away for a break. Enjoy your new camera, hugs, Valerie
The lost boys in that Peter Pan? I can only remember Mary Martin, not the boys. Memory is so quirky. I saw some wonderful mushrooms on a lawn near my house, but was especially surprised when a mushroom around 1/8 inch high popped up in my little cactus plant.
best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
Hello, It is hard to believe summer is over in a few days. The fall trees and colors there are lovely. I like your painted blue shutters. Great shots of the Heron. Mushrooms and your cute Lizzie. Your selfie is cute. Enjoy your day and week ahead!
I'm sad to say goodbye to the lake cottage also. I will miss your posts from there, but summer will come again! Great photos and that lens is wonderful. I'll be back home by Friday but I will miss lovely Cali and my daughter so much.
I can particularly imagine that Lizzie would be quite talkative whilst in a carrier.
Always a tough thing to close up the cabin for the season.
It must be hard closing your cabin, knowing it will be a long time before you can enjoy your getaway again...at least you had a bunch of great guys to hang out with and Lizzie for company! Your leaves are beautiful, it will be a long time before we see that here! Have fun with your new lens!
Your cousin looks like a very sweet person. It's nice that your dad's hat has been passed down. You seem to be really enjoying that new camera! I do NOT enjoy taking our cat(s) in the car. Your kitty must be kind of used to it now? -Jenn
I hope you had room for Lizzie in that car. It seems too early to close up, doesn't it? With this heat for sure it is too early. But you have excitement to come. When do you leave? I enjoyed my visits on your blog to the lake this year. Hope you made lots of good memories. Hugs-Erika
A wonderful way to end the summer season Jeanie. This cabin is really special since it lets you get away from it all and just enjoy yourself. I hope you got home safe and have a wonderful start to the fall season. When will those temps drop already?
Wonderful reflective closing . . .
Love the cottage . . .
Looks summery, welcoming
and closed up . .
Loved the filled to the brim car!
You have some color north . . .
Very little here . . .
I am ready for some cooler . . . nights!
Another summer of sweet memories, but a sad goodbye. Fall always seems to come so suddenly - summer is short! Wonderful photos of these last summer days. xo Karen
The summer season always goes by way too fast! My parents lake home is year round but we had a trailer for many years and I remember the sadness of packing up and saying goodbye for another season. I’m glad you found a home for your dad’s hat. Just goes to show that you held onto it for a reason, even if you didn’t realize it at the time!
A lovely farewell to your lake summer. And, I look forward to seeing the photos you take on your upoming trip.
Beautiful photos and a lovely wrap up of a lovely season! Here we are wishing Summer would end and that Fall would rush in with a very crisp and cool breeze!
Enjoy that new camera!
Awww, I'm glad you had a great weekend to hold onto the lovely memories of the cabin. I think the same as you about those mushrooms, wondering what's living beneath. Incredible photos with your new lens, looking forward to seeing more! And incredibly fall-looking up there! Your car? My world and welcome to it, lol. The other day I called my sister and I Sanford & Sister. :)
What a sweet farewell to such a big part of your heart. I can feel it with you through your writing. Someday I hope to have a cottage to say goodbye to! I loved all your summer adventures there. Till next year....
I used to be so depressed for about a week after closing our summer home. We would leave it as late as possible - always.
Did you plants make it home safely? They look a little precarious there!
Never underestimate the capacity of a Toyota! We have an Echo, one of the smallest cars Toyota ever made. It always amazes me how much we can jam into that baby. My daughter is trying to convince us to trade "UP" to a Corolla. We are a Toyota family through and through.
I'm sure it was sad to close up the cottage for the season, but at least it sounds like your last weekend there was a wonderful one.
Aww Jeanie, I know this was coming soon, saying goodbye to cottage until next year. I’m sure it’s a job getting everything secured and put away and loading up the car. I am happy you didn’t forget Miss Lizzie:) I enjoy your lake photos, just beautiful. The color change already, fall does seem to be on its way.
It's always sad to say goodbye to a favorite spot and season. Your goodbye was especially poignant this year. The heron was amazing, ad that new camera will definitely come in handy on your trip. Neither of my "boys" is yappy, so I applaud Lizzie, although Bleubeard is more vocal than Squiggles. I'd LOVE to have a cat that talked to me. Now to unpack and find places for the things you brought home.
There is a wistfulness over closing up the cottage. It also symbolizes the end of summer and the coming of colder, shorter and darker days. But first there's autumn and that's such a wonderful season.
Yes, a Toyota Corolla can hold a lot. I was surprised how much we got in there when my daughter first left for college - all her stuff including a small refrigerator (that was stuffed with her things) and the three of us (granted, the girl sat very tight) plus her bike on the back. The car was also fully packed up when we had to prepare for evacuation during the fires. It's good not to have a sports car...
Is that a Canon Powershot you got? Those cameras are amazing. I love the heron shots, by the way.
WOW the red moon photo is amazing. And the heron ones are lovely. I have a great zoom on my camera, I love using it. It's sad closing the cottage but I'm sure you will become absorbed in many activities back home, and your holiday is not far away :-) I'm glad your dad's old hat has a new owner x
Jeanie, you made a good choice with your new camera. The photos are wonderful and that red moon shot is gorgeous. Goodbyes are sad and the end of summer is especially. There are so many wonderful things a person can do during summer that you can't do anytime else and you did a whole bunch. What great memories of the lake you will carry the whole rest of the year..And beyond!! xxoJudy
Ooooo, signs of Autumn are coming at the lake. What a pretty picture of the trees in the distance changing color. Mushrooms are so strange looking to me. The Heron is such a peculiar looking fellow, isn't he?...but cute. That is a cool purse in your car. And a sweet picture of you saying good-bye to the cottage.
I read way back in your posts to catch up with you. Your times at the cabin look blissful - it's always hard to say goodbye for another year. I think you'll be loving that new camera. I liked seeing your mushrooms. There are none here this year because we've been so dry - just opposite of you! Hope your lip is healing well.
Great photos. The moon is really beautiful.
Do you have to close up for the winter? Can’t you spend some winter time on the lake? Just wondering. Looks like a really great place to chill and enjoy life.
What a wondrous place. It's like your own personal Shangri-La.
And I want a camera with that much zoom. The pictures are wonderful. My problem would be holding it steady.
The zoom on the new camera seems awesome! I love the idea of being able to zoom in on things you wouldn't normally be able to get so close to.
I had to laugh at the pictures of your car. Mine is a Camry, and it's about that packed when we go on our beach vacation with the two dogs. I don't think we've ever made the drive without me holding a cooler on my lap, and having a bag on my feet. I consider it a badge of honor to be able to pack so much into a car. My M-I-L is the best at it though. It's combination clown car and Mary Poppins carpet bag when she loads up a car.
Thanks for taking us up north with you. How lovely to have your cozy summer place with all of its history and memories, and how lovely that you add more memories each year with art camps and mini-roadtrips and visits from old friends and family.
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. :-)
Great photos Jeanie. I can imagine that it would be a mix of bittersweet closing up a place that you enjoy so much and saying goodbye to it for a season. But just think of how lovely it will be when you get to open it up again! I will never have a cottage myself but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the lovely photos of yours. Thank you so much for sharing with us! Your car sure was full! I hope your cat is a happy traveller. Ours never were and used to drive us crazy with the meows the whole time! Mitzie the cocker is not much better and whines the whole time. Happy weekend on this the first official weekend of autumn! xoxo
PS - I loved the Mary Martin Peter Pan when it was shown on our television. Oh I was so young then!
Jeanie, *I* feel a bit sad every year when you close the cottage, so I can imagine how you feel! :-) I love that you keep the cottage pretty much the way it's always been, just fixing something like that door lock now and then. And I'm so glad your cousin asked for your dad's hat. Sweet!
Glad you had some company while you were there. Even if it was a furry friend. :) Love the hat story! So nice to have neighbors to join for dinner. Farewell to your lovely cottage! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Beautiful photos. I think you have more or less the same seasons as we have here in the south of Sweden. I can imagine it is difficult to leave this beautiful place. But, we probably appreciate these places more, since we do not live there the whole year.
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