But before our walk, a quick request. I love your comments and try to reply personally whenever I can and don't reply on the blog. If you have a recipe request (or another question) and are a no-reply blogger, I can't reply, except on your blog. And if you are no-reply and do not have a blog link in your comment, I can't reply at all!
So, Diane in Wisconsin, I'd love to share the salad info but I don't know how to reach you! And others who have asked a question, sorry if I reply or converse in your comments but it's all I can do! Just so y'all know!
Now, back to the Ditch. Old timers to Marmelade Gypsy know the Ditch is a walking area down about eight blocks from my house. It has a nice paved path and it seems as though there are always people there walking and enjoying the wildlife. Which, of course, I name!
Harry the Heron is a regular. Ditch walkers say he's been back for a bit but I hadn't had a sighting till this past week. And then I was rewarded!
Now only was Harry there but a second heron, Harriet, was also present! It's not often I can verify that it isn't the same bird in a different spot, but this time I was sure (although I couldn't get them in the same picture!)
Don't ask how I know Harry is a he and Harriet is a she. I don't. But you have to name them something -- even though I'm not sure I could tell them apart!
They aren't the only mates on the pond. Gus and Gabrielle Goose have settled in too. (In the photo below, Gaby is at the right, Gus, in the water, on the left.)
Here's a better look at Gus, that little dot that looks more like a lily pad than a goose!
Gaby's been busy nesting and she has quite the stack build up in the water but off the edge of the pond. And she doesn't seem to leave that nest for anything!
However, yesterday I was able to catch her stretching and then feathering her nest. She must get stiff sitting all day!
And look at that! There are two very big eggs!
And she did the most interesting thing -- probably standard operating procedure for geese but new to me. She dug a little hole in her nest and tucked the larger of the eggs in it, and partially tucked the other.
Probably just getting comfy or keeping it warm. Fascinating!
It's pretty down there, too. And will be even more so in a couple of weeks. I call it the Chartreuse Cloud or Chartreuse Mist, when all the green leaves are beginning to sprout.
A few flowering trees. A duck or two or ten. Loads of birds. A little woodland in the city!
Gus and Gaby aren't the only geese. This one was keeping an eye on a critter who was checking out the banks of the pond.
And watching! Eventually this badger or muskrat went back to the water! No harm done. Meanwhile, another turn around the Ditch and here's Harry again!
Of course, sometimes the best thing about going anyplace is heading home. Past the random Ditch tulip (no doubt generously planted by a ditch walker)...
...the dazzling forsythia, nearly having run its course of beauty...
...and the flowering trees.
Home Sweet Home to my Sweet Girl, waiting!
(More likely, waiting for dinner!) I hope you're enjoying the beauty of spring (or fall, if you are Down Under!) and lapping it up no matter where you are!
Sharing today at Monday Social!
Absolutely beautiful photographs, Jeanie! You are obviously using something more sophisticated than the camera on your phone!! (which is as fancy as I get!). That little critter is a muskrat. You are just a little ahead of us in spring growth (I'm in the Grey/Bruce area between Georgian Bay and Lake Huron). Have a lovely Sunday! -Jenn
It's good to see Harry again - and all the spring beauty of the ditch.
What a treat to see the beautiful eggs..works of art..and you can paint flora..fauna..birds and animals..do one :)To me..finds like that make an outing spiritual in a different way..like I have witnessed a miracle:)!! Nature nature nature..love it.
I don't get your replies....
at the very beginning i did and then not..I think my spam filter kicked in at one point..
Spring is finally looking a tad like spring this AM w/ sunshine..nowhere near your spring though,just buds on trees..not a bloom in sight.
Oh I love your ditch posts! You see so much beauty on these walks. And all those creatures make you stop and take it in - no multi-tasking possible when you are seeing what Mrs. Goose is doing with her eggs! Have you read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver? She talks a lot about her chickens sitting on the eggs before they hatched - sounded like an exhausting job for the momma!
Our trees haven't started to flower here yet. I kind of hope they hold off until our wedding in May but that is probably wishful thinking!!!!
Your love of canada geese is generous -- they have become so numerous in our part of Michigan that It's hard to see their attraction. They occupy every park and open space. I suspect that they crowd out other birds, as well as making quite a mess. Sad.
best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
I didn't realize you lived so close to the Ditch. For some reason, I thought it was some place outside of town you had to drive to. So glad to see Harry is back, and so willing to be photographed, whether he realizes it or not.
You have some incredible photos. I really adore the flowering trees and flowers, but the Canadian Geese are a bit of a pain (at least where I live). Unfortunately, our neighborhood association has chosen them as our "mascot," and they are everywhere in our neighborhood. And of course, they leave big SLIPPERY messes wherever they go.
Lizzie looks really happy to see you home. That photo of her is absolutely adorable.
Wonderful to see all your wild feathered friends again, they have a beautiful habitat. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos, you know how much I love the birds and water fowl. Hugs, Valerie
Great shots! Esp of the mommy sitting on the eggs. Awesome.
Wow- you got some amazing photos Jeanie. Either you have a super zoom lens or those animals lets you walk up really close to them. :) I'm with you. It is so exciting to see signs of spring. Hugs-Erika
Those flowering trees are amazing, Jeanie! Something we don't have yet for another two months. And no Herons for me yet. But I've seen owls in my neck of the woods and a Grizzly Bear in Banff! Come by and let me introduce you to She Bear. :)
Awesome photos. I especially love the photos of Harry the Heron.
So much color, so much life! And I, for one, am so glad to see reports of Harry & Harriet again -- happy spring!
Jeanie, you got some great pictures of the geese. They are very cautious birds and send out their honking call to let the others know someone is near. I loved the picture of the goose with her eggs, so precious. And the Robin picture is wonderful. You know, Robin one of my favorite birds. They don't scare easily like the other birds, and their orange bellies are striking. It sounds like a great day at The Ditch. The heron pictures are fantastic also. Loved your pictures today, Jeanie.
Oh just look at that sweet nose, saying where've you been?! And that quite some outing to the ditch today, nature at it's best .... of course, combined with your fabulous eye for a great pic, love the eggs on the nest. Happy Spring days.
Wren x
Encore, encore! I love seeing spring through your lens, Jeanie! You have so many fantastic photos - especially of that heron. While I despise Canada geese (we have a major problem with them, right here in the city, directly across the street from our home on the riverbank), you did capture some wonderful shots. My bet is that there are more than two eggs nestled in that burrowing...we typically see 5-7 in their fledglings for each pair (yes, it's that big of a problem!). I love how you coined the phrase "the chartreuse mist". That is my very favorite image of spring, especially after a rain when the barks of the trees are nearly black in contrast. Wonderful post! Happy Spring to you - finally!
Loved walking around the Ditch with you today and meeting all your feathered friends. Gaby certainly has built herself a stack and a half to nest on, fabulous shots of the actual eggs and how she tends to them.
Have a wonderful week, dear Jeanie.
I really enjoy your wildlife pictures. How lucky to have that walking path near your house.
I'm glad Harry and Harriet made it back to the ditch safely, and that Gus and Gabby should soon be proud parents.
I agree with you: the best part about going anywhere is coming home again, where you can enjoy the memories in comfort.
Wow! You got a photo of the nest and the eggs! How incredible! Love the big Heron too! Lovely shot in the water with all the pretty ripples. Looks like a beautiful time of year at your house! Enjoy! Hugs, Diane
Stunning photographs....loved taking the walk with you. :)
Great to see Harry again!
The photos with the herons and the lily pads look like Monet paintings.
Ohhhh, how utterly fun! This is what Ruben and I do. We walk at the lakes and then name the animals! OK, I have a question. That mound upon which Gabby the goose is standing, did they build that, or is that a beaver house? We saw the exact same scene the other day at one of the smaller lakes, and the goose was standing atop the mound, proud as punch, and was fending off any other geese trying to get into that territory. But we thought it was a beaver house! Hmmmm.....
Oh my gosh those watery feathery images are gorgeous.
Remind me, some, of Monet:)
Thanks for sharing Harry and his hopeful:)
Maybe there'll be more exciting eggs to hatch, yet!
Happy Springtime in the chartreuse air:)
Yes, I am enjoying Springtime nature and blossoms, though the rain could go away.
Your walk is a delight of enjoyment also! So happy all your favorite friends have returned, even Harry. I do believe he visited me first and then was off to summer with you. Oh the eggs too nestled in with the soft fluff. You will have to watch for new life there, as I know you will. The is complaint of mine also, when there is no way to contact someone that has left a comment/question.
Such beautiful photos today! I feel like I've had my boots on and have been trekking around with you. Bird watching is fun for me too.
Silly me is most impressed with that robin. For so many years, they were THE sign of spring. Now, I rarely see one. I did this spring, as a migrating flock came by, but it was a half-hour sighting, and then they were gone.
The photos of the geese are great. I especially like the one of the mama rearranging her eggs. You're right -- those are huge! Of course, geese are big birds. Still, that's quite a responsibility she has.
Absolutely stunning photos!! Amazing!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
It's great that there are so many wonderful animals to watch at the ditch, Jeanie. The flowering trees are beautiful too. I can imagine how much you enjoy your walks there. Spring is my favorite time of the year. It's cheerful and energetic.
xo Julia
So happy to see that Harry wintered well and is back again. Gus is very attractive. I enjoy our walks around the ditch and your wonderful photos. Nature is so healing, isn't it? Especially for the spirit.
Beautiful, beautiful, and beautiful. Reminded me of On Golden Pond.
Here early today, hot coffee i n one hand and keyboard underneath other. You know I like to take breaks from comments on my page, Jeanie, but I still stay in touch. Catching up on your posts today. Always so good to visit with you.
So glad Harry is back, bonus that Harriet has arrived too.. so much bird life at the ditch means it must be a healthy watering hole, which is great in a suburban area. I too love your photos, and admire the shot of mother goose. You are so patient. We're enjoying the autumnal changes here in Aus. Crisp mornings, changing leaves, sunny mid days. Here's to the changing seasons!
Just me, double checking a blog fix!
It is so amazing that birds can fly away in the fall and find their way back to the same place in the spring. As a human, I have trouble finding my way with maps and GPS. We have much to learn from the other species with whom we share this world.
Soooo WONDERFUL all the seasonal happenings at The Ditch! Harry and Harriet--what JOY to see!! These are lovely photos, Jeanie! You have a good talent for capturing nature and florals. Oh, and sweet Miss Lizzie too! :) ((HUGS))
Such beautiful photos, Jeanie! I love our Herons at the lake.
I can't believe you could get so close to the nest. Wonderful photos!
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