It's been a whirlwind of a week, (with more to come). I'm having a tough time getting my brain around it but there's a definite lack of energy, which doesn't help. Soon the bunny will be here! I'm hoping the basket isn't too paltry this year because this bunny hasn't much felt like visiting the chocolate egg division!
First, though, thanks for all the good words from the last post. (Wasn't Giorgio's music wonderful?) I'm waiting for a confirmed appointment with a consulting surgeon for gall bladder surgery and until then probably eat more healthy than I have in years, so there's something good out of all that jazz last week. Although a little gray and gloomy around here, it's warmer, the snow is gone and much to anticipate.
The cooking for Easter isn't as much fun this year. No more traditional scalloped potatoes, for example. I will try to find something in my new Lemon Cookbook. I was quite pleased with the ravioli sauce (I didn't make my own ravioli as the recipe also included). No pics of that, but these cookies were awfully pretty and delivered to the photo.
I have to say I don't think they were lemony enough so I ended up spreading a very thin lemon juice/powdered sugar glaze on the bottoms and that helped a lot! I might also have had some oven temperature problems. But all in all, very good. There are many recipes here I'm looking forward to discover -- when I can have that again!
As I mentioned in the previous post, Giorgio Mirto has been with us for a couple of weeks, taking to the road for concerts. But when home he joined in the family things -- a visit to the hospital (not so fun) and Greg's birthday!
The gang was all here eating a variety of things (most had pizza. Rick, however, had a wonderful Japanese dish of lean chicken and rice which I devoured!) For the first time in ages, a store cake. Sometimes plans don't fly.
There was plenty of pass-the-baby time and that was a definite treat!
This may be only the second time since I joined Cork Poppers that I don't have a post for you on the marvelous (so I'm told) South African wines enjoyed by the group before I arrived for dinner.
And quite a dinner it was! This is one of Barb's "master salads."
And Jan's veggie dish will appear on my Easter table this weekend. It's a Splendid Table recipe -- check it out here.
Cheryl had special napkins made for us as party favors from fabrics with a wine theme. They're lined with a different wine-related fabric on each side. (I was glad she passed Rick's on to me as he couldn't come to the tasting! Now we have a pair!)
We enjoyed GIo's concert on Sunday in Frankenmuth, Michigan. Someday I'll have to post about this place! He had two rehearsals with musicians he'd never met. It was glorious and so very beautiful.
The next day we headed to the airport (with a Tim Horton stop along the way!) to say goodbye.
It was a sad parting but that's because good times were shared, beautiful music was heard and a new friend was made. And really, all those things make being really tired after well worth it!
I leave you with a look at our Purr Girl, who has been such a comfort over these past days.
And a bloom I find somewhat analogous to the past week -- my faded tulip. It is well past its peak, yet maintains a certain beauty and mystery that captivates me with its vibrant color and contrasts. Soon it will die, petals on the floor.
And yet, in the fall those bulbs will go into my garden and at this time (or perhaps a bit later) next year, I will see these golden blooms re-emerge to share their beauty once again. And in doing so, it will remind me of a week or two with much to love (and a little not to love!) and that we all bloom again.
There's something Eastery about that, don't you think?
Happy to join in with Share Your Style this week!
The Gypsy Caravan 2023
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Oh my!! Ive missed quite a few of your posts--- i am awful sick too and doc trying to keep it from progressing to pneumonia-- any news on yiurs?-- im on some nasty meds@÷!-":%acj!! Any word on the gall bladder yet? My mom had hers out a few years ago and it went just great--- yours will too! Plz keep me posted ok? Hope youre feeling some better in the meantime amd mercy i just love seeing you with that sweet little baby!! What cute pictures! I love the art youve been working on especially the pink porch vineyard scene
Somehow you seem more energetic than you say you are. SO many activities! I hope you are able to have a very nice Easter.
best... mae at
My tulips look like they may bloom in a few days. They are my yearly reminders that spring will always come. I love the photo of you holding your grand. Nothing better than a baby in your arms. The salad and veggies look delicious. As do the lemon cookies (I love just about anything with lemon in it). It looks like you and Rick made sure Giorgio had a great time here. I hope you have a wonderful Easter.
Some how I missed or it did not register about the gallbladder. Sorry to hear you are having issues. My brother kept putting his surgery off and a stone came out and blocked the pancreas and he ended up in the hospital for a week. Be careful. There is nothing better than pass the baby time! So sweet. Looks like you have been busy with folks visiting and you not feeling well. Hoping you feel better soon
Well, if I could paint like you I'd paint all day every day. And...if I had such a cute grandson, I'd sit in a chair holding him all day, every day. So, I really don't know how you manage so many other things! I hope you feel well enough to enjoy Easter weekend.
I love that photo of Lizzie. While you're doing your own trips to the doc, I have to get Dixie Rose to the vet. When I came home from my weekend trip, she just wasn't right. She came out from under the bed and wanted to be petted after only an hour. That's not my kitty, as you know. So, we'll see what's up. She's clearly uncomfortable, and looks like she's losing weight -- also very strange. I'm hoping that some sort of medication can help with her arthritis, but I'm not giving her shots myself! That was one treatment recommended. I suppose if I have to take her in every day for six days, and then weekly, I'll do it. We'll just have to see.
It certainly has been a whirl-wind week for you. I hope all this gall-bladder business will soon be behind you. Your posts are always so fun. I`ll bet you and Rick are wonderful hosts. Glad Lizzy has been playing nurse-maid. Cats are so good and willing to do that.
I've been reading your other posts to catch up on what's going on. I'm so sorry to hear you've been so sick and will have to have surgery. I'm glad you've had family close to spend time with and you got to eat all the good food (without the wine). The time goes faster when you're enjoying things like this! Take care of yourself and try to get rested up. Hugs, Diane
Wishing you a wonderful Easter. Love your colorful blog and so many neat stories all the time. I also LOVE that "Master Salad" it possible to get the list of ingredients and any special tips for making it? It looks wonderful. Is there a special dressing to go with it? Thanks for a great blog!
Jeanie, you've had a very busy schedule and with all you have going on not surprised you are low energy. Lovely times, friends and family and I see that big smile with baby, so worth it! All this food looks delicious, gong back and look at the recipe. Hope you find a little time to rest and enjoy the Easter weekend..........Hugs.
Jeanie, your close-up pics are always so special. Love your cat and the bunny. The salad looks amazing, and what a salad it is with all kinds of different goodies. And the lemon cookies look so Yummy. I hope all goes well with your gall bladder surgery. Thinking of you, sweet friend, and wishing you a blessed Easter.
ps it's so good to know "what a wonderful world" is one of your favorite
songs. : )
Gorgeous post. Sorry you are having to be careful with food, and hop you soon get an appt for surgery. Love the look of those salads and veggies, yummy°. Glad you enjoyed your time with Giorgio and the family, nothing like baby cuddling! Have a great day, take car, hugs, Valerie
What a nice mix of photos here. And I thought we're the only ones still having snow on the ground. But no flowers yet. And the baby is growing so fast, and so lovely. I hope you'll rest well to prep for the surgery. All the best, Jeanie!
I've been catching up. Sorry to hear about the gall bladder surgery. I had that a number of years ago. It was the best thing I ever did. I know you will feel so much better when it's over.
I love that photo of you holding the baby. You look so happy.
The lemon cookies look delish. I love lemon.
Looks like you've had a little fun even though you aren't feeling perfect. Boy, I think that salad and veggie dish look delicious. YUM. And how fun to get everyone together to celebrate.
Hope you get this gall bladder thing squared away ASAP. Hugs-Erika
Some things are worth beicming exhausted for, and these get-togethers sound like they belong on that list! Also, that veggie dish sounds very tasty... I shall have to try that some time.
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, but glad you have Lizzie to offer comfort when you need it.
Wow, the food served at the Cork Poppers get together looks amazing and colourful! I understand what you mean about something not tasting lemony enough - I've had that experience as well. The cookies look very good, however. I like the crinkle effect on the top. Hope you have a happy, pain free Easter! -Jenn
What a lovely post - so full of colour and life and love. You cook as well as draw and paint??! Sorry to hear about the gall bladder - hope it's sorted soon.
I hope they get your gallbladder sorted, soonest, and you are feeling much better after that! Sending good thoughts for an easy time and a sure and smooth recovery.
Not sure you've noticed because my week actually pales to yours, but my blog was on meltdown for several days. No links were clickable, and people couldn't leave comments. I also lost all my blog contacts, so had no way to visit you.
I was saddened to read about your need for gall bladder surgery and the cost of a new shower. The joys of being a homeowner. But the baby grand was fabulous. Quite the poser, and at a very early age, too.
Too bad you missed the wine part of Cork Poppers. Not only do you all set a great table, you are all artists, too. Love the napkins with the tags and wreaths. Very spring like.
Looks like the birthday party was a success, even on the fly.
So glad you and Rick got to host his musician friend, and it seems as if that went off well, too. Great photos of him and his time with you.
LOVED the tulip. Just beautiful in its special fading way.
Please take care and I'm sure your surgery will go fine. Not like it's brain surgery, at least. I can assure you, doctors have done them for years. I remember my grandmother had emergency gall bladder surgery.
Beautiful post in every way . . .
Except the thought of you not feeling up to par
and surgery "in the wind."
Granny moments, delicious guitar, hugs, goodbyes,
lemon sweets, napkin creations, Cork Popper time,
eating changes . . . ending of yellow tulip . . .
yet thoughts . . . renewal . . . rebirth . .
and yes . . .
once again . . .
in every way.
Beautiful . . .
You are in my caring Jeanie . . .
Busy,Busy,Busy! I'm glad to see you are taking care of yourself. Family, baby to love on, good and healthy food, no wine :( but still a good time! Hugs!
See what a natural you are holding bébé?♥
And honestly you look about 30 in that TH pic w/ G:) He looks like such a nice man..and I love his bag.
I bought a REAL leather bag in was laminated..the painted leather peeled off..oh lala.
Looks like there's a lot of joy going on in your neck of the is such a healer:) Or helps coast the healing:)
Take care..that little pot in the last photo for lack of the perfect oh so pretty..and your crinkle cookies look great Jeanie:)
Sorry to hear about the gall bladder surgery. Be thinking of you and trust everything goes smoothly.
The salad and veggie dish look wondrous.
Congrats on new baby.
I love all these photos. Even without words, the photos say bunches.
What a happy post. Normal life. Ups and downs, mainly ups. Wishing you well.
Seems I've missed a few posts. So sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Several people I know have had gall bladder surgery and it was just fine. I'm sure you'll be back to your energetic self again after yours.
All that food looks so good. And that baby is just the cutest little bit of cuddliness. (that's my own word)
Feel better soon...and I hope you have a good Easter.
I can't wait for Easter. Our tradition is to go to the nearest lake for our own sunrise service over the water. Then, it's a quiet day of reflection and rest. But like you, we had some warm days, then POW....SNOW! It will all get warmer soon. Wishing you a successful surgery dear Jeanie!
Yes, something Eastery in the last picture. Oh I hope you have relief soon. Take care, dear friend. So glad you enjoyed the music and new friendship, plus family, a delicious looking veggie dish and salad, and a dear whiskered kittie.
Hello there! It's always a pleasure stoping by your blog and catching up on things! Those lemon cookies look absolutely divine. Thanks for sharing the recipe I'll have to try them out....come to think about it, All your food looks amazing! Wishing a happy belated birthday to Greg!! Cheers
Those cookies look divine!
Quite a whirlwind, Jeanie! And what a gorgeous feast. Your cat is beautiful, and it always amazes me how very comforting a cat can be.
Hello Jeanie, I’ve been scrolling up and down your blog taking in all the wonderful photographs and having a great time! I know I’m going to enjoy getting to know you.
I was sorry to read about the gall bladder surgery, but if it’s any consolation Terry (my husband of almost 47 years) had his gallbladder removed three weeks ago. He has made a very good recovery and is back to eating most of the things he enjoys although wine is of the menu for now.
Thank you for coming to visit my blog earlier today and for leaving a comment.
Have a lovely Easter, Barbara
So sorry that you are having problems with your gallbladder. It's not a lot of fun. I had mine out about 30 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. I was sick all the time and could hardly eat anything. Now they just make a little incision and just take it out. I think your only in over night and then home. I have a big incision, but I felt so much better getting it out.
So glad that you had a wonderful time with your friend. The baby is growing so fast, soon he will be walking.
Take care of yourself and prayers are being sent your way for a speedy recovery.
Happy Easter.
The lemon cookies looked completely perfect on that beautiful gold and violet plate, just as gorgeous as anything in a food magazine! Wish you could come and cook for me! I am glad that you got to eat the meal and enjoy the company at Cork Poppers, even though you missed the wine.
Ooh I love lemony foods so that cookbook sounds awesome!
My goodness your grandson has grown since his birth! I love the picture of him staring intently into Gorgio's eyes!! What a bright-eyed little guy he is!
I'm glad you've had some good and fun things to focus on while your health is not so great. It will be good to have this surgery behind you so you can get your energy back and get back to eating the things you love!
That side dish you are making for easter looks sooo good! I need to pin that recipe!!
Happy Easter. I love your pansies and the bunnies. Even though the family will not be around it seems that you have already had a wonderful celebration. I would have you over if you were closer. I hope your garden is blooming and the sun is shining for you on Sunday. xo
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