A bouquet of flowers for those who come back to the Maremelade Gypsy so often! And to those whose blogs inspire and enlighten me! |
Over the course of those years I've followed all kinds of blogs. Some focus on the arts I connect with most intimately -- visual/mixed media art, painting, film and literature. Some are more "place" oriented -- blogs focusing on travel or cities/regions I love.
![]() |
Yes, I read lots of blogs about Paris and other wonderful places. And yes, I love getting a good recipe from a fellow blogger! |
Some provide thoughtful complex writing. Those posts may take longer to read and process but oh, they are so rich. Others simply make me laugh. They're like sitting at a cafe table with a good friend, sipping tea or Tab or margaritas, and laughing till we attract disapproving looks from strangers!
I love it when the colors are all mixed up together in a merry rainbow mishmash! All different and fun, like the variety of blogs follow! |
I've been very excited to participate in a new online magazine called "Modern Creative Life," which came about through blogging relationships. Becca Rowan long ago started a series called "Write on Wednesday," where I connected with many bloggers who remain on-and-offline friends to this day. When Becca and Debra Smouse created the new publication (with daily posts -- you can subscribe and it's worth it!), they asked me to contribute. My current post, "The Fleeting Moments of Now" is HERE -- please check it our (and don't miss the other great content at the site, too)!
Oh, the thrill of a good comment is like getting a letter that doesn't come in a window envelope! |
I remember well those early days of blogging, don't you? It was almost like sending a letter out to the world and wondering who would find it. Wondering if anyone would ever find you. And if they did, would they like what they found? Would they leave a comment? Would I make a difference? What did I want my blog to be -- a a personal message, a platform for sharing information to others, a communal gathering room?
I learned to blog from reading each and every one of you.
I like to think of The Marmelade Gypsy as a friendly cafe or bookstore. Each time you visit you may find something familiar -- but also may find something new. Not every post will resonate but I always hope people will return to see if the next one does!
So many times when I visit a blog it's like having a conversation with you! |
Now and then I am fortunate enough to connect with a new blogger, someone who has just entered this diverse Land of Blog, giving birth to a new vehicle that has something to say. Being brave. Breaking out of the womb of having an idea and getting it out there, out in the open where people can see, learn, comment, relate.
When you're getting ready to let your baby into the world, it can be a scary thing! |
Laura (second from left) and her sister Linda, flanked by two of their cousins, Heather and Anna. |
I've known Laura for years, although not well. She is my cousin's niece by marriage, if that makes sense. Cousin's husband's sister's daughter. Whew. So, most of the time the youngsters were hanging out one place while the elders hung elsewhere!
Sometimes we don't realize what is behind the curtain until somebody says. |
I was so thrilled she would feel comfortable asking me questions about this crazy, fun thing we do to connect and I hope I've steered her well. Truth is, it took little steering. She's a quick study, that's for sure! And she has something to say.
Three cheers, Laura! I'm proud of you! And, I hope when you have a chance you'll stop by Laura's blog and welcome her to the Land of Blog. And if she leaves a comment on one of yours that you'll check in to say hello!
Thanks for the flowers! Also the pastry photo -- I just had my last Paris pastry (maybe second-to-last) because we are leaving tomorrow and returning to Michigan. I know you had great pics of your trips.
best... mae at maefood.blogspot.oom
Thanks for the shout out! You've been so helpful welcoming me to the blogosphere. :)
I will definitely check out Laura's blog. How brave of her to share her story!! I'm not surprised she approached you with questions - you have such a warm and welcoming personality!
Nice photos. Congratulations on having such a successful blog.
Welcome, Laura.
Lovely post, Jeanie.
Wonderful post Jeanne . . ,
You are a special woman!
Off I go to visit Laura . . .
Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful flowers. Wishing Laura all the best in her blogging adventures; she's lucky to have you to help her along the way.
This world of blogging has been a blessing to me as well. I started in 2009 after my youngest daughter suggested I blog about my garden and décor. For two years I blogged for just my family and a few friends. I had no idea that people visited and followed blogs of people they didn't actually know. lol! Knew nothing about blog parties or hopping. I still remember the first time I had a follower I didn't actually know. It was a man from Vietnam. I actually thought my hubby was pranking me. Ha, ha! One day saw a blog advertised in a magazine. Hopped over and from there found a link party. After that my world changed. I have made so many sweet and wonderful blogging friends. Happy to have discovered you recently. I will definitely hop over and welcome Laura.
A great post Jeannie. I enjoyed it all. Pansies are one of my favourite flowers though I didn't find any starter ones in my neighbourhood this year that I can plant in my containers ;-( I will pop over to Laura's blog. Have a wonderful weekend. xx
Congrats, dearest Jeanie, on your great achievement, I so love your blog and wish you so many wonderful posts to come, for me too The Marmelade Gipsy is such a gathering place !
And a special greeting to Laura, may blog-land welcome her as she deserves !
I wish you a most lovely Lord's Day ever, sweetie, and a wonderful new week ahead, sending blessings of joy to you
With thankfulness
Good morning faithful blog pal! Happy Mothers Day, and also, what can I add to the blogging experience? Just that it changed my life. Making connections with many, and even walking away with a few connections that have been life-long for 8 years now. I shall go visit Laura!
Great post! I'm glad you continue to blog, and I enjoy reading your posts... I look forward to reading many more of them in the future! :)
My blog has come a long way since I started it just over ten years ago, and my only followers were my Grandma and my great-aunt. Plus, I've met some great people through blogging. Well, I haven't met them in person (which is a real shame). But I still consider them friends. I have met three of the people I met online in person (one of whom I later married). But none of those were people I met through blogging. Hubby I met through him meeting someone I babysat for in a chatroom, and me starting to talk to him online too. The other two are fellow writers, one of which I met through Goodreads, the other I met through a mutual friend.
Welcome to the world of blogging, Laura. You are truly in for the ride of your life.
I started blogging back in 2005 with a camera that took such lousy photos you couldn't make anything out. Friends kept telling me I needed to keep a journal of my art I made, so I would know what worked and what didn't. I don't like to write because of my arthritis I've had since birth. But I've never had a problem with typing, nor narrative, so a blog was a far better choice and I didn't have a bunch of books lying around that were taking up space.
The first two years were sporadic, but in 2007 I got serious, and now I post practically every day, although it's hard since I have a slow computer and an internet that is just one step up from dial-up.
You take the most incredible photos, dear Jeanie. They always tell a story on their own, yet you add such great narrative, too. I'm so very, very glad I met you in blogland. You have certainly enriched my life, as I'm sure you have Laura's and others, too!
Blogging changed my life so I'm happy to see young women starting new blogs. I'm on my way over to say hello.
Thanks for the lovely flowers Jeanie
you've covered a lot of ground in this blogpost! I hope you enjoyed a beautiful Mother's Day, Jeanie.
Jeanie, What a delight to meet you through your blog. The picture of the bakery treats makes me so hungry and the picture of the Poste box makes me homesick for France. How nice of you to introduce Laura's blog. I'll swing by.
I toddled over to Laura's. She's got a great blog going.
Jeanie DARLIN'! HELLO! Thank you for coming to visit my blog! Yes, the colors, huh? And those lilacs, they must be bursting out your way too, and especially on Mackinac Island! (spelling?)
And my camera? It's not so little! I am learning to look for the light to hit in just the right spaces. Take for instance, the first photo of the lilacs in the marble urn. Out of about 8 shots of the same thing, that one had the best light! It's a fun hobby.
OK! Get out there and enjoy. It's raining here, so we may be sending you some showers!
Yes, we have so many different blog friends who share their interesting and delightful posts. I love that picture of the two girls, it kind of reminds me of my girls - one blonde, one brunette. And that typewrite looks like a treasured antique.
I wanted to thank you, Jeanie, for your thoughts on my post about my nephew, Matt. Still can't believe he's gone, and it's been a hard time for us all. Reading comments from blog friends like you surely brought comfort. I appreciate that.
So happy that you enjoy your blog experience so much.
lovely images one and all.
Happy blog anniversary of SO many posts!
Very pretty cousins. You can see they're related:)
Somehow I missed this post. Glad I found it. You have a lot of interesting photos and story. I think those yummies look delicious.:) Hugs-Erika
Congratulations on coming up on 1200 posts. That's quite an achievement. I've enjoyed your blog so much over the years. It's always cheerful and uplifting. You put good stuff out into the world, Jeanie, and I'm so glad I found you.
I'm so glad I found your blog, Jeanie. I don't remember how we connected, but I'm glad we did. I am looking forward to visiting your cousin's blog and am sorry that I haven't already.
What a great post, Jeanie. Welcome to Laura.
I'm positive I had some OCD when my children were toddlers. No idea how I didn't pull my hair out. :) Maybe that's where my need to organize everything to create came from. Hmm, nope. I remember doing the same thing when I was an administrative assistant before kids. Attention to detail and certain organizational gifts can do that, and it's fine as long as we're aware of it and it doesn't consume us or affect our lives in negative ways. This was a good read.
I simply love the way your first two photos looked like they combined to make the 3rd photo. Those colors and motion! I love them.
Nicie thoughts on the connectedness we get from blogging. I've been so absent lately. But i do enjoy being connected. It's my hope to get back up on that horse!
Hey congratulations 1200 posts, that's awesome. I always enjoy my visits to you, as you said I love the variety of topics you cover, as I am still relatively new to your blog every visit reveals a little more about about your life. Blogging is such a fun way to make friends!
Have a great week
Wren x
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