With crepes and treats like this, what wasn't to love?
And the conversation wasn't bad, either!
After bidding Jane and Kevin farewell, we headed to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in downtown Cleveland. The sun was out as we passed Playhouse Square. Someday I'll tour all those terrific theatres!
Our purpose was two-fold. First, we enjoyed a lovely service with an inspiring sermon in an environment that was simply beautiful, a rival to many of the fine churches I've seen.
But the main reason for our trip was to see the organist/music director, Todd Wilson.
In his youth, Rick was a boy soprano at Toledo's Trinity Church. One of his fellow choristers was a boy named Todd Wilson who also played the organ. Years later, Rick heard him as a soloist on a Christmas selection on public radio and after some Inspector Googling found it was the same guy he hadn't seen since he was nine years old. They've aged.
But not much else had changed. It was clear that these two had a remarkable shared history of diligent music instruction, tough love from a tough taskmaster -- and they both grew up to love music and continue to pursue it.

For Rick, his classical guitar is a passionate hobby. For Todd, it is a profession, as he not only is music director at Trinity but organmaster for Severance Hall, home of the Cleveland Orchestra. The day we met he had to run.
He was off to play a silent movie in Youngstown! Meanwhile, we enjoyed a few more minutes at this beautiful church before heading toward home.
It was a gorgeous day so rather than taking the turnpike, we chose to follow the Lake Erie shore on the old road and our trip took us through the town of Vermillion, Ohio. It was there that we discovered the Old Prague restaurant. This Czechoslovakian restaurant came complete with a keyboardist who offered music from that country. She was very chatty!
Shall I tell you we belonged to the "clean plate club" -- or can you see it yourself?!
Then it was back in the car, back on the road and home. I have to say, for those of you who have been so kind to follow our journey over these few posts, thank you. It was a special time for us -- time to relax with each other, to see old friends and meet new ones, rekindle long-past relationships and share in the joy of love with family. It's a trip we won't forget.
Wonderful photos!
How cool for Rick to connect with a childhood chum! I really like that you took the long road home; I'm usually so directed towards getting home that I don't make it an enjoyable journey.
Not weary at all, I really enjoy seeing all of your photos. They are beautiful and each tell their own story!
Looks like another great trip for you.
Those croissants have made me hungry!
Heather :)
is it bad to want to lick the screen when you see bakery shots like the one above….is it wrong? i think not…LOL
Sounds like it was a wonderful trip! And how cool that Rick was able to reconnect from someone he knew years upon years ago!
Yum, the place with crepes and pastries sounds amazing. My gluten free heart aches for a pain de chocolat!
What a perfect ending to a very special trip. Visiting a cathedral such as this one and sitting in the worship can be just majestic and beautiful. Then Rick getting to catch up with a friend is very special.
The church's interior is really beautiful. It's always great to reconnect someone from your childhood, it brings fond memories. And how nice it is for both of them keeping their passion.
Clean plate club? I guess I should be going with you guys, To be able to finish my food, I always need a good company when eating :)
Look at those croissants... *swoon*... Love me a good croissant. ;o) And look at all that GORGEOUSNESS in that church... WOW! The windows... those organ pipes! Very sweet Rick had a chance to meet an old friend--what fun! A Czechoslovakian restaurant... Thinks makes me realize I need to know more about Czech food! Fun that you took that after photo of the plate, rather than the before... LOL! As always, thanks for taking us along, Jeanie ((HUGS))
you certainly accomplished a lot on your trip - so glad you had a good time
I feel as if I have gone on this trip with you and now it's time to sit back, like your beloved is doing here! Happy, satisfied, pleasantly tired and settled in. WHAT A TOUR! Hugs, Jeanie!
Loved the story of your travels, Rick meeting a childhood friend, and the good food and conversation with friends and musicians!
I have to ask -- the needlepoint fish, where were they? I'd guess on a kneeler in the church, but do tell. They're wonderful.
Thanks for sharing your road trips and all the wonderful people and places you find. What a gift!
Maryanne in SC
You guys have the greatest, most varied adventures! I love reading your travel pieces.
Hey Jeanie. What a wonderful post. The pictures, as usual, are spectacular. But reconnecting with Todd was a great surprise. I taught him in Sunday School way back when! I wonder if he has done a better job of keeping in touch with all those guys. Now that I know where he is I will write to him and find out. My mom did many needlepoint kneelers for St. Michael's in Toledo. I'm wondering if they are still being used!?! Love to you and Rick
Loved all your photos and your travel stories. Great that two childhood friends could meet up and discuss a shared love of music.
Your whole life seems beautiful
with the art of travel,
whether you're working on a crafty project or visiting or cooking or reading, you know how to enjoy the journey and I love the way you share:)
thank you,
What a beautiful church. Isn't it nice when we meet old friends once again. I know that was nice for Rick.
Those croissants look delicious.
Oh my goodness...The Old Prague Restaurant??! I would love to know what was on that menu!
What a fabulous reunion story. What a joy to refind old friends. It's almost like meeting a blogging friend face to face for the first time.
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