Thursday, January 2, 2014


Now it is 2014.
Now is the time to dust off the goals. More art. Trying unknown territory.
Better fitness.
Learning to make macarons. Or draw them. 
Organizing the basement. And the art studio. 
Getting my hands dirty.
Touching base with the past. Anticipating the present.

Now is the time for this free spirit who jumps from project to project, all too happy to put the less delightful tasks aside, to get with the program.
"Now" is the guiding word for 2014

(It might amuse you to know that I've known this word for a couple of weeks; but I've had the darndest time getting the post up. I just couldn't seem to do it "now" -- meaning January 1. As you can see, I have some work to do on this area!) 


Jenny Woolf said...

As we look forward to the expanses of unused time in 2014, it is good also to remember "now"! Have fun in 2014 Jeanie, it looks as if you will be doing so!

HerzBlatt said...

I wish you a lot of health, happiness and creative ideas in 2014 and that you enjoy your retirement very much!!
Thank you very much for your nice Christmas Card.Did my one arrive, too?
Best wishes

Lisa's Yarns said...

Oooh, I look forward to seeing your macaron drawings - and maybe some real life creations of them? I'd love to learn to make them but they really intimidate me!

I can't wait to see what 2014 holds for you! And I love those bright sneakers!

shoreacres said...

I've never been a word-of-the-year fan, but I have one for this year - "Fail!" There will be more about that later.

I think one of my friends has adopted a corollary of your "Now". Her mantra, now pasted all over the house, is the old Nike slogan, "Just Do It!"

Both my friend and I suffer from a little malady you touched on here, too - the condition known as jumping-around-itis. A little focus wouldn't hurt me in the new year, either.

Those sneakers are great. Who wouldn't want to get up and get going with those shoes ready and waiting?

Jeanie said...

A year started with such enthusiasm is bound to be a good one. The good thing about retirement is that even "now" can have a bit of float to it.

The Artful Diva said...

I love your paint stained hands!

Joanne Huffman said...

While I was reading your post and looking at your delightful and aprospos photos, the Stephen Sondheim song (Now...Later...Soon) was going through my head. I know this is the beginning of a wonderfully artistic year for you.

Beth M. said...

We can learn a lot from small children and see the world in terms of "now" and "not now". The "now" is what's real, it's the life that's being lived. :)

Friko said...

‘Now’ is an excellent word to keep handy at all times.
‘Now’ is all we have; if you can make ‘now’ count, you’ve won.

The Backporch Artessa said...

Good word Jeannie! Loved seeing the rubberbands on your painty table!!! I know what to do with those! Have a happy new year- hope you surpass all your arty good goals!

Bella Rum said...

I love this, Jeanie. I wish you luck with all your goals. I'm right there with you on the fitness and the organizing. I should jump on that bandwagon for sure. We're only three days into the new year, and you've already inspired me.

anno said...

Now, indeed -- it's time to begin. Time to keep our attention trained on the things we want to do. Great word ... looking forward to cheering you on!

Janet said...

Yea for getting your hands dirty with paint, and for trying new things this year. Now seems like a great word to carry you through 2014.

Mary said...

Now is perfect! No time like the present! :)

Marilyn Miller said...

Now is indeed perfect. Love the creative flow of art and also movement. Now those shoes should do the trick. Enjoy the now, each moment is precious!

Anonymous said...

NOW Wonderful message. I've been so busy putting stuff away and haven't done anything creative for a couple of weeks. I couldn't figure out what to do but after the drive to get my bloodwork done and seeing the sycamores with the snow on the top of those skeleton branches, gave me inspiration. Time to get out the paints, brushes and easel, packed away for WAY too long. You always give me inspiration. Thanks.

Cheryl said...

If not "NOW" when?... I think I'll use "now" too. I am needing to lose weight NOW lol.... not someday! lol Thanks for the word for my years inspiration :-) Your fabulous :-)
big hugs,

Introverted Art said...

I am with you in a lot of these. I started hot yoga 3 days ago. I have been there 2 times... and if you find a good recipe for macaroons please share. I LOVE those puppies but I am not a great baker.

Sally Wessely said...

I think you are making a great start.

~*~Patty S said...

Here's to more of all the things you L♥ve and enjoy dear Jeanie...
I am looking forward to another fun year together oxoxo

Sandy K. said...

"Now" indeed. Though I need to tweak the part of my brain that resists, and chooses "tomorrow!"

Beth said...

Looks like another wonderfully creative year for you, Dear Friend! I am trying to squeeze in some creative time too! Trying to get my little Tink in to being Artsy too!
Happy New Year!!!

Beth said...

Looks like another wonderfully creative year for you, Dear Friend! I am trying to squeeze in some creative time too! Trying to get my little Tink in to being Artsy too!
Happy New Year!!!

christine said...

It's been great to catch up on your blog today. I love your word and the goals you've set for 2014. This year feels full of so much 'DO IT' energy for almost everyone I connect with. I'm so grateful to have such a thread of inspiration flowing through us all. This year I actually chose 3 words after reading this It really helps me pay attention to my words in my daily flow. My 3 words for 2014 are THREE-BIG-HOPE

Happy 2014!

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