But there was plenty of light going on in our world on Christmas!
There was the candlelight on the table as we enjoyed our traditional Christmas Eve feast.
The diabolical light in the eyes as Kevin trounced us in Scrabble. (Rick and I remember when we had to help him with the letters when he was just a kid. Now he's a grown up kid and I wished he was helping me!) Yes, there are a couple of entries here we find questionable -- but I don't think it would have mattered.
There was the light of the grill flames when Kevin grilled wings with the new sauces he and Molly gave Rick for Christmas. (And mighty tasty, too!)
There was a lot of light in the kitchen as we turned them up to be able to do the best frosted cookies. Frosting cookies on Christmas Eve is our tradition, one we've been doing since both boys were small.
This year we seemed to have a record number of cookies! Yes, lots taken to friend gatherings -- better their hips than mine (though I had my share!)
There's always light in our eyes when Rick makes bread! This time he was making it to send north when the boys and Molly left to do the holidays with their mom.
Let there be light in the eyes when opening the Christmas presents....
....and playing with them out later!
Yes, our eyes light up with the traditional breakfast, complete with toasts! (Versus toast.)
We do the obligatory family portraits....
But nothing makes our eyes light up like the fortuitous appearance of the meter reader just as we were taking photos. Finally, one with all of us!
It's time for the kids to leave, as we say goodbye and watch their tail lights as they go down the street. A wonderful holiday filled with joy! But there is one missing from all this!
In case you wonder where Lizzie was, she comfortably having her hours of sleep at her own house. But never fear -- she, too, had her holiday gifts and loved them!
There are more celebrations to have, of course. Leftovers in which to indulge, new gifts to play with, lunches and dinners with friends, post-holiday shopping and yes, thank you notes to write.
But first, let's have a cookie!