Thursday, February 14, 2013

Be My Valentine!

This is a strange Valentine's Day for me. There may be a lovely dinner awaiting me but the evening will be cut short so I can get on my IVs.
There's something terribly unromantic about that, and yet, I feel like I'll have the most romantic Valentine of all.
We all know that there is much more to loving than the thrill of romance. Sure, I love flowers more than anyone (even though I have a terrible track record keeping them alive). Chocolate is always great, but my hips need little more of that. And being the card woman I am, nothing is better than a perfect card.
I've had some pretty good romance in my life. We all love fireworks.
But does it hold up in the end? Or does it make a big burst that gently falls down to earth? (Or comes down with a thud or a fizzle?)
Real love is so much more than that. Real love is having someone make your dinner when you are so tired it's all you can do to drive home from work. (Yes, I'm still working.)
Real love is having your partner sitting beside you in the doctor's office asking the right questions that you are too fuzzy to ask.
Real love is having someone rub your back and neck and shoulders that are so sore from coughing there is simply no relief and every bone in your body is screaming "help me!"

Real love is having someone help you learn to be your own advocate and who reminds you to listen for the signs, to know if you are better or worse, and then do something about it.

Real love is someone who reminds you that when you say all the praying you've done hasn't been working that maybe it just hasn't worked yet. And reminds you that others are praying for you, too.
Real love is sitting right beside you when you cough to the point of frenzy, almost gagging -- uncontrollable and painful. And holding you till you stop.

And real love is still holding you when you cry and am discouraged. Real Love lights a lantern to help show the way.
Real love talks you down from the ledge when all you can see is darkness and absolutely no hope of change or healing.

Real love looks at at you when you look like hell and sometimes says so, but you also know he doesn't mean it in a bad way but in a worried way. (This is an old picture. Unfortunately, I look much worse right now.)
Real love doesn't look at the kitchen that is messy or the bed that is (uncharacteristically) unmade with scorn, but either helping or turning the blind eye with no criticism.

Real love knows that some big things can seem small -- it's all in how you look at them. And if they don't seem as big as they really are, maybe they're a little easier to deal with.
Real love looks out for you when you're lost and knows what to do to help you get back where you belong.
Real love listens when you rant about how frightened you are and how much you hurt and how much you just want to be able to be home and heal but just can't.
Real love rides out like the White Knight to help you fight your battles, especially the ones with the evil villains that rip at you mercilessly every single day.
Real love will make you laugh when you are sad -- but he'll also let you be sad. Because sometimes that's the right thing to do.
Real love knows that when you put a lock on a bridge in Paris and toss the key in the river, it isn't just a tourist thing. It's because you both know you'll never need that key.
Real love knows that you're not the girl he fell in love with 17 years ago. He knows you are so much more and he'll be there -- good times and bad times. Because he knows you'll come back.
I hope that everyone in the world will have a real love like mine. The ones who take you dancing, on fancy trips, buy you pretty things -- they are fine and I hope they do that, too. But just make sure they still love you when you look like a truck has run over you and just about all you have to give at a moment is your thanks for their love.
 And if you do, you will be happy. Happy like me.
Happy Valentine's Day!


Joanne Huffman said...

This is a beautiful valentine to Rick. Enjoy your dinner, even if iy gets cut short for the IVs,

Deb said...

This is all so true. I wish you both a beautiful Valentine's Day and praying you get well very soon. Deb

BeagleMusic said...

Yes. You understand what I do. What you have...that is love. And don't feel sad for me; what would my life be like if I had never known John? Not nearly as complete as it is now. Yes, I miss him. Terribly. But I know deep and abiding love. <3

Linda Jo said...

Praying for you. Did I miss something... I need to scroll down. I don't know what is wrong with you. But I'm praying all will be great soon. Love is so good and I'm sooooo glad you have it in your life! Big hugs today.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Beautiful post, Jeanie! I'm so very glad that you have found and enjoy your real love every day -- through fun times and not so fun times. This sounds like one of the latter. I hope you begin to feel better physically soon -- and it's good to know that in sickness and in health, you have a wonderful man beside you! Happy Valentine's Day to both of you!

Kelly said...

Love your post <3 You definitely know what true love is all about, and I feel so blessed reading it because I've got a great guy too :) I hope you start feeling better! Lung infections are not fun and take forever to get over. My little sister got pneumonia just in time for Christmas and it took her a few months to completelely heal from it. Her's was nowhere near as serious as yours sounds though. Feel better!!

HerzBlatt said...

While reading your post I felt happy and sad together, because you have got a wonderful partner who is at your side in good and in bad times but I felt, that at the moment you are really desperate and unhappy.I hope that you will feel better very soon and that you can see a light at the end of the tunnel!!
Best wishes

Janet said...

I can tell you're not feeling so good today...I hope you're better soon. But at least you have a great guy to help you through it all (just as I do)and you know the true meaning of love. Happy Valentine's Day and hurry and get well!

Vagabonde said...

What a lovely St Valentine post – your illustrations go so well with your text – I like the “little” Tour Eiffel! Hope you will soon feel better but knowing that you are surrounded with love – you will feel better very soon!

Jennifer Richardson said...

oh sweetie
this is so dear
and real
and heart-aching
and i send prayers
to stand with yours
for healing and hope
and comfort and peace
and harbor in the storm.
much you are on my heart,

Tracy said...

Oh, this is such a sweet tribute to real love and your Rick! LOVE that last photo of the two of you. Sending you healing vibes... And much LOVE! :o) ((HUGS))

The Artful Diva said...

Reading about what makes you happy - makes me happy!

Marilyn Miller said...

Jeanie, What a lovely post. Rick must be an extra special guy. You are so fortunate.
Now I am worried you are not getting better. You must get so frustrated. Please take care of yourself. The sun will shine soon and warm your clear to your toes and heal you. Sending hugs.

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Jeanie, that's such a sweet post! I wish and pray that you will soon feel better! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!!

Lisa's Yarns said...

Wow. This post brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad that you have such a wonderful valentine that loves you through and through. You are such an amazing person, I am so happy that you have an amazing person in your life to help you through the tough times! You two definitely have something special.

I hope you are starting to feel better. You poor thing - you sound just so miserably sick. I hope you turn the corner soon!!

Anonymous said...

Jeanie! this is so beautiful, so true. Brings tears. (yeah, I always cry when I'm happy, too).
I hope you're doing better every second. And glad your Knight is there to get through it with you. Happy Every Day to you and Rick.

Dagmar said...

Ohhhh soooo sweet. I can totaly feel the love you shared for your Valentine....picked up a little of it for me in the meantime...gigle gigle.
I'll be back for all the post I've missed out on tomorrow.
For now whishing you all the best to get back in the saddle again. Be well.
Hugs Dagmar

shoreacres said...

This is one of the most beautiful valentines I've ever seen. And of course that's what it is - a valentine for Rick, rather than a report about you. The details of your current misery are important - they're part of the story you're telling and the concern we all have for you.

But in the end? Whether you recover sooner or later, whether the bed gets made or it doesn't, whether you look like an old hag or just a middle-aged hag - Rick has a treasure to keep forever.

Happy days to you both!

~*~Patty S said...

sure hope you are feeling good as new very very soon dear sorry you are feeling poorly!

having 'real' Love by your side means more than words could every say

if it were not for my beloved...I am not sure I would still be here 14 years later

take care and know healing wishes and prayers continue to wing their way to you

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I am so Happy for you that you have this kind of LOVE!! Especially "In sickness and in Health".....You are a lucky woman, my dear, and I know you would be there in the same way for him, if he needed it!

I sure wish you could stay home for two months---away from all the possible bacteria out there, and build yourself up by not being open to any and ALL lousy germs....That infection you have is a really MEAN one....! Sending You Healing Hugs, Jeanie...(((((((HUGS)))))))

Anonymous said...

I can truly identify with every word of this post. I don't know what I would have done without my husband the past couple of months. He couldn't change the facts but he made it so much easier for me to cope and I know that's true for you. I've been keeping you in my thoughts. I can't imagine how you are managing to continue to work through all this. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts.

I need orange said...

What a beautiful post.

How much better off people would be, if they understood your beautifully-expressed thoughts, and valued Real Love more than expensive ... stuff ... that is, in the end, worthless.

Hoping you feel much better, very soon!

Beth M. said...
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Beth M. said...

Much like the love nurtured between Patricia & Paul, your heart anchors the same timeless affection, Jeanie.

Real Love truly is an indestructible keystone between two familiar souls. Simply knowing that Real Love even exists makes Life a little more tender...a little easier to endure...perhaps even a little more like a beautiful, comforting dream, one from which we never wake.

For my 'Julia'.
With love, 'Avis' <3

Becca said...

I'm so sorry you've had such a rough time lately. That just stinks.

But if you have to be sick, it's wonderful to have someone you love backing you up. This post is definitely what REAL love is all about.

Feel better soon!

Barb said...

Great photos Jeanie, and your words ring so true. You're lucky to have each other. I've been hoping that you're feeling much better. Hugs to you my friend.

Annie Jeffries said...

Rick must have loved this. What a beautiful love letter you have written for him.

paris parfait said...

Now THAT is a priceless Valentine! :)

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

This is the first time I've visited your blog.
A lovely post--even though I'm getting weepy =)
Hope you had a beautiful Valentine's Day and you get well soon.

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