Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Never too Early to Think About Love!

For months I've wanted to get at the art table -- once the November show was done, I was too, for awhile. But then there was a burst!
Valentine's Day is on the horizon and it was time to get some cards to Creative Wellness for their shop. 
And I'd been eager to play with some new graphics -- some cherubic...
...oh, those angels!
Some romantic and sensual...
Others, romantic and charming.
Some celebrated all the sweet things in life...
...and others the joy of a special Valentine.
And they were all filled with love!
 All this creativity gets you sort of Zen-like! I was in my PJs till it was time to make dinner.
And it was a very productive day!


Jennifer Richardson said...

I love your creations
and that you love love:)
are those wonderful little
cinnamon hearts in the stores yet,
I wonder? oh glory.
i love this time of year:)

Joanne Huffman said...

A delightful array of valentines! I love Valentine's Day.

Jeanie said...

I love your litle cherubs and your creativity always impresses me.

~*~Patty S said...

Lovely to see so much creativity going on dear Jeanie!
I have been playing with hearts too...some wool felted
Your post feels like sunshine on this drippy rainy day

Linda Jo said...

Soooooo fun and lovely! Good for you! My goal is to do that this week!

joyce said...

YOur collages are always so fun...wish we could get together for an afternoon of doing this! The one with the girl holding the envelope has a very Normal Rockwell look about her face.

Barb said...

Nostalgia and love - two wonderful themes come together.

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Hi Jeanie,
You certainly have been busy!
Your are so creative, they are just lovely!!!!

I thought I had left a comment thanking you for your visit and kind words about my Angel relief..
I am so sorry... Maybe it is floating around blogland..
I appreciate your encouraging words.
I do one relief a year.. Usually around Christmas.. I truly enjoy working on them..

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

Janet said...

A pj day full of creativity! What could be better? And your Valentine's are beautiful! I like seeing them all together on the table...so colorful and happy.

Vagabonde said...

These are really cute and creative. Are you going to send them all? Do you take a picture of those you like best to remember them? They are much prettier than those for sale at the store.

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

I love every one of those, Jeanie! You really do have wonderful creative talent!

Lisa's Yarns said...

Oh a day spent in pjs working on a hobby you love sounds wonderful! I might have to do that one of these days - maybe next Monday when I get the day off for MLK day.

Those cards are beautiful! I love Valentine's Day and am excited to have someone to celebrate the holiday with this year!!

shoreacres said...

I just can't believe we're already running up against Valentine's day - the stores are full of it. The good thing about your beautiful cards is that they have so many fewer calories than chocolate!

If I were talented like you, and thinking outside the box, I'd come up with a series of Valentine cards for people who have no one to share the day with. There are some, but they're usually either snarky or in other sorts of poor taste. Your cards, of course, are never in poor taste!

Anonymous said...

So pretty. I can't believe Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Your creations will brighten up the winter.

Anonymous said...

I see that you have several valentines with the cute kids and silly puns - love them so much! They are the kind that we had as kids. You can't find them in the store anymore; nowadays it's all superheros and star wars. Your's are wonderful - Love is definitely in the air!

Travel With Lulu said...

What a beautiful flurry of creativity! I love all things vintage :)

Tracy said...

WOW...you've been busy, Jeanie! Love all your pretty Valentines, and love the vintage feel!This is so inspiring to see! I'm thinking love day too and I'm working on a pretty image to send digitally. I send digital greetings at Christmas and folks seemed to enjoy them. Saves on postage. ;o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

The Old Parsonage said...

Yes, LOVE is in the air! you sure were a busy beaver! Love all the vintage-y goodness!

Have a wonderful week my friend!

Sally Wessely said...

Every single one of these cards is just wonderful. I love the whimsy and romance they carry. You are so creative. I guess, I mostly love that you spent the day in your jammies doing what you love to do. That makes me smile.

The Artful Diva said...

I hope you'll be mine!

Introverted Art said...

I have to start thinking about something for my baby :)

Marilyn Miller said...

Love it! My mind is just starting to think of V day. Your cards are so pretty and fun.

BTW, tried to email you and it bounced back.

Mia Folkmann said...

Oh yes, you have been very productive and with great results... :-) I know what you been by getting Zen-like; I often forget about time and place when I am in creative mode...

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