Friday, January 11, 2013

Drawing with Joanne and Jill

I'm sure my Drawing Challenge partners Joanne and Jill think I'm Sketcher Slacker. I'm still catching up on my 2012 assignments.

I haven't shared most of these, so thought I would now. As you can see, drawing isn't my strong suit, but it's fun. (These aren't in the order of assignment)
Blue (from photo)
Halloween (from a cloth Halloween doll)
Can't remember the theme of this one... might be green? I think it had to do with the cup, though. (from life) It's hot chocolate.
Winter Is Coming (from my head)
Around the House (from life)
I Heart It (from my head)
Self Portrait (from my head -- wishful thinking)
Flight (from photo)
Fur Friends (from photo)
This is another -- both were from the same photo. Like I said, I'm no drawer!
But the challenge is a good one and lots of fun! When I do it ("when" being the operative term!) I really have fun! 

A Story
Here's a story about my relationship with portraits. When I was in sixth grade, my mother decided to have my portrait done by a woman named Mina Greco, who was known in our town for painting Italian landscapes on restaurant walls. (Why Mom thought she did portraits I never knew and was more puzzling with the result.) The finished piece of work found me with a green face and looking pretty wretched. My dad was hated it so much that he banished it to a closet in the basement. I hated it, but at that tender age, thought they hated me, not it!

In doing the self-portrait, I have a tad more empathy with Mina's challenges with skin tones! It's hard to tell on this one, but when I look at it in person, the face is a little greener than I'd like. (And about 20 pounds less than I am, which I do like!)

 If you have wondered by there hasn't been anything much on Chopsticks and String lately, it's just sloth! The lack of posts on my book blog doesn't indicate lack of reading, just lack of posting! But I've changed my laggard ways with a look at 2012 favorites. 


Anonymous said...

I love your art, Jeanie, and stop doubting yourself. Art appeals to each heart in INFINITE ways. If our heart is in it while drawing or writing or whatever art form we may prefer, the message will come through. That is what art is to me...a story. We complicate it too much.
My favorite here is Blue. So many possibilities behind those doors.
Thank you for sharing with us.

anno said...

Jeanie, these are so expressive (and beautiful) -- wonderful to see you taking on this challenge. Echoing Marcia, thanks for sharing...

Marilyn Miller said...

I like that you did the drawings and shared them. I like the whimsical feel, it shows your heart.

~*~Patty S said...

Your drawings are each wonderful Jeanie...
glad you shared them and your traumatic portrait story too

Happy Weekend to you and yours

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I think your sketches are charming! You are better than you think you are, my dear.

Shane Pollard said...

I love them all too dear Jeanie!
you're a real artist because even the greatest ones all doubted their works. Don't be so hard on yourself.

Your little story tears at my heartstrings - your poor Dad would have no idea how you felt - he was angry the artist didn't paint you like a photographic image...

Most artists paint for decades before they find satisfaction!

You're an artist in my eyes dear Jeanie, please keep on doing it!
Shane ♥

Joanne Huffman said...

I don't think you're a slacker at all! And, I love your drawings - they're delightful.

The Artful Diva said...

Jeanie, I think your drawings are delightful. I especially like the blue doors

Janet said...

Jeanie, tell that inner critic to be quiet! Your drawings are wonderful. I especially like the blue bird and the blue doors...I must be in a blue mood!

Jenny Woolf said...

The portrait of you in your dreams made me laugh :) cool pictures.

Icy BC said...

But I think you're doing a fantastic job with all of these paintings! They are unique, and pretty!

Icy BC said...

But I think you're doing a fantastic job with all of these paintings! They are unique, and pretty!

Anonymous said...

You are a wonder! These are wonderful. I don't know how you do it...
Thank you for sharing these, dear Artist friend.
...please come to STL and run some workshops.

Anonymous said...

If drawing isn't your strong suit, I know I'll be amazed and awed by your real one, or ones. These look professional, Jeanie! Very stylish and individual. Yes, you have your own style there I can see. You should explore book illustrations. Thanks for sharing them with us!

Introverted Art said...

The halloween doll is adorable!!!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

I love your drawings, Jeanie! They have such a spirit of joy, spontaneity and lovely energy. I can't draw AT ALL and am in awe of someone who can express feelings via art. You're entitled to some sloth, by the way. This past year has been so busy and fun and sad and stressful. It's understandable if you need to take a deep breath and just be for a time.

Anonymous said...

Jeanie, what are you using? watercolor? pastels? and what did you use to write "over"the pictures - pen and ink or a marker?

Annie Jeffries said...

I admire what you are doing and doing it so diligently (if not timely). The best part of following such challenges is the actual doing; the actually exercise of seeing what you are capable of. I'd like to do something like this this year.

Jennifer Richardson said...

these are wonderful!
i especially love the ones
"from in your head":)
you do really well at this!
what a wonderful imagination
you have...thanks for sharing,

Anonymous said...

Jeanie, I just loved seeing these. They're great. I wish I could draw anything recognizable. :) I hope you share more with us.

Tracy said...

Jeanie, your sketches are wonderful fun and very charming! I think you have great skill with drawing and express a liveliness and love of life in your works. Keep it up! So very happy you shared these with us! Happy Days ((HUGS))

Lisa's Yarns said...

I don't think you are giving yourself enough credit! These sketches are beautiful! If you want to know what a bad drawing looks like, have me work on something. ;) I am on the same level as my young nephews and it's hard to tell which artwork is theirs and which is mine. ;)

Thanks for sharing your art! It was fun to see your creations!!

joyce said...

i really like those, particularly the man in the snow and the knitting basket. Would love to see the portrait of you as a child!

shoreacres said...

Annie Dillard tells a wonderful story of sitting down with some of her family to draw. I can't find it right now, so I'll come back to that later.

But I will say that yours are delightful. I most like your self-portrait and the ones of the kitties. I think those are the best, and it doesn't surprise me at all. You know yourself and kitties as deeply as anything in the world, so your drawings not only represent, they carry emotional appeal.

Wonderful work, and a wonderful way to begin the morning!

Linda Jo said...

Soooooooooo great! You should draw more for us!

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