When I think about Easter, I remember...
The joy of getting a basket when I was little -- my favorite finds in that basket were marinated herring, green olives and sardines. And, the joy of making a basket for Rick now!
Flowers, everywhere!
Memories of our church choir days, with a big breakfast served by the choir parents (including mine!) between the two services!
Dyeing eggs with our friends Mark and Jan on Good Friday (before watching "Life of Brian.")
Bunnies. Living and decorative.
A lovely dinner with ham scalloped potatoes, and deviled eggs. (And carrot cake cupcakes are nice, too!)
Watching my neighbor Frank hide eggs for his grandchildren's Easter egg hunt!
Chocolate eggs. And malted milk ball eggs. And jelly bellies in tart flavors!
Making cute tiny centerpieces with just a few flowers. This was a favorite.
And so was this!
Remembering how every year growing up, my mom and I would make Easter eggs for our tree. (This photo could do with a little color enhancement! It's a golden oldie -- but many of those eggs are on my tree today, along with lots of others accumulated through the years.)

Anticipating the discoveries of spring.
(Check out some other Easter Celebrations at Beverly's Pink Saturday Easter Celebration!)
Oh you brought all my childhood Easter memories flooding back with your photos. What lovely memories they are. Church, dressing up in new clothes, family. Thanks for sharing your memories.
The French HUtch
Those defiled eggs look wonderful!
Lovely photos and precious memories! Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Easter. Did you say sardines in your Easter basket?
What a lovely post. & What a lovely big yellow kitty cat!
Happy Easter and Happy Pink Saturday!
And who can forget the Easter parties at Diane Churchill's?
Hi Jeanie~
What lovely memories. The best memory I have of Easter is when my "Grammy" had string all over her house and I had to gather it up until I finally got to the end and there was a stuffed Easter bunny just for me.
Easter blessings to you!
LOVE the b&w photos. Just lovely. Also inspired to do some eggs now, too. Have them "cooked" and ready.
Will take some photos.
But love hearing your stories and seeing your neighbors and ... the nest with the eggs and feather? Wonderful.
More later--
Hi Jeanie, thanks for stopping by my blog. What fun Easter memories but I have to say, I have never hear of getting marinated herring, green olives and sardines in an Easter basket! Was that a family tradition or cultural? I think it's really cool and I would have loved the olives too. I love the vignette with the bunnies, especially the carrot border, oh my gosh that is so cute! Have a wonderful weekend and a Happy Easter, Nan
Sweet photos of sweet memories.
Thanks for the memories...brought back so many of my own Easter memories. Planning an egg hunt tomorrow for all the little people.
dix in Texas---
beautiful memories,
gorgeous sweets!
Easter love and joy to you,
I love the idea of the Egg Tree. Growing up on a farm, I have memories of learning how to blow eggs and then decorate them for cheap easter colour.. These days, I prefer to celebrate with the Easter Bilby - a chooclate Native Australian Animal - every Chocolate Bilby sold at easter goes to save the Native Bilby's natural environments. It's about Life!
I hope you are enjoying a wonderful Easter!
What lovely Easter memories you have, Jeanie! I hope you've had a wonderful weekend. Looking forward to see your Easter 2012 post! ;)
All the pics are great, but the one of your neighbor hiding the eggs for his grandchildren melted my heart.
Hope you'll stop by my new page.
Much love,
Santa used to leave caviar, sardines and smoked oysters in our stockings. I thought we were the only ones who did such things. :)
Hope you had a wonderful Easter, Jeanie.
Lovely to have Easter memories. Your eggs are beautiful! Now I am hungry for deviled eggs too. Must make some soon as I didn't have any for Easter.
How very, very sweet , Jeanie... So lovely to see the old photos. :o) Hope you & yours had a wonderful Easter holiday weekend. The eggs are all so pretty! ((HUGS))
Hi Jeanie, Sorry I am late with this but timing doesn't dull the beauty of your writings. As we hung the pisanki (sp?) eggs in the church Saturday we remembered the dear friend who made them. Tamara has it right in her comment "It is all about life". Hope your Easter was wonderful. Love, Kitty
Oh, I'm so disappointed that I didn't get an email with this post - I'm so glad I came over to check. I just couldn't believe that you wouldn't have done an Easter post!
I tried to re-subscribe, but I was told in no uncertain terms that I'm already subscribed and can't sign up again. So, perhaps it was only a glitch.
Nothing glitchy about your post! I love the memories you shared - as always, so similar to my own. I do have to say my favorite photo is the last. But - that bunny under the egg tree... he's not real, is he? He certainly looks real!
I had a wonderful weekend, although my discoveries were all on Saturday, during a wonderful trip down to Nash Prairie. I suspect there were plenty of nests and eggs there, too - thank goodness I didn't step on any of them!
Precious memories. Those photos are lovely
Visiting from
Love all your decor!! Gorgeous. LOVE the tiny arrangements in eggs! Fabo!!! And all the photos of Easters' past. Awwwwww.
such lovely memories and photos Jeanie...really sweet
we always had an Easter Egg Tree too...haven't done one lately...but I did dye eggs (and fabrics with the leftover dyes...couldn't help myself)
hope your Easter was lovely from beginning to end!
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