Monday, April 18, 2011


My friend Jan and I went renuncling last weekend. (Pronounced re-nun-kul-ing)

Renuncling. v The act of shopping for renunculus.

Renunculating. v The act of deciding which renunculus to select.

Renunclrama n. The event during which one renunculates.

I especially loved the tight buds...

...and the array of colors!

For a woman who has been seeing way too much gray sky, this was like a magical mystery tour!

My poor camera didn't even know how to focus or measure color -- no white balance here!

Honestly, it was beautiful.

And as you can see, my cart runneth over.

Now if only they'll last till Easter!

Quite a week -- and don't forget to stop by Wednesday for a link to a beautiful blog where I will be guest blogger that day!


Sally Wessely said...

These flowers were such a delight to the soul. I love the colors. I wish we could grow such beauties here. Really, they are all just beautiful!

Lisa's Yarns said...

Oh my gosh, those are gorgeous photos! What a beautiful flower! I hope they last until Easter, too!

Ruth said...

They're my favorite flower. Thank you.

Sandy K. said...

My new vocabulary word:) Wonderful! I am SO anxious for color here...there is hope in the green shoots of the tulips, but that's all we got!

Joanne Huffman said...

Love the vibrant colors - great antidote to our dreary weather.

Heavens2Betsy said...

Such vivid splashes of colour. These are just gorgeous. Penny

Becca said...

Good grief, those were beautiful. Especially on this horrible, grey day! Thanks for the brightness!

Linda Jo said...

Ohhh...I love those flowers!!! Are you planting them???? They do NOT grow here....of course you knew that. They are sooo beautiful.

Jennifer Richardson said...

oooooooh those COLORS!!!
Such exquisite little buds
singing with the most amazing, love, love!
That's my kind of shopping:)

Arti said...

Are these real? They're gorgeous. And we're still having snow on the ground. How I adore your spring!

Annie Jeffries said...

Wow! I forgot how pretty these flowers were. I have to get me some of those.

Rosa said...

I have always want to plant "them" but have yet to do so. It gets so darned hot here, I don't know if they would make it. I'm looking to cooler weather, already! haha.

jet1960 said...

These are beautiful! Are you going to plant them? I've seen them in gardening catalogs, but seems like they aren't recommended for here.

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