Last week was a bad one. I was horribly sick with bronchitis -- a high fever, cils that wouldn't stop. I couldn't do a darned thing -- focus on a book (I couldn't even hold it steady), look at a computer, do a craft.
But I did have my pet therapist on hand.

His warm little body snugged against mine and kept me a little warmer.
His soft tail would wrap in a curl around his body or around my arm.

And his sweet paw would touch my wrist. I suspect he wanted the attention, but I found it wonderful to be touched.

Pet therapy -- I love it.
Its the best medicine
in the whole world ;)
I send you healing hugs
Take care ....
Kareltje =^.^=
Ah, you really got me with the picture of his paw.
And what a grand friend and therapist the gypsy is. Now that you're feeling better, he no doubt needs to resume his post at the window, keeping an eye on the neighborhood!
Just read through your prior entry, too. Lovely pictures and maybe I've heard of that book you recommend - I'm not sure but I'll take a lesson from you and read some inspiration every day. I'm just cleaning and persuing my shelves - oh, there's much to be read and reviewed and a great deal to give away (share).
And so glad you're feeling better, my friend!
more later--
Good for Gypsy, taking care of his human! To me, the best part of being sick is having those little creatures taking care of you!
I know just what you mean. Cats can be so demanding, but when you're sick they can be lovely and comforting little companions.
I hope you are feeling better!!!!!! Your pet therapist looks so beautiful! I love cats!
Thank you for visiting me the other glad you are feeling better. Pet therapy is the best kind.
Stay well...and have a great new week. xoxo
Just like you I had pet therapy yesterday. I had horrible stomach pains for some reason – must have been (and still is) a bug. With so much to do before our next trip I felt terrible to lay in bed, but Cody - he could be your cat twin brother as he looks almost alike - came and sat near me and purred like a locomotive. People who do not have cats miss a lot of affection.
Another reason to love the cat. I hope you are feeling better soon. Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5
Gypsy~You are the greatest. I know you helped your Jeanie get well. I love sleeping close to my owners and keep them warm when they don't feel well. I wonder if we are related since we look so much to same. Hugs, Rocky
Pet therapy is the best! Somehow they always sense when we're not feeling our best, don't they?
So sorry you've been so sick! But, yes, how wonderful our Pet Therapy is! I, too, LOVE THE PAW PHOTO!!
I sure hope you feel better. But, I'm glad to see y9u're in good paws.
I wish that you feel much better at the moment I am writing this comment and give your therapist a big kiss on her sweet little nose!!!!
Sorry that I didn`t comment your last posts but I have read them all !!! I was in Berlin and had a lot of things to do the last two weeks.....
And sorry that I forgot to congratulate to Thanks Giving but in Germany we don`t know this event and so I forgot it....
Best wishes and take care!!
Kittie therapy is the very best. Looking at the tail and paw reminds me so much of Joey. They have the same golden eyes, but different noses. I do hope you are feeling better now. So sorry you have been under the weather.
You can't beat it. I had a real estate agent who told me her dog laid next to her for days when she had the flu. Wouldn't leave her side. Nothing like a loyal pet.
Oh, forgot. Stay well.
our precious babies. hope you're much, much better.
Hi Jeanie. Hope you are starting to feel better. Our fur babies are so reliable when it comes to dishing out the comfort.
I'm sure he knew you weren't well. Animals are amazing!
Hope you are feeling better!
I'm catching up on your blog posts, and I do hope you're feeling much better by now. Also, glad that Rick hasn't had any more accidents this year. His recovery and enthusiasm are pretty amazing. Lastly, the items you featured for your holiday home show are beautiful.
I hope you're on the mend and furbaby medicine is not to be sniffed at. Love the Gypsy photos. take care and get well soon.
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