Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother Goose has Hatched -- And Other News

Here's some fun news for Mother's Day! Spring has kicked in "for real" these days. On Friday, I got a double whammy of it when I first visited the nursery center and later saw a "nursery" of a different kind -- that of our friend Mother Goose!

And guess what! There aren't four babies. And, as some of you thought, there aren't five.

There are six of the cutest little things I've ever seen. They were either born Thursday or Friday morning of this past week, but they are clearly mastering lessons in eating.

They spent the time I was with them chowing down on the grassy areas not far from their nest.

They are hanging close to both parents right now, and neither seemed terribly concerned to see me, although I did max out the zoom and kept my distance. 

It will be fun to watch this family over the next week or two!


In Other News -- Cataract Surgery Canceled

I'm recovering well from the first cataract surgery (and thanks for all the nice wishes on that!). But I haven't seen a lot of difference yet. They tell me it  will happen when I get the second done -- which was supposed to be this past week.

Alas, the day after my surgery, they called to tell me the second was canceled as the doc was on unexpected indefinite medical leave. I could wait till she returns (whenever that is) or reschedule with another doc, which is what I decided to do. My consultation with him is on Monday so hopefully they can get me in within a week or two from that. 

A Burst of Color

I went to my favorite market which has many greenhouses and a large grocery market as well. I stopped at the greenhouses first and was gobsmacked by the profuse color. It was everywhere.

Geraniums, marigolds, begonias, impatiens, petunias, zinnias, and every other flower you could think of, along with a huge double greenhouse with herbs and veggies. 

I bought a few flowers for pots, some impatiens to add to my cemetery geraniums and lots of herbs!

It was beyond beautiful! 

Now I'd better get some potting soil and get planting!

And Finally . . . 

Finally, this weekend is Mother's Day in the U.S. So, I want to give a hat's off cheer to all the moms out there and an extra one to my own mom. I miss her more than I can say. 

Although if she were still living, she would be 106 now, I still see her as eternally in her 50s, as she was when she died when I was 25. I'd like to think we'd go to lunch and have her for dinner. I'd get her flowers, maybe a pretty blouse or fun purse and we would laugh and laugh. It's still a hard day for me and I suspect it is for many of you, whether your mom has passed or you don't have kids of your own, especially if you always wanted one. 

And on that note, I'll leave you with another mother.

Happy Mother's Day!

Time to go!

 Sharing with:   Love Your Creativity    /   Talking About It Tuesday  


Tom said...

...a wonderful Mother's Day post, my best to you with your eye surgery. I hope that it is as successful as mine was.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Those gosling are very cute, Jeanie, and will receive more than their share of oohs and ahs!

Boud said...

Do you think that wonderful color is your improved vision from the surgery?
Happy mother's day. I lost my own mom when I was young,too, still miss her.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

Those goslings are so cute! I picture my mother in her 40's and 50's. I think because that when she happy and so full of life.

Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Jeanie, so lovely to see all those fluffy littl'uns, they are so pretty. And they must have known about Mother's Day to hatch them exactly at the right time! Glad you had a lovely Mother and that you had such a good connection to each other. Have a great Sunday, take care, hugs, Valerie

bobbie said...

Perfect timing for Mother Goose!!
Hugs ~ bobbie

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

How adorable are those little guys! Your flower market is gorgeous! I miss my mom every day too, she passed in 2011.

gz said...

What you may notice are brilliant colours at first..a potter friend who had both his cataracts done advised...Do not change your glazes...they are not garish...let your eyes settle and get used to seeing properly!!

Prims By The Water said...

Cute goslings. Cannot wait to see some baby swans over here. I will plant my flowers Memorial Day weekend. Cannot wait to visit my local garden. Yours was full of color for sure. Janice

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Wonderful, sweet post! Six little fluff balls, so good on Mama goose! My mother would be 96 if she were still alive. That garden centre looks like a great place to wander around in. Happy potting! -Jenn

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Twenty-five is too young to be motherless! Yours looked happy in those photos.

We have a family of ducks to follow too, about the same size and number in the flock. Humans don't seem to bother ours, either. We also have 8 baby swans but the snapping turtles often pick them off so they are left with only 2 or 3 to actually raise to adulthood. Hard to watch!

Rita said...

OMGosh! Six little darlings! I hope they all make it. We know they have watchful parents at least.

Can hardly wait to see all your flowers you picked up. Especially since I won't be planting this year.

I wouldn't want to wait indefinitely to get the second eye done, either. I hope all goes well and you can be done with both soon.

What a sweet, sweet picture of you and your mom! She looks like such a lovely, stylish woman, but not the least concerned with you playing with her beads. That photo is priceless! :)

DUTA said...

As you said - the colors at the market were - beyond beautiful.
As a commenter has remarked - the photo with you as a baby playing with your Mom's necklace - is priceless!.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy Mother's Day!
Your Mother is beautiful.

6! Wow! Nice family there.

Anvilcloud said...

Are the chicks really green for the first few days, or was it the light?

I hope you get your surgery soon.

Have a good week.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Mother's Day Jeanie!
I love the Mother Goose and her babies, adorable photos.
The garden center looks beautiful, so many pretty flowers.
A rainbow of colors, looks lovely.
Take care, have a wonderful week!

R's Rue said...

My many hugs.

Karen (Back Road Journal) said...

Those little goslings are so fluffy and cute. I bet it won't take long for them to get big.


Wishing you a speedy recovery, continued enjoyment of the springtime blooms, and a Mother's Day filled with joy and relaxation!

Linda Sue said...

Your camera has an excellent zoom! The babies are not even aware that they are being captured. Well done!
I wear my computer gglasses most of thge time to protect from blue rays and goblins.
they ate tinted yellowish- when I remove them suddenly all of the blues and purples come alive- that is what happens after cataract surgery .

I think we all miss our Mothers, especially today- I So want to tell my mom, sorry- I was such a shite child!

My name is Erika. said...

Happy Mother's Day to you Jeanie, since you have your kitty and some baby grands. Or kid grands now. Those goslings are just adorable. That is quite the family too. And good luck with this week's consultation and I hope they can get you in soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. hugs-Erika

acorn hollow said...

The goose and babies are darling but they make a huge mess.
Yes my mother is gone and much to young also.
I haven't dared to go to the plant nursery, yet we could still get a frost.

The Happy Whisk said...

My goodness. You were twenty-five. That's far too young to lose a mom. Big huggs.

Joyful said...

Those baby goslings are so cute! They'll give you some days of pleasure that's for sure. I spent Mother's Day with another friend who also lost his mom before I lost mine. He was feeling quite choked up today but hopefully felt better with some company. I had a good day myself and had some happy thoughts of dear mom. I firmly believe she is much happier now, free from pain and all of that. Your mama's photos are beautiful and I'm sure all your photos help you to relive precious memories.

I'm glad you will go to another doctor for your 2nd cataract surgery because quite frankly I don't believe that your first eye should improve after your second eye is done. I had immediate benefits in both eyes right after surgery. Thankfully I had no recovery issues or sensitivities either. The only thing I continue to suffer is dry, itchy eyes. I'm pretty sure that was caused by my 'abuse' of contact lenses for many years. It's a miracle I didn't suffer worse eye problems. I'm grateful. I wish you all the very best with your upcoming appointments and follow up surgery Jeanie.

Sami said...

The ducklings are so, so cute :)
Hope the surgery on the second eye brings improved vision.
That flower market is stunning, so much colour and beauty!
Enjoy the rest of the week Jeanie.

Barwitzki said...

The chicks are so cute... thank you for the beautiful photos.
Unfortunately you lost your mother early, I'm sorry, we are connected to them, the mothers, mine would be 102 years old now.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a successful second eye operation... Enjoy the wonderful goose family... Viola sends you many kind regards.

crackercrumblife said...

Little goslings are so adorable!

Sharon in Las Cruces NM said...

loved your Mum's Day post. I miss my mom too she passed 24 yrs ago; today she would have been 103 yrs. have two wonderful sons and am grateful for them.
the color and multitude of flowers are so much MORE than we have here in Las Cruces. thanks for posting all the ducks they are just so cute. my eye surgery as you are having will be in July. take Jeanie!!

La Table De Nana said...

Bon courage pour ta deuxième opération:)Tout va bien aller as we say here:)
I had two geese out back last week:)

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

I still miss my mother too. She died in 1986 - I was in my 30's. It's been a long time since we hugged. I hope you have a good Memorial Day. Sending you a virtual hug.

carol@The Red Painted Cottage said...

I love the photos you took of the goslings. If and when you might have the time, read this blog posting I wrote about our ducklings at the cottage: I saw them get into the lake for their very first time. Anyways, hoping you can get your last cataract taken care of soon. I lost my mother 17 years ago on our son’s wedding day. I still miss her to this day. I wish you would have had more time to be with your mother.

shoreacres said...

Your goslings are beyond adorable. I don't care how many times I see baby ducks, I ooh and ahhh every time: it's impossible not to be moved by their tiny fluffiness. I got a kick out of the illustration of the 'eye' that you added as an illustration (although I'm glad you have a way to keep your second surgery moving along). The illustration reminded me of one of my favorite rock songs: you may not end up with an eye in the sky, but at least you'll be better able to see the sky!

Jenn Jilks said...

What a lovely post, except for the postponed surgery! I think you were wise to book with someone else.

gigi-hawaii said...

Good luck with the 2nd surgery. Anything small and furry looks cute to me. Darling! Your mom was a beautiful woman.

Sandi Magle said...

What a wonderful Mother's Day post. The goslings are adorable, we have a Mom and Dad on the lake here with 10 spread out between them. Not my photo, so I can't post it, but so cute to see them all strung out between the parents! Hugs, and great job on this post, Sandi

Pam Richardson said...

Jeanie, how exciting for you to see six goslings, they are so cute! I love visits to nurseries and greenhouses to see the explosion of colorful flowers! My mother is always and forever in my heart. She passed away 17 years ago, and I miss her everyday! Hugs to you, Jeanie!

Marilyn Miller said...

I saw lots of little ducklings yesterday and thought of you. What a way to celebrate Mother's Day weekend by getting to discover the ducklings had arrived and there were SIX! What fun!
Hoping your next surgery can be scheduled soon. I would say the colors of all the plants at the store would stimulate your newly corrected eye, but mostly your hearts eye for all those beautiful plants.
Sending love, m said...

What a sweet post Jeanie! Those geese babies are adorable!

Steve Reed said...

I'm so glad to see Mama Goose's big brood! Very cute! And I'm glad you rescheduled your eye surgery with the other doctor to get it done more quickly. A wise decision, I think.

This N That said...

Congratulations on your goslings. So downy and cute.
Sorry to hear about your surgery. I'll be surprised if you can get in in a week or two but will keep a happy thought.
I love wandering around Garden centers. So colorful. I always have to bring something home even though I have no more room.
Have a happy week.

Divers and Sundry said...

The geese around here are super aggressive around their nests. Those goslings are adorable, aren't they! I hope the 2nd eye goes well and that you see a difference soon. I still need lantana and pentas and more herbs but haven't gone out for that yet. Those flowers are beautiful!

Red Rose Alley said...

Jeanie, I'm so glad that the babies hatched safe and sound. They are precious, and I know Mother goose is keeping a close watch on them right now. What a wonderful day at the nursery. Ok, I would definitely have to bring one of those colored glass vases home with me, preferably the purple one! What a treasure this photo is of your Mom and you! I love that you're trying to grab onto her pearls. It reminded me of this last visit when Charlotte kept reaching for my hoop earrings, and at one time I had to loosen her little fingers from them. They get so intrigues with dangling things. I hope all goes well with your second eye surgery, Jeanie, and that you heal nicely from it.

Have a fantastic May week. Looking forward to seeing those babies grow and grow. : )


Mae Travels said...

Our local geese have already raised their first broods of goslings and are proceeding with their plan to overwhelm the park soon. The little ones are cute but really have overpopulated our area severely. So sad when things go out of balance. that said, your photos are really appealing, and I see why you are fond of the little ones.
best, mae

DVArtist said...

We have so many baby geese here it's nuts. Love all the flowers. Too bad about the eye doctor. Nice photo of mom. Have a nice evening.

DeniseinVA said...

A sweet Mother’s Day post Jeanie and very special photos of your dear mother. You sure were a sweet baby. Good to know you are recovering from your first cataract surgery and I am so sorry you have had to reschedule your second. Great trip to the garden center. The mother goose and her goslings are adorable.

Gretchen Joanna said...

I just love your close photos of the geese and goslings. They are everywhere!!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Jenny Woolf said...

Mothers Day here is in March, it used to be called Mothering Sunday when I was young, I seem to remember. Losing your mom when you were only 25 is very tough - it sounds as if you had a lovely relationship with her. That's a treasure in itself which nobody can take from you. I always find ducklings and goslings such fun to watch, they remind me of fluffy toys come to life! I guess how you see the world after cataract surgery depends on how bad things were before. Some people seem almost unable to see by the time their eyes are done, and those seem to be the ones who notice the biggest changes afterwards, not surprisingly. It certainly has to be better when your eyes are working together as they are designed to do. Good luck with getting an appointment very soon!

Anonymous said...

It will be such fun watching the little goslings grow

The French Hutch said...

It will be such fun watching the little goslings grow and learn to swim. I miss my neighborhood pond since moving so I’m enjoying your sweet pictures . Sorry about your second surgery being canceled, I know you are anxious to have that behind you. Have fun in the garden with your new plants….

Joanne said...

Those goslings are so cute! They grow so fast too; I feel like the ones on our lake looked like that just two weeks ago and now they are getting so big. I love watching them grow but man I hate having them around our house and yard. They make such a mess (and can be so mean too!).

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We have our own gathering of gosling cuteness in Nashua, NH, Jeanie, as two sets of them have hatched in recent weeks and I will post a few photos. Yours are adorable and just in time for their geese mom's day! the photo of you and your mother was sweet and yes we do miss them more with each passing year or so it seems to me as well.

Yvonne said...

Many hugs to you on this tribute to your mother. A beautiful blog post. I'll find out in a month how my eyes have settled in after cateract surgery. Hopefully I don't need glasses, but we shall see. It sounds like you have good doctors, so I wish you all the best in healing.

Iris Flavia said...

A beautiful, bitter-sweet post.
Can´t believe it´s already 13 years my Mom left us.
Fingers crossed you get your second "eye-date" soon and that all goes well!

Linda Stoll said...

What a precious picture of you and your mom, friend. And oh the glory of those newborn fuzzy friends. And the beauty of the flowers. So much to remember, enjoy, and celebrate ...

Linda Stoll said...

Such a beautiful picture of you and your mom, friend. And oh the joy of newborn fuzzy friends, springtime flowers, and all the good things. So much to enjoy, celebrate, and be grateful for ...

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

What a lovely heartfelt post, Jeanie. Your mother is lovely and I'm sure you miss her. The darling goslings are so sweet. Take care and let us know when you schedule your next surgery. Love the "eye" photos!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Mother's Day can be a hard day for many of us. I will always miss my mom.

It is lovely to see those baby geese scurrying around on Mother's Day, too. Thank you.

Pam said...

THey are so adorable! But they are yellow, that surprised me. How long will it take till they change color? I just want to hold one and love on it, or all of them!! love all the beautiful colors, so bright and representing new life.

Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

Mother's Day can be such a tough holiday. It brings out so much grief so many that I know. I texted Nora that morning to let her know I'd be thinking of her dear mom that afternoon when I enjoyed some ice cream. When she wants to celebrate her mom, she get a sundae as that was her mom's "thing." I have more and more friends who have lost their mom which is just so hard!

But those baby geese are SO CUTE!!!!! Thank you for sharing!

Lowcarb team member said...

A lovely Mother’s Day post, and so nice to see photographs of your Mother.

It is always lovely to see baby goslings.

I think you were wise to ask for your eye surgery to be rescheduled.

All the best Jan

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Awww, look at those sweet babies. Such adoring parents. The flower market is gorgeous. Jeanie, your mother is beautiful. I hope the surgery makes a big difference. Happy Sunday.

Patty Lake said...

Love Your Canadian Geese family - what fun it will be for you to see them grow up - would love it if you could include some updates as they grow - so special.
Also loved the flower market and your memories of your mom. Have a great week! Patty

Anca said...

I sorry to hear that the second operation was cancelled. Hopefully you will receive good news soon. xx

Carola Bartz said...

I hope the second eye surgery will happen soon so that finally you can see the improvement.

Fundy Blue said...

This is the third post of yours I've read in a row (going backwards), and it's another wonderful one, Jeanie. All those gorgeous flowers and the brand new baby ducks ~ just darling. I especially loved the photo of you and your mother who looks very glamorous. I hope you had an enjoyable Mother's Day!

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