Friday, October 8, 2021

Postcards from the Lake: Birds of Up-North Michigan

As we come close to wrapping up the 2022 series of Postcards from the Lake, I thought I'd take another look at some of my favorite birds from the past few months. I never did get a photo of the blue jays that loved the bird feeder neighbor Jim made, but I was lucky in catching (albeit a tad fuzzy) my friendly chickadee.

He was such a cutie and apparently fond of the see we had on offer!

He came back often!

Others preferred to get their dinner from the trees in the area, like handsome Woody!

He was most diligent and relentless. More than once I would find my painting accompanied by the peck-peck-peck of Woody on the neighbor's tree. 

This little nuthatch was a tough one to photograph. He moved a lot faster than I could!

I'll never forget the beautiful of Eddie the Eagle, soaring above the lake.

 We saw a few hawks, too -- always "way up high."

And I was delighted when a gang of Mergansers arrived on my very last day!

I really need to get a better zoom. As soon as I slipped out the door, they began to fly away.

We had several duck families as well. On our last weekend, we heard gunshots on the lake. Duck season has begun for hunters. I know it is considered sport and I hope if they get their shot, they are eating their catch and not shooting for the sport alone. But I have to say, I hate it. I take great joy in my families of ducks and the thought of them meeting an end that way upsets me terribly.

There was the cormorant, who made a couple of appearances...

...and sparrows that made more than a few visits.

No one wants the geese on the beach...

...but oh! When they all appear at sunset, it's quite a sight to behold. 

You couldn't have a post about up-north birds without a gull! 

 Of course, all of this leads up to my fabulous Big Bird. Harry North.

 He's heading south now, or soon. And alas.

So am I.


Elderberry-Rob said...

Fabulous pictures, isn't it incredible to think about the ones that migrate and the distance they travel.

Pamela said...

I love your postcards! You are fortunate to see so many birds. Thank you for sharing them with the rest of us!

Victoria Zigler said...

Glad you had so many wonderful bird sightings during this year's time at the lake.

Iris Flavia said...

Both, birds and house are so cute. And the lake, of course.
That is some good-bye, sad, but life goes on...

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful photos, love all of the beautiful birds and water fowl you got. I don't like the idea of shooting animals or birds as 'sport', it's awful. They can shoot clay pigeons if they need to, but not live creatures. Have a good weekend, take care, hugs, Valerie

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jeanie!

What a beautiful collection of birds and photos. I love them all. I am looking forward to seeing the winter ducks and the mergansers return here. The Chickadee and Woodpecker are so cute. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great job, Jeanie. You have really paid attention to the birds and captured them well. I too shudder at the thought of the hunters killing the ducks. With all the technology they have today it is hard a view it as sport, and many ducks do not die from a clean shot and are left to die a lingering painful death.

Sharon in Las Cruces NM said...

loved all your pictures of this post. Nature is so beautiful and always a joy to see them in their habitat. Happy Fall Jeanie.

Marilyn Miller said...

I love seeing all of your birds. They are difficult to photograph some times, but you did well. Thanks for sharing, some of your birds we have here too.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Stunning photo of Harry! All nice photo story there
Birds and hunting, your feelings are shared. The programs showing cute piglets, is similar along the bacon side. Not easy to wrap our hearts around food source reality.

Joanne Huffman said...

Fun photos!

Divers and Sundry said...

I haven't seen a chickadee in ages, and I miss them. The woodpeckers are beginning to come back for the suet. We have hawks soaring above, too, and ducks and geese in the park. Sparrows are everywhere, I think, and I enjoy their parties on the patio. The rest I only see in photos. It's especially fun to see photos of birds that seem quite exotic to me :) Thanks.

Red Rose Alley said...

I do enjoy seeing all the birds with each season around your neck of the woods. Although that Woodpecker is a beauty of a bird, he kept pecking
under the eaves of my house, and it was quite annoying, as he pecked through
the night. He finally stopped. The photo of the gull is sweet, and such
a graceful bird. The little nuthatch is precious. Your red bird house is delightful, Jeanie. It must attract many birds to your home. I'm glad to
have met a friend who loves the birds as much as I do.

Have a peaceful Sunday, my dear.


SingingRiverSoulSpa said...

Visiting here always reminds me to look.
Look and see.
Open my eyes and take in the beauty happening in
ordinary moments.
Your heart-set makes the everyday sacred.
I love that.
Thank you,
(the hunting makes me sad, too. I get all the reasons. And still, sad.)

DUTA said...

Great summary of your bird photos! It is a good reminder of the fun and beauty offered by the various birds encountered by you at the Lake and its surroundings.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful birds.

My name is Erika. said...

The birds are beautiful Jeanie. Isn't it amazing how many different kind are around? Are you closing up the cottage this weekend? It's hard to believe the days of warmth are waning quickly. Happy new week.

DeniseinVA said...

A great series of photos from your time at the lake. Enjoyable to see, thank you Jeanie :)

Prims By The Water said...

I love when the Winter ducks come into the river...especially the diving ducks. Pretty birds you captured. Janice

anno said...

These postcards from the lake are always among my favorites, and I am sad to see the end of another season. The pictures you've captured, though... they capture me, too. Beautiful birds!

Looking forward to seeing how you nurture your creative impulses during the "hibernation season"!

BeachGypsy said...

loved all the pretty pictures, Jeannie! I will be on the look out for your "Big Bird" as he may be headed our way? Maybe he will come spend winter with us and then come back to you next summer! It was a nice weekend here, we walked alot and I puttered around in the house and we also did some shopping. I hope you had a nice weekend as well. It's still pretty hot here in the daytime, we still have the air on. But it's cooler than IT WAS!! so I am hopeful for Fall weather sometime soon. Hugs!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I love bird watching. You have a wonderful variety at the lake!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

I share your joy of backyard birding.You captured a great collection. How exciting to see the bald eagle! I have rarely seen one here in NJ, and never close up. Harry was also a special treat! I hope he makes his was back north to you next year. The thought of duck hunting (make that ANY hunting) makes me sick to my stomach.

gigi-hawaii said...

Lovely sightings! I agree with you that hunters should not kill the birds, but what can you do?

Pam Richardson said...

Jeanie, bird watching is so interesting and entertaining. Love all of your photos!

Lisa's Yarns said...

Beautiful birds!! My parents had a ton of Orioles this year. My mom had a hard time keeping the jelly dish they eat from full. We saw quite a few when we were up north in august.

I do not care for duck hunting either. I have developed quite the soft spot for ducks after watching Paul admire them over the last several years!!

Lowcarb team member said...

So nice to see these photographs, what a lovely look back ...

All the best Jan

shoreacres said...

A 'new' great blue heron rolled into the marina last week, and I thought of Harry. I know you miss him when he's gone, but he has things to do and places to go! My chickadees are back from wherever they've been. I dare not tell them about that gorgeous feeder yours have, or they'll be jealous!

Linda Sue said...

Your photos are remarkable, I find it so difficult to get shots of birds - they do not wait for me to get my fingers/brain/ and eyes organized. WHOOSH they are gone. I am sad that you are leaving the lake, happiest time of the year! Stay well and stay warm! Always lovely!

Sandra at Maison De Jardin said...

Jeanie, I am late to comment - too much birthday celebration. Love all the photos of the birds. You really have so many different and beautiful birds. I agree about Harry North he is so handsome. I know you will miss them when you go home. Enjoy your weej!

Arti said...

Beautiful pics, especially the last one!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Love your photos of the birds - Both Harry's are winners for sure.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

It's crazy to imagine that some of your birds will soon be flying over me or even vacationing here during your snowy days up north. True snowbirds!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

And we have many of your birds here, though our chickadees are a little different (I think there are two different species...)

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Jeanie, love all the little and big birds. I can never say sport and hunting in the same breath. We did love to watch the ducks and geese on the pond at the fairgrounds but the grounds have been closed down because of Covid. I'm sure someone there is feeding them. All good things have to come to an end, so hunker down, get warm and comfy and wait for next year..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

Sherry's Pickings said...

that woodpecker is so cute. and i love the birdhouse. i too love birdwatching; they are such wonderful creatures.

R's Rue said...

Beautiful 😍

Decor To Adore said...

I love seeing all the birds, Jeanie! I had never heard of a cormorant. I am sure it is bitter sweet when you return home.

Decor To Adore said...

Hope my comment went through!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Such a pretty place and so many wonderful feathered friends. Sad to say goodbye, I'm sure, but nice memories. Hunting makes me so sad. Hope your trip was good. x K

Tammie Lee said...

so many wonderful bird sightings and images
summer enjoyment, though some of those birds stay around for winter, yea

Miss Val's Creations said...

Wonderful collection of avian beauties! I feel the same way about hunting but respect it if used for food. said...

Great bird captures Jeanie, I love your red painted birdhouse and my favorite one is the blue heron...we haven't seen hardly any since Hurricane Sally last Fall, and I sure miss our "Freddy"

ashok said...

Always fun to capture birds

Carola Bartz said...

Such beautiful pictures of all these lovely birds. I never understand why hunting is considered a sport - there is nothing "sport-like" in it at all. I hate it, too. The worst IMHO is hunting wolves from helicopters. It makes me think over and over again what a terrible species humans are...

crackercrumblife said...

I love herons so much. I always associate them with my late stepfather, who was tall and lanky and patient and quiet. :)

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jeanie,

What a wonderful post, so many beautiful birds. I love the cute chickadees, ducklings and the herons. Great views of the lake and geese. Thank you for linking up and sharing your critters and post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, I appreciate your comment and visit.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Seeing all the geese in the water sure makes a pretty picture! LOVE that pretty birdhouse too. These birds give us so much to enjoy!

Shiju Sugunan said...

Great recap of your awesome sightings. So many lovely photos.

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