Saturday, March 20, 2021

At Random

Random Thoughts with Equally Random Photos 

I'm all for standing up -- but not in a roller coaster!

 Technology 1

I've been in Comcast Hell the past week or so. I was told I should replace my router, which I did. And then I had to install it. Well, first you move the book case behind which is the plug. (Which means moving everything out of it and later replacing, which was fine because it gave it a good clean-and-sort). Then you're on the phone for an hour while they try to get it together. Then, after you're transferred to the guy who activates your phone (who did help me a bit with the internet, too), you think you're done.

Nope. I was able to call out but all calls in are listed as blocked. After another half hour or more on my cell they said they had to refer it to people who deal with more complicated things and I'd hear in 24-72 hours. Well, I can tell you, it wasn't 24. (36 hours and still waiting.)

 Technology 2:

So, today I went to comment on a blog I enjoy. I'd opened it fresh and in any event, I refreshed it just to be sure. I keep getting this message: You have been flagged as spam/malicious by WordPress Zero Spam. I can assure you, there was nothing spammy in the content. No links, no offensive language, nothing that would indicate I was spamming. I've been in WP chatroom now for two hours and hoping for an answer. So far, on other WP blogs I'm fine so I think the issue may be with the blogger's settings -- nonetheless, it's frustrating. (End note: Yup -- the problem was with a plug-in on the other person's blog. WP figured it out and while they couldn't fix it, I could alert her and she has it taken care of!)

A Couple of Worthwhile Links

While I'm lucky to be fully vaccinated, I'm still being very careful. Michigan is one of the places in the U.S. where the virus is resurging fast. You know you are in trouble when you keep hearing your state on the radio and national news. So, now that I'm carefully venturing out into some stores, I'm still being very cautious and double masking when in busy places.

New York Times had two excellent articles this week -- one on the "Easy Way to Do Double Masking Right" for the most protection. (Hint -- if you're just putting on two masks, one atop the other like I was, you can do better!) The other is a terrific Q&A on what's safe and what you should think about after  you have been vaccinated. 

Speaking of Being Fully Vaccinated....

Last night we had friends for dinner. Inside. Without masks. More on this later but it felt really good. And really weird! And really wonderful.

"Raggedy Ann" by my aunt Eleanor Porter

On Taxes

My taxes are done and filed! Hooray. I feel for my accountant -- after she had about half her clients done, the IRS changed some rules and filing info and made certain things retroactive (not things that applied to me, fortunately). So, once she's done with the rest of her clients, she has to go back to those submitted and do amended returns. At least they extended the deadline!

Blog Comments:

Not long ago I had a comment from someone who mentioned "You don't reply to comments on your posts" (and had plenty to say). I went to their site to explain why and it turned out to be a phishing site to see domain names. (I didn't publish the comment because of that.)

With new readers and even old friends I thought I should clarify that. I love comments, each and every one. I read them all, sometimes even save them in a special file. I'm often a few days slow doing it, but if I have your email address, I reply directly to each one (unless life is a little crazy, then all bets are off). If you are a no-reply blogger (whether you know you are or not!) and don't have other contact info on your profile page, I'll visit your blog and leave a note there (although maybe not after every comment -- if you haven't reposted, I hate to clog your comments with the multiple thank you messages!)

Why not on my post directly? I guess it's because I'm not sure how many return to read the comments after they've stopped by. I know I don't, with a couple rare exceptions where the comments are more like a continuing dialogue related to the post. 

I think Rick wonders why I reply at all and I know a lot of you don't. I guess I feel that this takes blogging up a notch from just being a reader to being a blog friend. Wonderful relationships have sprouted up from off-blog emails.  Even with those that just remain friendly thank you's, I feel if someone took the time to read my posts and then comment, if I can thank them, I will. 

So, thank YOU for reading this!

Back soon -- have a good weekend and new week!


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

First, funny signs! I am sorry you are having tech problems! I do the same as you with comments. I reply to them via email. I rarely go back to a post to see if someone responded to my comment. I might if I asked a question and never receive an email answer. Have a great weekend!

Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

Ugh technology problems are the worst! I hope they figure out the issue soon! It is very kind of you to respond to all of your comments. I am admittedly not diligent about that! It does really foster a stronger relationship, though. I am glad I’ve gotten to know you through blogging!!

Joyful said...

I hear you about the technology issues. I always delay dealing with them which only makes issues more burdensome it seems but I have to be in the right frame of mind to deal with such things. I recently had to get some support help from a quasi government website. It used to be that they had a number clearly posted for you to call and the nice lady would always call right back and resolve the issue at the same time. Now they have changed everything. They hide the number despite searching high and low for it. They force you to send them an email and say they will respond in 24 hours. Well first or second time it took 48 hours. This last time it took I forget how long but about 5 or 6 days. so long that I'd forgotten about it until I need the website again. Instead of a phone call I got an email and if i recall the same thing happened last time and it's clear they do not read what the issue is that I'm writing about. They just go through their 3-4 step process to resolve issues and thereby prolong the time for people like me. I haven't even bothered to try again because it is so frustrating but I will have to do it. The other frustration is that this happens every single time I need to use their website since they've changed things. I log in about once every 3 months after lab work and then I know my results. But nowadays good luck with trying to find out anything. Sorry, I didn't plan to rant but to describe the kind of technological frustrations that arise. That is only one example too, lol. That's why I punt them as long as I can. I know some people just dive right in and get it dealt with but I'm easily sidetracked, lol. Anyway I hope all those issues are now dealt with and you can have peace of mind.

ashok said...

Nice post...have a great weekend

Martha said...

Good luck getting the Comcast stuff taken care of. It seems to always be an ordeal. I love those Indian Hills signs, they are always so funny. Everyone has different ways when it comes to replying to comments. I personally reply on my blog so I'm not clogging up people's in boxes, and I enjoy reading the comments and reply threads on other blogs, especially if it's a subject I'm interested in. I feel like we should all reply one way or the other. Like you said, it feels more like a friend. It always seems weird to me when bloggers don't reply at all. Happy spring!

Valerie-Jael said...

On dear, I know what you mean. Spent a lot of time in 'dialogue' with HP, who kept telling me I don't have a printer and therefore I should register it....half an hour later they told me I couldn't register because I am already registered.....aaaaaargh! Now my computer is asking me which printer I want to use.... And still we manage to stay sane! Hugs, Valerie

gigi-hawaii said...

Wow, you have had some pretty bad problems with technology. Hope all has been fixed by now. But, you did have friends over to your home, and I think that is wonderful.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

The roadside sign about the broken hinges made me laugh out loud.

As for the way you reply to comments, no reason why you should have to explain your preference for doing so. Your way is more personal which is a nice touch. I started blogging on a stroke support website and I got in the habit of replying directly on the blog because I thought others might be interested in my replies as well as the person I was replying to. When I started my other blogs and was no longer in the support giving mode, it just never occurred to me to reply any other way. Vive the difference! It would be a boring world if otherwise.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Congratulations on being fully vacinated. I'm still on a list for the 1st shot. I love those signs - I see a lot of them on Facebook and they make me smile!

BeachGypsy said...

Heres a comment!!! Ha ha ha LOL--- couldnt resist-- with todays funny signs on the blog!

Mae Travels said...

I love the painting of Raggedy Ann, my favorite since I was maybe two years old. My mother made one each for me and for my sister.

Good luck with all the tech stuff, it sounds terrible. A few years ago we fired Comcast for similar antics, and switched to 100% AT&T. No issues to date but tomorrow is another day without any guarantees.

be safe... mae at

Arti said...

Not sure if my last comment has gone through as I had trouble sending it. Guess now it isn't "the first one". In case it didn't go through, here's what I'd written: I'm glad to be the first one to comment. I know you reply your comments, just not right here on your blog, and I welcome your email replies. As for Ripples, do come back and check your comments for I reply them right there. Excited for you to be able to open your door for friends to come in and dine, finally. We still haven't had that privilege. My first vaccine shot is scheduled for the last day of this month and second shot months away (could be 4 months after!). Anyway, enjoy your freedom and stay safe! Have a wonderful first weekend of Spring! :)

Rustic Pumpkin said...

Maths puns make me dumber! So sorry you are having such a tricksy time of it. Technology, eh? What did we do before it? Off to read {hopefully} your post vaccine Q and A. I got my first one, unexpectedly, on Thursday. Fully aware life is still going to be Hands; Face; Space for some time, that the vaccination is not a magic bullet.

Waving {socially distanced} Deb in Wales

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

That must have been wonderful to have company after all this time. I'm so pleased you are now fully vaccinated. Technology issues are for those who have LOTS of extra time to deal with them. Have a good weekend! -Jenn

eileeninmd said...

Gee, you have been having tech problems. I am not a fan of Comcast or their customer service, we are fighting a $100 service chg fee. I am glad you have been vaccinated, we are still waiting our turn to be called and for an appointment. The signs and pun are cute. You are so nice to send reply emails to your comments. I usually reply on my blog, I do not have everyone's email address. Take care enjoy your weekend!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's all very frustrating and I know a few still get a message that my blog is dangerous! hardee har har! My husband keeps me up and running, thankfully. We got to visit outside with my youngest son for a little while. It DID feel glorious. I wanted to be sad that we couldn't have more time together but I decided to be thankful for what I had! Hugs!

La Table De Nana said...

I just want my fam for dinner..J had his first
Me? April 11th I guess the next will be August:(
Another Easter gathering not to be.
What did you make for dinner?
Every new thing I make and love..I think..Ill serve them this♥
Have a good weekend that first pic so much.

Meredith said...

So sorry for all the tech issues, I can't figure a thing out when it comes to all of that. As for comments, I used to comment back but then it took up so much time and then when Blogger switched over to the new version I lost that ability. I don't know what happened to that button or link or whatever, see I told you I am a mess at this. Commenting back is lovely when you can but again it takes up way more time than I usually have. Just knowing someone read my blog and actually commented is enough. Stay safe.

Karen said...

Our tax department won't accept returns until all revisions have been carved in stone. I need to get ours sorted out by the end of the month.

DUTA said...

As they say 'Technology is good until it's bad'.
I do reply to comments, as I feel it's a chance to clarify/sharpen things written in my post. Besides, I prefer a dialogue rather than a monologue, so to speak.

Pamela said...

I think I have been feeling “at random” lately!
I’m no good with any kind of technology issue, and even less so here in Japan because of language issues.
I can just imagine how nice it will be to eat and hang out with other people with no masks. I don’t know anyone here who has been vaccinated yet. I saw in the news that the prime minister received his first dose. He will be visiting President Biden two days after getting his second dose. I guess he hasn’t heard about waiting two weeks after the second dose to be fully vaccinated.
I like the signs! Word play is my kind of humor.

My name is Erika. said...

I hate issues that can't be resolved even though you are told they are. I hope you get it fixes ASAP. And lucky to you to have your vaccines done. I can sign up on Monday, but worry it will be weeks before I can get my shot. I will have to see on that. Our cases are the same as Michigan's, which scares me too. Love your "quotes" in this post too. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

Lowcarb team member said...

So sorry you have had technology issues, sometimes it's never easy!

So pleased you can meet up indoors for dinner, here in England UK we are still not allowed to.

Enjoy your weekend.

All the best Jan

Prims By The Water said...

I hate Comcast. Love reading the signs! Happy Spring! Janice

Iris Flavia said...

That first pic! What a sad or scared face!
Stand up, just not there, I agree!
Oh, I hate being on the phone like that! Or waiting!!
Or blogs being steered in a way the owner has no idea of...
Here they put us in another hard lockdown.
Huhhh. Taxes. I still have time.... but should start - YAY on you!!!
Yes, LOL. I do answer, but only few (and count me in mostly) return to other blogger´s comments.... I sometimes do, but some are so kind to reply on questions in their comments in my comments - we´re a weird bunch but understand how we flip, huh :-)

LOVE the last sign! Have a good weekend and new week, also.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Thanks for a few chuckles here, Jeanie, and "random" would be an apt characterization of the state of my mind much of the time! I was checking back on your last post and I think that Rick looks like your young son in the picture from Japan! And he still looks young!

Pam Richardson said...

Jeanie, tech issues drive me crazy because I basically am not that tech savvy. How fun to actually have guests, I can’t wait to have friends over to eat. Have a wonderful week!

Rita C at Panoply said...

Great news on getting with friends! I did the same yesterday and it really felt like normal times again. We started outside because it was a beautiful day, then went inside later.
Tech problems are the worst. I hope you can get the incoming call issue fixed. And I love your mention of no reply blogger comments, and replying to comments, in general. The same is true for me. The friendships nurtured in blogs are true gems. I count you as one of those gems, Jeanie!

Joanne Huffman said...

I hate tech problems - I think part of my issue with technology is that I think of it as magic. I don't understand the principals at all and think of it as magic (I touch a switch on the wall and the kitchen ceiling light goes on; pretty magical). When I had a blog, I would respond to all the comments I could; it felt like a conversation and I really liked that. Good luck on getting everything straightened out.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I love how you reply to comments. In fact, I wondered if you were somehow doing it through Blogspot, and if I could do it, too.

I won't even share our awful experiences with Comcast (just a small part: the fellow who came out to fix our problems had great difficulty fixing the troubles...I ended up figuring out what to do...and he shared with us that he wasn't really a Comcast repairman, but a circus performer!)

The French Hutch said...

Jeanie, I'm sorry you had to get so frustrated with all the Comcast issues. These problems literally make me feel so down! I really appreciate this post, you've touched on some really "what to do" issues since blogger stopped sending emails for comments. It was easy to respond and you knew the blogger would see your response. I've only today, responded on my blog post. I don't like doing it this way and probably will not continue to do this. You are right, I think most bloggers don't go back for a second visit to see if a response was left on a post. I will thank you now for all the sweet messages you have left after I left a comment on a post. When I don't hear from you I feel something is not going good for you. You are that dedicated! Thank you Jeanie, I enjoy all your emails......Happy Spring, don't let your guard down for a minute!

Evi Erlinda said...

What a beautiful Sunday morning I have right now, I am having a big smile reading the signs, and the painting is beautiful too.
About tech, OMG, that is my weakness

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love your clever signs, and laughed at each of them. However, I was sad to read about your Comcast problems. They sounded a lot like the problems I've had with AT&T. The stories I could tell you would curl your hair even more than it is now.

With only two exceptions, I never return to see if a person has left a comment on my comment. I would NEVER get anything done. I also don't moderate my mail because I would have to log into my e-mail each time I wanted to approve something. that's why I hate e-mail and never use it. I can understand that some things should be kept offline, but once you start leaving messages in e-mails, they are lost to me, since I only check my e-mail once a month.

Hope you get your tech problems corrected soon, dear Jeanie.

The Liberty Belle said...

I love Raggedy Ann. I always have. That painting is wonderful. Loved the sign regarding the mimes. Thanks for a laugh.

Jenny Woolf said...

Oh, there is nothing worse than sitting in chatrooms trying to sort out tech. (Well, actually there are a lot of things worse, I suppose, so maybe I should say there are many, many MANY things better than sitting in chatrooms sorting out tech!). I love those signs with messages on them - are they local to you? I always like receiving your emails and agree it's a nice way of responding - but it must be quite time consuming. I often wonder if anyone returns to my blog to read the comments, although I gather that it is possible to enable notifications for comments on Blogger, so perhaps some of them do this. So glad that you were able to have friends without masks. Woo hoo!

Nikki - Notes of Life said...

I get so frustrated with technology problems, especially when friends and family think I'm the person who can sort them out! :D

Vagabonde said...

Tech issues are the worst. I really feel that English is not my first language when I have to speak to tech people.
Did I read you had dinner with friends? How wonderful. I can’t remember when that happened to me, maybe for my birthday in 2019, it has been that long. Actually any dinner sounds good. Am in GA and forgot to get food – found an old can of soup in the cupboard – used ½ last night and the rest tonight (was to be eaten by Sept. 2020, so not too old…) But a new grocery store opened called Lidl (German owned I think) so will investigate tomorrow. I love the Raggedy Ann painting – very expressive.

Pam said...

Blogging is not like making a comment on FB. That is why every so often I will do a blog on replying to its fun! I have been in ATT hell for a yr. My contract just expired but I am waiting to the end of the month so not to cut it to close and them still telling me its not time....but I am moving on. I will leave my cell with them cause that has not been an issue but the internet and TV has been horrible. The worst of it was fixed in July but when you happend to turn the TV on before 6 am it still freezes up and the internet still locks up and throws me out. CRAZY...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the painting your aunt did. Great job and so totally adorable.

Sherry's Pickings said...

i love the street signs. so funny!

shoreacres said...

I couldn't figure out that WP message about comments. Then, when you said it was a plug-in, that sorted it out. That's why I stick with WP .com rather than .org. I don't want to mess with having to design my blog from the bottom up, and mess up such things as plugins in the process.

As for comments, you know me. The whole reason I don't have a 'like' button on The Task at Hand is that I wanted to encourage comments. I see a post as just the starting point of a dialogue. It does take time, but if I didn't want that dialogue, I could just write in a journal!

Sami said...

I had a chuckle with the signs Jeanie, they are fabulous!
Love the Raggedy Ann doll picture, so pretty, talent runs in the family.
Internet and computer problems, don't we all hate it. Luckily my husband is a bit technical so he can fix some of them :)

Anca said...

I like to leave a comment on a blog, if someone comments on mine. I saw that some return and I will reply to them almost every time. Also, if someone asks something I will reply as I think they might come back to see the reply.

That being said... I think you might be interested in my latest post, about what tourists can do in Liverpool. Travelling can be complicated, but it might be easier from US to UK than in other parts. If you want to have a look, do not feel any pressure though. I imagine that life is complicated and the reason I read and leave comments on your blog is because I like it. xx

Divers and Sundry said...

We finally had to leave comcast *sigh* not like there's much choice, but we were ready to get our tech frustrations from a different source. I got a kick out of your signs lol and Raggedy Ann is adorable.

I reply to comments left on my blog on my blog (except for T Tuesday posts). It's a conversation that can evolve into a thread lasting many days. I don't return to comments I leave on other people's blogs if I can see they don't reply there. For me email is a different place than the blogs are. I don't have personal conversations in email. Most of what I get in email are newsletters and medical notifications. We all have different contact management systems it seems. To each her own :) and there's not a right or wrong way.

Polly said...

I'm chucking at your signs, particularly the last one! My laptop is old and becoming difficult to use but I don't want the hassle of setting up a new one! I usually reply to my commenters but I only have a few, I'm not sure I could do it if I had as many as you have Jeanie.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanie. Hope you get all of that nonsense cleared up soon. My internet keeps going out and usually just as I have written a long thing then when I push publish it goes out so I have to do it all again. I hate calling AT&T as they always just say the same thing, "there was a loose wire" so you should be good and I am until they leave the scene! I leave all my thank you's at the end of each post. I used to could just click reply and that would do it, but all the sudden everyone comes to me no-reply so that is the easy way to do it. I'm not trying to be mean about it, that is just the way I have to do it. Now since I can't leave a comment to you, I write as Anonymous and that does the trick. Too many questions of why to answer so I'll leave it at that..Stay well. I am waiting for my "time" to be up after second dose then I think I will venture out a little bit and see how that goes..xxoJudy

Marilyn Miller said...

You comment on comments more than anyone I know. I love chatting back and forth with you.
Comcast or internet issues are such a pain. Hoping you now have easy sailing for a long time.

William Kendall said...

That one sign I can relate to. Mimes are evil. Evil, I tell you!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I hope all your Comcast problems are over, Jeanie. Did you know that those blue Indian Hills signs are "up the hill" from where I live?! We pass them occasionally when we drive up into the foothills and they always make me smile. The man who makes up those puns is so clever!

Lisbeth said...

Technical problems are a nuisance. Can make you quite frustrated. I am happy to hear that they were taken care of in the end. Hopefully, everything will work now.

Congratulations to the vaccinations, good to hear. Here in Europe we are lacking behind due to shortages of vaccinations. I hope I will be able to have mine in April. One can only hope that the vaccinations will ease the way we have to live now.

I understand fully if you cannot answer all your comments, they are so many. I am happy to have comments and try to answer them, which is possible because I don't have that many. I am also happy to comment on blogfriend's posts. I don't really 'count' if I get a reply or not. If I get one, great, if I don't get one, that is also ok. Since I use Notify me, I receive overall comments both from other bloggers and the blogger. I like your way of answering; that is, when you leave a comment on my blogg and mention my comment on yours.

Lynne said...

Darn, I wrote a long comment, hit Done on my iPad instead of publish.
You get the short version now.
Fun post.
And the person wondering why you never answer comments,
No way, I give you an ALWAYS, for answering me!

R's Rue said...


Carola Bartz said...

Great signs - are they in your area?
I don't reply to comments on my blog either because since I don't go back to those blogs I assume that others don't do that either. I also don't always reply to comments via e-mail (as you have probably noticed), but I do sometimes. No-reply bloggers is difficult to get back to.

Victoria Zigler said...

I hope you didn't have to wait the whole 72 hours, and the tech issue was properly taken care of.

Glad you were able to spend some time with people without masks. Do be careful though, because the vaccination isn't a guarantee of no issues, just a better chance of little to no issues.

I always reply to comments on my blog. Always have. Even if it's just a, "Thank you," or something.

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